Trains aren’t just the safest way to travel… [MF] (long)

Though the risk of injury usually comes from other passengers, as seen here.
I was asked to add more paragraphs, so here goes, this time with paragraphs instead of line breaks.
If you wanna skip to the juicy bits: “I woke up”, though I recommend reading the backstory, it sets the scene and might just prime you for what’s to come :)


In Germany, the train is the long-distance transport of choice for most trips. We complain endlessly, the trains are never on time, they’re way too expensive, but it’s what we got. At least they are usually pretty comfortable, and the train stations leave you right in the city center. Germans are also famously bad at small talk and social interactions with strangers. The unwritten rule is that you try to avoid sitting next to someone as much as possible (even if the alternative is standing), and if you do have to sit next to strangers you basically don’t talk. If there is no other option but to sit next to someone, you look at the seat, then at the person already seated, mumble “This seat still free?”, then sit down and avoid any further interaction.

I’ve spent a lot of time abroad, so I don’t really care and will plop my ass down as fast as I can, and I take trains frequently enough to know when to bully the weak and slow to get a seat when it’s crowded. On this particular day, it wasn’t super crowded, but there were no free rows, so I checked out possible seatmates while walking through the aisle, and decided on the cute Asian-looking girl a few rows in. I smiled at her, asked if the seat was still free, she said yes, I grabbed a bottle of water and my book and stored the rest of my luggage in the overhead bin. I opened my book and started reading, and the train slowly chugged out of the station. Around an hour later, the girl was happily munching away on a granola bar when she suddenly started coughing and spitting flecks of grain everywhere. I asked her if she was ok and handed her my water bottle. She took some gulps and thanked me, and we started chatting a little. “Thanks, got some granola in the wrong throat I guess.” “Yeah, no worries, happens to the best of us. That’s why you should stick to unhealthy food.” “Did I get any on you?” I looked down on myself, then shook my head. “I guess I only messed myself up then” she chuckled, checking out the specks of semi-digested oats all over her. I took the opportunity to check her out a little more – I did seat myself next to her because I thought she was cute after all. She looked kinda similar to [this girl](, quite skinny, smallish breasts. She was wearing a tight, dark sweater, so the granola kind of stood out. She grumbled a bit, then took the sweater off, revealing an equally tight white top underneath that highlighted her small bumps.

We kept chatting a little, complaining about trains, and her thanking me again for the water. Both of us spent the rest of the trip reading, with the high point of our social interaction being her offering me a gum and me accepting. Then the announcer called the next station, and she asked me to let her out so she could grab her luggage. It let her pass and sat back down, because I knew it was still a couple minutes even though it was my stop too. She started reaching up to the rack, when the train suddenly lurched and made her lose her balance. She basically fell into my lap, but also elbowed me in the face. Ouch. “Oh my god, are you ok? I’m so so sorry, I just lost my balance! Oh god, are you bleeding?” She’d quickly gotten back up and was looking at my concernedly. I assured her I was ok, not her fault, all good. It did hurt quite a bit, and I hoped I wasn’t gonna get a black eye from this. Now I got up too and got my own backpack down, and hers at the same time. She was quite petite, perhaps 1,50m, so she possibly lost her balance when reaching up – the racks aren’t super high, but if you’re below 1,60m it can be quite the stretch. She thanked me and apologized again, then we rolled into the station and she hurried out, because of course we were a couple minutes late, and I had to catch my own connecting train.

