The night we went to a halloween party with my husband dressed up like this and hooked up a few times, at a house party with a really cute girl and a nerdy guy with a smaller penis I loved! Petite 4’10” Asian(Real, part 1, lesbian) [FF]

Just FYI this is not me, I’m Asian but we don’t all look alike, after much debate with my husband to many people have our pictures to put it out in the open so I hope these stock pics can work with your imagination.

So this story happened when I was in my later 20s I was still the same height at 4’10” Asian and my husband is 6’3” we liked the party scene and were working out regularly, I look like I do in my pictures in my posts only much skinnier, my ass was always proportionately bigger but was tight and shapely from our daily working out during this time, This story is about a time we met a nerdy guy at a halloween party who had a smaller penis and the ongoing relationship we had for years after, and also the long lesbian scene in this part, no real dicks I think but I’m writing this from memory and things come back to me as I write. so If this isn’t the type of story you’d like go ahead and skip it since it will be filled with nerdy references, not every story is about these monsters I’m taking or multiple guys :/ though some of you will like the lesbian action and I think I’m going to explain how to properly eat a pussy, please enjoy and let me know what you think in the comments and hope this is enough to satiate some of you guys :D.

But let me back up and fill you in on some backstory, we have always been and still are truly nerds, hot nerds but still nerds, me and my husband love video games, anime, hell we even dress up for cons and every Halloween we’re a different chars from something. From a year we we’re Rick and Morty, way before they became mainstream, had to make the costume from scratch with the portal gun(he made with leds, spray paint and all, he’s very good with his hands)and I was a sexy Morty XD, but most years we dress up as anime chars or chars from fighting video games, wish I can post some pictures but we’re pretty well known in our city for the outfits we wear since a lot of people take pictures and someone will most likely remember and out us as the short girl and tall guy dressed to impress, hell we’ve seen ourselves on this site even, that’s why I posted a stock footage of what I wore and unfortunately this was before my husbands fetish of recording everything.

Halloween has always been our favorite holiday since it’s an excuse to dress up slutty and no one can judge you. So I went dressed as Kasumi from Dead or Alive the fighting game, you can google her she’s very sexy and has a ass kind of like mine, you can probably even find the costume we ordered.
I always ordered my size or ‘petite extra small’ and I didn’t think much of it when I ordered, so on the night we’re going out, I try it on and it’s super tiny, like even for me the top was ok but showed a lot of cleavage even on my small boobs, the cloth was super thin and hung down to my knees just covering my front and back but my sides were fully exposed from my ribs down my ass and thighs, the underwear it came with was too small to fit me and cheaply made but didn’t have time to get another outfit so I used what I had.
Always been good with using old costumes and outfits I have to make things work, I couldn’t wear a bra since it would push on the shirt and look stupid but was able to partially cover myself with a white scarf I tied around my midriff and I wore a blue cheeky bikini bottom with ties on it I wore years before, it was when I was a teen so my ass would just eat it up and I would have to pull it out the front was pretty much just a thin piece of cloth that covered just the important stuff, even the white stockings it came with were not made for someone my size and was made for someone taller and thinner legs so when I put them on it reach the underside of my ass and pushed it out even more, it made my ass look perfectly round and huge! Of course my husband(we’re calling him Nick from now on) said it looked great on me, this was when his fetish was coming to life of having every guy ogle me whenever we went out and had been pushing me to hook up with someone each time we went out.
Out of all options I wore what I wore and did my hair up into a pony tail, makeup to make me look even more Asian and accentuate my already big anime eyes and super high heels cause you know…I want to be taller..even a little bit.

My husband was the Erin from Attack on Titan, full jacket and straps for the mobility gear which took forever to wrap! Well not as long as I take to dress but still, stood in the mirror and yea, we were sexy…I was naked pretty much, you could see my nipples poking through the dress and if I moved fast or spun you could see everything, I mean I was wearing a bikini bottom designed for a kid but sexy still, we’ve been kind of pregaming for a bit and my husband got us some Molly, if you’ve ever taken Molly it’s like a pill that releases all inhibitions and just makes you enjoy yourself, so we pop one figuring it’ll hit when we get to the Halloween party downtown(takes about an hour to work) so we head out, it’s cold out so I wear a long coat which pretty much covers my full outfit, we were stopping by a friends Halloween party to show our face and check it out before we go since we know it’s going to be going on all night wanted an after party to go to. My husband has the talk with me again “ok hun, just remember to let loose, you look fucking sexy and everyone’s going to want you” I know his kink and what he wants “you just want me to hook up with a rando so I can tell you about it perv” he gives me the knowing smile “that’s absurd why would I want my beutiful flower, umm deflowered?” With a grin on his face he continues “ok all I’m saying if you see anyone you like just have them and don’t worry about me” When get to the house party and it’s the usually group of people we’ve know and some new faces, we chat it up a bit, play beer pong, everyone’s dressed in normal Halloween cloths like a pirate or skeleton, some guys showing there chests off so I don’t take my jacket off don’t want to let anyone know what I’m wearing underneath.

