Mr. Banks pt. 1 [M/f] [Boss] [toy] [bdsm] [public] [Older/younger]

Mr. Banks pt. 1 —

(When an employee is caught stealing money her boss comes up with a punishment fit for the crime.) I am well aware that there are tons of grammatical errors. I wrote this solely to get the story out of my mind and onto paper to share, plus I suck at editing.


Myra sat in her car, drumming her fingers on the steering wheel. She checked the time on her phone; she had five minutes till she had to clock in. As much as her body ached from the twelve hour shift she had worked the day before, she knew she couldn’t afford to call off. She could see her kitchen counter in her mind now; the bills stacked higher than the dishes.

A friend from junior college had hooked her up with a job working for his father. It was minimum wage, but with the extra hours she was putting in she would soon have the bills covered. Well, the extra hours and the money she was pocketing from the till at the end of every shift.

The first time she had done it she justified it by promising to put money back after she got her check. The second and third had been easier and the fifth time she had hardly batted an eye at it. She still felt guilty about it but couldn’t seem to stop. Her monetary needs outweighed the trouble she thought she would get in. Besides her boss, Mr. Banks the owner of Banks Grocery, and his wife Lenore both absolutely loved her. Myra had only been working at the store for three months but had already become a favorite of the repeat customers.

Myra sighed, opened her car door, and pulled her coat around her neck tighter against the cold. It was two days till Christmas and the storefront was decorated with rosy cheeked Santa’s and mischievous snowmen. She got out and slammed her car door shut then trudged her way into the small grocery store for another long shift.


The last customers picked their bags off of the counter and exited the door at 10:07p. Mr. Banks locked the door smiling at Myra. “Busy day huh? I suppose everybody is getting ready for their holiday guests.”

Myra pulled her apron over her head and hung it on the register. “My family wouldn’t come up here even if I paid them too.” She said with a shrug. “Where was Lenore today?”

Mr. Banks walked over to lean against the counter. “She left yesterday with Anthony to her parents house early. I’m not leaving until tomorrow depending on the weather. What are you doing for Christmas?”

“Going to see my parents.” Myra lied. She didn’t want him to know she hadn’t made any plans, that she hadn’t even bought a Christmas tree.

“I’m going to go check the back doors are locked and do a final walk. Why don’t you bring the till in and lock it up.” Mr. Banks said as he walked away. Myra watched him. She had to admit, he had a nice ass and she could tell he knew it. She had never really been attracted to an older man; and Mr. Banks who was in his early 40’s was nearly twenty years older than her. He wasn’t necessarily muscled, just fit, and when he was younger Myra believed he had been handsome. *It’s not as if he would ever look twice at me* she thought grumpily. She looked at her reflection in the dark glass window. The brown corduroy skirt she was wearing ended just above her knees and fit snugly around her hips. Myra turned sideways and sucked her stomach in placing her hand flat on it. She was short and stocky with a little more weight on her then was considered healthy. The turquoise shirt she was wearing was cut in a large scoop around her neck; the swell of her large breasts was just visible above the collar. He brown curly hair was long and hung half way down her back. Her skin was pail, covered with fading freckles that she hardly noticed anymore. Her face was rounded out, an asset which made her look much younger than her 22 years.

Myra let out the breath she was holding and opened the cash register. She pulled the till out then walked it to the front office fumbling with the safe key on her way. She entered the small office leaving the door open behind her so she could hear Mr. Banks if he decided to check on her. The safe was on the back wall directly in front of the door. The counter it was bolted to was covered with envelopes and reports, customer complaints and receiving bills.

Myra balanced the till on her hip and opened the heavy safe door. She placed her till on top of the two others occupying the safe. She reached farther into the safe and opened the small panel on the side practically invisible to the eyes. Fifty and hundred dollar bills were neatly stacked side by side. Myra licked her lip in thought and perhaps a bit of guilt before plowing through it and snatching three fifty dollar bills from the wall panel. She folded them in half once then again and stuffed them in her skirt pocket. She pulled the safe shut and locked it securely.

