[MF] Seducing an old acquaintance at the cottage (Part One) (Long read)

After our last day of grad school, my friends decided to celebrate by going up to my friend Alex’s family cottage. Alex also invited his childhood friend Don, who I’d met briefly at a party once a few years ago. He got to the party just as I was leaving and Alex later mentioned that Don had asked about me after I left. I was pretty excited since I remember he was a good looking guy.

On the day of the trip, Alex picked up his girlfriend and our friends Kev and Luke before picking me up. Kev and Luke joked the whole ride to Don’s about who’ll get to share a room with me. When we got to Don’s, he was already waiting on the bench outside his apartment building. Alex got out to greet him and he beamed at Alex and they did one of those high five hugs.

Don was a lot handsomer than I remembered. His wavy hair that had previously lay limply on his head was now styled and pushed out of his face. His body was built and broad. He slung his duffel bag over his shoulder which showed off his well-defined biceps.

They were chatting and laughing as they walked over to the van. Don distractedly slid the door of the van open and was taken aback to see me.

“Hi,” I said, smiling at him. He stared at my face, his mouth still open from laughing at something Alex said before. “Do you want to sit here or in the back?” I asked.

He looked into the backseat where Kev was listening to music on his phone and shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. Where are you sitting?” He asked.

I reached my hand out and placed it on his shoulder. “It’s kinda tight in the back, I’ll sit back there.” I climbed out of the van, holding his shoulder for support as an excuse to touch him. He grabbed my elbow and helped me out. He slid the seat forwards and guided my shoulder as I climbed back into the van.

I was wearing a yellow sundress that day. I bent over more than I needed to so my butt would be near his eye level as I climbed in the back. That also meant that my breasts spilled forwards which Kev’s eyes were glued onto as I climbed in to sit beside him.

“Hey man, is there a washroom in the lobby? I gotta piss,” Kev exclaimed to Don as soon as I sat down. Don nodded and Kev proceeded to try to crawl over me to get out.

“Shove off, Kev,” I pushed him out of the way. “Let me get out again,” I said rolling my eyes.

Don reached a hand towards me to help me out again. He stared at my face, clearly trying to avoid looking down my dress.

I watched Kev sprint to the lobby and noticed Don checking me out in the corner of my eye. I turned to him and he quickly looked away and then back at me again.

I introduced myself to him as we stood outside the van. “Yeah, I know,” he said. “I’m Don. But we’ve actually met before.”
“I remember you,” I said, staring into his eyes. “Just wasn’t sure if you remembered me.”
“Yeah,” he stuttered and laughed. “Of course I remember.”

We stood for a bit in silence. His eyes moving from my face to my body although he was trying not to stare.

“So, you’re done school right? Congrats!” He said.
“Yeah, I’m so happy. Are you still in school?” I asked.
“No, I just trained in firefighting. I finished a while ago, now I’m just working for the city.”
A firefighter. No wonder he got so jacked. I gave his bicep a quick squeeze and smiled up at him, “Makes sense now.” He chuckled under his breath and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. He wouldn’t meet my eyes.
“No wonder you live in such a nice building,” I continued on. “Getting paid by the city to save lives and all that.” Don was only about 2-3 years older than me.
“Nah, it’s not that exciting.” He said, still looking down. “I mostly deal with blocking off roads during big accidents and stuff.”

Kev was running back to the car now. When I looked over, he was running right at me. I squealed as he picked me up and carried me up and lifted me into the van. I climbed into the back and we were ready to go.

During the ride, Don always turned around to look at me when I spoke. I was looking at him too. I’d smile at him every time he turned around, he smiled back sheepishly.

Everyone got their bags and rushed into the cottage. Don stayed behind to help me out of the van and with my bags.

“Um, so, are you and Kev together?” He asked softly as we walked up to the house.

“Nah, man,” I chucked. “He’s just like that with girls. Not with Jamie since she’s with Alex.”

“Ah.” He smiled and nodded.

