The Good Soldier : Part III [MF+] [Discip] [Humil]

Alex Goode arrived back at camp, only to find it a flurry of activity before he was even briefed. Upon entering the small Head Quarters building, which directed all activity outside of the engineering compound, he realised work had resumed, and reflected, ‘A lot can happen during a day!’

Alex wasn’t a career civil servant. He left government employ nearly twenty years ago for more lucrative opportunities in the private sector. Yet, there he was, at the age of forty-seven, back in the government bureaucracy and in a position he’d occupied for the past five months.

He found the brigadier in his office.

As he rose to his feet, the brigadier had a look of triumph on his face as he said.

“Alex, she did it! That young corporal didn’t even hesitate. She went straight in, yesterday, and everything is back on track.”

Alex walked over to the brigadier, offered him his hand, which he enthusiastically shook, and said.

“We got there in the end, Percy.”

He knew the brigadier had been taking the brunt of the pressure from the prisoners *and* from every other agency involved. The strain had begun to show, but he looked to be a new man.

The brigadier suddenly became maudlin.

“It kills me to send that young woman to them, and allow those bastards to have their way with her. Who knows what they’ll want to do with her?”

Alex sensed the brigadier needed reassurance.

“Look, Percy, this needed to happen. If we’d done it months ago, we probably could’ve managed it in a more controlled way.”

He had a reassuring smile.

“I read her file. She’s a strong, fit young woman. They’re not going to do anything to her that she can’t deal with.”

He met the brigadier’s eyes.

“My advice is to leave her to it. Young women, like her, have their own way of dealing with men. Let whatever happens in the compound, stay in the compound.”

The brigadier nodded and then took his place behind his desk.

Alex asked.

“What about the other female soldiers?”

The brigadier looked puzzled.

“What about them?”

“Well, have they shown any inclination to participate in the project?”

“I haven’t asked, but I don’t think so. Why would they change their minds now? Just because we’ve found a soldier *who is* willing to participate?”

Alex sat on the chair directly in front of the desk.

“We chose the soldiers for the program using different criteria. With Corporal Jones, we emphasised proven commitment to the Army and loyalty to the chain of command—her other attributes were secondary. We experimented while trying to find the right soldier from a limited pool. For example, with Lieutenant Kershaw—”

As soon as he’d mentioned Kershaw’s name, he saw the brigadier flinch before he said (with a grimace).

“*That woman*! *She has no business in the Army*!”

He hesitated and a look of shame came over his face.

“It’s to my eternal disgrace that I—”

He hesitated, again.

The brigadier had never attempted to hide his relationship with Lieutenant Kershaw from Alex. He’d called Alex the night he’d first had sex with her just to confess everything. It’d taken Alex hours to calm him down. He wasn’t sure how it’d initially happened because he’d never asked Percy for the details.

However, he did know it’d happened the same day Lieutenant Kershaw had been caught trying to access a phone line. Alex suspected the brigadier had called Kershaw to his office to reprimand her, and she probably did what she had a reputation for doing—turning the tears and charm on—until, eventually, he’d taken the sex she offered.

Alex found Kershaw slightly maddening. At first impression, she appeared to be composed and confident, but when under the slightest pressure, she’d collapse. She had burst into tears when the project was revealed to her, and they’d taken that as a refusal to participate. However, she had then proceeded to fuck just about anyone who’d expressed any interest, including two of the guard force, which had caused a potential security issue.

“So, in Lieutenant Kershaw’s case, we identified an officer with a known promiscuous nature and whose sexual exploits had gotten her into a degree of trouble. She’d actively sought out relationships with superiors, as well as subordinates.

She has an agreeable personality, but with a habit of using her sexuality and sex to get whatever she’s wanted. However, in the end, her chronic unreliability and poor nerves have made it impossible for us to employ her, on her own, but as a part of a group, she *could* perform quite well.”

The brigadier shrugged.

“God knows there’s only one thing she has any aptitude for. What about Lieutenant Howes and Private Gerard?”

“Well, in Lieutenant Howes’ case, we again picked an officer, but with a significantly better record. She was more career focused than Kershaw and had a reputation for being a motivated officer. We also knew she had a high sex drive and was known for poorly picking her partners.”

