Yennefer and the Hog [F][EU][Fantasy][Witcher][Beast][Mindbreak]

She had seen plenty of pigs before and seen them in all their various stages between living and on the plate, but the one snorting in the pen was probably the biggest she’d ever seen. It was a bright pink slab of flesh waddling around, occasionally grunting and stomping. The animal was probably twice her weight, and wide enough for two of her. She felt a twinge of fear at the sight, knowing an agitated pig could strip flesh off bone as easily as a ghoul could.

Yennefer didn’t know why she was doing this.

“That right there is Squints, prized pig and winner of the Novigrad Livestock Festival,” said the farmer, who was a squat man with acne scars littering his face and a crooked smile from a snaggletooth. He was every bit as disgusting as someone in his position would be.


“Sounded cute when he was a lil’ piglet,” laughed the man. It was hard to imagine the massive hog as a small piglet. Squints glanced up toward Yennefer with watery eyes. His nose twitched and with a squeal, he ran his head against the gate. It shuddered under the blow and Squints stomped off, tossing his head.

“He likes you.”

Yennefer frowned at the farmer but ignored the heat between her legs that was the cause of Squints’ outburst. “How much?”

“A pig like Squints would sell for at least seven hundred.”

“Three hundred.” Yennefer said, and the farmer started to cough so hard she thought he’d keel over right then and there.

“Three hundred? Lady, that’s ridiculous. Criminal even!”

“This isn’t going to kill him like selling him to a butcher would,” she snapped. “He’ll be perfectly normal once we’re done.”

“Three fifty – half price,” and the dingy man folded his dirty arms over his greasy tunic.

“Three twenty-five.” Yennefer said.

“Three fifty – you’re the one who came to *me* askin’ for this weird shit. I even set up that little spot for you in the pen.” He grunted. Yennefer frowned at that and glanced toward Squints. In the center of the pen was a tube big enough for someone to crawl through and lie down in. She licked her lips and rubbed her thighs together. Why was she doing this?

“Fine,” she snapped, tossing a lock of raven hair over her shoulder. “Three fifty, and not a word of this to anyone else.”

“Lady, I’m not too keen on sharing campfire stories about someone fuckin’ my hogs.” He held his hand out. Yennefer flinched. It was one thing to think about it and do it, and another to say it so blatantly. Words had a lot of power in them, more than this idiot realized. Having it vocalized made it seem more shameful. For a moment she nearly backed out, turning and going home like any sensible person would.

Yennefer couldn’t explain why she wanted to be a pig’s bitch. Since Geralt left, moved in with Triss, she had turned to more and more raunchy things for her fix. There was a sad spot on her heart, and she thought that she could scrub it away with sex. Picking up normal men at bars turned into sucking off the homeless city filth in the alleys. Once that got boring, she got on her knees in gloryholes. As the thrill of anonymity faded, she just brought them into the stall in groups, letting one fuck her from behind while sucking another off. No one ever recognized her, and she appreciated that. After all, she was only a Sorceress. She wasn’t royalty, or even a hero like Geralt. Her fame came from Dandelion’s stories, and her relationship with Geralt which he had severed. After that, after the threat of the Wild Hunt faded, what did that make Yennefer? Just another advisor, doting on kings and royalty who can’t think for themselves.

She thought having a dog as a companion would make her happy. That’s what dogs did, wasn’t it? Yennefer adopted a stray, black mutt and fostered it to health. He was a good boy, though one day after stumbling back from the gloryholes, aching for something more intimate, she decided to fuck her pet. He ate her out, lapping at her cunt as if it were a water bowl, and then she got on her hands and knees and let him knot her. Yennefer kept him around because she loved how fast dogs fucked, and how their knot stuck her to them and she couldn’t move and just had to breathe and be bred.

Unfortunately, he stopped coming around and she could only assume the worst. Then came the pig fantasies, and here she was.

The coin pouch fell into his hand. “There,” she muttered.

“Nothin’ warms my heart like the weight of money,” and he jingled the sack of money before eyeing her up and down. “Though, something else could warm me up too, I bet.”

“I’m here for the pig, not you.” Yennefer hissed.

“Can I at least watch?”

“You’ve got your money. Piss off.” She said. The farmer mumbled something under his breath but didn’t push any further. He had his money after all. Adjusting his wide brim hat, he glanced back at her one last time before shutting the barn door and leaving her alone with Squints, who had been sniffing at the air for the past five minutes.

