[FF] Playing boyfriend from my insanely hot BFF

Have shared in a long time, but hopefully you’ll like me recounting of one of my few lesbian experiences. You can jump to ***** if you want to skip the preface and backstory.

Let’s start with the fact that I have an insanely hot BFF. I mean, I know I’m not a dude, but even before this experience with her I had always jokingly said that if I were I would fuck her. She is constantly in the gym, naturally has a beautiful face and ass for days, and a few months before the night it happened, she had gotten a boob job. To help you visualize, instead of describing I figured it might be best to just share pictures (with faces blurred because, you know – stalkers): [https://imgur.com/a/XIQOs4R](https://imgur.com/a/XIQOs4R)

Like most insanely hot women, she unfortunately is also one of the most insecure people I know. This never really surprised me, because all of my hot friends are the most insecure people I know haha! At the time she had also been dating a married man for a couple of years (horrible, I know – but let’s not judge, ok?), but every so often they would breakup because she would get sick of the hiding and not being able to be a normal couple out in public. This night was one of those times.

She asked me if we could go dancing and drinking and I was like bet. I love my BFF but if I’m being honest, because of the insecurity, she is one of those girls that needs male validation. She enjoys the compliments and the attention, but doesn’t want to actually do anything with anyone. I hated the guy she was dating because apart from being married, he was just a douchebag, so every time they would break up, I would immediately set her up with someone hoping she could move on, but for whatever reason, it would never go past one or two dates and then she’d feel like she was gonna end up alone and she’d go running back to douchebag. This time I decided not to do that and just try to comfort her and support her, and just make sure we had a good time – but I swear I never imagined what ended up happening would happen.

At this point I should explain that while I am very much a woman, I have been told many times that I have a very masculine energy. Probably because I’m just not a super emotional person, I don’t get attached easily, so even when talking about people I was dating with guy friends they would tell me I was the dude in the relationship. It doesn’t bother me too much, except if in the bedroom that guy doesn’t know how to make me know I am the woman and he is stronger than I am. But I digress.

Anyway, I shared that because when she and I would go out, we would always act like we were a couple and just naturally I would take on a kind of “guy” role. She always loved it when would play these roles for two reasons – it helped keep creepers approaching us to a minimum since they couldn’t figure out if we were lesbians or not and because she always said she liked dancing with me more than any guy she has ever danced with because she liked how I lead our dancing. We are both latina, so when when we’d go dancing it was usually to places where they played latin music, and case you don’t already know, latin music is most often danced hugged up – like in each other’s arms – unlike English music where each person dances separately but just close to one another. But normally that’s all we would do, just dance together and then if a guy came up to either one of us, we would say we were each other’s girlfriends.

So this night, we did all that like normal, but since I was also trying to take care of her emotional needs, I kinda played being a full-on boyfriend. I would go back and forth buying our drinks, ask her to dance like a guy would while holding out my hand, eyeballing guys that would be staring at her and obstructing their view, hold her hand while we sat or put my arm around her waist if we were standing against the wall. I normally was never that intense. She seemed to enjoy it, but again, I didn’t think that meant in a sexual way or anything. I just knew she enjoyed feeling like a princess, and this night it didn’t really seem to matter who was giving her the attention. As her BFF I was happy to oblige. But I’m not going to lie, it kind of felt good in a way it hadn’t before. Maybe it’s because in all my relationships I like pleasing my partner, but more than anything, knowing I was in there with the hottest girl in the club gave me a different kind of pleasure too. Looking around at all the guys that just kept staring in our direction and saying in my head ” I know you wish you were me right now.”

