Truth or Dare (a cuckold story)

A requested NSFW story I wrote a few back for a couple. Let me know what you think.

Themes: couple, group sex, cuckold, bondage, teasing, cheating, mfm, double penetration, anal, domination, swimsuit, pool sex.

Boyfriend: Luke
girlfriend: Sylvia

Summer was finally here. My girlfriend Sylvia and I have been cramped up inside for months finishing projects and getting everything done for our much needed vacation. A friend of ours has a
beach house down on the coast and is throwing a pool party to celebrate the beginning of summer. As I watched Sylvia dance around the bedroom in one of my oversized t-shits and a barely visible blue thong, I couldn’t help but get excited for this weekend. We have been so exhausted from everything that it has been a few weeks since she
and I have had sex. Watching her ass giggle as she bounced around picking up things to throw in her bag I couldn’t help but get aroused.

“Hey babe, are you taking anything special to wear for me this weekend?” I said with a hint of slyness. She looked back at me from trying to get something from beneath the dresser and teasingly wiggled her but and winked. “You know I have the biggest surprise for you,” She said standing up. From her suitcase she brandished a sleek black one-piece swimsuit. If I was not hard before I defiantly was now. The suit was tiny and backless. Sylvia had a fantastic body at nearly 19
years old she was slim and toned from her daily workouts. As my mind raced at the image of her in that suit, she slid my T-shirt off exposing her toned body. She held up the suit to her and it barely fit between her breasts. “I bet it will barely fit when I put it on” she said with a wink in my direction. “I will have to be sure my boobs
don’t fall out when I walk.” With that she bounded off to the kitchen dropping the suit in her bag as she left. “God,” I thought to myself,
“she is going to be the envy of everyone at that party.” “I just hope
I can hold myself back from jumping her the minute I see her in that
swimsuit” I softly grunted as I shifted my now noticeable boner poking
through my shorts.

                The trip itself down to the coast was not bad at all.
I drove us most of the way before stopping for dinner at the local
town before continuing on our way to Laura’s house. We were early so
we figured we would eat a snack and spend some time together before we
got there and Laura dragged Sylvia around to meet all her other
friends she had been bragging about. After an hour or so of relaxing
we got back in the car and headed out of town towards Laura’s house.
When we got there we were amazed. This house was gigantic with a
curved driveway, three stories, what looked like numerous rooms just
on the front side of the house, and backed up to the Cliffside. To
call this a house, or even a simple villa, is a massive

                At the door we were greeted by our friend Laura. Laura
was about 20 years old and a head shorter than me with a figured body,
long black hair, and large breasts only somewhat covered by her blue
bikini top. She was always hiding her body under her gothic clothing
that seeing her open her front door in a bikini almost struck me as
her being completely naked. I have seen parts of her body here and
there over the years but never this revealed to me. My amazement at
this was shortly replaced by another feeling of endorphins as soon as
she realized it was us on the other side of the door she immediately
jumped into Sylvia’s arms squealing with delight and it seemed for the
briefest moment that they were going to kiss. However, the short look
in each other’s eyes washed over and they hugged and danced up and
down on the spot. “I must be hornier than I thought” I mused as they
danced and sang how they missed each other.

                “Oh!” laura gasped as she brought their dancing to an
end with what seemed to be a suddenly remembered purpose. “I am so
happy you are here! I have made some new friends this year and my
constant bragging about you has made them anxious to meet you!” I
smiled thinking about how I am going to have to deal with a bunch of
squealing girls gossiping and giggling for the next several hours.
What I needed was to change and get a drink. “hey Laura” I said
interrupting for the first time, “ where is our room so we can
change?” Laura looked at me for the first time and without warning
jumped into my arms as well. “haha hey!” I stammered laughing while
stumbling back a step from the surprise hug. “I have been very excited
to see you as well babe” she whispered in my ear while pressing her
body against mine and holding the back of my head. I could feel her
subtle breath on my ear like she wanted to take a bite when all of a
sudden it was over and she was bounding up the stairs to the left of
the veranda calling for us to follow. I looked at Sylvia with my face
noticeably red to which Sylvia slyly giggled and winked before
grabbing her stuff and followed Laura. I took a deep breath to bring
some much needed cold air into my body to calm my libido before I
collected my things and followed the girls up to the second story.

