J’s date night. (long, NSFW, fiction. Pt 1)

Vi could see the bus shelter not more than twenty steps away, the silver aluminum seemed to glow in the dull streetlight and emerging mist, but the urge to vomit overcame her and she ran for the alleyway beside the building. Her head swam as she leant on one arm and heaved. A moment or two of that and Vi desperately needed to sit. She tried to turn slowly but her focus swam wildly as she faced the street again. Stumbling back two steps then three fast steps before stopping herself to realign to the bus shelter seat. Vi gained the seat,swung her legs up and laid down in a fluid motion that didn’t appear intoxicated at all, but her stomach rolled and her eyes gave in to the need to shut. Just as they closed Vi thought she saw a car pulling up in the no stopping zone, but it was impossible to stay awake now she was horizontal!

Vi’s friends exited the club not two minutes later and scanned the street. “I told you she wouldn’t come outside”, spoken by the older of the pair. “she’s not stupid Renee!” The other turned to face the order woman with anger etched on her face, but she suddenly turned and headed back into the club. The other followed after an exaggerated sigh. Neither of them saw Vi, still on the bench seat, but mostly hidden by the man sitting right at her head, reading the paper in the dull light of the bus shelter. The moment they were gone the man dropped the paper and scooped Vi into his arms.

Vi felt someone stroking her. Her hair, her face then down her neck, that’s when she became aware that the stroking continued across bare skin on her chest, between her breasts then across her stomach. Vi fought to open her eyes and just as the hand came back up towards her breasts again, it froze as Vi made eye contact. The man was no one Vi knew and confusion set in. She covered herself and wondered wtf had happened. Had she really been taken to this guy? He looked about fifty! Vi opened her mouth but it was so dry she couldn’t speak. Instead, she made a drinking motion with her hand as she sat up. The man immediately got off the edge of the couch where he was sitting to get her some water. Vi looked abound the room and tried to work out where she was and what had happened but she kept mixing things up and couldn’t keep her thoughts in line. Everything felt surreal.The room she was in was plain and simple, not a woman’s touch in sight. The man came back as Vi searched for her shirt. He passed her water and Vi asked where her top was. The man stood watching her as she drank before saying in a monotone voice, ‘please don’t put your clothes back on. We were just beginning to have fun’. Vi stopped drinking and looked at him, trying to keep her head still. She was stunned, but also was thinking, ‘well what else do you think you had your top off for?’ But Vi couldnt recall this man. She didn’t remember him at the club or any of the bars they’d been to before that. Surely she’d remember at least something? She tried again to think what happened after they were in the night club. Nothing. Vi was shocked she’d been that drunk and as this thought crossed her mind, reality struck. She looked up at the man at the same instant he slapped her hard across the face. He then reached forward with one hand and grabbed a bunch of her hair and roughly pulled her forward toward his now lowered face. He held up a large kitchen knife. “please don’t put your shirt back on”

The shock took Vi’s breath and went a long way to bringing her back from the drugs. She couldn’t believe it had happened to her! The fear of going into the human black market scared her to death! She was always so good at ensuring she held her drinks and never accepted any offers, even closed drinks! She’s always been so safe. Now she was here. She immediately fell apart and became an incoherent mess! The man, we’ll say J, stood back and watched. He found it amusing how easily this had all gone. J had been watching for months. Planning. Thinking. Watching. It didn’t matter who. Everything depended on timing and luck. He’d had both. He had Vi. He watched her beg for her life and promise not to tell a sole etc etc, just like he’d he had seen them so on TV. He ploughed the knife into the arm of the couch and leaned in to Vi’s face. She shut up fast, but couldn’t stop the random sob. ‘I’m not going to kill you unless I have to. I just want some fun and I’ll drop you in town. But if you try to scream or run and shit, I’ll cut you bad. I’ll cut your face and I’ll cut your back. I’ll make them hurt then I’ll still have fun with you.’ Vi nodded erratically and tried to stand but couldn’t. Her legs wouldn’t hold her and her coordination was way off. “I need to clean up. I need to wash my face and brush my hair? ” she sobbed. ‘I’ll get you a flannel. I don’t think you should try walking yet’. Vi asked what he had given her but he ignored the question, returning with wet face cloth and a box of tissues. Vi took both and did her best to stop crying. He began stroking Vi’s hair again as he stood beside her watching her. He gently tucked her hair behind her ear and she actually shuddered at his touch! She had been wiping the cloth across her arms and J quickly stopped her, saying something about catching a chill. He sat on the edge of the couch again. Slowly he began to touch her again, his hand stroking her hair, hesitantly. Vi felt her eyes wanting to droop, but once his hand touched her face, she felt suddenly wide awake again. She shuddered again and her automatically reached to push his hand away from her face. The slap came immediately. Her head rocked backward and she felt her neck burn with whiplash. He was strong!! Vi burst into tears again and J hit her again, this time across the side of her head as she hung forward trying to curl into a fetal position. Her ear roared. Jay pulled her head back and bent into her face. “Do as I say you cunt, or I’ll cut your fucking tongue out”,before throwing her backward by the hair. “Drink” he held the water she’d left x and she looked at it with horror. She’d already had almost half! ‘please no, please I’ll be good I promise’, but his face was set and he watched her down the rest in three gulps. “good girl. Let’s see how many tricks we can learn toady huh?!”. Jay stood back laughing as her eyelids again fought her brain!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/bwcp50/js_date_night_long_nsfw_fiction_pt_1