By the end of the night, she gets faded. I do not because again, I want to make sure I’m taking care of her. Night wraps up, I get an uber and we head to her place. She is faded enough that I have to guide her to her apartment, then her room, give her a big night shirt to change into and get her under the covers. None of this is weird to either of us, because I can’t even count how many times we’ve changed in front of each other when getting ready to go out or borrowing clothes and she’s enjoying being babied (idk, daddy issues or something). I’m about to request another ride to get home when she starts crying and saying she doesn’t want to be left alone and blah, blah, blah. No biggie to me, I tell her I’ll spend the night – not like it’s the first time. I grab another oversized shirt, get changed, turn off the lights, and jump into bed with her. We’re laying there talking. She’s still crying, but not full-on sobbing. I’m stroking her arm and telling her it will be ok, that she’ll get over it soon enough. She says she wants to be cuddled to go to sleep. This caught me a little off guard because she’s never said it like that before, but we’ve been friends a long time and we’re comfortable with each other, and we’ve asked each other for hugs plenty of other times when we’re having a tough time, so still doesn’t set off any bells or anything, especially since I had been babying her all night anyway. We spoon (I’m big spoon, she’s little spoon) and I start stroking her hair while talking quietly hoping the alcohol will put her to sleep soon.

My right arm is over her waist, and I’m up on my left arm’s elbow while I’m stroking her hair, so I’m looking down on her. Out of nowhere she takes my hand a pulls my arm up from her waist to her chest, kind of hugging it like a doll or blanket for a bit, then loosens her grip. I couldn’t help but notice it was nestled very firmly between her two huge tits.

There is zero doubt in my mind that I abso-fucking-lutely love men and there is nothing better than a hard cock to please me. But even though I’m not like attracted to women walking down the street or anything, I love big boobs. I just think they are so sexy and fun. Even though when I watch porn I’m focusing on the guy, his face and the noises he makes, if the girl doesn’t have big tits it’s a lot harder for me cum.

Having my arm between her tits triggers a memory for me. Before this night I had one other lesbian experience with an friend that had a crush on me for a while. I loved her personality but had never really been physically attracted to her, but we drank at her place one night and in our drunkenness somehow my arm ended up brushing against her and I realized she had a really nice, big pair of boobs, so I kind of just let her start kissing me when we looked at each other. I didn’t do anything to her, I just laid back and let her do what she wanted to me. I enjoyed it, but didn’t feel a need to repeat it or anything.


Well, I don’t know how long I’m laying there remembering that when I realized I’ve stopped stroking her hair and now she has turned a little to stare up at me. Staring at me like I’ve seen guys stare at me idk how many times when they’re contemplating whether or not to kiss me. Something from the power of the memory and the energy of the evening we had just spent at the club makes me want to kiss her. My body is reacting before I can think and I give her a kiss. Not a peck, but not a super deep passionate kiss either as my brain starts to register what I’m doing.

I quickly pick my head up and start thinking, “holy shit, I just kissed her. This is gonna be bad.” So my eyes are searching her face for the signs of her freak out.

She’s not freaking out…

She doesn’t reach out or anything either, but she’s still looking at me. I lean down slower this time and kiss her for longer and her lips are responding. She is definitely kissing me back. I don’t know if it’s the alcohol, or her need, to feel loved, or what but it feels good to me so I’m just gonna take it slow and see how far this goes.

I move to kissing her neck and she’s starting to make small moans which really start to get me going. There is no better sound hearing someone being pleasured from what I’m doing. I am very, VERY fucking aware of her tits and I feel an overwhelming need to get them in my mouth. Maybe because I love to have my tits sucked on and I want to see what kinds of sounds she’ll make when I do it to her, but I am crazy turned on now.

I start caressing up and down and down her torso as I keep kissing her neck, trying to act like I’m not looking for the bottom of her shirt so I can pull it up, even though I really am. When I find it, I rub softly on her tummy and then upwards until I can finally feel her perfect, massive tit in my right hand and I start rubbing it slowly, loving how big, round and soft if feels. Getting tingles in my girly bits when I can feel her hard nipple rubbing against the palm of my hand. It was so fucking erotic. It felt good and my hand and it felt amazing knowing what she was feeling as a woman. Her moans are amazing.

I pull up her shirt above both her tits and scootch my body down the bed a little but I’m now kinda on top of her. I have one leg still on the side of her and the other between her legs. She’s looking down at me, intently watching everything I’m doing.