                Our room was three down on the right overlooking the
entrance but was high enough over the trees to see the coastline curve
inland and the faint afternoon glow of the town we had left earlier
that day in the distance. Our room was spacious and comfortable with a
large queen sized bed and our own toilet. I eyed the bed longingly
thinking of Sylvia stretched out on it while I climbed up mounting her
before she moans out my name, “Lukeeee…” As if my short fantasy wasn’t
enough to spike my libido at that very second, Laura came bounding
from showing Sylvia the closet onto the bed making the pillows and
comforter flop up from the sudden impact. The force of the jump sent
her swimsuit slightly askew showing off a portion of her shaved pink
pussy and the barest glimpse of her breasts. She realized as she hit
the bed this happened, but before she could adjust Sylvia was on top
of her in a mock wrestling move pinning Laura beneath her. “I have you
now! What are you going to do to pay for your release?” Sylvia
mockingly stated from her advantage. Laura took a moment looking into
Sylvia’s eyes before leaning her chest up, stretching the limits of
her already distorted bikini top showing the barest glimpse of her
nipples and kissed Sylvia on the lips. Their momentary lingering kiss
stretched on for the better part of several heartbeats before they
disengaged and Sylvia giggling got off of Laura who, winking at me,
adjusted her top. I was at that second pretty sure that the minute we
got back in the room later I would not be able to last long with that
image firmly planted in my brain. “Why is the party not over already I
am going to burst” I thought wishing I could massage the raging boner
I hoped was not showing too much through my pants.

                The doorbell rang again and Laura said she needed to
go check on the visitor and her other guests downstairs. With a quick
wink at me she disappeared around the door and down the hallway.
“Laura sure is energetic today” I said staring after beautiful ass
skip down the hallway. As I closed the door I turned to find Sylvia
right behind me. Before I could take a step back she had her hand down
my pants feeling my hard cock between her fingers. “I see the thought
of me and her still excites you” she said through an evil smile.
“Maybe later I can get her to help you with this.” She laughed and
then glanced at the clock on the wall. “too bad we don’t have enough
time right now” she sighed “I am looking forward to being pumped full
later. We have not had enough sex lately and you owe me,” She said
with a wink and a firm squeeze of my cock before removing her hand. I
swear if she had just given me one more squeeze like that I would have
cum in her hand. She kissed me and then proceeded to change and get
ready in the bathroom. Since I was already sporting my swimsuit and a
white t-shirt I told her I would go ahead and head downstairs. From
the Door in the bathroom I heard her acknowledge me and saw the
briefest glimpse of her bending over showing her wonderful pink shaven
pussy before pulling that one-piece swimsuit up. I wanted to see the
rest but I knew staying in that room would only make the feeling in my
balls worsen so I decided to leave and go downstairs.