Alex saw the brigadier smile—he’d seen the videos of Howes having an ill-judged relationship with an infantry sergeant who’d made several secret recordings of them having sex. The recordings had been identified by Security Services while investigating the sergeant for an unrelated matter, but had marked Lieutenant Howes as a less than ideal candidate.

The brigadier smiled again.

“I haven’t ever seen anything quite like those videos before.”

He shook his head.

“That infantry sergeant *really* went to town on her!”

Alex nodded.

“She has a taste for BDSM, which in fairness, is far more popular than people think.”

Exasperated, the brigadier said.

“Yet, she said no then proceeded, as Kershaw did, to have sexual relationships with several of the guard force, as well as a lesbian relationship with young Private Gerard. The little hussy spreads her legs for *everyone*, except the people we want her to.”

He sighed and added.

“At least she’s more discreet than Kershaw.”

Alex smiled.

“Initially, she said no. Think of it from her point of view. As Corporal Jones had thought, she thought she’d been selected for a secret, high-importance program. When she discovered what her role was to be, she was obviously disappointed. Also, she’s an intelligent woman.”

Alex sat back in the chair while warming to his subject.

“She immediately realised the thinking behind using female soldiers, and I think she could’ve been persuaded…at the time.”

The brigadier sighed.

“Perhaps we have of her through application of the videos?”

Alex knew the brigadier wasn’t a bad man. Using the videos to force Lieutenant Howes to participate had been considered. Alex had been against it for practical reasons, blackmail wasn’t a suitable way to motivate people with complicated assignments, but the brigadier had refused for moral reasons.

“Actually, when I informed her about the videos, some time back, the first thing she asked was why we hadn’t used them to force her to volunteer.”

The brigadier shrugged.

“Too late now, I suppose.”

Alex replied.

“Not necessarily. Watching the videos had a very profound effect on her because she knows we’ve seen them.”

The brigadier laughed.

“I’ll bet. What’s she like these days?”

Alex hadn’t ever attempted to hide the fact that he’d had regular sex with Lieutenant Howes *and* Private Gerard.

Alex simply said.

“*Very* accommodating.”

He knew the brigadier didn’t like too many details and employed euphemisms whenever possible.

“While she’s quite assertive during normal, social, and professional interactions, she’s quite submissive during sex and has only grown more so because of it.”

He looked at the brigadier and felt the need to make a suggestion, once again.

“Why don’t I have her call on you? You might find her a welcome change from Lieutenant Kershaw.”

The brigadier shook his head and said.

“I picked one and I’ll stick with her through all of her faults.”

Alex felt the need to continue discussing Lieutenant Kershaw even though he knew the brigadier didn’t like to discuss his relationship with her.

“You know, it might be helpful if you spend some time with her tonight. It might focus her mind.”

The brigadier smiled.

“Don’t worry. I bend her over my desk, at least, once a day.”

Alex smiled.

“It’s an ordeal, I know, but we all have our…*duty*!”

The brigadier laughed then said.

“She’s a beautiful woman and very skilled when it comes to the carnal arts.”

He hesitated.

“It’s just that, she’s such a bloody awful soldier. It kills me to see her in the uniform.”

He sighed.

“I make her strip, *completely*, before I’ll even touch her, and she’s always wearing either slutty lingerie or bright, tacky stuff covered with animals or some such nonsense.”

A slightly wistful look appeared on the brigadiers face as he continued.

“She doesn’t have the sense of pride that a soldier, such as Corporal Jones, should have. Corporal Jones is a *real* soldier and a *real* woman. She might allow those deviants to have their way with her, but I’ll bet she keeps her head held high the whole time.”

Alex said nothing, but took note that Corporal Jones had obviously made an impression on the brigadier.

Alex reflected on the brigadier’s comments. Howes or Gerard would’ve been better able to understand the brigadier’s preferences had he moderated their behaviour and choice of underwear to accommodate him. Poor Lieutenant Kershaw didn’t have the wit for it, though.

Alex smiled. The brigadier’s relationship with Kershaw was difficult, but he was focused on her.

“How will you feel if Lieutenant Kershaw participates in the program?”

The brigadier shrugged.

“It’ll probably be good for her. She needs *some* *way* to occupy her time, and I certainly don’t feel any need to keep her to myself.”

