Part 1a [FM] Coworkers first encounter – Her point of view

New to Reddit and gone wild stories but recently was written about [his story]( yes I am the Lena he is talking 5’8 42DD , big bottom girl. I had seen a lot of sexy stories on Reddit but none that cover both perspectives. His story was such a turn on and amazing to read how he saw the events unfold So this is not part 2 but part 1a the my perspective.
I am divorced about 8 years, with 2 teen sons. My ex and I had good sex but because I was pregnant when we first got married, he always made me feel bad about enjoying it. It was a selfish, unhealthy dynamic. After the divorce I dated a bit, all the men were over 40 and the sex was mediocre or they had performance problems which I had assumed was sex after 40 boy was I wrong . I kind of just figured that sex after 40 was boring or non/existent so might as well just focus on career and kids maybe join a nunnery.

When it comes to work I am much more confident so started a new job based out of Boston as it was less travel. I had seen Gùicho on some zoom meetings he was smart and sexy but I had policy of not mixing work and pleasure which I had never broken

Fast forward a month. We are at supplier trade show party and Gúicho is in my circle, This is my first in person encounter. He is a tall, broad shoulders, sexy Latino line backer type with smoldering eyes and handsome smile and infectious laugh and whip smart so a whole package. Lots of people are drawn to him I am one of the few women in the group and most of the guys were drinking so it was a happy, fun atmosphere. He came up beside me and immediately his energy filled my space, this strong sexual energy surrounded me and I was very aware of him being near me. In the mean time a photographer had us “get closer” and he touched me around the waist and it sent a spark through my body. I was completely on edge between wanting him to touch me more and wanting to run away. I chickened out that night and ran, I was so confused and not sure if all the signals were in my head or related to the alcohol.i thought about that spark though for the next few weeks,

He sent a message that he would be going to team meeting in NYC, he is normally in Florida and wondering if I was going. I definitely was. We had a group dinner that he attended and he came in late saying hi to everyone and stopped behind my chair my jacket had fallen on floor so he picked it up and his hand grazed my shoulder, immediate charge right through my body. I internally scolded myself “just because your having this reaction doesn’t mean he is. “

End of dinner and a few try to go
To hotel bar and it is closed. I was super disappointed I did not want the night to end. Everyone goes to rooms and I am super frustrated so decide to go swimming as a way of relaxing. I am floating and wondering if it was one sided. I decided if I texted and he came down I would have a better idea. Plus I was in my bathing suit so not really hiding,you get what you see. He came to the pool and I made a joke about thanks for being my life guard then I got super nervous, what was I doing? I floated and we chatted and then I was freezing but stayed in because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to happen next. Finally I had to get out. He came up with a towel which was the size of a tea towel. He seemed like he was going to dry me off and I wanted him to but that would have been odd as we were still just co-workers. He offered to walk me to my room and paused to give me a side hug and I leaned in and kissed him. Holy fire to the loins what are you thinking Lena?
So I nudged him back and said good night.

Sexy Stuff

I went into my room dazed, what just happened? I went into the shower to rinse the chlorine off and will admit spent a little extra timing thinking about his kiss and touches while soaping. I came out to see a text on my phone with one word WOW. I texted back and decision was that he should come back down. I threw on black lace panties and black tank night shirt. He arrived at the door and we lunged into mad, passionate kisses which led to the bed, more amazing kisses and then some fondling and rubbing. My whole body was on complete fire. He started playing with my clit and inserting his fingers inside me I came super fast and hard, he then flipped me over and massaged my butt and kissed and bit my apple bottom, he then started teasing my clit and fingering me from behind and as the orgasm was building gave me a quick slap on the ass. Which sent me over the edge. I was in stimulations overload left, right orgasm, orgasm. At one stage I am on top of him with a little bit of a grinding thing happening but as I am
Self conscious about my weight I try to move off of him. He held me in place and said you need to cum again for me and he wasn’t letting me off until I did , just wow, I did what I was told

At this I had cum so many times I lost track and was so completely overwhelmed. It was like he has a psychic map or guide to my body you do combo 1& 2 then 4 back to 2. Orgasm, Orgasm , Orgasm .
At some stage my senses cane to me to realize he hadn’t cum at all, I am usually the opposite of a selfish lover and was embarrassed? Appalled? But realized I needed to do something for him and I hadn’t really seen his cock yet. I unzipped his jeans and pulled out his penis – oh my god it was beautiful, large, hard, glistening. My original intent was just a hand job but when I saw it I needed to taste it, it was delicious just like everything else about him. He stopped me before he came and we kissed and made out a little more before he said he should go. I walked him to the door and he kissed me hard ,good night before uttering the sexiest words any man has ever said to me.

“You can use me anytime”

Oh boy! …. to be continued ….

Edit was spelling/format



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