                After leaving the room I closed the door and began to
walk down the hallway taking my time and glancing in the open doors
along the way. Before reaching the last door, which was only partially
closed, I heard Laura’s voice from the room. “Oh right there! Fuck me
please!” Laura’s voice was muffled, but distinctive from the hallway
where I stood. Moving quietly to the door I peeked in through the
crack. The room looked similar to our room but it had a smaller bed
from what I could see. However, the décor was not what I was attracted
to. Laura was being held against the wall by a toned man with
dark-brown hair. He is just under 6 feet tall, thin but not skinny,
and toned in a way that indicated he lifted weights regularly. One of
his arms was extended out holding Laura by her throat. Laura’s
swimsuit top was pulled to the side showing off her amazing tits I had
only glimpsed earlier and her bikini bottom was missing. The man held
Laura against the wall and was rigorously thrusting into her. Laura
cried out just then. The anguish on her face made me almost reach for
the door to rush in and help her, but right then I stopped. It had
taken me a moment but I distinctly heard Laura cry out “Ah fuck me
Luke!” Had I heard her right? Had she just called out my name? The man
groaned as he was reaching his limit. He picked up Laura like she
weighed nothing and threw her over the bed facing the door. He grabbed
her ass and thrust his cock into her again making Laura moan loudly
and grip the bed covers in ecstasy. That is when he moaned out “beg
for it bitch! Beg for my cock!” She arched her back and opened her
eyes just then to see me standing in the hall watching this which just
made her smile devilishly. Without breaking her gaze with me she
pleaded “Please Luke! Fuck me like the slut I am!” His thrusts became
harder and deeper as he dug his fingers into her hips bringing her
into him as he pounded into her. “what is your name slut” he moaned
out through gritted teeth. Still looking into my eyes she cried out
“Sylvia!” He grabbed the back of her head and shoved it into the bed
breaking her stare with me and with one, two, three more powerful
thrusts I heard her yell as she orgasmed with his cum shooting into

                I had seen enough and decided then to leave. That was
the hottest thing I had ever seen. Laura was hot but right then when
she cried out Sylvia’s name I imagined it was Sylvia he was fucking.
The strangest part was I liked it. I liked thinking about Sylvia
getting rammed by that guy and begging for his cock to cum inside her.
I liked thinking about her being a slut. I mused over this as I
reached the bottom floor and found the kitchen where party snacks and
drinks were laid out over the countertops. I found a bottle of water
and took a couple deep gulps of the liquid to calm my insides. A
moment later I saw the man walk by the kitchen door on his way
outside. He had a huge smile on his face and said “hey bro” as he
walked outside. I stood there only a moment longer when Laura walked
in. Spotting me she smiled wryly and slowly walked towards me before
positioning herself in front of me. I couldn’t move as she bit her
lower lip and eyed mine before looking up at me. “I trust that you
won’t say anything to our Sylvia about that will you? I have plans and
I do not want them messed up.” She reached down and her hands rested
on my still hard cock and began to massage it through my swimsuit. “I
would be very appreciative and I promise you that it will end up in
your favor. Deal?” I started to stammer a response when Sylvia walked
into the kitchen with a happy “hello to two of my favorite people.”
Sylvia was wearing her swimsuit and a light cloth skirt that was
easily see-through showing off her amazing ass-cheeks. Laura looked
away from me to Sylvia and embraced her squealing words I could barely
here but had something to do with “missing her.” Laura took Sylvia’s
hands and said “I have some awesome people to introduce you to.” With
one last wink from her she and Sylvia disappeared through the door
into the backyard. “What have I gotten us into this weekend” I sighed
as I remembered her hand massaging my cock and the words she said
about “plans” made the feeling in my pants almost unbearable. I
decided to leave enough alone and see how the night went.

                The next couple of hours went by as expected. There
were not that many people there; only one other girl and three guys
including the one who had been fucking Laura upstairs. Sylvia was
being bounced around the party from one guest to another laughing and
having a good time. I found myself staring at the man who fucked
Laura, who I found out was named Jake, more often than I’d care to
admit. I kept thinking about how excited it made me thinking about him
imagining cumming inside Sylvia bareback. I had watched as Laura
introduced him to Sylvia and he seemed normal. He and his friends at
one point came over to me and I found myself to really like these
guys. Other than Jake there was Lucas and Sam. Jake it turns out went
to the same gym as Sylvia and that’s how they all became friends. Jake
is a local trainer it turns out and trained the other two guys there
as well. Lucas was about the same height as Sam and Jake with an
angular body and muscular legs. He plays for a local football team and
is training to make a career as a football player. Sam works for his
family’s business as a merchant supplier. He spent most of his
childhood on or near boats and his tanned skin and muscular body
showed the years of work. His recent promotion to working in the
offices has left him needing a workout to maintain his body which is
where he met Jake and Lucas. All three wore spandex swimsuits that
left little to the imagination as to the figures underneath and the
massive cocks each sported. I couldn’t help but look and from what I
could see the other girls, including Sylvia, noticed as well.