She turned toward the beast. Her mouth was suddenly very dry, and she didn’t understand why. She had faced down countless threats, fought the Wild Hunt, stood next to the Emperor of Nilfgaard, fallen in love with the most famous Witcher in history. Yennefer lived a long, dangerous life, and it was amazing she wasn’t dead. She was skilled, smart, and powerful even by the standards of the Lodge.

Still, she was more than a little nervous when she clambered onto the gate, one leg dangling in front of Squints. He snorted and nibbled at her black boot, as if testing to see if this was what he wanted. Yennefer exhaled and felt the heat growing between her legs as he tugged at the leather. She patted him, felt the thin layer of hair and all that thick fat beneath. Squints squealed and pulled at her black sleeve. Yennefer fell with a yelp into the pen.

Squints shoved his nose between her legs before she could regain her bearing, and she felt his teeth scraping for the fabric. “H-hey! Stop it!” Yennefer started to slap his big meaty head, but he didn’t stop. His bare nose pushed against her pussy and she let out a hot moan of surprise as his filthy tongue lapped out at her.

Against her better morality, she lifted her hips and dug her toes into the hay. She watched Squints snort and slobber over her cunt. He slurped at her and it was helpful she was so wet. Yennefer squeezed at a breast, whimpering as arcs of guilty pleasure lancing up her sides. She’d done some vile things while seeking that next orgasm, but the filthy nature of what she was doing right now trumped them all.

Yennefer scrambled to her feet, nearly getting knocked down as Squints was irritated his meal was seemingly trying to escape. She scrambled for her belt, yanking it off in haste lest she really want to piss off the pig. Her ruined pants fell in a clump, leaving her naked from the waist down. She leaned against the wall and pushed her hips back toward Squints, who eagerly returned to licking at her.

It was different than when she let the stray eat her out. Squint’s long nose rubbed against her belly as his tongue found her cunt, and when she moved her hips in a certain way she could rub her clit against his upper lip. Whenever Squints looked away for a moment, she furiously rubbed herself before he started again. Her thighs were drenched. She quivered and bit her lip. The moan came out at the same time as her orgasm, her juices flooding into Squints’ mouth and driving the hog wild.

“Yeah, yeah, okay, okay,” muttered the filthy Sorceress as he pushed against her. She teetered toward the little tube set up for her, knowing that once she crawled into it he’d mount her. She spied a glance at his cock and gulped.

Only half of it stuck out of the sheath, but she saw that it was a lot thinner than other cocks she’d taken in the past, and was corkscrewed. It thrust in and out as if it was practicing, and Squints stomped around. When he turned, she saw his massive swollen nuts from behind and realized her mouth was open. He nudged her again and she nodded along, not wanting to disappoint the pig. She’d disappointed so many others, driven away the one man who loved her. Yennefer wouldn’t do that to this pig.

So, on hands and knees, she crawled backwards through the tube until her ass was sticking out the back end. She heard Squints’ hooves scraping overhead. The stench of pig shit was somewhere in the way she crawled through, and she wondered for a moment if maybe that bastard farmer had stuck the tube somewhere it shouldn’t have been. Running her fingers through the hay confirmed that she was actually sitting in drying pig piss right now. Disgusted, Yennefer started to crawl out.

Squints stopped her, and her eyes went wide as she felt the corkscrew cock slipping into her. “Wait, f-fuck, oh, fuck me, w-wait,” stammered Yennefer but it was no use. Squints howled, the sound piercing the air and hurting her ears. He didn’t thrust, not like humans or the dogs, but she felt his cock slipping in and out of her still. It pushed deep, and she felt it scraping against her insides. It slipped out at one point, but she reached back, panting and guiding it back in. Yennefer wiggled a little, and it slipped deeper.

She rubbed herself furiously while he fucked her and slipped back a bit further to help Squints really get in deep. Her moans mingled with the hog’s grunts, making the barn sound like a whore house. His curled cock slipped in deep, stabbing against her cervix and each time causing her to yelp in surprise. Yennefer was enjoying this so much she completely forgot about the piss stale hay she was lying it.

Truthfully, she loved it, just like she loved the first time she allowed a stranger to bend her over in a Novigrad back alley. Maybe she saw it as a penance – the alluring, stoic Sorceress that had wronged so many people, turned into a filthy bitch. The only way she could atone was by fucking and being raunchier than before. She loved it when dogs mounted her, and now she was loving being Squints’ breeding stock.

