In an attempt to lucid dream fuck a guy I frequently fantasize about but can’t actually bang, I [F] regularly hunt down gonewild posts of guys with similar body types before bed.

So, I have this friend. I fooled around with him once ages ago, and maybe it’s the “unfinished business” aspect of it, or if the fact that there’s no way anything could ever happen between us gives him that unattainability appeal, but I fantasize about fucking him regularly. I frequently hunt around GW subreddits like r/bulges and r/cock for ones that look like they could be his when I need a little masturbatory inspiration.

Another reason why I do this is because I really want to lucid dream fuck somebody. It seems like the best way to achieve this is to focus on one person to really tune in the visual, so I look up similar body types and cocks similar to what I vaguely remember his looking and feeling like, get myself warmed up, then go to bed. There are more steps involved in trying to lucid dream but that part is boring.

Anyway, whether masturbating or visualizing before bed, it’s always the exact same scenario. I figure if I can keep it consistent, I’m more likely to relive it (or something similar) in my dreams.

I started to describe the fantasy but it was getting kinda long and I’m wondering if I should just keep it for myself…



  1. Isn’t the mind a funny thing! I do something similar due to the same circumstances. I’ve never been able to let go of this girl who I fooled around with a little bit a long time ago. I’ve never been able to figure out why it barely fades other than unfinished business and the fantasy of what could have been is so intense. I’ll look for girls with a similar body and imagine it’s her all the time.

  2. Actually wanna do the same, i’ve been kinda hung up on this one girl for about 10 years now, i know it can never happen but stupid me keeps comparing her to every girl in my life, maybe mind fucking her would get it out of the way

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