Trials of the Buxom Trio – Chapter 9 and Epilogue – (Busty, Thicc, Hardcore Sex and Adventure throughout)

**Now here we are folks. It’s been a long road that we’ve watched the Trio travel on but at this point everything was looking to change in their favor. They’d found out about the dark deeds the baron was doing and they had a new ally in the dark ranger. This man Seris knew that to survive any battle with the orc host the force of the main city Evecroft would need to battle the orcs on their terms. To do this the new commander of the guardians at Evecroft put a plan in work. One way or another as the dawn settled on the fourth day of their journey the Buxom Trio knew their fate would decided before another sun rose.**

    The ploy had worked. After the scouts from Evecroft had gone out and destroyed one of the orc advance camps it had only been a matter of time till the orc host would be on the warpath. The night after the decimation of the camp the warhost was outside the gates of Evecroft. Their chants were terrifying to both civilian and soldiers alike but with their new ruling body using Marshal Isther’s plans to coordinate the defensive and hopefully future offensive strategies.

            Some amongst the council had resisted to the Marshal’s plan to join the Buxom Trio but he would not be deterred from this part of the plan. He said that helping them with the rescue of their mother and hopefully the assassination of the warchief was a top priority and since the city owned the Trio more than could possibly repay for helping to bring the baron’s corruption to light his joining the splinter group was necessary rather than a favor.

            Now in the darkness the small group trekked on. Amongst the group was  three voluptuous girls looking for their teacher and an assortment of rangers and guardians led by Seris and Malic. They had already made it stealthily past the orc’s forward line and were now moving quickly and quietly further into the orc’s territory. Kadish Veshnor lay beyond them, a dark and ruined citadel that the orcs had been busy repairing ever since the warchief had gathered so many of the scattered tribes under one banner. Balistas, scorpions and powerful trebuchets lined the defensive barriers that had been erected and Seris commented once more that he was glad that they had not tried to attack the orcs here on their own turf. Beyond that he knew that they would have the best chance against the warchief fighting him here where he least expected an attack.Now it would be up to Jenessa, Merella and Sylora to once more break the backbone of the group by cutting off the head of the snake. With their main force concentrating on Evecroft it was not too much of a trial for the rangers to find a path that cut through the defensive lines. The biggest problem in the situation of course was if the warchief had already abandoned his holding and made to join the rest of his warhost. The rangers explained to the girls that it would be the standard thing for the creature to do unless he had a lieutenant that he trusted strongly enough to lead the attack in his stead. If he wasn’t at the siege lines of Evecroft they knew he soon would be. But no matter the threat of the warchielf the Trio’s first concern was rescuing their teacher.

            Jenessa continued to worry about what they may find especially once they got to the heart of the fortress. Kadish Veshnor had never been a bright and warm place even when humans owned it. Now as it was draped and decorated by orc banners and flags and the near constant sounds and smells of orcs preparing for war in more way than one the beautiful redhead did not like to think of what they were doing to her mother. The group of ten made it inside of the fortress without incident but it was a long way up to the top. They knew that they needed to move fast to avoid detection. The rangers had point and were moving up a spiral stair case on the outside ring of the main tower when suddenly Jenessa saw movement and it was coming right down on top of her.

            “Lookout!” She said and pulled Sylora back right before a heavy stone wall fell into the passageway. The barrier cut them off from the rest of the group who immediately began shouting out.            “We’re under attack!” One of the rangers shouted past the barricade. Soon enough the girls could hear the sounds of blades leaving sheaths and shields clashing with incoming swords and arrows. Jenessa pounded away on the door before Merella tried a spell that had no effect as well. The mage ran her hand along the center of the wall.

            “Impossible… I’ve never felt this sort of spellcraft at work. It’s more powerful than anything I have. They must have a mage or a wizard or whatever the orc equivalent must be.” She said as Sylora readied her sword and shield.

