The Hidden Vibrator – Part One [FF][SQUIRTING][PEE][PUBLIC]

“Here.” Ryoko said in her usual, emotionless tones. “This is for you.”

In her outstretched hand was a small, pink rubbery vibrator. Its vibrant colors stood in sharp contrast to Ryoko’s drab, colorless sense of style. Gingerly, I took it from her hand, trying to figure out which end goes where.

“And this,” she said, holding up a remote, “is for me.” She pressed a button, and I let out a startled gasp as the vibrator began buzzing in my hand.

“Can I at least go to the bathroom first?” I pleaded.

“No.” she replied. “Put it in.”

Turning it around in my hand, I determined that the big end goes in first. I reached under my skirt, pulled down my leggings and pulled aside my panties, pushing it between my lips. As I was doing so, It suddenly vibrated strongly. I squeaked in surprise, and glared at Ryoko, who had what could almost pass as a smile on her face. The brief vibration managed to get me wet enough that I could slip it inside, and I pulled my panties back over the vibrator as best as I could. I straightened up, adjusting myself a little, then nodded at Ryoko. We put on our jackets and headed out into the brisk autumn air.

We made our way to the bus stop, mostly in silence. Ryoko was looking at her phone in one hand, and I warily regarded the controller in the other. I really wish I had peed before I left the house. The cold air against my face and thighs just made the sensation worse. I exhaled a shaky breath, which steamed in the air in front of me. Why did I ever agree to this?

A homeless man was asleep on one of the bus stop benches, but we had the other bench all to ourselves. The metal slats of the bench were dully cold against my thighs through my leggings. Ryoko was still scrolling through her phone. A bus pulled up to the stop, but no one boarded or departed, and it took off down the street.

Suddenly I was greeted with a low, dull thrum of vibration, deep inside me, humming against my tummy.

“Mmm,” I uttered, involuntarily, and glanced over at Ryoko, who was still scrolling through her phone.

“Sh.” she said without looking up. I bit my lip and lowered my face, so no one could see it bunching up with pleasure. My eyes moved to the homeless man on our right, sleeping peacefully on the bus stop bench. He seemed oblivious, so I allowed myself to feel the pleasure radiating out from between my legs. My breathing quickened, and I could feel my heartbeat against the vibrator humming inside me.

I was disappointed when the humming stopped, I was actually pretty close to cumming. Though maybe it was for the best. I had lost myself in the pleasure of the sensation, and may not have guarded my moaning as carefully as I should have. I misted out a shuddering breath and looked over at Ryoko. She had put away her phone, and now was holding the remote in both hands. I saw her turn a small dial on the remote, which gave out a subtle click. She put the remote away and pulled out her phone. I looked at her for a while, wondering when the vibration would start again, hoping that it would fill me again soon. I shifted my weight, feeling the silent vibrator slumbering inside me, waiting to be awoken. I was half tempted to reach a hand under my skirt and continue my pleasure, but thought better of it.

Luckily, I didn’t have long to wait. The vibration started again, stronger this time, faster, harder. I jumped and squeaked a little in shock, and looked with wide eyes at Ryoko. She looked over at me this time, her eyes impassive.

I mouthed “Ryoko,” at her in protest. Without breaking eye contact, she pulled out the remote, and moved the dial one more ‘click.’

I doubled over with the sensation, powerfully humming against my G-Spot, vibrating deep in my tummy.

“Hnng,” I uttered wordlessly, and unconsciously moved my hands between my legs. I was shocked to feel wetness on my fingers, and I jerked my head up.

“Ryoko,” I whispered hoarsely, “Stop, please… ah… I think I peed, stop.”

She held her gaze on me for a moment, with one hand on the remote. I looked up at her, pleadingly. Slowly, deliberately, she hit the button to turn the vibrator off.

I relaxed, and, giving a quick glance at the still dozing man next to us, lifted my skirt to assess the damage. I was shocked, I couldn’t even feel myself peeing, but the ground was lightly dappled with droplets of pee that had pushed through my panties and the leggings. My face reddened and I looked at Ryoko.

“It’s fine,” she said, monotonously, looking at my crotch.

A bus was approaching, and Ryoko glanced back to assess the bus number. “This one’s ours,” she said as the rumble of the bus grew louder as it grew nearer.

When the bus was nearly at the bus stop, Ryoko reached into her pocket where the remote was stashed, and suddenly I felt the vibrator flare up inside me. She must have known I would cry out, as she waited until the bus was loud enough to drown out the sound before hitting the button. I groped at my crotch as subtly as I could, and felt warm droplets escaping between my fingers as my bladder protested against the sensation.

It only lasted a few seconds, and she turned it off when the bus doors hissed open.

“Come on.” Ryoko said, turning and boarding the bus.

I sat, stunned for a few seconds, then slowly rose to my feet, feeling the warm wetness between my cheeks. Droplets ran down my inner thigh on both legs as I rose. Trusting Ryoko that it wasn’t obvious, I adjusted my skirt, and hastened to board the bus.

End of Part One



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