Apprentice and Beast [MF] [bd] [ds] [nc] [mdom] [World of Warcraft]

***Apprentice and Beast*** [MF] [bd] [ds] [nc] [mdom] [World of Warcraft]

World of Warcraft themed literotica. Night elves, inexperienced druid apprentice, predatory feral druid out in the forest. Could become a multi-parter. Wrote it a while ago, filled with tense issues.


Even as her body toiled and twisted against the restraints that kept her off the ground, Ydin well knew it was all futile. This trap had been set long ago. Her body had been given away—everything leading up to it, for the predator that stole her, was just a formality, a nuisance.

Rumors were supposed to just be rumors. Fluff, pointless chatter to fill up the space. In the market under the stars of her sylvan village, she had heard the talk about her instructor’s supposed brother. They say the two were prodigies, mastering the Druidic arts of shape shifting early, casting their bodies into the forms of birds, snakes, and wolves, prophesized to put their little village of Hildt on the map. Something happened—it depends upon the gossiper—and one of the brothers turned evil. Now he supposedly spends his time prowling in the thick of the arcane forests, eating fellow elves and summoning creatures of shadow. A bogeyman. An explanation for those who occasionally fall prey to a stray orc and are never seen again.

Ydin should have been suspicious when the “good” brother, instructor Ghon Clawcatch, separated her from her fellow students with special praises tailored for her ears. “You have a talent in you. I can smell it.”

Ydin was an alright Druid so far. Certainly not the best in the class, but not the worst. She cannot retain form when stressed, and fully changing into an animal remains beyond her reach this early in apprenticeship. The most she and most of the others have managed is a burst of fur here, an elongated claw there, maybe the beginnings of a tail. His words of praise were better suited elsewhere. But what young night elf wouldn’t want to be special? Be full of hidden skills they can’t even see? Become grand enough to put their village on the map some day?

When Clawcatch sent her on a special mission to observe a place of power, a secret place for druids, touched by Elune herself, an older and wiser elf would have known better. She doesn’t know enough to defend herself from wild animals. She doesn’t understand not to pool all her trust into her elders. Doubt had only just begun to settle in the long trek through the deep wood.

Disaster fell a few kilometers from the village toward the thickest part. As she came upon a shattered statue basking in the dusk, with two of the tallest trees she’s ever seen stretching up like a spiral above, the hair had raised on the back of her neck. She felt the truth in the rumors the moment something leapt from behind and pinned her down like a landslide. He smelled like earth, roared like a tauren, and hoisted her up to his hidden treehouse like a starving beast would his favorite food.

Ydin still doesn’t know what parts of the rumors are true. Bahn Clawcatch is not a wordy man. She can surmise, however, that he must be one of the greatest Druids alive.

He was able to permanently and precisely alter his form, not into a pure animal, but into many at once, just like the Archdruids. Bahn has adopted aspects of various predators in an effort to maximize his strength while remaining humanoid enough to manipulate tools. His face has a wolfish muzzle, wide like a panther’s, fanged and toothy like a shark. His cat’s eyes are bright yellow, his ears, alert and tall besides his goat’s horns. His fur is a deep luxurious navy-black. All of his muscles are huge with practice and murder, his claws sharp despite the hides and skin they have torn. A long tail stays steady behind him, occasionally twitching at the very tip. He has a mane, darker than the rest of his fur, and occasionally the faint teal glimmer of the goddess’s symbol catches the moonlight, floating an inch above his forehead.

Feral is the word. There is no clothing. Though, despite his brutal nature, he clearly cares about appearance—what elf wouldn’t? He is groomed, and smells not of the blood a lesser being would have left caked within his fur. However, he is completely naked. The movement of his balls distract from an otherwise smooth gait. He shape shifted them to be large and well-defined very much on purpose. If he didn’t adopt the sheath that so many animals use to safeguard their dicks, Ydin is certain Bahn would look like he had a second tail. She wished she were far away, safe someplace, able to laugh about the male ego. But this was no time for laughter.

The trees that dominated these ancient forests are thousands of years old and as thick as burial mounds. Bahn was able to construct several huts and one larger house at a place two of them intersected, forming an easy incline. The trees are prone to swooping and bowing as they grow, unimpeded by the competition smaller trees struggle against. Bahn’s home trees grow straight up before the bend he built upon. An elf would have to climb for six stories to get to his house. He can just throw himself up with his claws, or change into his oversized, ragged bat form. Ydin would have to learn a lot about shape shifting real quick if she wanted to escape. She supposed, watching Bahn disappear into one of his huts, the shackles are meant to prevent her death from falling more than prevent her escape.

While he does goddess-knows-what in his tents, Ydin nervously observes her environment. The upside-down-V structure holding her up was constructed specifically to hold a victim by the wrists and body, and probably was built recently judging by the fresh cut. There is a footstool that seems stolen. There are no weapons nearby that she can see. Ydin gulps. When he detracts them, his claws are like daggers.