            “There’s still that door down a ways. It should lead right into the level we’re on. There has to be some way to get around the barrier.” The blonde elf said and then hurried down; not wanting to leave their allies to be butchered by whatever had ambushed them in the passage way. Jenessa and Merella followed closely behind with the redhead holding her regained twin blades at the ready while Merella held her staff in one hand as a bright magenta glow started to cover her fingers and the bottom of her eyes. The Buxom Trio was prepared to find a host of orcs waiting for them in the floor as Sylora opened up the heavy door. Instead the sight that appeared before them shook every single one to the core.

            “Mom…” Jenessa said as her green eyes going wide as she moved towards her mother. Indica was locked against the wall with chains attached to her arms and legs. Her entire body was laid bare and covered in cum at every space. Her mouth moved slowly as her eyes opened to see her newest attacker. When she saw it was a familiar face a smile formed on her weary features. The trio slowly moved across the room that was filled with various bedding materials where orcs apparently slept after treating themselves to the redhead mage’s body. There was a door to the left and right of where Indica was held but Jenessa barely noticed them after seeing her mother for the first time in days.

            “My…my girls.. I knew you’d join me…. .said so…” She whispered low enough that even as Merella blasted away the chains and Jenessa helped her mother to one of the piles of foul smelling beds of fur blankets the redhead had to lean in to hear her mother’s soft voice.

            “Yes of course we’d *join* you mom. We just had to find you first hehe.” Jenessa let loose a weak laugh as Sylora held her sword and shield at the ready as Merella moved over to apply healing and rejuvenations spells to Indica.

            “Come on we still need to find a way out of here and get back to Seris and the others.” The mage said before she slowly lowered the hand that she had been moving towards India. Jenessa realized something was wrong even before Merella took a step back. The redhead’s green eyes met the mage’s power purple gaze.

            “The spell on the door it…. it feels the same as Indica’s magical aura. Only her aura is faint.. nearly gone. Somehow someone…”

            “Has taken her magic.. Haha my Merella you are certainly a clever mage to go with such a beautiful body. Based on everything I’ve learned about you humans and your magic schools I’d assume a female mage would be some bookworm with spectacles and a hymen intact. But no no… such tedium would never be found attached to our great Indica…” A rumbling voice said and Merella and Jenessa turned towards the source. There appeared to be several spots in the room that glimmered when the two looked for the speaker who had disturbed their rescue. Suddenly one of the glimmers resolved into a shadowy set of arms moving swiftly. Balls of pure green energy flashed from the point of origin right at the two.

            “Jen!” Merella tried to say as she moved to shove her friend aside but it was too late and both red and black haired beauties were blasted with the green energy. They weren’t hurled to the wall or dissolved however and Jenessa slowly opened her eyes just in time to see Sylora rushing forward towards the source of the projectiles. Jenessa wanted to raise a hand to stop her but all she could feel was the slow thump of her heartbeat along with the realization that her body felt very warm at that moment. It had to be her outfit, she never wore anything so baggy or restricting and she immediately placed her swords down on the ground so that she could start pulling the leather doublet over her body. With not even the tan straps to cover her body her great breasts were finally allowed to breathe as she saw the beautiful blonde elf hit with the same green energy as her and Merella.

            Sylora moaned instantly after her entire body glowed with the same green hue from the earlier spells. If Jenessa had to guess she figured the blonde was feeling an incredible friction from where her breasts rubbed against the armored bust that was just too small for the elf’s mountainous breasts. The redhead would have moved over to help her but she stopped feeling Merella’s hands exploring her own body as the raven haired mage nuzzled up against her back.

            “You still have clothes on.” Jenessa giggled before she watched with curiosity as the shimmering shadow form finally resolved itself into a single orc. This one had skin black as death save for the green and white tribal tattoos and markings over its face, chest and arms. It was covered in random jewels  and trinkets but the only real clothes it wore was a simple loincloth that was being pushed aside by a great thick cock after the orc had succeeded in catching the girls in his trap.