                Just after the sun went down Laura brought out some
food and we all had some wine to drink. Laura being a generous host
provided a seemingly limitless supply of wine bottles and other
assorted alcoholic beverages. However, the other girl, Kara was her
name, said she had to leave for a family vacation and was only
spending the afternoon before she had to go home and pack. She kissed
Laura on the cheek and left. Now that the rest of us had been drinking
we decided to make a game out of it and proceeded to play tag. Lucas
was ‘it’ first and found no trouble catching the rest of us. He toyed
around with Sylvia who tried to run but slipped in the grass with him
falling on top of her. I couldn’t help but notice that he seemed to
rub his cock through his suit on her before getting up. Sam was ‘it’
next and he was able to catch most of us, except Lucas. I noticed that
he too played around with catching Sylvia when he picked her up and
pretend feel into the pool with her. As they feel I saw as his hand
slipped inside her suit and groped one of her breasts. However, when
they both came up they just looked at each other and laughed. Laura
was ‘it’ next and when she found me hiding at the corner of the house
that was obstructed from view of the rest of the house she walked up
and laid a finger on my lips to keep me silent and got on her knees
and ran her tongue over the fabric where my erect cock was. She looked
up at me and said “I got you,” before giggling ran out to find the
others. I could barely move as the alcohol in combination with all my
blood in my cock prevented the ability for me to control my body
enough to move.

                After tag we were exhausted and decided to sit and
play a game. After a short deliberation we decided to play ‘Truth or
Dare’. The first few rounds went off as expected with semi-lame truths
like “have you ever traveled abroad” and dares like “I dare you to get
me another drink”. However, after a few rounds they started getting
interesting. Jake: “Dare”. Sam looked at Jake and dared him to pull
his cock out. As Jake stood up and pulled down his suit we could all
see the massive cock I had seen earlier cumming inside Laura proudly
displayed before the group. I glanced at Sylvia who just gaped at his
member. Now was Jake’s turn so he asked Lucas the question. Lucas said
“dare”. Jake dared Lucas to let one of the girls touch his cock. Jake
looked around and said “her” while pointing at Sylvia seemingly
randomly. I began to protest when I saw Laura looking at me out of the
corner of my eyes and she shook her head ‘no’. I sat back then and
watched as Sylvia shyly got up and walked over to Lucas and held his
hands up to allow her to do it at her own pace. She slipped her hand
down under the fabric and I watched the bulge of her hand continue to
the bulge of his cock and the two connect. Her face exploded in a huge
grin as she locked eyes with Lucas. I watched as her hand stroked his
cock under the fabric of his suit and judging by the growth of that
bulge he enjoyed it. I looked at Laura again and she simply winked at
me. After a moment she pulled her hand out and they laughed as she
returned to her seat. It was not my turn. I chose “dare” when asked as
I figured a mundane task would get my mind off of what I had just
seen. Lucas looked at me and said “I dare you to let Laura tie you to
a chair and grind on you.” This got some hollers from the other guys
and Sylvia, who looked ecstatic at the idea. Laura got up and
disappeared into the house for a moment before proceeding to come back
out furnishing a coiled up length of rope. Jake pulled up a chair for
me and I sat in it and put my arms behind my back for Laura to tie.
Laura disappeared behind me while the other guys mockingly bowed and
referred to me as “their king”. I found myself laughing along with
them as Laura tied my hands. As she was finishing tying my hands, she
told the others they could continue the game and skip her as this
counted as her dare.

