Jessica’s Freedom – Chapter Four [Rape] [Bondage] [Teen] [Crying] [Cunnilingus] [Kissing] [Sadism] [MF] [Biting] [Abuse] [Blood] [Torture] [Sex Toys] [Choking]

**This story is by and for adults and is purely fiction and fantasy. This story is purely for private enjoyment within one’s own imagination and does not condone any real life actions**

#Part One – Jessica’s Torment

[Chapter One](

[Chapter Two](

[Chapter Three](

#Part Two – Jessica’s Despair

[Chapter One](

[Chapter Two](

[Chapter Three](

#Part Three – Jessica’s Freedom

[Chapter One](

[Chapter Two](

[Chapter Three](

The beginning of the end.

Jessica mumbled and breathed heavy through her gag, spit flying with every exhale, her tears soaked her face as they streamed out from below her blindfold.

Michael breathed just as heavily and his saliva was just as active. His eyes sunk into her vision – naked, arms bound above her on the bed, her ankles tied to the sides leaving her legs spread open, with plenty of slack for her knees to bend… he liked for her to be able to thrash around some. When there’s some looseness to the binds it gives the illusion of a chance to potentially break free. The more she reached for that sliver of hope the deeper her soul would break when she fails.

The vibrating dildo was still pressed inside of her, shaking and wiggling. The muscles of her thighs shivered and her hips bucked. The sheets were soaked. Her body was caked in sweat and her arms and chest were bleeding from small cuts he had been busy creating and feasting from.

After she and the other slaves had been offered up to the public, many men paying to relish in the freedom of doing what they wanted to their bodies, Michael and the other men who had taken the girls needed some release of their own. The girls would be all theirs once again for the foreseeable future. At least until they needed some extra cash again.

In truth, however, Michael had missed Jessica. The past few days have felt like their first experiences together all over again. He had brought Jessica up to his spare bedroom where they could fuck and play together in a cozier, more personable, more comfortable environment – well, comfortable for him. He didn’t think she’s been able to sleep, really. After their full days of sex and experimentation with pain and testing the limits of her flexibility and endurance, the nights have been nothing but vibrations, electric shocks and breath-play. He’d kept her blindfolded and tied up the same way ever since he got his hands on her again.

Michael, on the other hand, has slept better than ever. Cuddling up to his slave girl while she suffered beneath her ball gag was the best feeling. Her body convulsing, her sweat filling his nose, and the smell of her pussy pulsating throughout the room. He would nuzzle up to her, like he was a kid again cuddling with his favorite toy, listening to her cry and moan until he fell asleep. When he’d awake again, she would be practically gasping for breath, groaning, making frantic unintelligible sounds. Or she’d be completely passed out from the pain if he had decided to electrocute her through the night – even the continued shocks wouldn’t wake her from her slumber – so he’d have to reel back and hit her real hard across the face or plug her nose and mouth until she woke up from lack of breath.

Then, he’d give her breakfast, straddling her throat, fucking her mouth until she swallowed everything that exploded out of him. After that, it’d be breakfast for him, work, maybe some shows or a movie, then back to spending time with Jessica.


It truly was a beautiful life he was living. Now, he looked down at his little victim and got on top of her, smelling and licking her wherever he wished. She was a storming sea of tastes, reactions and whimperings. He slowly made his way down her body, kissing and licking, until his lips and nose ran down her pelvis and down her skin where her thigh and crotch met. The vibrator was loud as was her flesh that squeezed around it. He pulled it out – she groaned out a wet sigh through the gag in reply, but he didn’t let her rest. He would never let her rest.

Michael drove his tongue inside her, moving slow, flicking and swirling anywhere and everywhere, though it unleashed a shattering moan. She was a bundle of nerves, so sensitive and irritated that the slightest touch would make her burst. It made his heart was to burst as well.

He’d found that he had ended up creating a living instrument. Jessica, after her months of captivity, had become tuned to his liking and he knew exactly where to touch her so he could hear glorious melodies from the depths of her body. Her clit was throbbing, her pussy was a heartbeat, he sucked and drank his fill, and poking his tongue here and there drew out the raw noises of pleasure… moans of longing, her voice shivering out through the ball gag. He plundered her and she released the sweetest treasures, her voice filling him with desires that reached unfathomable levels, her fluids something he could feast upon for the rest of his days, needing nothing else.