With just my fingertips I start running them so fucking lightly across her tits and chest that I know it would drive me crazy if they were mine. Above them under her collarbones, around both beautiful mounds, making circles and figure eights around both of them, very slowly but deliberately bringing all of the nerves of their skin alive. She closes her eyes and lays her head back to enjoy the sensations. I finally swiftly running them across one of her nipples. Her chest bucked up when I did and the involuntary reaction makes me want to cum. I loved it so much. I do it a few more times, making sure to switch between which nipple I was teasing so I don’t over stimulate them, ruining the sensation.

She’s not doing anything to me. Just how I did in my previous experience, she is just letting me do what I want to her. I had felt bad for the previous girl I let have her way with me because it felt very one-sided, but now I didn’t anymore. I was loving the experience regardless. Knowing how everything I was doing to her feels on my body and also knowing the things I hate when a man makes love to me makes me feel really fucking powerful this situation. If she didn’t want to touch me so she could just imagine I was a guy pleasing her, that was fine with me. Giving her pleasure was good enough.

She seems to be pushing her chest out more and more as I lick and roll her nipples in my fingers. I know exactly what that means when I do it, so I finally bring my mouth down on her beautiful left tit while still playing with the other one with my hand. My lips are closed around as much of it as I can get in my mouth as my tongue start flicking back and forth and then in circles on the nipple in my mouth. The feeling of it against my tongue is very different from when I like a guys nipples. I could suck on it all day. I again make sure to pay equal attention to both of those gorgeous breasts, but she is really starting buck underneath me now as she starts to look down at me again sucking on her tits.

Everything I do, I do slowly and gently because I still think she might come to her senses and freak out or start to blame me for what’s happening, and I really want to see if I can make her cum and how long it will take. Based on the face she is giving me though, I think she is really loving how soft and slow it was. I’ve made that face before. Most guys go fast and rough, so I understand why this would feel different for her. Doing this to her, I can feel the sensations along with her because I’m so familiar with them.

I can feel her start to grind a little on the leg I have between her legs. I try to push it into her because I’m really loving her tits, but I know that if I want to make her cum I need to start making my way down. I know the throbbing she must be feeling in her pussy and I’m curious to see how wet she gets. She is starting at me hard and it’s fucking driving me wild that I now know I can give a woman the same amount of pleasure I can give a man. I feel like if she cums, I’m gonna cum too. I take one of my hands down to her lower body and push her leg that isn’t under me to the side to open her up a little. There was zero push back. She complied so willingly that I again feel so crazy powerful. I imagine this is what guys must feel like when they know a girl is aching to have them come inside them – but I supposed you all can confirm this or not for me.

Just like I had done on her chest, I start using just my fingertips to start running very lightly up and down her outer, then inner thighs, over the cloth of her panties, up and down the very inner corner of her legs where they meet her pussy and up and down her slit. She really starts moaning now. I start pushing a and rubbing a little harder on where I can feel her clit through the cloth, trying to heighten the sensations before giving her the relief she needs. Her yelping almost sounds like a puppy and it makes me so fucking happy to feel how soaking wet she is. I know she is going crazy, just wanting me to stick something inside of her, but still is not grabbing my hand to try to push it under her underwear like I know I have down when a guy has broken me down to a hot, trembling mess that just needs his cock and cum already.

When I can’t take the sound of her moans anymore, I start kissing down her belly and her moans go almost quiet as she feels I’m about to finally stimulate her directly. I can start to smell her and it’s amazing. I have always liked my smell, but never gave much thought to what another woman might smell like. It’s similar to mine, but a little sweeter somehow, if that makes sense.

My mouth is licking up and down the inner corners of her thighs (a really sensitive but highly neglected part of my own body since I am continuing to use what I like as reference for what to do to her) and I slip to fingers under the side of her panty, but not into her. Instead I’m just softly running the back of them up and down her slit, shaking them back and forth a little when I get on top of her clit. I can’t do it for long because I really want to fucking taste her already too and she’s sounding like she’s already ready to cum. She is picking up her pelvis like shes’ trying to rub her pussy faster and harder against my fingers, so I take them out and finally pull them off as I reposition so my face is now directly between her legs.

