A trip to the spa [FM]

I booked myself a spa day at a local spa recently. It is something I do from time to time as I have a stressful life – I know – everyone says that… but I needed a little me time for a change.

It is a day spa so you turn up at 10ish and leave by 5 but I couldn’t get there until lunchtime which was a pain – told you I had a stressful life… You book all your treatments in advance so I booked the last possible slot for my facial/massage – an hour of facial and an hour of massage – absolute bliss…

i arrived and had a light lunch with a complimentary glass of fizz – i could really feel the relaxation starting! i started in the pool with a little swim and sitting in the jacuzzi with all the bubbles popping against my skin – it would have been nice to be in there naked but this wasn’t the right kind of place! however – when I am alone and at peace that is when my mind kind of wanders to naughty side of my brain… I can’t help it – I have always been like that. I started thinking about a recent encounter in the back of a car and how horny I was – and how I would like to continue that… conversation….

I was turning into a prune so I thought I would head to the sauna where I decided that the Scandinavians have the best idea in going naked in saunas and steam rooms. Now – I am no nudist – I went on a nudist beach once and burnt my bum so that is never happening again – but some activities would be better naked…

The sauna was lovely – hot but not too hot – smelling of eucalyptus and only one other girl in there. It looked like she was sleeping peacefully but she opened her eyes and said a quiet hi when I came in. That was all the conversation as she closed her eyes again with a big sigh. Which meant I could admire the view without feeling selfconscious – she had a lovely figure – curvy but slim – and wearing a stylish bikini that emphasised her curves beautifully. I closed my eyes and let my mind wonder what it would be like to make love to her – slowly – in that hot room. Of course that was just a bit of a fantasy and I wouldn’t be able to stay in the sauna long enough to make love to anyone let alone slowly – but hey – a girl can dream!

Soon it was time for a quick shower before my massage and I let the water play over my skin before running my fingers over my breasts feeling my nipples harden beneath my finger tips. Oh well I thought, at home later I will enjoy a glass of wine and my favourite dildo..

I put on my dressing gown and knickers – put everything else in a locker and wandered over to find the treatment rooms. I was met by Jane looking worried – the bad news was that the masseuse had not arrived but the good news was that the owner – we will call him Dave – was qualified and willing to do the facial and massage if I was OK with it. Well… why not?? I have had massages from quite a few men before and they tend to have stronger hands so I was good with it.

Dave showed me into the treatment room and showed me where to put my dressing gown etc. He left me to get ready. I popped my knickers off and got onto the treatment couch and covered myself in towels as requested. He knocked and came back in and made small talk while getting everything ready. We started with a back massage which was lovely stroking down my spine down to the cleft in my butt. As ever my mind starts thinking of erotic memories and I am getting horny – but that always happens when I have a massage – no change there!

I turned over and he started on the facial – I teased him gently about a bloke choosing beauty as a career – but since he owns his own salon it was obviously a good choice. i stopped talking at this point because you can’t really talk during a facial. He had explained that he would be massaging my top half when my face mask was on so I wasn’t surprised when he lifted one of the towels and started massaging my legs. He started with my feet and massaged up my legs – I was getting so horny but he hadn’t done anything indiscreet – but – to be honest – my fantasies were going crazy. He covered my legs and started on my arms and shoulders.he was using a was massage oil and he was being generous with it – I was very slippery – or that was how it felt. When he finished my arms he started on my legs again, By now I could hear no noises outside – just the usual salon mood music and it was warm in the room with a scented candle burning too.

His hands were sliding up my thighs – circling over the muscles – working on the knots and getting higher each time. I loved my legs apart a little so that he could massage the inner thighs – and that is exactly where he went – getting just a little higher each time. I was thinking that maybe I should have left the knickers on – but by now I was getting past caring – maybe I was imagining it but I thought his fingers brushed past my pussy lips and then it happened again. I was so slippery with oil maybe he just slipped a little… when it happened a third time I couldn’t help myself and made a small noise and shifted my legs a little further apart. And when I did that he took that as a green light and started massaging my pussy – using more oil – although I was so wet by now I don’t think he needed to. His fingers slipped all around my lips and my clitoris massaging slowly at first and then faster – he slid his fingers inside my pussy with one hand and circled my clit with the other increasing speed as I writhed under those magical fingers,

The pleasure built inside me until I came and came… he stopped and then started towelling off the oil.

He sat down at the head of the bed and as he stripped off the face mask my eyes flew open and he said “I thought you needed something extra – just for you – our secret”…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/c2iwut/a_trip_to_the_spa_fm


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