The doors beyond where Indica had been held seemed to open up so slowly before suddenly  Jenessa felt a pair of hard hands dragging her away from Merella and onto one of their nearby beds. Somewhere off in the distances she thought she heard the clatter of Sylora’s armor before the elf let out another howling moan. Jenessa couldn’t be bothered to watch however as she just smiled and giggled at the two orcs who appeared in here field of vision as they looked down at the smiling redhead.

“Haha.. have to hand it to you Draedus. That spells make em all sappy and wet with lust like nothing else.” One of the orcs spoke in the low guttural tone of their kind as the other orc’s rough green hands grabbed at Jenessa’s pants and ripped them open before tugging them off. The orc chuckled seeing her bare pussy and leaned in to lick down over her opening with his rough hot tongue causing Jenessa to stir and squirm on the bed of furs as her hands squeezed her breasts together.

“Mrmmmmhmm.. More…” She moaned out as the orcs chuckled and the one who had spoken to the mage or Draedus as he appeared to be called moved around the pile of black, brown and white furs to present his cock to Jenessa’s moaning lips. She smiled and as her green eyes looked up into the orcs dark ones she slowly let out her tongue against the large green bulk of his crown. Instantly she could taste the salty precum leaking out of his cock as she made slow circles with her tongue while the orc licking away at her cunt slowly pushed open her legs and shoved his massive prick all the way inside of her warm melting pussy.

As Jenessa was penetrated Merella and Sylora found themselves in similar situations but neither wanted to deny themselves or the newly arrived orcs of any amount of pleasure. Sylora was already planted against the wall with her hands spread out forward and her legs spread wide and settled against the ground as Draedus punished her tight little elvish pussy. She moaned out as her body trembled from the pleasant explosion of feelings that rushed through her as she struggled to keep her hands up against the wall instead of playing between her legs with her sensitive clitoris.

Merella meanwhile had three orcs in close proximity. One was below her and jabbing his thick prick inside of her pussy while another was hugging her back and slapping her ass as he pounded away into her tight asshole. The last was already having the time of his life as she pumped his cock with her mouth and hand as precum and spit already leaked freely from her lips as she gave him a wet, slow and all around sloppy sucking as she was bounced hard on the two cocks shoved inside of her twin fuckholes.

            Jenessa barely noticed how the mage was holding her fingers in a certain fashion as she stroked and played with the orc’s full balls while her lips went up and down over his veiny green shaft. Perhaps it was the haze of euphoric pleasure threatening to melt her brain or it was the fact that every moment the raw unadulterated feeling of being stuffed so well was the only thing to occupy her thoughts more than the feeling of warm wetness dripping throughout her body. Soon enough however the only thing she felt was the rough hands on her body again as she was shifted. Apparently after seeing one of his brothers exploring the raven haired girl’s ass the orc who Jenessa had been sucking off now wanted to try out her ass. The one who had been fucking her pussy managed to unpuck her sex for a moment as he quickly moved behind her and then leaned up against the piles of fur as he lowered her back onto the couch so that she couldn’t even see her other *companion* before she felt a massive cock wedging itself into her anal hole.

As both meatrods started to stretch open her body there was nothing left of Jenessa to keep herself being hit by a relentless orgasm. Even as her body trembled and her pussy spasmed and leaked out her warm flowing juices the orcs never stopped. They attacked her body in tandem as Sylora and Merella moaned right along side of her.

            “Fuarraagggh Awwww… yes…. right there… I can feel them… bothaawwww!… That… that’ss it … they’re rubbing… togethaaawwww!” She moaned out as she came around both the cocks  thrusting hard inside of her. They felt like green hammers of strong flexible rock that made her entire body tingle with overstimulation and she found her hands clinging to the orc fucking her pussy as her mouthed opened up to utter a further roar of pleasure.

