Groped,Betrayed,Blackmailed [blackmail] [NC] [FF] [MF]

The groping part of this story actually happened. All relationships of the characters are true, some names were changed to protect the innocent. Locations are in the story are real, but not named. Otherwise this is a work of fiction.


The drive down to the resort hotel where the conference was being held was a pleasant one. It was a beautiful, scenic trip along the bay. The road ran right along side the water, and sailboats drifting in the gentle breeze brought back pleasant memories. Vicki had almost declined the invitation from her friend Lisa. They had worked together for years, and got along great. Lisa’s boundless energy and friendly, cheery disposition meshed perfectly with her own. Four nights and five days, no charge, in one of the areas finest hotels was too good to pass up for sure, but she had hesitated accepting it. Lisa wasn’t the problem, and she was sure she had no knowledge of what had happened with her father in law, but seeing her still brought it to mind.

Lisa’s father in law also worked with the same school system that they did as maintenance supervisor for the whole system. It was small, half a dozen schools, but he was in charge of the repair and maintenance operations for all of them. He had worked there longer than Vicki and Lisa, having retired from his own contracting company along the way. Vicki had been friends with him for years also, and whenever he was at the school where she worked, he’d always stop by to say hello and see if she needed anything. If she did, he would normally take care of it himself, immediately. This caused a bit of good-natured jealousy sometimes with the other teachers, but she didn’t let it bother her. She liked Mr.Earl and enjoyed talking with him. Their visits always ended with a platonic hug, at least she had always considered them platonic, apparently Mr. Earl had not.

Earl was set to retire before the school year was over. About a month before the date he had stopped by Vicki’s room, just to check on things and visit. As he was about to leave he stepped towards her, arms outstretched for their usual hug. Only this time, Vicki noticed he was hugging her tighter, and suddenly she felt his hand on her ass. After a quick squeeze and pat, she felt a finger tracing up and down her crack. Startled, she shoved him backwards, perhaps harder than she realized, into the desks behind, almost causing him to fall. When he caught himself, he rushed out of the room, redfaced. Upset herself at what had just happened, she quickly gathered her belongings and left, making sure she locked the door behind her.

When she pulled into her driveway, she cut off the car and sat there for a few minutes gathering her thoughts before going inside. She knew her husband would be there, and she wasn’t quite sure what or how to tell him, but tell him she would. She had never kept anything from him, neither before or after they had married. One thing she didn’t want was for it to make him mad.

He was siting at the kitchen bar, cold beer in front of him, her wine glass sitting on a napkin beside him. It was Friday, and this was their ritual. They would sit at the bar when she got home, have a drink or two and discuss whatever came to mind, winding down after the long week. She went straight to the fridge, took out the chilled bottle and poured herself a glass. She downed half of it before she spoke. Actually he spoke first. “Have a rough day?”, questioning her silence. “Well, if I tell you something, do you promise you won’t get mad ?”. “Well, when you put it that way, I feel like its probably going to make me mad, but what the hell, I promise”. She downed the rest of her glass of wine and poured another, then recounted the recent events with Mr. Earl. At the end she said, “I hope I didn’t take it wrong, I pushed him awfully hard, and he was real embarrassed when he left”. Her husband far from being mad, was actually a bit turned on at the thought of the old guy making a pass at his wife. “I don’t think you misread his intentions at all, I think he was hitting on you,” he told her with a smile. “But I think you put him in his place, doubt he’ll try it again” he said, almost laughing at the thought by now. Vicki, relieved that he believed her, and that he didn’t seem mad finished her wine, and poured another.