Mr. Banks cleared his throat from the doorway and Myra jumped into the air, spinning around quickly.

“Mr. Banks, I… Is something wrong?” she asked suddenly.

Mr. Banks frowned at her and crossed his arms. “Yes Myra, I think there is.” He held out his hand and stepped closer to her. Myra gulped and fished the money out of her pocket them slapped it into Mr. Banks hand. He made a great deal out of unfolding the bills and straightening them. Myra watched the movements; dread building up. “How much have you taken Myra?” Mr. Banks asked.

Myra opened her mouth to speak but nothing would come out. She cleared her throat. “Nine hundred, sir.”

Mr. Banks took the safe key from Myra’s hand and reopened it. He placed the three bills back in the side panel and shut it again with too much strength. He kept his back to her and straightened papers on the counter.

“I’m fired; aren’t I.” Myra said her voice barely audible.

Mr. Banks straightened up and turned back towards her. “No Myra, you’r not. Perhaps I’m feeling a bit generous because of it being the holidays and all. What ever the reason you should feel lucky I’m not going to report you to the police. You’ll pay me back of course.” Mr. Banks stepped closer to Myra. “I know how important this job is to you and I think you should contemplate what exactly you are willing to do to keep it.” Mr. Banks held Myra’s eye with his making sure that what he had said was sinking in. When he saw the realization dawn on her face he smiled and turned away from her. “You should get going.” Mr. Banks said gruffly. Myra walked jerkily out to her car contemplating what exactly she would do to keep her job.


At eight the next morning Myra was sitting in her car in the store parking lot. Mr. Banks was there already and the several other employees that had agreed to work of Christmas Eve were just arriving. Myra looked down at her lap doubtfully. She hoped she had chosen the right thing to do and had not misinterpreted Mr. Banks words. Her knee length skirt from yesterday was gone replaced by a skirt that stopped half way up her thighs, not considered too short for a girl her age but just bordering work appropriate. She also had on a sky blue tank-top, its thin straps the only thing supporting her full breasts.

Her heart thumping, she got out of her car and headed into the store. She went straight to the cash office to talk with Mr. Banks. When she entered the office the safe stared back at her mockingly. Myra crossed her arms over her chest, trying to cover herself up at the last minute and cleared her throat. Mr. Banks took a moment before he turned around. He looked Myra up and down gratefully, his mouth turning up in a smile, or was it a sneer?

“I’m glad you decided to show up today Myra, I wouldn’t want you to quit over such a small offense.”

He stood up and came within a hands distance from her. He reached behind her and closed the door then switched the blinds shut. Mr. Banks looked into her eyes. “I have something for you Myra, I think it will make the day much more… interesting.” Mr. Banks placed his hand on her knee then moved it up slowly to the inside of her thigh. Myra pushed herself against the wall and tried to fight the urge to close her legs on his questing hand. Mr. Banks eyes were drawn to her breasts instead of her face. He used his other hand to pull down her top, then pulled her breasts out. Myra felt his fingers brush against her trimmed pussy through the lace of her thong. She felt Mr. Banks push two fingers under her panties and before she knew what he was doing he jerked them down. Myra quickly looked down at the panties pooled around her ankles. Mr. Banks caught her eyes as he absently rubbed one of her nipples. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small brown bag. Mr. Banks opened it and held it in front of Myra’s face. Mr. Banks held up a tiny red thong with a silver tube the size of a large thumb attached to the cloth by a cord. Mr. Banks knelt down in front of Myra and picked up her legs lifting her old panties over her high-healed feet. He tucked them into his pant pocket and lifted up Myra’s legs once again, one at a time sliding the thong up her legs. As he reached her skirt he pulled it up her thighs with the thong. When he got to her pussy Mr. Banks pushed the silver tube against her clit. Myra shivered at the touch and instantly knew what it was without Mr. Banks having to tell her. Mr. Banks looked up at her, Myra’s face perfectly framed by her breasts. He pulled the thong snugly against her hips and professionally straightened her skirt and top out. He didn’t say anything else to her, just opened the office door and ushered her out.