            Sylora heard every moan from her partners but she could hardly keep her own mouth shut. Her body seemed more sensitive than it had ever been and after Draedus came in her the first time he spun her around and she watched as he uttered a single word and his cock immediately turned from flaccid to iron hard again. She felt her knees give out and she leaned in to voraciously attack his wet cum covered cock as she felt her hot juices leaking out onto the floor. As her bright blue eyes looked up to his she felt that she never wanted to leave this place. Her vision seemed blurry and she missed the continued display of Merella as the mage was propped up and sandwhiched between two of her three orcs while the last took a break. Her right hand that had been kneading the fleshy full sack of one of the orcs was now rending the green skin of the one shoving itself directly into her womb. Her fingers never let up in their strange motions however and if Sylora had managed to see it she would have thought it was just a spasm of the mage’s body as her mind was shattered by the onslaught of pleasure from the orcs all around them.  The blonde goddess didn’t have much time to think about it however as she smiled around the cock inside of her mouth before Draedus pulled her off of his length, propped her up against the wall as he held her legs wide and pushed into her tiny over flowing pussy once more.

            “I’ll bring a whole new race in your little cunt Sylora. A combined orc and elf being of great power. With such children we could rule the world you and I. Luckily for me I can see from your eyes and mouth just how much you like the idea. Don’t worry my queen by the end of the night you’re belly will be heavy with my child.”

            “Fat… chance… Draedus…” Merella’s voice cut through over the moans of Jenessa and Sylora. Slowly looking over the orc shaman saw that Merella’s fingers were glowing a ghastly bright purple color.  With a single further flickering pattern of her fingers the color went from bright as the sun to dark as the night as the energy bounced and floated around her fingers. It took the orc shaman a moment to realize what was going on but by then it was already too late.

            “Kill her! Kill her now!” He shouted as Merella tapped her hand against the orc stuffing her pussy. The orc didn’t make a single sound before it head exploded. Instantly Merella’s entire face was covered in dark black blood before her hand moved over to the other two orcs close to her and dispatched them with similar decorum. Draedus had shoved Sylora off his cock and made a break for the door before the orc sodomizing Jenessa’s ass exploded right as she came again. Suffice to say the redhead found herself slightly surprised as she felt blood splattering her body right as her entire form started to seize up around only one cock now. Merella stumbled over the goo of one of the orcs who had been fucking her when she saw Draedus yanking open one of the doors. Her eyes gleamed with deadly intent and she cast another spell that hit the orc shaman’s hand right as he was about to close the door. The door closed behind him but soon enough the mage could hear a blood curdling roar of pain before another explosion rumbled through the tower.

Giving a little grunt of satisfaction she turned and snapped her fingers at the last orc in the room who had finally unlimbered the overly horny redhead. The orc had just managed to find his axe when he was melted into a puddle of blood. Suddenly feeling feint Merella faltered to the ground and only managed to stop herself with one hand pushing against the stone floor to catch herself. She had never used that much magic, let alone dark magic before and she could feel the terrors that it had reaped within her. There was danger in all magic but she had known that against ther shaman’s own lust spells there was only so much she could do and the mage knew that dark magic fed easily on lust. With so much of it in the room it was only a matter of time before the raven haired adventurer had enough strength to turn the tide, but as her vision swam and she struggled to make it cast spells to free Jenessa and Merella she felt she may have over extended herself.

“Merella?” Jenessa asked quietly as she felt her old self slowly returning as she rose up from the ground. The redhead ignored the nearly overwhelming stench of blood and sex on her body to join her fallen friend just as Sylora arrived at her side as well.

“I can feel her aura. It’s nearly as weak as Indica’s right now. We have to get her help.”

“There is no time.” A voice that wasn’t Jenessa’s replied. The two girls turned to look at Indica. The redhead mage had risen up from the pile of furs she had fallen onto. Her body no longer glistened with the cum stains of the orcs who had used and abused the girl’s teachers for every day since her capture and instead seemed to glow with a reddish gold hue as her face spelled out her determination. “I can …. mummh..I can heal Merella once we’re free of this place. The orc Draedus. the lingering taint of his magic is too strong that I can hardly stand. If it wasn’t for the excess of energy caused by the pain Merella just unleashed I doubt I can stand. Better than that I have an idea to get us out of here and fast.”