Bahn has probably lived here a while, building more structures as he sees fit. The rumors from the village probably took seed long ago. Bahn must have departed for the wilds as a child or young teen when he discovered his true nature. Some of the huts are for storage, one mucked-up hut is clearly made for butchering, another has the spacious center and entry-way cover of a place of worship, but the most impressive structure is the wooden log house attached by huge stakes into the bark of the trees. It’s big enough to have a second story and a small balcony. But she doesn’t observe for long. The worship hut is interesting. The dark creature keeps Elune close by.

Ydin startles when she notices that Bahn has left the hut and has been staring. He doesn’t say anything when he gets close enough to breathe down her neck, huge enough to look down into her eyes even though her feet can’t touch the ground. He ignores her protests when he begins to stroke her shoulders and face with one hand, the other caressing his sheath while the bright red of his dick head teases and glistens at its entrance. His claws stay safely retracted when he breaks apart her robe and bra to fondle her breasts. His teeth only just brush her skin as his smooth, soft tongue fiddles with her sensitive nipples, forcing her to gasp and catch squeals in her throat before they escape.

Latched onto one breast, fondling her with one hand, and caressing his half-emerged dick with the other, Bahn is finally getting to release feelings that had been pent up for decades. Ydin doesn’t know, but all of the flushed effects of different animals have caused his brain to instinctually seek companionship. But in the context of his isolation, and in the dark of his nocturnal hunts, he hasn’t been able to stop himself from tearing apart and eating any young fine-smelling elf that stumbled into his territory.

His brother, her instructor, felt for him. The only way for Bahn to hold a partner would be with another shape shifter, and in a new context. No hunt. Instead, a gift, practically lead by hand to his house. And it worked. Ghon had chosen the prettiest student, the one that, when Ghon arrived into the practice yard in cat form, had smelled the most ready. Bahn yearned to mount her. Make her his—if that hadn’t already happened. It’s not like she can get away.

He wanted to make their first meeting of the flesh special. In his understanding of Elune and nature, the consummation of the hunt was the most important part. To honor a kill is sacred. “Love the flesh of the hunted, for they are a gift from the earth mother.” He remembered this tenant while yanking Ydin’s breeches and underclothes down enough to reveal her ass and the smooth curves of her pussy. Bahn shocked her ears with a roar, having drawn in the sweet scent of her vulva and felt his adrenaline flush throughout. Ydin finally broke and screamed for help like a cornered and dying deer. She kept her legs together, but couldn’t stop his fingers from nudging at her clitoral hood, sending shocks down through her feet, and leaking wetness from her insides like a bursting dam. He thrusted his fully engorged dick up and down against her thigh, pulled her into his embrace, and pushed and caressed her wet clit with a hand hooked back under her ass from behind.

During her alone time at night in her room, the young elf had only just begun exploring her body properly, shrugging off the prudishness of her race. She still had never managed to cum until now. His relentless, steady, tiny strokes against her clit with his fingers let loose a thrum of electrified warmth up her spine and down every nerve in her body. Her terrified screams, begging for help, twisted into a great moan of pleasure. Bahn struggled not to cum—he jerked his hand away from his dick and took hold of her back as she writhed. Ydin’s first orgasm was in this wicked place.

As she came back down from her place of fearful paradise, Ydin felt he had moved behind her and had started rubbing the length of his dick forward and backward against her pussy. She could feel it pulsing, he could feel her pulsing. He couldn’t hold it anymore.

Entering was easy. She was wet, tight, and unbelievably warm. She grinded her teeth at first penetration. It hurt, and then it didn’t so much. He held his head inside her, gripping her breasts and stomach, pushing her back against his torso. His ears had been at-attention the whole time, and were now pinched back in an angered focus. The first thrust sent a wet slap down into the forest. His huge balls, though covered in a very short, fine fur, still percussed against her ass. She screamed a confusing mix of fear and pleasure and pain. His dick was thick as a tree branch. If Ydin hadn’t cum first, she shudders to think what it would feel like if he went in dry, no matter how much pre-cum had been dripping from his head.

He went wild. The unmistakable rapid-fire slaps of his fucking faded into the forested distance. No other elf would be able to hear her and save her. He’d tear apart anyone that tried. He owned her now, she was his mate, and he could fuck her for as long and as hard as he wanted.

She was covered in sweat, and he had begun to pant. But he didn’t let her catch her breath. Still, his hands were gentle, and his grip on her left no bruises. Treat your prey with respect. The only bruises were the ones beginning to form on her ass. Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap.

Ydin was sore when he finally finished. Bahn thrusted deep, as deeply as he could, pressing her hard against his body. His balls bristled with tension, pulsing and shaking against her pussy with every gush of cum. He howled—a feral, angry sound, one that caused Ydin to cry out in fear. His entire body slowly came to its release. The cum gleamed white on the mossy bark below her hanging feet, getting splattered on her breeches and her ankle shackles.

“You belong to me my dear,” he rumbled, licking the back of her neck and making a sound so like the purr of a giant cat that Ydin’s fear opened up to concern and tenderness, if only for a moment. “You are my mate. You will learn to love me back.”