Myra walked awkwardly to her register and put on her apron expecting the vibrator to go off at any moment.

Three hours later Myra was on edge. Mr. Banks still hadn’t flipped the switch and Myra was puzzling over whether she was disappointed or not. She had caught sight of Mr. Banks walking down the aisles or talking with a customer. He looked no different than he did any other day. Myra *had* noticed the extra attention she was getting from the customers. They seemed nicer, more willing to wait in the long Christmas Eve lines.

It was when she was checking out the order of a busty blond woman that Myra jumped, almost dropping the jar of red beets. She instinctively closed her legs and leaned on the counter. It only made the sensations worse.

The woman looked at her worriedly. “Do you need any help, Miss?” Myra looked up at the blond and caught Mr. Banks eye instead. He gave his head an almost imperceptible shake no; he was warning at her to act normal.

Myra smiled and stood up. “Everything is fine.” she lied. “Just cramps.” The woman smiled at her sympathetically. Myra was aware of every vibration against her clit. She was aware of her nipples hardening from the pleasure. She was aware that her pussy was beginning to get wet. But most of all she was aware of Mr. Banks looking at her, his hand in his pocket, controlling the vibration levels.

After three minutes Myra was doing her best to hold back the moans. She began to push her hips forward, pressing them against the counter to push the vibrator harder against her clit. When she did Mr. Banks turned the vibrator off, leaving Myra panting and not daring look up at him. She continued to check people out in a steady flow trying to ignore the building sensation drawn from the vibrating bullet.

Mr. Banks turned the vibrations up as high as it could go and walked away from the front of the store. Myra knew he was still watching her, perhaps from behind, but she could still feel him watching. It made her clit swell and pussy grow wetter just knowing it. Myra couldn’t hold the orgasm in any longer and let out a loud moan which she did her best to turn into a cough.

Her knees began to shake and almost gave out. She put all her weight on the counter and groaned loudly. The old man she was checking out stared at her his mouth half opened. Myra couldn’t do anything except let the orgasm work through her body and pray that Mr. Banks turned the vibrations off before she came again. Through the fog of her pleasure she registered that the vibrations had slowed down to their lowest setting and had stopped there. Still pleasurable but not to intense to cause another orgasm right away. She recovered quickly and finished by taking the man’s money and sending him on his way. There were no other customers directly behind him so she leaned against the register to gain her breath.

Mr. Banks walked past her with another employee, “No resting on the job Myra, find something to do.” Myra looked at his back as he continued to walk away, flabbergasted. How could he stay so calm when he had just driven her to orgasm in the middle of a crowded grocery store? The vibrations jumped to a high level then stopped all together. Myra could feel how wet her pussy had gotten and hoped her juices wouldn’t start to run down her legs.

Myra didn’t see Mr. Banks until the end of the day but that didn’t stop him from controlling the vibrator against her clit. The longest Mr. Banks had it on was for an hour on the lowest setting, occasionally spiking it to the strongest level. Myra was sure that at those times her customers could hear it. Mr. Banks never let her cum again, teasing her all day like she had never been teased before.

At six that evening the last employee left; leaving Mr. Banks, Myra, and a few straggling shoppers in the store. Myra checked out the last customer and smiled at them as Mr. Banks ushered them out the door and locked it behind them. He stood watching their car leave then turned to Myra.

“So Myra, how do you like the new addition to your uniform?” Mr. Banks strode towards her confidently. Myra shifted nervously under his intense gaze and couldn’t answer him. “I asked you a question and I expect an answer Myra. How do you like your new uniform?”

Myra swallowed several times before she could answer. “It’s very nice, sir.”

Mr. Banks smiled at her. “Yes, I suppose you liked it a lot. I would imagine that your pussy is dripping wet right now.” Mr. Banks eyes flickered to her tightly closed legs. “Take off your apron Myra.” Mr. Banks commanded her.