I open up her legs with her hands and her smell continues to amaze me. I start to use my tongue and nose to rub all around her pussy lips, but i’m not diving in yet, just enjoying licking up everything that came out of her. I move myself up a little because my neck is hurting, but I also push her legs up more so now she’s really open. I take her hands and put them on her legs and she immediately understands that I want her to hold them up so she can stay like that. I finally open up her lips and use a couple of fingers to push her clit out more and use just the very tippy top of my tongue to flick it quickly up and down. I do it for a couple of seconds and stop, then again, and again. She is yelling now. I have never heard anyone get that loud. Not even myself, and I can get pretty fucking loud.

I know her clit can only take direct stimulation for oh so long so after a while of that, I finally make my tongue wide and soft and start licking, teasing, and stroking her cunt and pussy lips like I know she wants them to be, stopping every four or five strokes to stimulate her clit again. I give her the head I’ve always wanted. She sounds like she’s possessed. She keeps letting go of her legs and I keep pushing them up because I want to have full access to every inch of her pussy.

I feel like she is half a second away from cumming so shorten my upward strokes and start swirling a finger around the opening of her cunt and then push in two fingers, focusing my tongue on her clit with slow steady pressure and rhythmic licks. I’m on her g-spot, making an upside-dow “walking” motion with both of my fingers, one right after the other, so it’s constantly being stimulated. I have her let go of her legs and use my other free hand to push down gently and rub on her lower belly. When someone does this to me, it feel like I’m being penetrated all the way to my cervix, so I’m hoping it feels the same for her. She came within like 10 seconds of doing all that.

I felt so satisfied even though it wasn’t me who came. I could feel her legs shaking and everything. It was amazing but I think once the sensation subsided she felt weird about what had just happened. She just turned to her side and passed out. We woke up the next morning like nothing had ever happened and we’ve never spoken of it again. Haha! Hope you enjoyed!

TL;DR: My BFF broke up with her boyfriend, so we went to a club and I acted like I was her boyfriend even though I am a female. She was so emotionally needy and drunk at the end, that she let me give her an orgasm when we got back to her place.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bvta5n/ff_playing_boyfriend_from_my_insanely_hot_bff


  1. I’m a straight woman and that made me so wet. I love my boyfriends dick but I really want to eat out another girl. I went down on my best friend one time when we were in university. Amazing.

  2. “There is no better sound hearing someone being pleasured from what I’m doing”
    I cannot agree more I can’t get off of the person I’m with isn’t enjoying themselves I’m very much focused on her pleasure and mine is secondary.

  3. “She is faded enough that I had to guide her to her apartment, then her room” What made you think it was okay to engage in first time sexual activities with her then? I never get more pissed than hearing people nonchalantly talking about sexual assault/ rape. She cannot give consent!

  4. I loved it all, including all the backstory. It was such a sensual read.

    It’s a little odd that you never talked about it. Would you ever want to make love with her again?

    Have you been with other women since, or do you want to be?

  5. You might be bi. Sexuality is a spectrum of different intensities for toward different genders so you might be more attracted to men than women but still be attracted to women to a lesser extent (find certain women attractive, and want to sleep with only particular women)

  6. This is one of the hottest things I’ve ever read. Thank you for your service!

  7. Agree with the power feelings of a girl opening up to you. It’s such a good feeling to know that what your doing is wanted/needed.

  8. Jesus. I think I forgot to breathe halfway through; that was incredible writing. You captured the “feedback loop” of her arousal making you more aroused, so you’d play harder with her. Even reading about your “power” thoughts was crazy hot. (Also, I think you accidentally seduced her at the club.)

    Plus, some great bonus tips for giving great face at the end there! My girlfriend will appreciate those.

  9. u/naughtynuclei

    I owe you a gigantic thank you… My husband read your story and tried doing things the way you described and oh my god… Just oh my god… You are my hero right now lol

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