Then we see this one couple that we somewhat played with about 2 or 3 month before, I remember being super drunk and my lesbian side kicked in and I wanted her, she’s a little Hispanic girl just a bit taller than me with the most perfect set of tits I’ve ever seen on a little person her ass wasn’t as big as mine but was perfect in that way all young Hispanic girls asses were, she was prob 19-20yo 5’2” thin but big..assets and her boyfriend was our age Hispanic Guy, good looking I guess but I’ve never been with an Hispanic guy at that point. We got as far as getting naked and making out and I played with her tits for a good while while my husband and the boyfriend were watching, I remember going down on her and bringing her to orgasm which she said after that it was the first time she ever had a woman do that and she loved it(I give a lot of girls there first lesbian experience) but when the boys dicks came out I remember she started freaking out as do all insecure young girls do and we cut the night short, and I didn’t get mine :(.

But here they were dressed up as a sexy maid and generic prisoner(us cosplayers call you guys “norms” least me and my husband do) they see us and come over in the garage, most of the people were upstairs partying we had come down for drinks and they give us the biggest hugs, they ask what we were supposed to be and we tell them(crickets chirping) so I take off my jacket and without thinking do a little twirl, which exposes how much I’m not wearing to them since I forgot how high the skirt is, but pretend I meant todo it and quickly put my jacket back on, they are speechless and you could see the lust developing in there eyes. The girl(lets call her Becca) gets closer and whispers “sorry about the other night, I wasn’t thinking strait I…we really wanted you, I haven’t stopped thinking about that night, you were my first you know, we talked about if we ever see you again…” she trails off and I trying to sound and look confident say “oh sweety it’s ok, I know and I’m sorry if I took advantage of you and made you do something that quickly without making sure everything was ok” my husband and the other guy(Chad is what we’ll call him) take off to chat about whatever guys chat about when they want there girlfriends to hook up with each other and I start looking at her and damn she’s looking good, the bottom of her ass cheeks are showing in black lace panties and her tits are pushed up where you can set a cup on them, her waist is even smaller than mine in her tight maid outfit, ‘Fuck!’ I think to myself, ‘I haven’t been with a girl in sooo long’ she leans in close and I can smell her and the aroma of a girl is just so much sweeter than any man, and whispers “I didn’t know how you would feel when my husband pulled his thing out and I saw your husband and he’s so big I just freaked out thinking he would get mad, but he said if I saw you I can have you without him, so don’t worry about him” with a mischievous look in her eyes and all I could think about was all the guys I’ve been with and how sweet and innocent she is, but…her. Tits. Were begging to be squeezed, I had to stop myself and say “oh hun, you don’t have to worry about my husband, we’re in an open relationship” thinking I’ve never actually said those words before, I mean I don’t know what you would call us, I just wanted to put her mind at ease “my husband actually encourages me to play with others and doesn’t mind at all for you or your boyfriend” as I said this I’m thinking ‘shit I’m going to hell, taking advantage of this girl’ she starts smiling knowingly and I realize I can’t let this happen like this and look around and see my husband pouring a shot and laughing with Chad “hey Becca you want a shot?” She’s says yes and grabs my hand and little sexy girl run/pulls me to the drink table, I can see her sexy ass cheeks under her dress and just want to bury my face in it, we get there and ask for shots which the boys promptly pours and we toast to “new friends!” As soon as the shot is down they pour another for her, I’m good since I took the molly and don’t want to do to much drinking and she looks at me with the ‘don’t worry I’m going to get shitty drunk so you can take advantage of me later’ look and downs it…fuck, even her after shot face is fucking cute I just want to eat her up.