“Why do you ask?” I nudged him in the side, grinning.

“I was just curious,” he shrugged. “You guys seem close is all.”

“I’d rather date someone who actually helps me with my bags,” I said, smiling at him. He actually blushed when I said that.

When we got in the cottage, everyone moved their stuff into their rooms. It was a large house so we all got our own rooms. Luke and Kev rushed into pool immediately while Alex and Jamie started to prepare lunch.

I found Don unpacking in his room and knocked on the open door. He waved me in.

“You have a balcony?!” I exclaimed, rushing to the balcony door.

“Yeah! It’s awesome.” We walked out onto the balcony. It faced the lush forest surround us.

“Wow, I’m jealous,” I sighed.

“I’ll switch with you if you want,” Don offered.

“You’re too nice,” I smiled, reaching out to squeeze his palm. “I have an ensuite which is pretty great too.”

We stood in silence, taking in the view. I leaned over the edge and noticed a blue feather stuck to the roof slightly under and to the side of the balcony.

“A blue jay feather!” I shouted. I leaned over the balcony railing which was concrete with a metal railing on the top. I was bent over, stretching to reach the feather. I looked back and Don was staring at my bum, transfixed. My dress had lifted, exposing my thong and the underside of my cheeks.

I bent over further, stretching my body, my short dress exposing more of my bottom. I stood on my tiptoes and squeezed my legs together, pressing the lips of my pussy together, showing off the outline of my lips, pressed up against the thin fabric of my thong.

I snuck another quick look back and noticed a bulge, visible against his grey sweatpants.

I stood back up which broke him out of his trance. He cleared his throat and took a few steps back from me. He blushed and looked away, scratching the back of his head again. Even though he did it out of awkwardness, he always looked sexy doing it. Whenever he reached to touch the back of his head, it showed off his bicep and lifted part of his shirt, showing off the V line at his hip.

“Hey, can you help me?” I asked.

“Mm-hmm,” he grunted. He moved past me to try to reach for the feather.

“No,” I said softly. “You won’t be able to reach it, I think.” I moved in front of him and placed his hands around my waist, I heard him take a deep breath. He took a step back, hands still holding me. He didn’t want me to feel the hardness in his pants.

“Hold onto me so I don’t fall over,” I said, bending over again. I reached for the feather again. “Hold me tighter,” I called. His grip tightened around me as he took a step closer, his crotch a few inches away from my ass.

I stood on my tiptoes, fingers almost grasping the feather. “Don, lift me a bit.”

“Uh, I don’t think that’s safe,” he said.

“I almost have it. Just get closer,” I said.

He moved closer to me. I could feel the fabric of his pants brush against my ass cheeks. He tried to lift me but our position wasn’t stable enough.

I waved my hand, beckoning him closer. He moved his hands further down so now they were around my hips. He lifted me slightly off the ground but it still wasn’t close enough.

“I don’t want you to fall,” he said.

I stood on my tiptoes and pressed my bum against his hips. I felt the bulge of his penis between my cheeks. I could feel it against my pussy too.

I heard him take in a sharp breath. Not that I haven’t been obvious, but if he wasn’t sure I wanted him, he has to know now.

He moved a step closer to me, my hips were now pressed against the balcony wall and him. He lifted me and I bent over the balcony to reach for the feather.

He saw that it was an inch away from my fingers and lifted me higher, my pussy pressed directly against his bulge now.

I grabbed the feather and he lifted me back in, wrapping an arm around my waist. When my feet touched the ground, my back was still pressed against him and he still had one hand on my hips and the other arm was wrapped around my waist.

He quickly let go but I took the hand that was on his hip and held it in front of me. I placed the feather in his hand and turned around to face him. He held the feather up and asked, “Was this worth it?”

“I know what I want,” I said, brushing my butt against his bulge as I turned around and sat on the balcony ledge.

He moved towards me and I opened my legs so he could stand close to me. He placed one hand on my thigh and stared at my lips. He tucked the feather behind my ear.