The next couple of weeks at school were uneventful, no sign of the old maintenance super. She figured he was too embarrassed to come around, which was fine with her. he was retiring soon, and she would never have to deal with him again… or so she thought. She was working her usual couple of hours after school when he suddenly appeared in the doorway. He acted as if nothing had happened, just his usual cheerful self. Walking in he greeted her, and asked if she needed anything, reminding her that his days of employment were winding down. Trying to be cordial, she told him everything was fine, and that she hoped he enjoyed retirement and he would be missed. She still felt uneasy being around him, most of the other teachers had left and weren’t likely to come down her hall. Gathering her things, she told him she had a meeting to go to and she was late. Now, he was standing between her and the door, not moving. As she walked towards him, he raised his arms out in front of his body, expecting a hug, like always. Hesitating, she gave him a little, one arm hug, again saying she had to go, but with her being so close to him, he again pulled her in and wrapped his arms around her. Immediately she felt his hand on her ass, finger tracing her crack. This time she pushed him away more gently, not wanting to cause a scene, and not wanting to hurt him. “I need to get to my meeting” was all she said as she brushed by him. As soon as she got home, she told her husband, “he did it again. ” Of course he had to hear all the details, and even joked more with her about it. “You might as well go ahead and give the old codger what he wants so he’ll leave you alone”, he told her laughing at her discomfort. At least he’s not rushing out to kill him, she thought to herself.

Fast forward a month, and Lisa walks into her room her one day. “I’m throwing a retirement party for Mr. Earl at my house and I want you to come. It would mean a lot to him. Family will be there and some of the other teachers will be dropping by. Vicki immediately started trying to come up with reasons why she couldn’t attend. All she could think of at the moment was “let me see if I’m free and I’ll get back with you”. Lisa acted disappointed and said, “well, okay but we really want you to come. After talking it over with her husband, she decided there was no way to get out of it. She and Lisa were too close, and she thought surely he won’t try anything with family and all those people around. Wrong again.

The day of the party was cold and damp. She had decided she was gonna wait till there was a crowd there, breeze in, make an appearance and leave, making sure she was always around other people. Arriving at Lisa’s house, she knocked on the door, someone opened it and she was invited in. Standing there backed up to the fireplace was Mr. Earl, his wife on one side and Lisa on the other, a couple of others on down further. When he saw her Mr. Earls eyes lit up “come on and stand by the fire and warm up”, pushing his wife down to make room for her beside him. “Okay, she told herself,” this should be safe standing here with his wife and Lisa”. However, unbelievably, as soon as she stood beside him, she felt his hand on her ass. Unthinking, she had worn the black dressy pants she was wearing the first time he had accosted her, and the thin material offered no resistance to his probing finger. She cringed as she felt him start rubbing her buttocks, then she felt his craggy finger. This time he was even bolder, knowing she wouldn’t make a scene, and unable to just rush away. She just stood there, as the others made small talk, oblivious to her being molested. She felt his finger moving along her crack, up to her lower back, and then start back down. This time, having her cornered, as it reached the bottom portion of her ass, he kept going until he was massaging her lips through the thin material. Not seeing any reaction from her, he lingered there, probing deeper. Had it not been for the material, he would have had his weather beaten calloused finger inside her. Mr. Earl was enjoying himself immensely, looking down at her and smiling, as if to ask if she was enjoying herself. As soon as there was a break in the conversation she turned to Lisa and asked if they had anything to drink. Apologizing for not offering her anything before, she led her away to the kitchen. Mr. Earl kept his eyes on her as she walked away. She stayed in the kitchen with Lisa and some of the other guests, and as soon as she could graciously do so, she thanked Lisa for inviting her, but told her she needed to leave, She spoke to Earl as she was leaving, but stayed far away from him and his creepy hugs and hands. AS he watched her leave, Mr. Earl was already planning their next meeting. When she got home, Vicki told her husband “You won’t believe it”. But he did, feeling himself getting an erection as she recounted how he’d played with her pussy in front of everyone at the party.

to be continued….



  1. Nice setup for a good story idea! Can’t wait to hear what happened next. Easy read.

  2. I thought the formatting issue worked for me to help differentiate between what seemed like memory and the present time.

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