 Jenessa carried Merella’s limp form as Indica and Sylora led the way. Sylora had collected her sword and shield and her straps to hold them but like her sisters and teacher she was bare as her name day save for the blood and sexual juices that stained her body. There was little enough time for grabbing more gear and as the group reached the outside battlements of the level they had found themselves on they realized it was very true. All the reserve elements of the horde that had been held back were now converging on Kadish Veshnor. Indica did not intend for them to be here when they came back but that didn’t make her idea of escape any more sane.“You want to launch us in one of those?” Jenessa asked incredulously as Indica got to work familiarizing herself with the controls of one of the trebuchets.

“Of course. With my magic and a bit of luck we’ll land right in the middle of the orcs. Hopefully not far from Orkaaz.” Indica said as she pulled at some levers to release the safety latches, not that there was anything safe about her intentions.

“A lot of hopefully in their mom.” Jenessa said with a little grunt as she moved into the catapult’s basket before Sylora handed her Merella.

“Well if we don’t do something about him there is no hope I’m afraid. And I’m not leaving you here behind to be raped and beaten by every remaining orc in his army Jenessa so just be quiet and be ready to move fast once we land. If I have to I’ll be hurling you as far away and as close to him as possible. It will fall to you and Sylora to do to him what I cannot.” Indica said in all seriousness as she and Sylora climbed aboard.

“She wont be alone Miss Indica..” Seris said as he and Malic appeared. Both the ranger and the Ettin looked about half as bad as the girls with many new wounds and rents to their armor. Seris nodded towards the catapult.

“I know it’s a bit snug but you think we can climb aboard?” Seris said offering up a slight smile that Indica returned.

“Any other day I’d think you were insane ranger but we’re out of options.” Indica said and Jenssa had to scooch close to Sylora and Merella as Malic and Seris joined them.

“I’d say hold on to something but there isn’t much to hold onto. A prayer might serve you better. Good luck everyone.” Indica said before she tossed a captured dagger at the control switch. The blade slammed into the wooden switch and pushed it back and suddenly the six people including the still unconscious Merella were launched into the night sky.

The feeling was as exhilarating as it was terrifying. Jenessa had never been hurled anywhere so fast and even with the sense of freedom it accomplished she still didn’t feel like she would want to return to feeling like this any time soon. At the incredible speed they were traveling along with the subtle magical pillow that her mother had seemed to put under them they made the journey to their target relatively quickly. In no time even as she felt her teeth clattering together to the point of breaking Jenessa could see the fires and chaos of the siege coming up as they started to descend.

She realized her mother had been right. They were going to land right in the middle of everything. When they came down her mother cast another spell that immediately sent a wave of deadly force into the orcs below them before Indica did all she could to gently lower the group to the ground but it still made for a rough landing especially for Malic. The large Ettin tumbled hard into a mob of orcs. Fortunately with his brutal resolve the twin headed champion for Evecroft rose up quickly enough and immediately started bashing away at the orcs with everything he had at his disposal; his fists, a captured weapon, a dead or still screaming orc it made no difference. He was not going down without a fight.

Malic’s assault gave them a badly needed opening where the remaining group was not immediately beset on orcs to each side. Indica waved her hands left and right to swat down any orcs nearby. Now away from Draedus and his spells the older adventurer could feel the energy and fight returning to her and the simple pleasure of doing it all naked only added to her power as she enjoyed exacting her vengeance on those who had broken her down. Only the knowledge that if she fell now her daughter would be subjected to the same treatment kept India pushing onward.