This is it, thought Myra, either I submit to him and do what he wants or I find another job somewhere. She had a momentary bit of panic at finding another job when this one had been so hard to find. The deciding factor to her was when her eye, already downcast, caught the bulge in Mr. Banks pants and her mind began to wonder at what it might look like. If it’s anything like his son’s I’m in for a treat she thought, almost smiling.

Myra reached behind her back and untied the apron and hung it up.

Mr. Banks drank in the image of her again, looking her up and down, scrutinizing every inch of her. “Take off your top.” he commanded.

Myra did as she was told lifting the tank top over her head exposing her breasts to her boss. The cold air of the store and feeling of exposure instantly hardened them. Before she could get her arms out of the shirt Mr. Banks grabbed hold of her breasts. He squeezed both of them hard, digging his fingers into the white flesh. He squeezed them together rubbing them against each other than letting them go. Myra stumbled back against her register in surprise and watched Mr. Banks face as he continued the assault on her breasts. Soon he was pinching her nipples softly and Myra sighed, glad that the mauling of before was being tamed. She let herself relax and moaned leaning her head back and pushing her breasts out to Mr. Banks. Mr. Banks hands were soon replaced with his mouth; then Myra jumped and moaned loudly when Mr. Banks replaced his mouth with two wooden clothespins.

Mr. Banks stepped back and looked at her, a smirk on his lips again. He reached behind her and pulled her shirt out of her arms causing her breasts to bounce and send sparks of pain through her. Myra made a move to remove the clothespins then stopped when Mr. Banks cleared his throat.

“I don’t think you want to take those off.” he warned her. Myra got the hint, if she wanted to keep her job and not be arrested for stealing, she had to do what Mr. Banks wanted. She was suddenly aware of the large windows directly in front of her and her exposure.

Mr. Banks put his hand on her hips and pulled her closer to him. So close, that her breasts pushed painfully on his chest, the clothespins pinching her harder. He kissed her roughly on the mouth, pushing her lips open with his tongue and shoving it in and out of her mouth lewdly. His large hands pushed against her back again and Myra moaned painfully into his mouth. As if that was the signal he was looking for Mr. Banks withdrew from her mouth and kneeled down in front of her, his hands still on her hips. Myra’s breasts were now completely exposed to the store front and anyone who might decide to walk or drive by. Mr. Banks fingers found her the zipper on her right hip and brought it down slowly then pulled the skirt down where it fell to the floor. He took in a deep breath, smelling Myra’s moist pussy. He put a hand on her thigh and lifted her leg up placing her high-healed foot on the counter beside her. Myra’s pussy was open to her boss’s eyes, and hopefully his mouth she thought giddily.

Mr. Banks pulled her panties to the side to see her swollen pussy. After the one intense orgasm he had given her that afternoon he had denied her any more. Her pussy was now swollen and demanding another release. Mr. Banks ran his fingers over the smooth skin rubbing the escaped juices in. Myra looked down trying to see what her boss would do next. She saw his head moving closer and closer to her pussy lips. She threw her head back in frustration and growled deep in her throat and thrust her hips towards his face. Mr. Banks drew back angrily and stood up. He grabbed Myra’s hips and faced her away from him. His warm hand was on the cool skin of her back, and forced her to bend so that her ass was sticking out behind her. Mr. Banks used his foot to spread her legs wide. “Don’t move.” he warned her. Myra was certain she heard delight in his voice. He let his fingers move along her back and up her neck as he walked around, then away from her, and into the cash office.

He returned with a plain black crop held firmly in his right hand. Mr. Banks stood behind Myra and ran the tip over her back and down to her ass. “Mrs. Banks never lets me play with her, even though she knows I love it; she doesn’t. But you,” Mr. Banks paused as he drug the tip of the crop between her ass cheeks and to her pussy. He rubbed the leather against her swollen clit roughly, covering it in her juices. “I’m pretty sure you love it.”

Myra tried to grind her hips against the crop but Mr. Banks pulled it back violently and let it thwack her ass cheeks. “You should have been a little more respectful today. You disobeyed me to many times and I think it’s time you learned your place, Myra.” Mr. Banks hit his employee several dozen times on the ass, first one cheek then the other, till they were bright red and hot to the touch. Myra couldn’t help but shiver as Mr. Banks lightly ran his fingers over her hot flesh and down to her sticky hot pussy. He found her clit and pinched it between his thumb and forefinger. *He’s right*, Myra thought gulping back a moan, *I do like this*.