He looked at Alex.

“And then there’s Private Gerard. How’s she doing?”

Alex simply said.

“Gerard is a lovely girl. Her time here has been difficult for her, but she has a positive attitude and is actually pretty accepting of everything.”

He sighed.

“In retrospect, it’s obvious that we couldn’t send her in there, on her own, because she’s only nineteen-years-old and has only been in the army for a short time. It would’ve been too much for her.”

The brigadier nodded.

“Are she and Howes still getting up to mischief at night?”

Alex replied with a shrug.

“It’s nothing, really. Neither of them are lesbians nor even bi-sexual. It’s only mutual masturbation brought about by sexual frustration and loneliness.”

“Do they know about the cameras in the accommodation?”

Alex shook his head.

“The thought did occur to Howes, and she even made a cursory check, but they’re too well hidden.”

He laughed.

“The cameras are worth more than the building is.”

The brigadier asked.

“So, the incident from a few weeks back. That hasn’t reoccurred?”

The brigadier was referring to Lieutenant Howes becoming angry after she discovered Alex had been having sex with, not only her but also, *Private Gerard*.

Alex dismissively said.

“That was a load of nonsense. She only needed to be put back into her place.”

He smiled.

“I think she actually enjoyed the *touch* of a firm hand.”

The brigadier grimaced.

“Well, you know her best, I suppose. So, now what?”

Alex said.

“I think it’s best to leave things be for the moment. Corporal Jones has a handle on things, so allow her to continue. Eventually, the other three will occupy their positions.”

The brigadier firmly said.

“*Corporal Jones is a good soldier*. Whatever the prisoners require her to do, it’s important that she be well treated by us.”

Alex nodded.

“Of course, and by the sounds of it, she has a great many *abilities*. I’m sure she’ll do very well.”

The brigadier nodded.

“Are you going somewhere?”

“To see our other recruits and see if we can’t put them to work.”

Alex made small talk with the brigadier for the next five minutes then excused himself.


Private Gerard’s duty station was a small, largely-empty store in a deserted part of the camp. It was a boring assignment with no real work involved. In fact, it’d been invented to keep her occupied during the day. She was sitting behind a desk, watching daytime TV, when Alex entered.

She jumped to her feet with delight, ran over to him, and wrapped her hands around his head as she mashed her lips against his.

Alex sighed.

She was short at five feet, two inches tall and had to stand on her toes, but she moved with energy.

With a tone of mock reproach, he said.

“Steady there, Private. You’re on duty.”

She sighed as he disentangled himself from her and plaintively said.

“Why do I have to spend my days here?”

“Well, it’s either here or in the compound. Which do you prefer?”

“I want to talk to you about that.”

She appeared to be nervous as she hesitated for a moment.

“I was thinking and, well, maybe I should start to go into the compound to, at least, see what it’s like.”

He asked.

“Is this because of Corporal Jones?”

Lucy didn’t say anything, she only started to pace around in circles in the erratic way she always did when she was nervous and trying to think.

She said.

“It’s not only her. We always knew you’d eventually find someone, but Susan…Lieutenant Howes, I mean…and I decided we wouldn’t let another soldier go in there alone.”

Alex nodded.

“Of course, that’s very honourable of both of you. I’ve always suspected you’d feel obligated to help a fellow soldier.”

“I don’t…I don’t know if I can though. I’ve spoken to Alice. She doesn’t tell us everything, but I know they do stuff to her.”

Bemused, Alex asked.

“Stuff? What kind of stuff?”

Lucy looked at him, earnestly.

“They’ve told her they’re all going to take turns doing her up the bum.”

Alex kept his face blank, so as not to smile, and asked.

“Is that really so bad, Lucy? I take you up the bum, occasionally, and you’re *more than able* for it.”

Lucy plaintively said.

“It’s different when you do it. You’re not rough!”

To Alex, there was something adorable about Lucy’s anxiousness. He knew Lucy had had anal sex before him, but previous partners had left her with several bad experiences.

As he took the small bag he was carrying and laid it on the table, he said.

“Look. I got something for you.”

He removed a series of bags that were bearing the logos of Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and several other high-end brand names.

