Fran Pt. 2 [MF, Erotic, Long

Thanks for those who stuck through a long and pretty unerotic Pt. 1. The rest of the story will be…spicier.

Fran emerged wrapped in a towel and indicated she’d forgotten to bring in her pajamas, requesting I look elsewhere while she retrieved them. Uh huh. I did, but didn’t want to. Shortly she returned in demi demure attire and said she was looking forward to getting into bed and staying warm. I responded saying I was going to take a chapter from her playbook and take a hot tub. Having no pajamas (I usually sleep nude) I opted for a tee shirt and boxers. Warm and steamy I entered filled the tub (too short of course) and sank into hot water. Immediately of course my brain started replaying her wonderful performance and my cock sprang into action. Soon I found myself with just a wee bit of soap on my hand sliding…well you know. Shortly though, I realized I couldn’t consummate my wank as it required too much activity in my little tub with the resultant noise. Sadly, I started to rinse myself when in the corner of my eye I noticed a brief change of light. The keyhole. I glanced over and saw, more…less light than before. It then dawned on me, could Fran be looking at…me? No, it had to just be wishful thinking, but it got me hard again. After many moments thinking on the “Greatest Hits of Congress”, my cock retreated to a presentable size, and I emerged to our frosty bedroom. I went to my little nest on the floor when Fran said in a determined voice, “ No, no, no, you WILL NOT sleep on the floor! It’s crazy! We have one little space heater and you will freeze to death. I will not have to explain to Ann (my wife) how I let you get pneumonia”. Pointing out that a king size bed is big enough for a small village to sleep in, that we should be just fine. Fran also clenched the deal my saying that she had no intention of mentioning that we slept in the same bed…if I didn’t. I half heartedly sputtered some bullshit or another and reluctantly, reluctantly you hear, agreed. In the bed I climbed.

After attempting unsuccessfully to watch TV (storm killed the motel satellite), we decided to call it a night and hopefully start early the next day. Then began the ‘attempt to sleep’ from hell. I wanted her. I wanted her so badly I was about to explode. I wanted to touch her, taste her, envelope her in all I had. But. But. She was not for me. She was a good thing and I wanted to do bad things to her. I just lay there for 6, maybe 7 years (or so it seemed), when Fran rolled over and just barely whispered, “are you awake?” Kaboom, “yes” says I. “I’m really cold, would it be awful if we could, you know, snuggle just a little for warmth?” (I am now officially toast) “Ok” says I. In she comes, and molds her completely nude body next to mine. I am frozen, I have absolutely not a clue in the world as to what to do next.

“I know you were watching me in the tub. I saw the light change in the keyhole and knew you could see me. I touched myself knowing you would see me. I drove me crazy. I tried to be quiet, but I couldn’t”. “I have wanted you ever since I broke up with Zac last year. You and I have always had a connection that I’ve never been able to explain, and I’ve known for some time that if the opportunity ever arose that we could be together, that I would do anything possible to make it happen”.

“I love Ann, and won’t do anything to hurt her. But this time is just ours. Yours and mine. Tonight. We can do anything, and I mean anything, and no one will know.” And with that she reached down into my boxers and puts her hand on my oddly flaccid cock. That’s it, I let go and reach for her chin, I turn her head toward me and look, really look into her eyes. It’s there, it’s the real deal. I nod and then as gently and forcefully at the same time, kiss her with all the passion I’ve built up for her for over a decade. I inhale her mouth and digest her tongue. She is now mine, all of her and I intend to have all of her. She senses my decision and floods my mouth with her determination as well. We are wrestling as much as loving at this point and in a moment, I pull back and force a time out. Both of us panting with lust, I slow things down and set some ground rules. What happens here, *absolutely*, stays here. Only safe sex (unnecessary, she’s on the pill, tested and has had only one partner. I have had only one partner for almost two decades). Say NO if anything makes you feel uncomfortable. Other than that…freeforall.

Fran then pulls back for a moment. “ I was with Zac (old boyfriend) for two years. We did a lot sexually, but I never really felt like it was *enough*. I guess it was because we were both so inexperienced, but it always felt lacking. I have fantasied being with you for…a long time. I just somehow feel like you’ll *know*how to make me feel the things I know I can feel. I don’t want you to hold back at all. I want to do anything and everything with you tonight. To be crude, I want you to fuck me blind”. At that point she pulls my shirt off and tugs at my boxers. “I’m naked and need you to be as well”.


1 comment

  1. If Fran is the same age as his son and they’re 17+19 and he’s kisses her with all the passion he’s built up for a decade, is he a pedo? That one sentence ruined it for me :(

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