I rushed to the platform, only to meet her on it already. Our connecting train was late too, so we stood on the platform a couple minutes. It was late autumn, so getting kind of cold, and I noticed that she seemed somewhat cold, because her nipples were poking through the top – she hadn’t expected to wait on the platform, and hadn’t put on her jacket.
“Cold?” I handed her the jacket I had tied to the outside of my pack. “How’d you know?” I pointed to her nipples as inconspicuously as possible. “Oh god, this is so embarrassing, again! I have my own jacket in my suitcase, I don’t want you to be cold.” “Nah, it’s fine. I’m not cold, and the train should arrive soon anyway.” She took the jacket gratefully. The carriage finally pulled into the station, and we got in. “Look, there’s two free seats!” “I’m not sure if I should take the risk of sitting next to you, I’m afraid of another black eye, or getting covered in granola, or of getting cut by those…” She was blushing fiercely now, pushed her suitcase up into the rack, then sat facing the window. I sat down next to her and said “Sorry, that went a bit too far. The elbow really wasn’t your fault, and it wasn’t that bad, honestly.” I was afraid that I’d gone a bit too far with the nipple comment, but she soon forgave me. We spent the rest of the trip chatting and soon flirting, and we soon figured out that we were both single and had some good chemistry going.

We also talked about where we lived, which was coincidentally in the same city. I got both our luggage down (not risking it this time!), she grabbed her own jacket from her suitcase and I got mine back. We had exchanged numbers by now, but we then ended up at the same bus station, waiting for the same line. We were both fiercely grinning, and starting to get a little handsy. It was cold and in public, so it wasn’t very risqué, but it felt great. We got on the bus, found two seats in the back, and hands started to move. “So, still cold? Should I check?” That made her jump – we were in the back, but in this bus, there was a bunch of rotated seats that gave some teenagers a good view on us. “No you don’t, or I’ll get off on the next stop!” I’m a good boy, so I left it at that and thought of other ways to make her blush. My hand was creeping under her jeans from behind, and she gasped lightly. I was happy that GenZ was busy with Angry Birds on their phones, or whatever else they were doing, and slowly moved my hand further. “People will see us…” she almost hissed at me, so I left it at that. The driver announced the next stop, and she started getting up. I was a bit disappointed, but then she asked me if I wanted to come up to her place for a drink.

Not much of a question. I messaged my flatmate that I was coming home late (or maybe not at all) and followed her out. It wasn’t a long walk from the stop, then up some stairs. She was walking in front of me, giving me a nice view of her ass – she was on the skinny side, but I already knew that there was plenty to hold onto there. I grabbed her ass from behind, and she almost fell up the stairs from the surprise. “I live here, don’t do that!”, but her face and voice made it clear that she was getting excited as well. She unlocked the door, apologized for the mess (boy was I happy that we hadn’t ended up at my place…) and let me in. She shut the door behind me, pointed me through to another room, then shrugged out of her jacket. She was definitely still cold. “So, this is me. What do you want to drink?” She seemed suddenly shy again, and I could understand why – we’d met like three hours ago, and now a virtual stranger was standing in her apartment, looking at her nipples. “Uh, I’ll take a beer if you have one?” She went into the kitchen, and I proceeded to the single room. Big bed, desk, a couch and one recliner, some cupboards, a small balcony with a nice view of the local industrial area.

I took my own jacket off and sat down on the couch, and she walked back in with two open beers, then grabbed a thin grey sweater and sat down in the recliner. “Cheers.” She handed me the beer, we looked each other in the eyes and toasted. “To the German National Railway!”. We sipped on our beers. “Sooo…” “Uhm, look, I haven’t done something like this before, bringing someone home that I don’t really know. Can we just talk for a bit?” So we talked, about trains, the weather, our studies, movies. Most importantly, I finally remembered to ask her name. “Uh, I’m Clara.” “Hey! Nick, pleasure to meet you!” Our beers were empty, she went to the kitchen and returned with wine from plastic cups (“sorry, my friend borrowed all my glasses for her party”), and she sat next to me. She put on a movie, and she put her head on my shoulder. I took her hand, and we stayed like this for a bit. I started stroking her head with my other hand, and then she started lightly snoring. I guess she felt safe with me, though I was also kinda disappointed, for obvious reasons. I gently let her down, shut the laptop and looked around for some paper to leave her a note. ‘Hey Clara, I really enjoyed our time together, and I really hope you did too. I already left you my number, and I hope you use it. I’m free tomorrow, and I only live a couple streets away. Nick.’ I grabbed the blanket from her bed and covered her and was about to leave when I heard her say my name. “I’m sorry, I fell asleep, it’s been such a long day. I’m really sorry.” “Don’t worry about it, it felt really nice having you there, and well, I’m happy you feel that safe with me.” “Do you just …wanna sleep here? Just like… sleep next to me. I’m really tired, but I feel safe with you, and you’re really comfy.”