I put my hands around his neck and leaned forwards.

“Oh, shit!” Jamie blurted out from the door. She quickly ducked back into the room.

Don quickly moved away from me.

“Jamie!” I called. “Come back.”

“Um… Sorry…” She stuck her head back out. Her face was beet red. “We made burgers for lunch.”

I hopped off the balcony and followed her out the door.

“Girl, I’m so sorry!” She whispered next to me. “I didn’t think I’d walk into that.”

I nudged her and we laughed.


We ate lunch by the pool. Kev and Luke ate their burgers in the pool of course. Jamie and I sat on the edge and dipped our legs while Don stayed with Alex near the grill. Don couldn’t take his eyes off me the whole time. Alex had to shove him a few times to get him to pay attention but he looked over any time Kevin splashed me or tried to get me into the water.

We decided to go kayaking after lunch. I changed into my bathing suit and when I walked out of my room, Don was waiting.

“Hi,” I said after almost walking into him. He was wearing his swim trunks. I looked at his body, taking in his pecs, abs, and the V that led to his crotch.

He laughed shyly and scratched the back of his head. “Fuck, I came over here so confident and now that I actually see you, it’s all gone.”

He looked down at my body in a red bikini, staring at my cleavage, my waist, my hips, my ass…

He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer. He looked at me, as if asking for permission. I smiled at him, looking from his eyes to his lips.

“I just…” he whispered, his lips so close to mine.

Then, he kissed me.

It was slow at first. Gentle. I felt him let out a long breath, as if he’d been holding it in for a while. I pressed myself closer to him, standing on my tiptoes. He wrapped his arm around my waist and his hands were in my hair.

I wrapped an arm around him and placed a hand on his chest. His kisses became hungrier as he pressed me against the door.

I moved my hand slowly down his chest, feeling the grooves of his abs, and then further down, stopping at the edge of his trunks.

He broke our kiss, looking down at my hand. I was holding onto his waistband.

“I was going to say,” he whispered, slightly out of breath. “I just needed to kiss you. If not I think I’d go crazy seeing you in this.” He gestured to my bikini.

He kissed my lips, then my jaw, then slowly down my neck. “But now that I have, I think it’s making me crazier,” he whispered between kisses. “I don’t want to stop…” he said kissing under my ear.

“How do I stop?” He asked, eyes glazed over.

I pulled at his waistband, motioning him closer to me. “You don’t,” I smiled as I kissed him again.

I placed my hands on his butt and he did the same. He squeezed them as he kissed me. I slid my tongue into his mouth and he grabbed my ass, pressing my crotch against his.

His hands roamed around my body, never touching my breasts. I wish he would.

I placed my thigh between his legs, moving it side to side, rubbing at the growing hardness.

He had a hand on my ass and the other under the string of my bikini. With one quick pull, my top would slip off my breasts. God, I wish he would just pull it.

I rubbed my thigh against his bulge in a circular motion. He pressed his crotch closer to me, rubbing himself against me.

He was moaning under his breath between kisses. His hand finally moved to my breast. He held the side of it and slowly brushed his thumb over my nipple. It perked up from the simple touch.

In my mind, I begged him to take off my top, or move the thin fabric of my top aside to reveal my breasts. But he just kept gently rubbing my nipple over my top.

Downstairs, we could hear Alex calling for us to help him move the kayaks to the lake.

“We should go,” he said softly against my lips. He kissed me hard and gave my butt a squeeze before we peeled away from each other.

Good timing too since Luke and Kev came to get us before going downstairs. Kev linked his arm with mine as we walked. I could feel Don’s jealousy seething off him behind me.

We kayaked around the lake, stopping at small islands to cliff dive. It was hard to focus since my mind was still on Don. He kept looking at me or looking for me. It was pretty obvious to the group how into me he was.

When we stopped on a small rock island, Jamie and Kev sat with me while the other swam.

“So are you gonna fuck him?” Kev asked out of nowhere. Jamie burst into laughter. “He’s basically already fucking you with his eyes,” he continued. I shoved him, laughing.