Jenessa, Sylora and Seris focused in on their target and were gratified to see he wasn’t far off. Orkaaz was in the thick of the fighting with a vanguard of guardians just outside the gate. Jenessa had to say she was surprised to see that the guardians had made an attempt at fighting the enemy outside of the gate but she couldn’t dwell on it now. Joining with the blonde elf and the dark ranger she opened the path for them with her blades. Heads rolled away from dead bodies while other orcs were not as fortunate. Some had their feet cut out from under them while others were slammed full in the face by Sylora’s heavy shield or they were struck through the heart by Seris’ close and personal style of fighting. Rapidly the trio made head way towards the warchief as more and more of the orcs who had once stood in their path apparently found better things to do.

Finally face to face with the cause of all her recent troubles Jenessa stormed forward towards the massive force as she readied her blades to attack his legs first and sever any blood vessels within her reach. Too late however she realized that themassive orc had spotted her and only the intervention of Seris bought her a reprieve from being smashed with the orc’s giant maul. The strike nearly broke the ranger in two however and Seris’ broken form crashed into the ground as Jenessa spun in between the orc’s legs and cut deeply into his skin and muscles before she rolled away out of the path of another hit. Arrows from a group of archers nearby stabbed into his shoulder armor and Orkaaz let out a howl of pain before he shouted to his companions to get off their worthless hides and help him. Some orcs shouted acknowledgement while others, many others looked at the blood covered women in terror and seemed to focus on other parts of the battle.

“Stupid little gits!” The orc shouted as he turned back towards Jenessa only to have to raise up his right arm to swat aside Sylora when the elf leapt up to attack him. Jenessa saw Sylora’s shield clattered to the ground in front of her and after abandoning the blade in her left hand before she grabbed the shield. Spinning about on her right heel she hurled the blade high against Orkaaz. Reacting on instinct the Orc moved his hands to cover his face. Only then did he realize the trap, the shield was going too high and he had opened himself to attack. Moments after the shield had left her grips Jenessa had leapt forward and coiled her knees to her chest like a cobra about to strike.  

Just like her swords her twin strike was her strongest and most deadliest of her repertoire. As her feet kicked in against Orkaaz’s stomach his already weakened legs failed him and he let out a surprised roar as he was forced back and off his feet. As his body fell backwards he ended up landing on two more orcs coming to help him while Jenessa hopped forward using the momentum of the falling orc to arrive at a point where she squared both of her feet on his shoulders. She pulled her right arm back and then drove the point of her blade right into the underside of his chin. The blade pierced through the soft skin and muscle and then penetrated the bone before it reached deeper and deeper till it finally hit its mark. At that moment all resistance from the warchief was finished. His black eyes rolled up into his head as his breathing declined and then finally came to a stop. Looking around at the orcs close to her Jenessa slowly pulled out the blade that had punctured their leader’s brain and held it over and across her head.  Her emerald eyes glared out into the sea of green skin and armor as her breasts heaved from her heavy breathing. Her entire body burned from the hard fucking she had just received before being hurtled across miles and miles of sky only to finally come head to head with their warchief and find herself the victor in such a combat. Jenessa’s eyes called out a challenge to all of them.“Who’s next?” She asked with a raw almost primal edge to her voice. Soon enough she watched in astonishment and pure gratitude as the orcs started to run. It was no orderly retreat or a tactical withdrawal but rather a whole sale breakdown in the armies structure. The warhost melted into four separate parts as they entire orc assembly started to fracture. Any who were close to the walls and attempted to get their underlings back under control were quickly put down by the Evecroft archers for good measure. In the end those not cut down by the guardians fled back into whatever whole had spawned them. Satisfied with a good day’s work Jenessa realized that if she was Merella she would simply laugh at the sight and so the redhead did right before she sank to her knees and felt exhaustion taking her off to sleep.