He bit her then, and her thighs crushed his head. Thrusting one finger inside and bending it she flooded like she always did, his teeth sinking into her clit and flesh and his finger hitting her in another finely tuned spot – together she sang the notes he wanted, long, high-pitched moans, gasping for breath, pushing her voice out, awash in the agony of pain and the mind erasing pleasure of orgasm. Her hips bucked and her legs shook against him, quaking and squeezing, his teeth, tongue and finger never ceasing. When she completed soaking his face and he lapped up the remnants of his work he moved his lips once more up across her body, brushing over the near-healing cuts and bruises, until her hot neck met his and he sunk into that as well. Her scent was of pure attraction and sweetness. Her face was glowing with the redness of embarrassment and womanly satisfaction – being owned… being controlled…

He removed her gag and when she gasped for a full breath, he devoured her mouth, letting her taste her juices and his domination. She was trained to reciprocate only slightly so he could kiss her as deeply and as uncontrollably as he wished. His cock humped into her body as he kissed – his hands fisted and pulled on her hair and when he was done kissing, he licked up her face of tears and let his tongue melt into her heat.


Jessica felt him lick her face now, everything she was taking in being too much. Grateful for a break from her pussy being rocked and bombarded it still clenched and leaked from his bite, filled with pain and aches for more. She could only smell his mouth and whatever musky cologne he liked to wear.

She was a bundle of emotions and was never ceasing from wanting more. From anyone. Master or some other man. Her body and mind existed now to feel what it meant to be a woman. The depths of her ecstasy knew no bounds it seemed and she couldn’t get enough of her suffering. It was what she was made for after all.

She was floating in his scent mixed with her scent on his lips and in the air. It just slipped out of her. She couldn’t help it. The words just came spilling out like an orgasm of the heart…

“I love you, Master,” she said.

He stopped licking her. He stopped moving entirely. Her body shifted and settled into the ropes that chaffed her skin and the pillowy mattress below her. This must have been love. She would love any man who would claim her and do what he wished with her. But Master truly was passionate about digging up her deepest sensations.

She was about to say it again. But something hard collided with her face. Must have been the back of his hand. She was dazed in the darkness of the blindfold and couldn’t think clearly, especially when he hit her again, and again… and again…

…and again…

She could taste blood now and he ripped away the blindfold as he choked her. His face was intense and it filled her entire world.

“You don’t feel anything but agony,” he said, “You don’t have emotions besides sadness and horniness.”

God, it hurt so well. She felt like she would die, not only from the lack of air but from the words that broke her heart and soul into thousands of pieces. She loved to be degraded, to be told she was nothing but a sack of meat to suffer for the pleasure of men. She had never told Master she loved him. But if this was how he reacted she might do it more.

He stopped choking her. She coughed and flinched when he took out his pocketknife and lighter. He placed them down and reached down to pull a new gag out from his box of toys. It was something that wrapped around her head with a dildo to go deep inside her throat. He forced it in. She resisted for a few seconds, the deepness of it choking her, until she settled into the weight and size of it. She had to breath heavily through her nose in order to survive. She was being punished. Her eyes glistened and looked up at him which filled his body with a raging purpose to demolish her.

He took the knife and poked it into her upper chest. Instantly, saliva spurting out from around her gag, choking her and her mind strained, needing to scream.

“You will fear me, slut,” Michael grinned, “You will hate me. I want you in constant agony. Let me give you a reminder.”

He carved into her and she was sent into spasms of tugs and twitches. She choked and gurgled out screams through the gag that deepthroated her. Long lines up and down, side to side, blood welling up and dripping down her chest. The entire time he plugged her nose with one hand over and over again so she had to endure the mind-altering cuts alongside the imminent death of asphyxiation.

When he was done, he got off her and grabbed a small mirror. The words were reversed but she could read it well enough. Her eyes poured tears, both from the pain and the confusing agony of forever being mutilated like this, physically and mentally – the carving read,


And it made her want to cum so bad.