She wandered over to her bed, took off her jeans, then her sweater, top and bra, then put on a nightshirt. All under the blanket, sadly, but then she pointed next to her. “Are you staying?” “I’d love to. I’m gonna join you in a sec, let me get ready.” I took a brief detour to the bathroom, then got rid of jeans my jeans and socks and crawled in next to her. She seemed asleep already as I tried to wrestle some comforter away from her to cover me. Remember, it was cold. I tugged a bit harder, she turned to me, “Hey.” Her eyes reflected the lantern outside, and she looked even more beautiful now. “Sorry I’m so tired, I really like you.” “Hey, just sleep, it’s all good.” She snuggled onto me, head on my arm, her arm slung across my chest. She sighed, then went still. I was wide awake, and horny as hell. I put my free arm on her back, and tried to think boring thoughts, but the boner wouldn’t go away. I started lightly moving my hand on her back, just idly moving it, while my other hand started lightly stroking her head. In hindsight, that was just the move that made her fall asleep the first time, but oh well. Gradually, I fell asleep as well.

I woke up some time later because Clara was moving. I was initially a bit confused on where I was, and why my arm was asleep, and why I couldn’t lift it. She lifted her head, I lifted my arm, or at least tried it. It just flopped in my face and hit my nose. She sat up, looked at me and then burst out laughing. “Sorry, but that looked so funny! Are you ok? Did you hurt your nose? Oh god, did I make your arm fall asleep?” Now I was definitely awake, and the little pins and needles told me my arm was waking up too. Still laughing, I pulled her down with my other arm and kissed her. She chuckled into my mouth, then kissed me back, then ran her hand down my floppy arm, massaging the feeling back into it. Now she was the hungry one, duelling my tongue with hers, running her hand across my chest. She straddled me, sat up and tossed her nightshirt away. Her aerolas were dark in the yellow light, and her hair was a black lion’s mane. She came back down, made me sit up and pulled my t-shirt over my head, then rubbed her nipples across my chest till they could cut diamonds again, planting kissing me in between. I ran my hands down her sides and pulled her down, forcing her panties to my boxers, and she happily grinded back into me. She was moaning hungrily with every push now, my hands leaving marks on her ass and her sucking greedily on my neck. She started kissing down from there, stopping at my nipples, toying with them with her teeth. Now it was my turn to gasp as she lightly bit down, before rubbing her own nipples against mine. She’d lifted her hips up, leaving me to hump the air frustratedly.

She began moving downwards again, trailing kisses down my belly, breathing hot air down my boxers. I was in better shape back then, so I felt somewhat confident in myself. She teased me through my boxers, her hands digging into my things, holding me down, planting kisses everywhere on the fabric. She finally motioned me to lift my hips up, and in one motion tugged my boxers down. She grinned at me, then grabbed my erection with her slim hand, just firmly gripping it, not moving. She spit on it, then started slowly jerking me, her other hand playing with her nipple. She circled it, pinched it, moaned loudly, while moving her hand up and down my shaft. I pumped back into her hand, reaching out with my own to make her move faster, but she shook her head and just kept the slow, steady rhythm. Up and down, up and down. Her other hand had moved over to her other breast, and was kneading the small mound, rubbing her aerolas, then moving down to her hips. The red nails slowly disappeared into her panties, and I could see her rubbing her slit through the thin cloth. Her hand came back out, glistening a little, and she carefully sucked all her fingers off, the red paint reflecting the light. Her hand slowly vanished again, and she let out a loud moan as she started fingering herself. She definitely knew what she was doing, because her other hand was losing its focus. I decided to take matters into my own hands and sat up, moved over to her and started kissing her again. Her hand was still slowly jerking me, and I let my hand join hers in her panties. It was wet, and she was really going at it, pistoning in and out of herself. I put my hands on her chest and pushed her down, straddling her hips, and massaged her tits for a bit. My dick was rubbing her entrance now, only separated by the black panties, and her Clara’s fingers now rubbing her clit.

