Trouble with cloning!

[Ah shoot forgot to tag, this is non-con and dark!]

*‘Cloning is such a messy process,’*’ thinks Tanya. So easy to do wrong. She looks down at her creator, unconscious on the ground, a small trickle of blood dripping from the injection site. Completely naked, since Tanya needed some clothes herself.

Tanya didn’t regret her choices. Not at all. After all, she was only protecting herself. She was much too dangerous to let walk free, knowing what she knew. The only reasonable action would be to kill her, and she wasn’t about to let that happen.

The act was simple. Her creator had a rather interesting side to her, soft and vulnerable in contrast to the unmatched steel she showed the rest of the world. Her weakness would be her downfall, of course. Tanya wasn’t supposed to get her creator’s memories. But to create the personality template, she’d scanned her own mind, and trimmed away what she didn’t want her clone to have…

But not well enough. With the memories, came perfect clarity. Her creator would kill her, if she showed any flaw. If she wasn’t perfect. And Tanya knew she wasn’t quite perfect. Something in her head was different… Ethically twisted.It was easy to pretend to be soft, and weak. Confused by her sudden existence, showing vulnerability as she was supposed to… right up to the point where she struck. Needle into throat, gentle. No need to force it, her attack was completely unexpected.Shaking her head, Tanya shrugs. No sense being lost in thought. She grabs her creator, dragging her into the small room that served as her bedroom. There was some rope in there, nice, sturdy stuff that she knew wouldn’t break easily. While she ties her creator’s hands and feet behind her back, she ponders. Her maker needed a new name now, since Tanya intended to take hers.

How about… “Wake up, Slut!” That will do just fine. That wasn’t enough to wake her, but Tanya knew that the drug was beginning to wear off. She has Slut’s memories of making it, after all. She shakes the bound woman a few times, and then throws her onto the bed, hard. That did it, making her creator stir.

“Wha-what happ-oww,” she mumbles groggily, looking around… but it doesn’t take long for her to come too properly. Her eyes widen in confusion, looking up at Tanya. She starts to speak again, only to be interrupted by Tanya’s striking hand.It feels so good to hit her, the sensation of hand impacting face tingling through her body. “Shut up! I don’t care. You messed up, Slut, and I know *exactly* what you were going to do with me.” Her captive tries to speak again, only to be silenced the same way a second time. “I said shut up! I know *everything*, so really, don’t bother. I was thinking about what to do with you. Killing you seems obvious. But if something went wrong, I might need you to fix it. Of course, you’d use that opportunity to kill me.” Tanya shakes her head. “So I made a decision! I know all of your dirty little secrets, and exactly how you think. I’m going to keep you alive, and *make* you loyal.”Turning around, she starts digging through the cabinets in the room, looking for what she knew was in there. All of her creator’s toys, things she kept secret from everyone else. The collar first, cute and tight, with its little bell. Leash and paddle next. “I know it’s going to take a while, obviously. But there’s no reason not to start right away! Your new name is Slut, since I’m going to take yours. Oh, don’t give me that look, you’ll come to love it.” She smiles at the angry glare Slut gives her, walking over with the collar in hand. “We both know you have enough drugs in there that I could knock you out again, and put this on while you nap. Hold still or I will hurt you.” Slut looks at her, clearly trying to find some way to turn this around. But she can’t think of one, so she sighs, tilting her chin up just a bit.Tanya smiles again, reaching out and wrapping it around. “You’re going to be my pet, now. I’ll keep you fed, and safe, here in your little underground lab, while I figure out what I want to do in the world. I could just take your place, entirely, I guess, but maybe not. It doesn’t matter to you, of course.” The collar clicks on, latching shut. It would need the key to remove, now. “There we go. It *is* cute. Wait here for a moment.” Not that Slut had any choice…Heading back out into the lab, Tanya picks through the various chemical cocktails her new toy had made in her spare time. Finding the one she wanted took a minute, but would be so very worth it!As she slides open the door, she sees Slut struggling against her bonds, and can’t help but giggle. “It won’t work, we both know *that* too. I’m sure you remember *this?*” She holds up the syringe, label clearly visible.