Mr. Banks grabbed Myra’s hair in his fist and pulled her up pushing himself into her back. “Get down on your hands and knees and crawl into the back room.” He hissed into her ear.

Myra dropped to her knees and crawled down the aisle to the backdoor. Mr. Banks walked behind her smacking her with the crop when she slowed down. Half way through the crawl one of the clothespins popped off and flew under the closest shelf. Myra cried out in pain then stopped to retrieve the instrument.

“Leave it.” Mr. Banks ordered emphasizing his words with a harder slap of the crop. Myra longed to massage her swollen nipple but didn’t dare falter on her way to the backroom. When she got there she pushed the door open with her hand and crawled in. She stopped just inside and stayed perfectly still waiting for Mr. Banks to tell her what to do next. He grabbed her by the hair again and pulled her into a standing position. He dragged her by her over to a pallet that had been stood up against the back wall.

Two ropes hung from it about the height of Myra’s head. Mr. Banks shoved her against it and ripped the other clothespin from her nipple. He roughly pulled her right arm up and securely tied it to the pallet then did the same with the left. Mr. Banks reached behind the pallet and pulled out a brown leather bag. He reached in and took out a chain with a clamp on either end. Mr. Banks grabbed his employee’s right nipple and twisted it, pulling it out and making it harder than ever. He unexpectedly shut the clamp down on it causing Myra to scream out in the oddest mixture of pain and pleasure that she had never felt before.

Mr. Banks gave the clamp a little tug to make sure it was in place and did the same with the other nipple.

Myra’s mind was swirling so fast that she didn’t notice the clear vibrating dildo her boss pulled from the bag next. The dildo had three straps running around it forming what looked like a pair of g-string panties. When she did look at it she pushed her hips away from the wooden pallet towards Mr. Banks; whimpering and looking at him with wide pleading eyes. She wanted to cum, she needed to cum and knew that the vibrator would provide that release. Mr. Banks flipped the switches on the base to see what each would do and watched Myra closely to see her reaction. She gulped when she saw the way the vibrator moved, turning in circles and pulsing. Myra knew it would feel wonderful inside of her. Her boss turned it off before coming over to her. He pulled her head towards him roughly and kissed her with equal passion. Myra was sure her lips were bruising from the kiss. She shuddered slightly when she felt the cool plastic of the vibrator rubbing against her clit and all over her pussy. Mr. Banks was coating it in her juices. He broke the kiss and shoved the vibrator all the way into her pussy. Myra gasped then cried out; she couldn’t hear Mr. Bank’s soft chuckle because her ears were filled with the sounds of waves crashing and the blood rushing through her veins. Mr. Banks knelt down and fastened the vibrator into place.

“Myra.” Mr. Banks said when he had stood up. His fingers were absently rubbing her clit. Myra was still lost in the feeling of the vibrator inside of her and her acute desire to cum was overwhelming. “Myra if you don’t listen to me you may miss something important.” Mr. Banks called her back to reality. Myra locked eyes with him and Mr. Banks had to shove down the urge to just fuck her right there and then. She was adorable with her small mouth hanging open in an O shape. It was as if pleasure was written all over her features, closely entwined with the desire. “I have to go finish up some paper work before I get going for the night. I’ll just leave you here for now.” He reached down and turned the vibrator on to its second level of five. “I want you to cum as many times as you can. When I get back there had better be a puddle on the floor of your juices.”

Myra nodded dumbly and watched as he left the backroom. It didn’t occur to her that he could be gone for hours, or that he could not come back till the day after Christmas. The store was closed and she could be all alone. The only thing that mattered to Myra at the moment was the wonderful sensation of the vibrator working around inside of her. And the orgasm that was building, ready to explode. She was sure it would push the vibrator out of her. When she did cum it would be with every nerve in her body.



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