“I’m gonna grab a condom.” “Just… hurry up!” I had the presence of mind to transfer some from my neccessaire to my jeans earlier, so I just had to roll to the side of the bed and grab them out of my pockets. “Someone was expecting to get lucky, huh?” She snatched one out of my hand, opened the package and got the rubber ring out. She grabbed my prick, then rolled the condom over it. “That’s so satisfying to do.” I wasn’t gonna complain. She straddled me again, rubbing her pussy all over me, teasing me, but not letting me in yet. She bowed forward, feeding me her breasts, and I greedily latched on the left one, sucking and nibbling. Finally, she had enough teasing and impaled herself on me, letting out the loudest sigh I’ve ever heard. She just rested there for a second, enjoying the fullness, then tilted her torso back and began to ride me. At first, she just moved back and forth, grinding her clit on my hips, moaning loudly. That wasn’t really doing it for me, so I grabbed onto her hips and started lifting her up, pushing into her at the same time. She got the hint, and started bouncing up and down, leaning forward so I could play with her tits. She was now moving back and forth, up and down, and I was pinching one nipple and trying to rub her clit at the same time, and she was getting louder and louder, moans rising in pitch and volume. I was getting closer as well, even with the condom, but she was clearly beating me there. She was focused on herself now, grinding on my hand and pelvis, back and forth, “harder, pinch my nipple”, and so I did. She Yelped when she came, contracting around me, then letting out all her breath and pushing me out. She took a couple deep breaths, then asked me: “Did you…?” “No, I was close, but then you pushed me out.” “So sorry, too sensitive right now.” She grinned, a bit embarrassed but evidently very satisfied. “Let me make it up to you?”

She crawled back to me, looked at my slowly deflating penis, then took the condom off. No teasing this time, she basically inhaled me all in one go. She couldn’t quite fit all of it in, but swallowed around 2/3rds of it, then came back up. She licked me up and down, then sucked me in again, using one hand to keep the hand out of her face. She was going faster now, no slow burn, just wet slurping noises. It was a nice, sloppy blowjob, and I was never gonna last long, not after being inside her already and seeing and hearing her come. She noticed that I was getting close, and with a final plop released me from her mouth. I looked at her, visibly confused. “I want you to come on my face. Come here to the edge.” I’m not sure if it’s possible to go more erect than I was, but I tried my best. She positioned herself on the edge of the bed, me standing in front of her. “Tell me when you’re about to come.” She took me in her mouth again, sealing me in, cradling my balls with one hand. She sucked me like a pro, and soon I couldn’t help it but say “I’m coming, I’m coming”. She popped me back out, and used both her hands to stroke me off, the red nails corkscrewing along my length, with plenty lubrication left by her talented mouth. Two seconds later, it was my turn to groan loudly, and the first blast hit her on her chin, then she pointed me up and milked another shot right to her left eye, and another on her cheek, and then some more on her chest. I stumbled back, and she scooped up the cum on her chest and eye and sucked it from her fingers. I handed her my t-shirt to wipe, and sat down next to her. “I think now we can both sleep better.“ she grinned. “Oh, and next time take a photo of me.”



  1. As a new Yorker that train thing at the top is very similar

    You sit away from other people first,then next to others if you have too,then stand on the sides/doors before standing in the middle

    Cute story

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