He had a feeling of pleasure from watching Lucy’s eyes light up. Lucy didn’t ever ask for anything from Alex because she’d grown up in a poor housing estate in northern England. It brought Alex great pleasure to buy her luxuries she’d, otherwise, never be able to afford.

She gave a muffled, girlish squeal as she opened each bag and pulled out an expensive hand bag, a pair of heels, an elegant cocktail dress, and various pieces of lingerie. Lucy had a slim figure and small breasts, which he knew made her lack confidence.

He’d tailored his choice of lingerie to her body more successfully than last time. Rather than a bra, there was a sheer, lace Basque, a garter belt, and stockings but no knickers.

Lucy laughed as she immediately stripped off.

“You’re so bad! There’s nothing to cover my foo-foo.”

She giggled as she looked at him.

“My mum said only dirty girls don’t wear knickers.”

Alex laid back on the chair and laughed at the childish, yet charming, name for her sex as she continued to unabashedly strip off. There was a certain elegance to her movements. After her boots came off, she quickly shed her dark-green uniform and stood there for a moment while wearing only her pink knickers, which gave a flash of colour. Yes, her small A-cup breasts gave her a slightly boyish look, but she was, unmistakably, feminine.

She walked over to Alex and patiently stood there while he slid her knickers down and off. She may have given the impression of being flighty and immature, but he’d never had to tell her what he liked because she’d figured it out for herself.


She’d worn several different types of lingerie under her uniform before—from thongs, to lacy briefs, and even going without! One evening, while in his office, he’d pulled down her uniform trousers to reveal a pair of girlish, brightly-coloured knickers covered with patterns. She’d immediately seen the look on his face and had worn only similar style underwear from then on.

Likewise with her pubic hair. While she’d previously had a strip of light-brown pubic hair, a chance glance from Alex had seen it’d vanished since their last tryst.


Once naked, Lucy quickly made for the bags, put on the Basque, and let her brown locks of hair fall below her shoulder. She giggled as she exaggerated the difficulty of putting on the garter belt and stockings. It was a joke, between them, that she was new to garters and stockings. She slipped into her heels and, with some poise, started to walk around the room while modelling her new outfit for Alex.

Lucy asked.

“Did you get me some toys? It’s okay if you didn’t because I can use the handle of my hair brush.”

Alex gestured toward the table and said.

“There’s another bag there.”

Lucy found it and quickly removed a large, blue dildo, a small, glass butt plug with a bright green base, and a jar of lubricant. She exaggerated putting the lubricant to one side because she was proud of the fact that she’d never had to use it.

Alex knew she wouldn’t, but he’d learned it was important to acknowledge Lucy’s sexual prowess, so he asked.

“Are you sure you don’t need to use some lubricant?”

She sat on the desk, parted her legs, giggled, and said.

“Yes, I’m sure! It’s been days since you last fucked me and I’m already dripping wet!”

Alex asked.

“What about with Lieutenant Howes? Has she not been looking after you properly?”

Lucy sighed and casually said.

“She only likes to use her fingers and tongue. I try to get her to use the toys you bought me, but she never does.”

She sighed.

“She just gets annoyed. After all, she is ‘*the officer*’.”

Alex watched as she nimbly spun around on the table and displayed her arse. First, she took the butt plug, pushed it into her glistening cunt, and stroked it a few times. Then, she spread her arse cheeks, which exposed her tiny, puckered, little entrance, before pushing the butt plug inside of her in a single, sharp motion.

Alex loudly said.

“*Well done, Lucy*!”

Her smile was radiant as she spun around, took the large, blue dildo, and said.

“Watch. I’ll take it in one go.”

“Be careful. It’s bigger than before so don’t hurt yourself.”

Earnestly, she said.

“I can do it! Watch! Are you watching?”

Lucy wanted his full attention, which he had no problem giving.

“Yes, Lucy, I’m watching.”

Alex watched as she moved onto her knees on the table. The dildo was of an irregular shape, so Alex suspected it was made for aesthetics instead of the actual science of pleasing a woman. He admired how Lucy didn’t hesitate, but simply placed it between her legs, gathered herself for a moment, and then thrusted it into herself.

“*Well done, Lucy*! *Good girl*!”