We go back upstairs and the entire time Becca is glued to me, holding my hand and reaching in my jacket to grab my waist and down my exposed side, she grabs my tied bikini and is threatening to loosen the knot, too shy to do anything but still eagerly waiting for umm…something, I mean what does she think we can just go in the back room and fuck? Well why not? I can prob ask the wife of the house if I can use the master bath and I’m sure she’ll let me, use, the, bathroom, too pee yea, that’s a normal thing to ask, and if I bring Becca in with me it wouldn’t be strange I go to the bathroom with girls all the time. Naw, nope she’s just a kid…with a perfect ass, and tits that are pressed up against my arm, I’m shorter than her and there at perfect eye level, I stare too long and I hear her giggle and lean in even closer putting them in my face to whisper “what you thinking about?” The music is loud and the beat is thumping to the rhythm of my chest, umm, I quickly pull away a bit and look around, the boys are mingling and I’m just standing in the kitchen unsure of what to say all I could think about is sex and how sweet her pussy tasted on my lips, fortunately Nick caught my eye and he calls out, “we’re heading out in a bit” startled Becca pulls me into the corner of the kitchen and says “you can’t yet. go we just go here” with the puppy dog sadness and hint of panic of missing out, super cute! Without thinking I turn to my husband and yell out over the din of the music “alright let me use the bathroom first then we’ll go hun” and turn to the lady of the house “is there a more private bath I need to get freshen up before we go” she tells me about the guest bedroom bath downstairs I didn’t even know about, say my thanks and look at my husband and give him the “look at her! Look” he gives his knowing smile and continues drinking and chatting.

I didn’t even see where Chad was off too, but heading downstairs with Becca in tow, a dozen things running though my mind, I turn to her and say “you know we’re coming back here after we’re done going out” and she finally works up the courage to grab my ass and say “but I want you now” grinning from ear to ear the music coming from the garage downstairs is different more slower and sensual no one is down here and when we get to the room and I notice a nice big guest bed and how from the soft music playing to the perfect bed to no one even downstairs like something is wanting me to have her…but I can’t. Becca shuts and locks the door and I turn to say “listen Becca I…” can’t finish as she pounces on me lips on mine, tongue in my mouth, she pulls my jacket down off my arms and is untying the scarf around my midriff, she yanks it off and pushes me on the corner of the bed and stands in front of me, I’m about to say something looking for any reason any sign why I shouldn’t have this young woman but coming up empty, I mean…I could say I don’t have my toys, that I don’t have anything to make a girl cum, just my lips and tongue, which I know how to use, but if we get started and she can’t complete me, again, I would be frustrated, and I have a hard time cumming without toys unless they are skilled…most young non bi girls aren’t.

That’s when I look up and Becca is peeling out of her maid outfit perfect tits, perky as only a girl in her prime would be and steps out of her outfit towards me, turns around to show me her ass and grabs her underwear with both thumbs at her hips and slides them slowly down to her ankles, ass inches from my face I see her perfectly shaved pussy and cute little suckable asshole, with her perfectly round tight Hispanic ass I reach up and gingerly grab her soft hand as she reaches her thigh, stopping her motions grab her other hand and pull her into my face and smell her damp pussy, I inhale her essence and am instantly turned on and slide down to my knees to start to kissing around her tight lips and hear her exhale deeply still bent over whyll I’m holding her into my face continuing to kiss her pussy and ass, I move to her perfect asshole and kiss it deeply, sliding my tongue down to her pussy and with a slight push I slide her lips apart and angle my head to hit her clit with the tip of my tongue, her legs become wobbly as she’s trying to spread them to allow my chin to get closer and apply more force to her clit, but I know better and to drive a woman Wild you can’t give it your all. The underwear around her thighs are preventing her from spreading more, I send one last hard flick and move to her tight lips and suck firmly, she lets out a whelp and try’s to push back on my face, try’s to get me to go back to her clit to where certain orgasms awaits but I’m not moving back and continue to suck on her lips and she’s gyrating her hips as her sweet ass fills my vision, she’s breathing heavy and can’t stand anymore and I pull her hands and underwear down past her ankles and with a hard suck I pulled her to bed so my head rests on the soft mattress and she’s fully bent over she steps back and straddles my legs and before she can stand back up I reach around her and grab her back keeping her in the bent over position, she arches her back and my lips find her clit again, this time in full contact, she lets out a too audible “yeessshh…ahhh” I think was that too loud? The music still playing, and as if the sex gods that made the room available, us showing up early enough where there wasn’t a full house, her showing up in the short time we’re there, all these stars aligned and the gods bless us again and the music in the garage turns louder and the techno song “Satisfaction” comes on, or maybe it’s my Nick, making sure we’re not heard(I find later it was, he didn’t hear anything but he knew what I would like and that we might be heard)