                Laura sat on my lap and smiled hugely at me. “See? I
told you that I would make it up to you.” She began to grind and rub
against me. She ran her hands over my chest and ran her nails along my
sin as her bikini bottom stretched and glided over my bulging cock
teasing me to the brink of bearibility. I would have kept staring at
her had she not stood up to turn to sit on my lap facing away from me.
The others had apparently Just finished watching Laura play with me
before deciding to continue the game. Sylvia had apparently also
chosen ‘Dare’ and was standing before the three men pulling the sides
of her suit together so that her breasts popped out of the fabric. The
three exchanged glances and complimented her. However, as she began
the process of putting them back the three protested before she gave
in and laughing said she would leave them out “Since it seems to
please our king so much” she said glancing over at Laura and I. Before
I could respond Laura leaned back and whispered “let them have their
fun and we will have ours.” She put her hands over her head and behind
mine and began to slowly and deeply grind her ass into my cock
straining the fabric on both suits. I numbly watched as the next dare
for Jake involved him rubbing his cock between Sylvia’s breasts.
Sylvia bit her lower lip and looked up as the stud pulled down his
suit for the second time and taking a boob in each hand squeezed her
tits together and thrust his cock between them. At the moment his
hands touched her tits Sylvia shook slightly and closed her eyes for a
moment obviously enjoying his touch and his use of her body. After a
moment of this he stopped and looked at Lucas. “hey man are you going
to choose dare as well?” Lucas responded with a “hell yeah!” A
triumphant Jake looked down at Sylvia who had not taken her eyes off
of his enormous cock and said, “then I dare you to pull your dick out
and get it sucked by Sylvia.” Sylvia looked up at him for a moment
before her gaze shifted to Sam, who at that moment pulled off his
swimsuit as well and walked over presenting his cock a few centimeters
from her face. She looked up at the two ov them and smiled before
opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue inviting him in.

                Sylvia had apparently forgotten I was there and I
tried to struggle out of the ropes that bound my hands. “no, no, no…we
cannot have any of that.” Laura said turning around from her lap dance
to face me. “They are taking this game a little far” I protested as
Jake resumed rubbing his cock on Sylvia’s tits while Sam slowly pushed
his cock into her inviting mouth. I could see the outline of his cock
in her throat. “Are you going to let them do those things to your best
friend,” I asked. She smiled down at me and brought her face close to
mine before saying “Them fucking her is the whole reason you both are
here this weekend. The fact you are here too just shows that she
wanted you to see her get used by my three friends over there while I
play with you over here.” She stood up and wiggled her body in a mock
sexy dance before running her hands over her body. “Don’t lie to me
and tell me you are not enjoying this? I can see that erection through
your pants.” She flicked the end of my dick through my suit and
giggled. Biting her lower lip she continued, “I have been thinking
about getting your girlfriend up here for weeks.” One of her hands
slipped into her bikini bottom fingering her own clit while the other
slipped under her top and massaged and pinched her nipples. “I have
been telling those three about Sylvia for months and they each have
fucked me calling me her name to prepare for her.” She closed her eyes
and moaned my name while fingering herself. “Oh Luke fuck me! Jake,
Lucas, Sam please fuck me! Treat me like the dirty slut I am! AHH cum
inside me now I need it!!!!”

I looked past Laura masturbating then and saw that the three guys
practically had given up on the charade of the game. Lucas had
proceeded to pull the bottom of Sylvia’s suit to the side and was
fingering her pussy. This made Sylvia moan onto Sam’s cock. Lucas held
up his hand showing the others Sylvia’s wet pussy juices all over it.
This resulted in sporty grins between the three men who began to grope
her in their own ways even harder now. After a moment of this Jake
stood up and said he was ready to change positions. Sylvia groaned in
protest as Lucas and Sam withdrew from her and stepped back. Jake laid
down on the ground and motioned for Sylvia to crawl over and mount
him. She obeyed and once on top of him she grabbed his cock and rubbed
the head of it against her swollen pussy. Her head flew back in
pleasure and she groaned as she slid the first inch in. As she
descended onto the massive cock I could see the outline of his bulge
in her stomach. She collapsed on top of him as  the last of his cock
slid into her and her pussy was nudged up against the man’s balls. She
took in some slow breaths enjoying the sensation of it all. She was
positioned in a way to which her riding him had her facing me. She
looked up from the man she had inside her and made eye contact with
me. For a moment I saw a flicker of recognition where she realized
where she was and what she was doing. However, before that thought
process could be completed Sam stepped in front of her between us and,
grabbing her head roughly, forced his cock into her mouth. She began
riding Jakes cock as the sensation of the moment took her over again.