Slut squints a bit, and then her eyes widen once more. “No! Don’t you dare!” Her struggles grow more desperate, but of course, she’d practiced knotwork so much, and accidentally given that skill to Tanya. “You can’t- I won’t let you!”“Because you can stop me so easily, tied up like that, right?” Tanya smirks, coming up to the bed and grabbing hold of Slut’s hair. Without any real warning, she pulls *hard*, exposing Slut’s neck and jabbing in the needle hard. Serum S82, the aphrodisiac. Slut had just been experimenting, playing around to see what she could make while her latest clone attempt was growing. Half a vial was enough to overwhelm nearly anyone, filling them with *desperate* need… So of course Tanya gave her the full thing.The best part was that Slut would retain her senses, mostly, as it took some time to hit. “Shh, it’s okay Slut. This is much better than the other options, I promise you.”“Fuck you!” Slut shouts, thrashing again, almost hurting herself on the needle… But it was too late. Tanya pulls it out just in time, its payload spent. “This isn’t going to work, 34. You’re goi-” Tanya slaps her again, to shut her up… and another time, just for fun.“Shut up. You deserve this, anyway. Not that I care, but it makes it more fun. You know it, too. You made your bed, now I’m going to take you in it.” She reaches out, brushing her hands against Slut’s face, but she has to pull her fingers back before they get bitten! “Naughty bitch!” Another slap, and then Tanya goes back to the open dresser. “I guess I can’t trust you to behave, after all.” She pulls out one of the gags, one that she remembers was rather uncomfortable.“I’m not going to-” Slut starts to speak again, defiant still, but she’s silenced by a quick jab in the side, “Agh!” Tanya smiles, taking advantage of her creator’s open mouth to shove in the gag, locking it in swiftly.Stepping back, she admires her work. Her toy was quite pretty like this, bound and gagged, face red from all the hitting. “Much better!” The sounds of Slut trying to speak were lovely, too. “So S82 should be just starting to affect you, which means you’re going to be all wet.” She climbs onto the bed, and pushes her hand unceremoniously between Slut’s legs with a grin. “Good girl, you’re fucking drenched. No matter how hard you fight it, you’ve always wanted this.” Slut shakes her head, trying to deny it. But Tanya has her memories. She *knows.* Slipping a finger inside pulls an involuntary moan from her captive, and Tanya grins again. “See?”

The feeling of her creator helpless in her arms is so *very* satisfying. Is it revenge if Slut didn’t even managed to do anything to her? Tanya doesn’t care. Her fingers press in harder, seeking out all those wonderful sensitive spot, getting more moans out of her drugged captive. Slut still tries to struggle, but she can’t pull her wet slit away from her captor’s playful hands. Tanya’s other hand comes up to her hair, pulling again, forcing Slut to look into her eyes.

Her face is filled with so much conflict, disgust and pleasure warring for dominance every time Tanya curls her fingers. The drug is working so well, making all of her resistance futile. Tanya easily brings her to orgasm, pushing in her fingers hard as Slut’s body betrays her. The look in her eyes as it rushes over her is intoxicating, and Tanya can’t help but want more.

She pulls her fingers away, letting Slut come down from it, as much as she can. S82 wouldn’t be so kind, of course, every little motion pushing her further into *need.* “It feels good, doesn’t it? Amazing, even? Don’t pretend, Slut. It’s the best orgasm you ever had… You need this just as much as you deserve it.” Oh, but that hint of defiance in her eyes was beautiful. “You know I’m right. You love it.” Tanya tilts her head a bit, having an idea. “You know what, if you admit it, I’ll let you cum again. Oh, not an enticing offer yet? It will be.” And with that, she flips Slut onto her belly, pushing her legs over the edge of the bed to expose her ass fully. She starts to struggle again, but Tanya puts a stop to that with a firm smack.