“They were about to, but I walked in on them!!!” Jamie teased. “He’s so so cute,” she gushed. “And he’s so so into you.”

“What?!” Kev asked. “You walked in on them fucking?”

“Nooo!” I laughed. “We were only about to kiss when you walked in,” I nudged Jamie.

Don climbed out of the water as we laughed. His hair was slick back and the water was dripping off his body. He flashed a smile at me. God, he was so hot.

“What are you guys laughing about?” He said, walking over to us. He was shaking water out of his ear.

“Nothing!” Jamie and I said, giggling.

“How much you want to fuck her,” Kev blurted. Don turned red and rubbed his forehead.

“Why’d I have to ask…” he laughed.

Jamie and Kev teased him some more for not denying it. He shrugged and jumped back into the water. It was fun and hot, having someone want you so transparently. I wish we were back in my room. I wish he still had me pressed up against my door.

We finally paddled back to the cottage. Alex, Jamie, and Kev went to shower while Luke got back in the pool.

Don and I flipped the kayaks over at the shore, making small talk about school and our jobs. When we were done, he stared at me, glancing down at my body. I did the same to him. There was only one thing on our minds, and we both knew it.

He held his hand out to me and we interlaced our fingers and walked back to the house. Honestly, it was really cute and sweet.

When we got to the house, we were alone. Well, not really alone since they were just showering. But I was keenly aware of how alone we felt.

Jamie was using my shower so we couldn’t go to my room.

“Shall we go look for more feathers?” He asked, reading my mind.

He held my hands as he led me up the stairs and into his room. I resisted the urge to push him onto the bed and straddle him right then and there.

I walked out onto the balcony and leaned against the ledge. Don closed the door to his room before coming out. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulders. It was again, really cute and sweet.

“I hope I’m not embarrassing you,” he said quietly. “I swear, I’m not trying to be so obvious. To be honest, I thought I was doing a good job of being subtle.”

I burst into laughter. I turned around in his arms and kissed him. “I’m not embarrassed,” I said against his lips. I looked behind him at the closed door and raised an eyebrow at him.

“I don’t mean to be presumptuous,” he exclaimed. “But I just thought, at least we’ll hear Jamie this time.”

I giggled and hopped up onto the balcony ledge, leaning back against the railing. He held my waist as I wrapped my legs around him. He kissed my jaw, moving down to my neck, and slowly kissed down to my cleavage. I pulled the string of my bikini top and my top fell away, revealing my breasts with my hard and perky nipples.

Don stared at my breasts. I was a small girl, but my breasts were quite big in proportion to my size. He looked up at me, as if asking for permission again. I held the back of his head and leaned over, my nipple hovering over his lips. He kissed it, his tongue flicking over it as he massaged the other tit.

I let out an involuntary moan. I bit my lip, to stifle my moans. He sucked on my nipples, moving between each one, rubbing and pinching the other. The pleasure was unbearable. I stuck my hand into my bikini bottoms and rubbed my throbbing clit. He noticed this and grabbed my hand. He looked up at me, smiling, and shook his head.

I smiled back at him, curious and excited by this new side of him. He continued to suck on my nipple. His one hand rubbing my other tit and the other rubbing my clitoris over my bottoms. I couldn’t hold back my moans now.

He placed his hand over my mouth, trying to stifle my moans. That made it hotter, which made my moans louder. He stood back up and kissed me on the lips.

“You have to be quieter,” he laughed.

“I literally can’t help it,” I smiled sheepishly. He picked me up kissed me some more. We kissed as he carried me back into the bedroom. I thought he was going to drop me onto the bed and fuck me, but he kept walking towards the door.

He pressed me against the door and set me down. “If you’re loud, everyone will hear you now,” he said slyly.

I frowned at him, smiling at his wickedness. “I guess everyone will hear me.”