**Now don’t go freaking out and think I’ll just leave you there. There’s a little more about the story that I’ll tell you so don’t you worry nothing. The threat might have been gone at that point but that don’t mean the Buxom Trio’s is over just yet partner.**


After Jenessa killed  the warchief and dispersed the rest of the orc tribes things moved very quickly. Immediately healers from Evecroft were dispatched to see to the wounds of the Buxom Trio and everyone else who had been injured during the siege. The cost paid by the guardians of the city was high but many more would have died without the selfless bravery of the trio and the town rejoiced in their bravery. They were given an impressive list of accolades and each was given the title of honorary councilor so that if during any other time they arrived to the city their word would be heeded and their status known instantly amongst the people. Merella almost immediately took hers off and Jenessa was almost inclined to follow her example since none of the girls ever fought for gold or power or praise. As their teacher had taught them they fought because there were many in the world who did not have the abilities that they were given and it was their sacred duty to ensure these people were protected against the forces of evil that lurked and hunted on the edges of the world.

After the medal ceremony the healing process continued. All the girls especially Sylora had received numerous bruises and bone fractures from their torment at the hands of the orcs and the final assault but most would heal. Indica tried to shelter much of her own dastardly experience from her daughter and her students and Jenessa knew that it must have shaken her mother to the core to see her hope failing in the sight of impossible odds. Seris was entrusted as the temporary ruler of Evecroft while the city waited on a vote for a new Baron from amongst the noble lines in the city but many of the people felt that the former ranger had proven himself to have a great skill and capacity to do what was best for them though the ranger was doing his best to ignore it. Even then as he walked out of the gates with the Buxom Trio and their mother he stayed close to Merella.

“Do you think you’d really take the job.” She asked as she looked at him and gave a grin. “Baron Isther.” The mage giggled before pausing since parts of her body were still tremendously tender from the exertion she had put it through.

“I don’t know. My place was never inside the city. I hunted my own food from the day I could pull a bowstring but if they asked me to serve I doubt I could say no. I guess I suffer from the same insanity as you.” He said and then was surprised when Merella leaned up and gave him a small peck on the lips.

“I guess so mister ranger. Now go on get out of here your people are waiting.” She said and without another word the mage turned around on her heel and moved to catch up with her friends.

“I thought you liked him Merella?” Sylora asked as they walked along the road that would take them back to the village. Despite the orc shaman’s best attempts at knocking up the bodacious elf her body had been cleansed of all foul cum and seed by the combined effort of Indica and Merella. She was dressed one more in her heavy plate and even now she had to focus through the growing itch against her nipples.

“I never said I liked him. I just said he had a hot ass and a good long cock. There is quite the difference Sylora.” Merella beamed at her and Jenessa rolled her eyes. “Of course even if you do like a boy you never tell him. You subtly leave a variety of clues and only if he’s clever enough to figure them all out do you give him a little nod. You never say you like him though. That would make it too easy.”

“Too easy is just what I need right now.” Jenessa said as she rolled her head back. “If I don’t see one more orc in my lifetime it will be too soon.”

The redhead said as she led the way for the group back towards the village. Much as they may have liked to settle in at Evecroft for a bit the village needed their help much more than the city. Indica needed to move back in as its main protectors and soon enough Jenessa and the rest of the Buxom trio would be called upon to hunt down other dark and evil things that threatened the land. Despite the interesting turn of events and one in a thousand outcome they had experienced on this adventure the busty readhead couldn’t help but give a small grin at the thought of the next encounter they might have. There were so many things out there that needed a good group of heroes to cast it aside but of course if that meant that they had a little bit of fun now and then Jenessa did realize that Merella was right. It was nice to cut loose now and again and provided that there wasn’t an entire orc menace on the loose the redhead found she agreed with her companion’s thoughts. Not that she would ever tell her of course. So returning on the same path that had taken them to the brink of death and destruction the Buxom Trio and their teacher headed off to return home eager to bring their blades, arrows and magic to those who would threaten the region.

**Haha. I told you the story was not over yet. In the end the orc host was defeated, their teacher saved and the Buxom Trio finding themselves satisfied with victory as well as many hot and heavy encounters along the way. I hope you enjoyed the story traveler.**