“Maybe I’ll give you some more,” Michael said, breathing heavy, biting her bleeding wounds making her back arch and groan. It bubbled up that disgusting, wonderful feeling inside her and it pushed out, as her legs squeezed together, her hips humping, wanting to dig her pussy into something but there was nothing to dig into. He looked down. “You came from that? Fuck, you’re such a good toy,” he said, kissing her with his bloody mouth. “I’m gonna hurt you even more. We have hours and hours and hours… It’s the weekend after all.” She squinted her eyes through the tears and looked down as he moved to grab a foot and a lighter in the other hand. His mouth wrapped around her toes, licking, sucking biting… and the lighter was flicked on at the base of her foot.

Her skin crawled with the hellish ripping apart of skin cells and being burned down to the muscle. Her voice was louder, pushing through the dildo that choked her, tossing her head back and forth. He turned it off to lap up the wound he made only to do it again in the same spot. Jessica wailed and sobbed, and when he moved to the other foot to bite into it while his nails dug into the burn mark on the other one, she passed out.

Over and over, she passed out and awoke again from the kiss of the lighter, giving her the “tattoos” as he lovingly called them. The soles of her feet were destroyed, blackened and crinkling, and the lighter met her flesh in various areas – the tops of her feet, some toes, her ankles, the lower portions of her calves. When she awoke again, the stinging pain of the fire still remaining he was inside of her, thrusting so hard her head hit into the bedframe again and again. Her gag was gone and she could clench her teeth and moan and cry as much as she needed.

“You love me now? Tell me – do you still love me, you cunt? Tell me!”

“I… I…!” she breathed, getting lost in the power of her pussy sucking him in, the pain driving her mind insane. Somehow, in that moment, an old version of herself rose above everything. Perhaps it was survival instinct and a need to get away from the consistent pain from her feet and her skull crashing into wood. “I… hate you…!” she cried, “I hate you, I hate you!” she screamed it, moaned it. She sobbed and realized her situation for the first time, how disgusting he had become, how low she had fallen, how broken she was. “I hate you,” was all she could cry, with breaks of squeaks and sounds she didn’t know she could even make.

“God, you’re amazing!” he shouted, wrapping his hands around her head, slurping and sucking her mouth, their tongues pushing upon one another. He fucked and kissed her for eternity. Her eyes rolled back, completely lost, no longer a human being but an autonomous machine that felt nothing but orgasm. “I’ll never fucking stop! You’ll fall again and again. *I do love you, Jessica… but I’ll make sure you never love anyone!*”

He bit her so hard in the cheek that his tongue tasted more of her blood and he continued to bite down as he pumped his love inside of her, slamming harder with every shot of his seed. She wailed as he groaned, sinking into her, feeling like he was completely inside of her entire body, having one-hundred-percent owned and crushed every last bit of her heart and soul. Everything was complete. A moment later, he was fast asleep, ontop of her, mouth drooling over the open, bleeding, bite mark on her face.

Jessica watched the ceiling as her pussy relaxed itself, being filled to the brim with heat. The pain was still there, throbbing, her face stinging, her chest on fire.


Hadn’t she broken? She thought she had. For so long she had taken it all, accepting it, knowing her existence was nothing but a sex toy and a worthless slave. Why wouldn’t her heart give in? Why couldn’t she just disappear and sink into this new life?

She thought her mind had been freed, accepting her new circumstances. But Master had promised her that exactly this would happen. That no matter how many times she gave in, he would find a way to make her resist so he could break her all over again.


Instinctively, she moved a hand to touch the pain emanating from her head. Without realizing at first, her arms could move just a bit more than before. She froze. Then explored further. There was even more slack on the ropes. His force must have loosened the knots, or he wasn’t as precise in tying them in the first place. Her wrists weren’t as tight together as they once were and she was able to twist them around and reach her fingers for some of the thick knots she felt.


Master was sound asleep on top of her.

Getting the knots free meant freedom. She had never considered trying to escape because their threats were so terrifyingly real. But for the first time in months she had a real glimpse of hope.

Did she dare attempt to loosen the knots? If she was caught, she couldn’t imagine was sort of treatments Master would conjure up to punish her. She didn’t want to imagine them.

But then again, how could it be any worse than what she’s already been through?

The reminders of her worthlessness flooded her mind. She debated the question, knowing that the longer she pondered it the more the door that had opened will close. But was this just a momentary panic? Was she already ruined? Maybe escape wouldn’t make her any happier… maybe she would be back to enjoying her captivity after some time…

She thought and worried and struggled some more.


Then, she made her decision.


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