Masturbation Club – Steven’s business trip to Santa Barbara [M] male masturbation

K.O.S.S. Masturbation Club – Steven’s business trip to Santa Barbara

My name is Steve and I am an American guy living in Tokyo doing freelance computer programming jobs. My hobby is to organize masturbation parties, host a masturbation forum online and enjoy life with my sexy Japanese wife who approves of my hobbies and turn-ons.

Recently I was hired by the Suntory Whiskey company to be a guide for a team of their staff to a business trip to visit Santa Barbara USA. They wanted me to arrange everything for the team of three people, escort them around town and do translation as none of them spoke English. The pay was amazing and I was excited to get a free trip to the USA, the bummer was that it was only for 3 days! Another reason I was excited and I must admit, aroused, is that my online masturbation buddy Joe aka “GentlemanJO” lives there and he agreed to meet me during the brief trip.

I met the Suntory staff at the Tokyo Narita Airport at 9am and we boarded the plane. The team was headed by Mr. Sota, an older man who seemed to have a permanent frown, and another man, younger, Mr. Haruki who seemed friendly and a lovely young woman, Miss Hana. We settled on the plane and sadly for 17 hours I was sitting next to Mr. Sota who ignored me the whole trip, damn, I really wish it was Miss Hana next to me! I read, watched a few films and slept as much as possible.

[picture of sexy suntory ad ](

We arrived at the Santa Barbara Airport and took a taxi about 7 miles into the city. It was a beautiful day, perfect weather and we went directly to our hotel, the Hilton Beachfront Resort. It was early evening so we all went to our rooms to refresh and sleep. When I was in my room I quickly booted up my laptop and contacted Joe on Skype. He sent me a message and said something that sank my spirits, he was sorry to tell me that he had family visiting from out of town, staying at his house and he was very busy with them for the next 10 days!

I am resourceful, so I asked him if I could stop by his office where he works, would it be possible to masturbate there? He told me that sometimes he does masturbate at work as it is a private office and he agreed to have me meet him there the next day at 3pm. It was perfect as I would escort the Suntory staff to the Cutler’s Artisan Spirits distillery at 2:30pm where I would leave them with a professional Japanese translator who would take over til 4:30pm. So I could slip away and go to meet Joe and we could relax in his office and masturbate. I had my wifes panties to give him as a gift and tons of porn on my laptop to share.

The next morning I joined my people at the hotel breakfast buffet and then we took a taxi to the downtown area and I escorted them around as they went shopping. We enjoyed a tasty lunch and craft beer at a place called “Bar-29” and then I had us head over to the distillery. I was worried about getting a tent in my slacks knowing that soon I would be masturbating with my online buddy and I hoped the jock strap I was wearing would do its job by keeping my erection from making a scene! I wore the jock strap on purpose to prevent embarrassing erections when meeting with important clients.

[picture of jock strap ](

As we pulled up to the distillery I felt some apprehension as I saw firetrucks and police surrounding the facility! The police told us we were not allowed to go in as there was a fire being extinguished! All my plans were dashed! The owner of the place came over to us and apologized deeply, saying that a small fire had started and the tour and meeting would have to be rescheduled.

So, what did I do? Well, I am resourceful! I told the Suntory staff I had an important business meeting at 2:30pm and I would be dropping them off at the hotel. Mr. Sota told me that it was OK and that they would attend the meeting with me to experience how an American business meeting was like! He ignored my protesting and insisted, so at 2:30pm we walked into the office building where Joe worked, I announced us all to a secretary who then led us to Joe’s office. Joe stood and was clearly surprised to see the three Japanese people with me! We all did introductions, business card exchanges, bowing and then I had the 3 people sit on the large sofa. I promised them it would be a quick meeting.

I then sat in an office chair and I apologized for bringing them but explained the situation, he laughed and understood. I told him we had 30 minutes to talk. I also mentioned that the Japanese people did not understand English and we could talk openly, even about “naughty topics”. I glanced over and saw that Mr. Sota and Mr. Haruki were going over some papers and having their own business meeting and Miss Hana was on her iPhone probably chatting with her friends.

[picture of joes office](

Joe asked me, “So, how was the big masturbation conference in New York?” I told him it was great fun, no problems and a big success. It was going to be a yearly event and we would hold more of them around the country and even in Europe. He had wanted to attend but was waiting for the big conference in Los Angeles that would happen in October. I told him that it was very special to meet Hulo & Anita, John & Sarah, Tina B, Marc and many more of the members from the Spillingseed forum as well as a large attendance of members from the Onania Masturbation forum. Everyone got along great. I did tell him a little secret. I explained that one of the exhibitors was a “love chair swing” manufacturer and that John’s wife Sarah had worked as a model for the chair. Basically she was strapped in this chair suspended from the ceiling, the straps had her legs wide open. She was nude except for a very sheer silk bra! It was very exciting and wild as conference members were allowed to “test” it by first putting on a condom and then gently inserting their penis into Sarah. The potential customer would then slowly rock Sarah back in forth in the chair so their penis could go in and out of her, The rules were that they could only do it a few times and none were allowed to orgasm. It was amazing and her husband John stood there watching the whole time and openly masturbating. I think he cummed 4 times that day while watching various men try out the chair and Sarah’s sweet wet pussy!

