The wife was 20 feet away when our houseguest made me hard [MF] (Epilogue)

A number of people have asked if this was it or not, and, sadly, it was.

After the sudden blowjob from Part 4, she’d started making more advances, but on the order of hints about how it didn’t seem like I was happy with my wife, that my wife didn’t seem to treat me very well, that she’d treat me so much better than my wife, and then along with those suggestions, stories about her past started to surface, how she’d tried to get between her coach and his wife. It became increasingly clear that she had an agenda to get me to leave my wife, and I was having no part of that. So we ended up having a huge fight after a particularly heinous scene.

The scene? We had not been getting along, and it was clear she was not going to get her way. She tried to make up with me, and asked me over to her house. I went over, and her door was open. I walked in, and she appeared at the foot of the stairs, just wearing a long t-shirt, although really not that long.

She walked up to me, gave me a big hug, all friendly like, and then said, “Let me put some clothes on and we can talk.” OK, that sounded like maybe things were going to be on a more civilized footing again. I sat down and waited.

A couple of minutes later I heard some noises upstairs, like she was moving a dresser around, or maybe her bed? Then I heard more noises, but not furniture, human noises. Within another couple of minutes it became clear she was not alone up there, that she was having sex with someone, and very noisy, very purposefully noisy sex.


Setting me up to hear that. What a bitch.

I wondered if I should go upstairs and innocently ask if she was alright, or if I should wait, or if I should just leave. I decided my time was more valuable than to play games with her, so I left.

We didn’t speak for a week or so, but ran into her at a social event, where we feigned politeness, evidently the guy she was with didn’t know about us, and she didn’t want to open that door.

I heard she moved out of town a while later, saw the For Sale sign down the block. Never saw her again.

(The End. For Real, this time. But that was not my last affair. Stay tuned.)