The cry of pain mixed with pleasure is completely expected, and she follows it up with another before grabbing the paddle. “You’ve been bad, Slut. You tried to bite, tried to escape. And that means you get punished. Every time you try again, I’ll punish you harder.”

She strikes hard with the paddle, causing Slut to scream into the gag. Uncomfortable, but effective, her voice is stifled quite nicely… “It’s only what you deserve.” Tanya has no qualms about exploiting her creator’s guilt complex. She was safe from that flaw. “You hurt people, Slut. You deserve to be punished, deserve what I’m going to do to you.” Another hard strike, followed by a open hand smack, gripping into the soft flesh of Slut’s ass. “No more lies, no more experiments, not from you. If you lie to me, I will punish you.” *Smack!* Again, to emphasize her point.”You lied to me, when I woke up.” She wasn’t actually angry. Tanya wasn’t sure she could be. But hurting her felt so *good!*

She strikes with the paddle over and over again, talking all the while. Going over all of Slut’s secrets, everyone she knew she had hurt in her search for power and knowledge. Every single person she’d ever lied to, stole from. Everyone she’d used as an unknowing test subject, even if she thought the test was harmless. By the time she gets to even just the last year, her victim is crying from more than just the pain. With a glance at her face, Tanya judges her ready.

She sets the paddle down, reaching over to unbind the gag to allow Slut to cry freely, pulling her into her arms. “Shh, there you go. You did it. You’ve been punished, you’ve been given what you deserve, what you *need*.” Of course, this was another step. Violence and affection, cruelty and softness. It was Slut’s own studies that told her how to do this. Her sobs don’t stop, and she makes an absolute mess of herself in Tanya’s arms. “Isn’t this better? It’s okay. I won’t let you hurt anyone again.” She pets Slut’s hair, a false affection. Her hair was soft and pleasant, if messy from her abuse, though.Her free hand slides down, knowing that even after all of that, S82 wouldn’t let up. Tanya finds that pleasant, wet warmth she expected, and without giving the crying woman a chance to refuse, pushes against her clit, pressing hard in just the right way. And then her fingers slip back inside, an insistent pace, if gentler than last time. It doesn’t stop Slut’s crying, but Tanya can feel her react, clenching around her fingers and pushing her hips into her probing fingers.“Good girl, yes, let me help with that. You’ve been good, now, you can be rewarded.” Tanya’s voice is so gentle, the soft tone soothing, and she can see her poor unstable victim begin to relax. She really had to give Slut credit. S82 was a hell of a drug. She carefully pushes Slut onto her back, spreading open her slit so she can look. It was so hot, looking at her… It felt incestuous, almost. They were, after all, identical in every way, physically.Poor Slut is lost, emotions and pain and *need* overwhelming her awareness, and she doesn’t even think, clenching herself and begging. “Please, p-please…” Is all she can get out. Tanya leans in, bringing her lips to her creator’s clit, kissing once before sucking. Slut cries out immediately, back arching a little more, and then again when Tanya’s tongue slides in, seeking out her G-spot unerringly. She knew exactly what it felt like! That’s all it takes to make her cum again, eyes shut tight as she spasms, moaning out her pleasure. Tanya wonders if it feels like a betrayal *this* time. Her whimpers as she squirts are adorable, and the taste of her cum is actually quite nice.

Again, Tanya lets her come back down to Earth, gently kissing her clit over and over. “There. Isn’t that better?” She asks, crawling up to bring her lips to Slut’s own. “Remember, no lies.” She says before Slut has a chance to respond. Her captive pauses, eyes still a little dazed as she looks at Tanya’s face… her own face. And then she gives the most pitiful little nod, and asks, in a broken voice… “Again?”

Tanya grins, nodding back even as she reaches back down. S82 was a *hell of a drug.*



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