[picture of model in sex swing chair ](

I noticed then that Joe was kind of moving his shoulder in an odd way, I realized he was secretly masturbating at his desk! The Japanese people were unable to view behind his desk, but I could see where I was sitting, he had dropped his pants, his erection looked really big and he was gently stroking it! I was shocked!

I kept on with the story, my eyes looking at his busy hands, he smiled and was glad I was able to see what he was doing and approve. It was dangerous with my important clients in the same room, but they seemed oblivious of what was happening.

I could tell that Joe was enjoying himself. I wished I could join in the fun but it was impossible, I was clearly in view of my people. So I continued talking and just watched my friend do himself. I told him a secret, after the conference and all were left I was packing up stuff and went to say goodbye to the love chair salesman, he was very pleased as he sold 90 chairs that day! He then showed me something that shocked me, the trash can of the used condoms was nearly full! He said he counted the condoms and found 80! He also told me that almost all of them were filled with sperm!!! I was very shocked, that means 80 men had enjoyed Sarah’s pussy and that most of them DID orgasm inside of her!!! She must have felt the pulsing, the throbbing as the men ejaculated. She was keeping it private and I would also as I did not know how John would react. Joe quietly groaned and promised to keep it secret.

Joe told me he would soon orgasm and asked me to tell me more information, something naughty to help excite him. I really wished I was also jerking off now, my penis was rigid in my pants, straining against the jock strap, wanting to be stroked and pleased. I sighed. I then told him that the Tokyo Masturbation Club was going great but only a small membership. I then told him another secret. The business next to our club was a famous Japanese seafood restaurant which featured very fresh & expensive seafood. One posh feature of the place was a very large salt water aquarium in the dining area recessed into the wall that was adjoining our own club. I had paid some construction workers to work very late at night to secretly cut out part of the wall over the tank and install a one way mirror and a hatch.

[picture of aquarium at resturant](

It was a huge success! When club members were masturbating they could go to the wall, quietly open the hatch and wank off and spurt their spunk into the massive fish aquarium! Thanks to the one way mirror we could see everyone dining in the restaurant but they could not see us in the club masturbating over the fish tank. It was very naughty! When we cummed into the fish tank, the fish would rush over and gobble up the sperm. It was actually a satisfying feeling knowing that your cum was being enjoyed and nourishing to the fish.

Joe groaned a bit from pleasure and excitement and I was worried the Japanese people would be alarmed. They might notice that Joe’s hand was under the desk, his shoulder moving, his face a little flushed. And now Joe groaned. I turned and told them, it was OK, Joe was recently in car accident and had sprained his knee, he was suffering some pain. Miss Hana stood and started to walk over to us, wanting to massage his poor leg! I quickly took her hand and told her it was OK, Joe was taking some pain medicine and would feel better in a few minutes. Ha, they didn’t know that Joe would feel VERY GOOD in just a few minutes.

Miss Hana returned to her cell phone and I continued talking to Joe, he was obviously very close to climax. It was very surreal, meeting my online friend at his work office, he masturbating secretly behind his desk as I sat and watched and my Japanese clients just a few feet away unaware of what was happening! Joe’s penis looked very rigid, stiff, red & purple, ready to release.

Time was running out. I told him one more story from Japan. I told him of a non-profit organization called the “White Hands” which is basically a system for elderly invalid men to receive a handjob once a week for relief. Some of the men were paralyzed, handicapped, senile, etc and unable to masturbate so the Japanese organization would hire women, train them and then have them visit the patient once a week at their house and masturbate the patient. Joe was very surprised! He was even more surprised when I told him of my new idea!

I had translated the WHITE HANDS brochure into English and mailed them to hundreds of college sororities around the USA, seeking college women to visit and tour Japan for free in exchange for participating in the WHITE HANDS program for one week. Only 3 sororities had replied so far and I was very busy setting up training sessions and scheduling them to do their new work. The young American ladies would be giving relief to senior citizens and handicapped males in Japan and learning a valuable skill of how to do an amazing handjob taught by my wife Mariko. I was hoping to be the test subject for the classes…

Joe groaned and climaxed. He shuddered, I looked down and saw that his penis was ejaculating thick white sperm, oozing out like soft serve ice cream does from a machine. Lots of spunk flowed out! He looked very happy!

[picture of softserve icecream ](

It was time to leave now and Joe wiped his sticky hand on his pants and we all shook his hand and said goodbye. Joe told me that he could probably join me later tonight at my hotel room if we wanted to have a masturbation session. I agreed that was a great idea, I needed to masturbate badly!