She squealed just like a sow as he came inside of her and she brought herself to orgasm too. “Ooh, ooh, fuck, fuuuck, ooh,” Yenefer panted as she felt his cum pumping into her in spurts. It dribbled out of her cunt, thinner than human cum. It reminded her of dog cum. She wiggled up out of the tube once he dismounted her.

Eager for a taste, Yennefer captured some of the cum dribbling out of it and licked it off her hand. She wretched. It tasted vile, and left a funny aftertaste in her mouth, not quite as salty as she would have imagined. Still, that didn’t stop her from smearing some of her lips and chin. She grabbed a tit and shoved her fingers in her sloppy cunt, masturbating against the stall wall.

“Gods, I fucking love pig cock,” she said to no one. Squints snorted in agreement. In the throes of lust, she crawled back down because she wanted to suck his cock. She just *had* to. She didn’t even mind that there was hay stuck to her cheeks, or she had the faint taste of pig cum on her lips, or that her hair was stuck to her scalp and that she was crawling through the filthy just like a real piggy.

It took a big of wrestling to get Squints to stop walking around. Yennefer wiggled herself underneath him and squeezed his sheath, coaxing his cock out. “Oh!” It slapped her in the face and began to thrust forward. She wrapped her lips around it and held him tight while he started to facefuck her. If someone had once told her she would willingly facefuck a pig, she would have cursed them on the spot.

She sucked greedily on it, cheeks sinking as it pushed down her throat. It tasted terrible, and underneath him she could smell his fat, sweat, and piss and how muggy it was like a swamp. Yennefer loved it. It felt right to be down there. Her chin and lips with slick with her spit and his cum.

“Fuck it,” mumbled the perverted Sorceress. The tube could fuck off. She turned around and thrust her ass in the air. It was a universal invitation that transcended species, and soon Squints had dropped his colossal bulk on her for a second time. She understood the need for the tube now as his weight pushed down on her. She stayed propped up by her elbow but found it hard to breathe. Maybe this was a bad idea.

No time to reminisce on bad ideas, and Yennefer choked out a grunt as his slick cock speared back into her. Pushing down on her, without the barrier between them, he got deeper in her pussy than before. “Ngh, ngh, ooh, ooh, fuck yes, right there, deeper, fuck your pig bitch deeper,” blathered Yennefer, her thighs slick with cum. Her shirt was stained through with her sweat and his, the two of them just mashed together and her being the good animal-fucker she was.

Yennefer cried out as she came. “Yes, yes! Gods I should have done this years ago!” If she weren’t so horny it would have sounded ridiculous but she was drowning in the waves of pleasure that came with being mounted by a pig his size. She loved it. She wanted to do this forever, just lie down and let pig after pig fuck her until she was knocked up and had to give birth to piglets like the dirty breeding bitch she was.

She couldn’t even grunt in pleasure when he came in her, the pressure on her chest too great. “Grkh,” she gargled instead, pussy and muscles clenching as she came again, her and his cum dripping out of her cunt and being soaked into the hay. She lied there underneath him, taking it until he had been totally drained, and she had been totally filled. When Squints squealed and finally pulled off her she sucked in a deep breath of air and collapsed in the filth.

“I deserve this…Gods, I deserve this…” She muttered to herself. She could lie down there for a bit, just rest while she regained her strength. Yennefer felt like she should have felt guilty, but the pleasure she got from debasing herself outweighed all sense. Truthfully, Yennefer liked being a filthy slut, and she liked being one for pigs more than she would have guessed.

When she pushed herself back up, she was knocked down with a great weight, and before she could protest Squints laid claim to her again. “Ngh, f-fuck m-me,” was all she said, resigned to her fate of being Squints personal cumdump throughout the night. A part of her also wanted to see how long he could keep fucking her until he couldn’t anymore. So, she took it, and took it over and over all night because she didn’t want to disappoint her new lover and knew that a good pig bitch wouldn’t leave him unsatisfied.

The farmer found her the next morning, covered in hay, cum, naked as the day she was born, and on her back with Squints between her legs, still fucking her. He didn’t stop them, and Yennefer didn’t stagger out until much later the next day, reeking but wearing a lopsided smile as she sauntered off to clean herself and count her coins, so she could pay for another sessions with Squints later.



  1. Finally a hog story that gets the anatomy correct: no big d*ck, but a thin corkscrew.

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