For the next few minutes, Lucy vigorously fucked herself with the dildo while Alex occasionally complimented her. If he went too long without praising her, she’d plaintively look at him. Eventually, she, rather quietly, climaxed and started to move off of the table.

“*One…more…time, Lucy*!”

She looked at him and plaintively asked.

“Can I have a cuddle, first?”

“One more time, Lucy, then we can cuddle.”

Alex had decided to experiment by ramping up the frequency of Lucy’s masturbation sessions, and he was curious as to the results. She didn’t argue, but simply went back to her position on the table and began to move the dildo in and out of herself, again.

“Don’t just go through the motions, Lucy. Do it properly and show me you can orgasm.”

Lucy plaintively said.

“I am. I wouldn’t try to trick you.”

As Alex watched her intensify her efforts to orgasm a second time, he said.

“*Good girl*!”

He could see it was more difficult for her, but she continued. That time, it took longer before she was, eventually, able to orgasm a second time.

She laid on the table, naked, and expectantly looked at him while the dildo was still wedged between her legs. Eventually, he motioned her over to him and she happily jumped off of the table and onto his lap.

He held her, stroked her hair, and whispered compliments into her ear for the next ten minutes. Eventually, after he’d indicated for her to climb off of his lap, she expertly unfastened his trousers, removed his erect cock and, without a moments’ hesitation, slid herself down on it.

He groaned every time he felt her tighten the muscles of her cunt as she engulfed and grabbed him with it, which made her smile and do it harder. She slowly moved up and down for only a few minutes before he emptied himself into her, but she didn’t orgasm. Alex had discovered it was best never to try to make her orgasm.

She carefully raised herself from his lap, with her hand between her legs to stop his semen and her own wetness from dripping onto him, kneeled in front of him, took his cock into her mouth, and licked it clean. After it’d softened, she carefully placed it away and fastened his trousers.

Lucy sat on his lap and chatted away for the next fifteen minutes until he ordered.

“*Masturbate one more time*!”

She was surprised, but she laid back and moved the dildo in and out of herself while he sat on the side of the table and watched. She orgasmed, again, and he allowed her to remove her butt plug.

He said.

“Why don’t you go back to your accommodation, have a shower, and rest? We’ll chat again, later.”

Lucy nodded, kissed Alex one more time, climbed off of the table, and carefully removed her Basque, garter belt, and stockings to place them in their bags before gathering her uniform.

She caught Alex’s eye as he picked her knickers up from the floor and placed them in his suitcase.

With a deadpan voice, he said.

“I’ll make sure Lieutenant Howes returns them to you.”

Lucy, momentarily, looked troubled. She’d never asked why he’d started taking her knickers only for Lieutenant Howes to return them each time.

She simply said.

“It doesn’t matter. I don’t need them.”

Alex smiled because he admired Private Gerard’s ability to exercise such control over her curiosity.

He asked.

“Hasn’t she told you, yet, what I have her do with them?”

Lucy shook her head and simply said.

“It’s none of my business.”

She hesitated a moment before she added.

“She’s really sorry, you know.”

“Is she?”

“Yes. She knows she was wrong.”

She stumbled a bit.

“She was asking me what you like because she wants to do better when you fuck her.”

Lucy nervously looked at him for a moment. Alex realised she felt she was taking a risk, but he knew she’d grown to care about Lieutenant Howes.

He said.

“What I like is for women to do what they’re told. You can do that, but she still struggles.”

Lucy said.

“She’s an officer. It’s different for her.”

Alex stood, took Lucy into his arms, slid his hand inside of her trousers, and felt the bare skin underneath.

“It’s not so different. She has a pussy and tits just like you do.”

As he gently stroked her sex, Lucy smiled and said.

“Her tits are bigger, though.”

“Yes, but your pussy and your little arsehole are *much* *tighter*!”

He could tell the compliment was what Lucy had wanted to hear because she giggled. As she turned to look at Alex, he noticed a look of nervousness coming across her face.

“Do you *really* take her up the bum?”

While Alex stroked her hair, he simply said.

“Of course. It’s not as nice as yours, but it’s nice.”

With Lucy’s knickers in his possession, he left her to get dressed as he made his way across the compound to find the store where Lieutenant Howes worked.