At that moment Laura had stopped masturbating and was watching the
others fuck Sylvia a few feet behind her. “Damn that girl can take a
dick!” She looked back at me slyly saying, “Speaking of which…” She
bent down and moved the fabric of my swimsuit to the side reveling my
erect cock. “Oh baby I have been dreaming of playing with a committed
guys dick for a long time. I wanted yours to be the first I played
with” she said as she began to stroke my cock slowly and lick the side
from the base to the head.  “I want you to watch as your girlfriend
gets savagely fucked by those three guys and you have to sit here and
do nothing about it.” I looked on helplessly as Sylvia rotated between
Sam and Lucas while bouncing up and down on Jakes cock. Her tits
bounced up and down unsupported by the swimsuit. She seemed to be
overjoyed with cocks all around her filling her pussy and mouth. Each
cock more eager than the last to be inside her, stroked by her, and
feel her moan on it.

Laura sat up and sat back on my lap after a few minutes of watching me
groan under her constant teasing and the image of Sylvia getting used
by these three strangers. “It isn’t fair that from down there it is
hard to watch them fuck her. Why should you get all the pleasure
watching Sylvia get cumdumped?” She began to masturbate again while
sitting on top of my lap grinding her ass against my exposed cock
between her legs. “Oh Luke right there…ohhhhh Luke that’s right my
nipples!” I found myself divided. On one hand a gorgeous girl is on
top of me pleasuring herself to the thought of fucking me. On the
other hand my girlfriend, whom I love, is getting used like a
fuck-doll by three men with gigantic cocks. Sylvia was now bent over
Jake as She sucked on Sam solo. Lucas had pulled his saliva soaked
cock out of Sylvia’s mouth and proceeded behind her pushing the tip
into her ass. Sylvia seemed to awaken at that moment and started to
cry out but Sam’s cock prevented this and Lucas’s dick slid into her
as Jake’s cock slid into her pussy. She now had all three of her holes
filled by the men. She groaned as they gave her a moment to accept her
fate and then they rhythmically continued to fuck her. Her eyes
rolling back in her head from the constant barrage of sensations.
Laura’s pussy cum was flowing from her now wetting my cock which
screamed at me for it to fuck something. I groaned loudly before
begging Laura, “Please Laura fuck me.”

Laura stopped fingering her pussy and sat up. “Are you giving in now
baby” she cried happily. “yes, Laura. Yes, I give in. Fuck me while I
watch Sylvia get treated like a fuck-doll by your three friends.
Please!” She looked down at me. A smile spread across her lips. “Oh
Luke you have made me the happiest girl. Well not the happiest because
that is probably Sylvia right now” she laughed. “Oh Luke,” she stated
while climbing on top of me. “I am going to drain every last bit of
cum from your cock. Tonight you are mine and I want her to hear you
yell out my name when you cum inside me.” She pulled her swimsuit
bottom aside and slid the head of my cock into her soaked pussy. “Do
we have a deal?” “Yes!” I half-yelled through clenched teeth as the
feeling of her pussy on my cock was nearly unbearable. She slid down
my cock with a gasp and held me tight as she trembled from the
sensation she had denied herself all night took over her.

I looked past Laura while she paused and saw that they had switched
positions with Sylvia on her back. Jake had taken up to ramming his
cock into Sylvia’s mouth showing a massive bulge in her throat. Sam
was behind her slapping her ass red with each thrust of his cock
inside of her. Lucas sat next to them watching and stroking his cock.
After a moment Lucas hopped up and high-fiving Sam switched places
with him. Sylvia looked ragged but overjoyed at all the attention she
was getting. Lucas picked up Sylvia by the legs and roughly began
fucking her pussy. This position caused Sylvia to swallow more of
Jake’s cock which he was not expecting causing him to erupt with cum
down her throat. She gagged but swallowed like a good girl.

