Arab Impregnates Wife [cuckold]

My wife, Janet and I invited our new neighbor Nadeem over for dinner one evening to welcome him to the neighborhood. He had just arrived from Pakistan and Linda suspected he was having a hard time adjusting to life in America. She tried hard to be culturally sensitive and didn’t offer him any alcohol or pork so as not to offend his Muslim faith. It was actually a bit of an uncomfortable evening because Nadeem was not a very unsophisticated conversationalist.

“So, when are you two going to have children?” Nadeem asked after we had retired to living room after the meal.

I stared down glumly at my tea, wishing it was a glass of wine and let me wife answer him.

“Oh I don’t know if we are going to have children, Nadeem,” said Janet. “I am so busy with my career, and I am getting older now.” She gave me a tender look.

“Yeah, we figure there are enough humans on the earth right now,” I said dutifully. In fact, I had wanted kids myself, but Janet had always put it off.

“Ach, that is terrible, man!” Nadeem was practically shouting in amazement. He was very emotional. “A woman’s place is in the home, making babies. She is not meant to work. This is an abomination.”

Janet grimaced and tried to diffuse the situation. “Now Nadeem, here in America, women often choose to have a career. The idea that women should stay at home and have babies is considered old fashioned.”

“Well, not in the red states,” I mumbled.

“Nonsense, your husband is too weak. You need a strong man to make you live the correct way as Allah intended. A real man would force you to stay home and give him lots of babies.” Nadeem drew himself up and stared at me, daring me to oppose him.

But I just laughed in his face. “Easier said than done, my friend. Easier said than done.” What a backward fellow this guy was.

“You are a coward. It is only right for your bloodline to die out,” Nadeem told me with a sneer.

“Now, Nadeem, that’s really not very polite,” said my wife. She looked at me helplessly. “You have to understand, we live differently here than your people do.”

“Silence, woman. I would impregnate you and make you into a real woman. You don’t know what a real man is,” Nadeem clenched his fist and shook it at my wife angrily. I was starting to get a little nervous.

“Uh, maybe we should change the subject,” I suggested gently.

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