He shook his head at me, smiling coyly. He kissed me hard. His tongue found mine as he pressed his body against me. He started to kiss my neck, my pussy was throbbing now. He fingers were at my tits again, rubbing my nipples in circular motions. I pressed my crotch against his, feeling his rock hard cock against my clit. I grabbed his ass and started to rub my clit against his cock.

I let out a small moan and his lips were back on mine. “You have to be quiet,” he whispered against my lips.

I groaned against his lips. I truly could not control my moans, the pleasure was too much. As if he read my mind, his hand slowly moved from my breasts to my pussy. He rubbed at the lips, moving from back and forth, feeling the wetness stain my bottoms. His thumb started to circle my clit. He kissed me hard and rough, all my moans were smothered by his lips and tongue.

When our lips finally parted, he whispered, “I really want to kiss you down there.” He rubbed my clit harder, I was so close to cumming. “But you have to be quiet,” he said as he started to slowly kneel down.

He stared up at me as he slowly slid my bottoms off. I stood fully naked against the door of his room. I could hear Jamie leaving my room. I could hear Luke in the kitchen. They would hear me too if I was loud.

He kissed the top of my clit. He kissed my inner thigh. He kissed the lips of my pussy. He kissed everywhere except my clit. It was on fire. I wanted to grab his hair and press my clit against his mouth, I wanted to sit on his face, I wanted him to fuck me, I just needed release.

I bit my lip as I stared down at him. His hands were still playing with my nipples which were raw at this point. I was breathing heavily. I wasn’t moaning, but I was letting out breathy sighs.

Finally, his hands moved down to my pussy. He spread my pussy lips apart and licked my cunt all the way up to my clit. At the clit, his tongue circled it and he began to suck on it. His fingers dipped into the shallow of my pussy, feeling the wetness. With one hand, he started rubbing my nipples again with his wet fingers. His tongue flicked at my clit with speed as his fingers delved deeper into my pussy.

It took everything in me not to make a sound. I was basically moaning soundlessly with my breaths and sighs. His fingers found my g spot and I bit my knuckles to stop from moaning. He rubbed the spot ferociously as he sucked, licked, and flicked my clit. I came immediately, my knees buckling as I gripped the doorknob. I tried to pull away but he grabbed my ass and held me in place.

With his fingers still rubbing my g spot, he looked up at me. “Does it feel good?” He asked.

I nodded. Biting my lip. I was bent over, still orgasming from his fingers on my g spot. I tried to pull his hand away, but felt too weak from my orgasm.

“Do you want me to stop?” He asked. His fingers were still on the spot, but he stopped rubbing.

“It feels good,” I said breathily. “But I can hardly stand.”

In one quick motion, he lifted me from the ground and placed me on the edge of the bed. I reached for his trunks but he moved away from me. “I just want you right now,” he said.

He pushed me down gently onto the bed. My butt was at the edge of the bed, feet still touching the floor. He knelt down, lifted my legs onto his shoulder and began flicking my clit with his tongue. In a few seconds, I was cumming again. I grabbed his hair, unable to control my crotch thrusting forwards. He plunged his fingers into my pussy again. He found the g spot easily again and I came over and over.

I bit a pillow stop from screaming from pleasure. When he was finally done, I was exhausted. My legs were jelly. I looked up at him. He was so handsome, his hair was still glistening from the lake water.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said to me at the same moment. His eyes scanned my naked body. He stared at my face. He climbed into bed beside me and pulled me into his embrace. “I can’t believe I’m here with you.”

I looked into his eyes and kissed him. I could still feel the bulge at his crotch. I reached for it but he stopped me. “We have to go have dinner soon,” he said. “We’ve already been gone a suspiciously long time.”

He helped me put on my soaking wet bottoms and tied my bikini top for me. I walked out of his room and into mine and changed. When I came out, he was waiting for me in fresh clothes too. He held my hand as we walked down the stairs.

Will post Part 2 soon.

Thank you for reading.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bwgk76/mf_seducing_an_old_acquaintance_at_the_cottage