Mesmervore [vore][worm][hypnosis][outdoors/forest]

In the tent in the forest, I had been sleeping soundly.

The night sounds had lulled me. The quiet had not unnerved me. When I did stir, I didn’t feel alarmed, like something was wrong, but I was curious. A sound had intruded. Perhaps the zipper of the tent. Yes, it was the zipper, because I saw sprinkles of starlight in the darkness beyond.

I had only begun to think clearly enough to question the intrusion when I saw the lights. Yellow and warm and wonderful and calming.

They were in the tent. In front of me. Part of me. Surrounding me.

Moving, winking, undulating, flowing lights.

And they made me feel like air. I was unburdened and released from all of gravity, and I smiled. I felt my face smiling wider and wider as the lights danced.

I decided to close my legs tightly. Or perhaps they were closed for me. And I needed to be lighter, even lighter, so I slipped out of my pants. Or maybe they were slipped from me. And as I watched the lights and smiled, I felt the most wonderful pressure building in my cock.

Beautiful hardness. Joyous freedom.

Breezes on my cock tickled me. Aroused me. My cock danced and spasmed and snapped hard and transfixed.

I wanted something more I couldn’t quite define. I wanted it so very badly. My body might twist in desperation if I didn’t have whatever it was. But then I felt the cool, wet, embracing pleasure surround my feet. Like gentle rain quenching a ravenous thirst.

It moved up and over my ankles in pleasant waves.

Then around my shins. And knees.

Yes. Oh god yes, this sensation was what I needed. And the lights. Always the lights. They knew what my body craved at its most primeval depths.

And then, I did lift. I did float from the tent.

Dreamlike, I looked down and saw the monumental worm. I saw that I had already been swallowed past my knees. I also saw the beautiful little tendrils flicking my engorged cock in never-ending waves.

I never would have struggled, because somehow I knew what awaited me as the advancing mouth brushed the thrill of my exposed balls. The mouth consumed my cock (oh god oh god ohhhhhhhh god), and the universe opened.

The stars sprinkled down in curtains of cosmic beauty.

I groaned long and full with the ecstasy of my communion.

My cock pulsed over and over, warming my thighs inside the worm with thankful cum.

I cried with relief as the slurp sucked in my torso. I bucked my cock against the walls of the worm’s throat as my shoulders pulled in and forced my arms over my head. I shook when the thick, irresistible lips clasped my throat, and as the rhythmic embrace sucked me even deeper, my lips joined with my conquer’s lips.

I lost what little of me remained.

I licked, licked, licked at the worm’s throat as I slid inside. My cock was orgasming harder. I felt the cool air outside on the last of my exposed arms. When I was fully consumed, I convulsed.

Over and over and over and over.

So much pleasure.

Unsurvivable pleasure.

And I knew nothing but infinity and release until I drifted into knowing nothing more.
