I want to fantasize about this – I’m [f] dealing with someone [f] who’s getting way too close to my fiance [m] for my tastes?

Since everyone is being such an asshole in the other subreddits, thought I’d seek out personal one on one advice here. So i’ll probably give way too many details for potentially my fiance to know it’s me, but fuck it… here’s a bit of back story…

Last december, me and my guy went to the caribbean to chill for a week. it was an amazing trip, a great unwind, especially since his dad had recently gotten pretty sick and he was having a rough time at work (he works from home as a tech support specialist for a company and people had been giving him a hard time). he makes good money and can actually request a ton of time off, and my job is pretty flexible, so we just kinda went down to some island and chilled.

anyway, while we were there, we met this girl (23f) at our hotel while we were out just getting some sun (we’re from the northeast, so sun in december is like, VERY crucial for me). we got to talking, she seemed cool, we learned she lived literally 25 miles away from us, and we partied together for the last 3 days we were there. we exchanged numbers, yadda yadda, you know the drill.

so she starts hanging out with us on and off again up from roughly when we got back to until about two months ago, when she broke up with her boyfriend. they had the nastiest breakup, omg. and she stayed with us for a few weeks until she moved back in with her parents, which was a bit closer to us. and this is when shit starts getting weeeiird….

my fiance was actually the one asking her to stay with us because he felt bad, and they just ended up seeming to bond a lot, especially since he worked from home and she didn’t have a job at the time (i guess her boyfriend paid for everything, including her solo trip, no idea why he didn’t go with her). i’d come home late from work (i work in retail) and they’d be cooking dinner and having fun, or on the couch drinking and laughing, or just chilling. i got a little jealous and told my fiance, but he thought it was silly and brushed me off.

since she moved into her parents place, she practically still lives here in our place. the closet in our guest bedroom has a ton of her shit in it. i can’t remember the last time we didn’t have dinner, just the two of us, with her there. she tries to be helpful with chores but ends up fucking it up, so i end up having to do the laundry and washing the dishes and shit. and my fiance is happy as a clam about it, while i’m getting super weirded out.

i’ll be frank and say it’s kinda hit a boiling point when two things happened. 1) i keep finding her panties all over the fucking place, including stuffed into our couch or just thrown around, which is disgusting. i tell her to fucking pick that shit up, but she seems to think this is her pad. and btw, some of them have wet spots, so i know she’s fucking someone. and 2) i came home last week to them just hanging out a little too casually… my fiance was in his boxer shorts, and she was in an oversized tee and no underwear. i basically ignored the two of them because i got home around 10pm but still…

so what should I do? would love to build a story around this

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bybkf7/i_want_to_fantasize_about_this_im_f_dealing_with


  1. How about you write a story around how you start bringing a guy home yourself , and do everything with said guy that you feel wrong about between that girl and your fiance.
    Basically fighting fire with fire i guess.

  2. If you ask in this subreddit, there’s no way this is not going to end with lots of FFM action. ;) (And I mean FFM, not FMF.)


    But seriously? Can you be chill about it, can you enjoy that she’s living there in one way or another? Otherwise, it seems like a road to disaster one way or another. (But she is using your boyfriend and you quite a bit.)

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