Opening my mouth wide I encompass her clit and start flicking with my tongue, firmly and slowly, tongue dancing to the beat of the music, she’s starts wiggling her hips again and I taste her sweetness as my saliva and her juices are being mixed around she’s breathing heavier and I pull her back tighter into me, she can’t move and is forced to rest on my face. I feel her coming to orgasm as the shivers in her body is felt by our bodies against each other, but I’m a cruel bitch and I don’t give it to her for free I pull my lips back and release her just enough to realize what she’s lost, use this time to untie my bikini and slip it off so it doesn’t get wet and stick out my tongue to lick the juices around her pussy, she feels it around her clit but not on it and firmly pushes her ass into my face, head pressed firmly to the mattress again, but I only give her the tongue and she starts grinding on my face moving up and down, fucking my face, nose, chin and tongue, I feel her juices smeared on my face as she’s trying to find something to rub it on, I’m in fucking heaven as this sweet girls searching for release and when she’s starts to get desperate noticed by the frantic breathing, I take her back into my mouth and suck one last time, back to being firmly pressed against her clit, I lay my tongue flat on her tight pussy hole and perfectly position the tip of it to flick her clit, with a slight sucking I beat up her clit the way I learned from a previous partner and feel her starting to cum, she’s lets out a shriek and silences herself before she gets too loud but can hear her muffling her screams as she starts to cums on my face, I feel the juices start to flow and realize I’m still wearing my costume and can’t get it wet so continue to flick my tongue as I’m swallowing her juices, she’s shivering in my arms and trying to buck using both hands to cover her mouth to prevent her from screaming and I feel the final orgasm occur as she starts convulsing, body getting limp and tight with each flick of my tongue I don’t stop,

I can’t hold her up and she crumbles to the floor twitching from the intense waves I know are flowing through her body like a rock dropped in a small stilled pond emanating from her vagina and flowing through every inch of her, I stand up over her and am glad I took off my bottoms or they would of been soaked, release the buttons off the front of my costume and toss it on the floor and am standing there naked and notice a full length mirror on the door to the bath, looking back at me is a sexy, strong, powerful women standing over her prey in a fast breathing heap on the floor, I position myself for a better look and see myself as if I’ve seen her for the first time, all I’m wearing are high heels and the sunset is casting a deep orange glow over our bodies through the open curtains. My face is soaked with her cum and it’s dripping down my chin onto my chest like blood from a lioness after a kill I follow a drop down to my chest as it hits I see my perfect form for what it is and finally believe and understand what my husbands and the people I’ve been with have been telling me, I see the muscles flex under my skin on every part of me, maybe it’s the shot I took or the Molly taking effect but I flex and see my arms ripple and thighs constrict as I flex each muscles individually starting from my toes up to my neck, I feel tall and start to grin madly as I look down at my soaked pussy which has started to run down my leg, as I go to wipe it off I hear Becca speak and snap back to reality, “what?” I whisper, “wow” she whispers up at me just audible above the music, I crouch back down next to this beutiful girl that still laying naked on in the floor and she says back to me “WoW…” and a odd giggle comes out of her “wooow, I cant believe what just happened, how did you…? I mean it’s like wow…” I am checking out her perfect tits again and I need her but want her to recover first “let me help you up to the bed, sweety” as I help her up she stands and catches herself on me, kicks off her shoes so she’s standing almost evenly with me in my high heels(shit still shorter…) and leans into my lips with hers, fuck I want her and I turn her and push her on the bed, separating our lips, I don’t stay gone long and follow her down onto the sheets, meet lips as I straddle one leg I nibble on her lower lip as I make my way down to her tits, firmly grab them and admiring breast I don’t have, kissed and felt every square inch with my lips, the motion of this is sending shivers down my body and I feel her leg push up against my wet pussy, being that it’s the first time tonight I’ve been felt on I let out a long exhalation and felt a buildup start inside me.
(to be continued)

Thanks for reading guys/girls, didn’t think it would be that long, for some reason i remember a lot of details about sex, even for being so long ago its coming back fresh and I spent the whole evening writing this for you, tell me what you think, obviously I’m not at the main story yet


1 comment

  1. Fantastic story! Very well written. I hope the next chapter cums soon…like you…

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