Laura had now recovered and was beginning to grind on my cock while
she looked back at Jake cumming in Sylvia’s mouth. “Oh baby, did you
see that Luke? Your girlfriend just swallowed Jakes load!” I had seen
and it made my cock swell even more than I felt it could. Laura sure
felt it as she began to ride me harder. She pulled her top to the side
and shoved one of her tits into my face forcing me to suck and bite on
her nipples as they were presented. “oh god Luke please cum inside me
soon I need to feel it!” I looked past her and saw that Sam and Lucas
had Sylvia between them. One had his cock buried in her ass while the
other in her pussy. They were lifting her up and down so she slid on
and off of their cocks simultaneously. She was facing Lucas so her
tits were right in Lucas’s face where he was doing the same thing I
was doing to Laura’s tits moments before. He would nibble and suck at
her nipple and she would groan between each drop onto their cocks. She
yelled out in pleasure over and over again completely lost in a world
of cum and cocks.

Without stopping Laura looked at me and asked “do you want them to cum
inside her?” At that moment that is all I wanted in the world. “Yes!”
I responded. “Fill her with their cum!” Laura groaned in pleasure,
“You heard him boys fill our Sylvia up in both holes with your cum!”
At that moment they both erupted inside her filling her with their
cum. She shuddered on their cocks enjoying the feeling of their cum
filling her insides. They let her down and she lay there gasping with
cum coming out of her ass and pussy and Jakes still covering her mouth
from where it had overflowed. Seeing her covered in all their cum I
could not last any longer. “I’m cumming!” I yelled as I was about to
burst. Laura stopped on the last stroke that would send me over. Her
pussy dangling right over the head of my cock. “Say it!” she cried.
“say what?” I asked desperately. “I told you I want Sylvia to hear you
cry out my name.” “Fine! I cried. “Laura I’m cumming inside you now
please fuck me!” She let loose and her pussy fell onto my cock
allowing it to erupting inside her. I jerked back and Laura shuddered
as her own orgasm overtook her. After a few moments of heavy
breathing. Laura looked up and told Jake to grab Sylvia and bring here
over to Laura. Jake complied dragging the exhausted and cum covered
Sylvia off the ground and over to Laura and I. Laura pulled herself
off of my cock eliciting an involuntary groan from me. She sat on my
lap with her cum soaked pussy straddling my cock. She looked down at
Sylvia and said “Now Sylvia dear, I want you to clean your boyfriends
cum off of my pussy and his cock.” Sylvia obeyed. She took turns
licking Laura’s pussy and my cock. I still felt sensitive from being
teased so long that even my loving girlfriends tongue sent waves over
my body. “That’s my good girl” Laura said taking Sylvia’s head into
her hands. “Now Luke thank your girlfriend for bringing you along this
weekend.” I looked into Sylvia’s eyes knowing I loved her so much when
I said “I love you baby. Thank you for bringing me this weekend.”

That was the first night of that weekend. The rest of the nights
Sylvia was passed around between the various guys and Laura while I
had to sit and wait for her to come back to our room or watch each
time. By the end of the weekend Sylvia was sore from the repeated
fuckings and I was a happy cuckold who was sad that the weekend had to
end and we would have to wait to have Sylvia fucked by these guys
again over our next vacation. We reluctantly said our goodbyes as we
got in the car to drive back home. As the villa faded into the
rearview mirrors I looked down to see Sylvia’s pants wet. “Baby are
you ok? Do you need to change shorts?” She smiled and winked at me.
“No Luke they all came in me one last time and told me to hold their
cum inside of me to remember them.” She then kissed me and stroked my
cock while we drove back to our lives in the city.
