An Unexpected Night (MFF, FF, MF)

Words have power. They have meaning. The way that you write matters. Can you draw the reader in? Can you make them imagine as though they are right there? Can you make them feel the anticipation, the doubt, the passion, the pure pleasure? Below, you’ll find the first few chapters of a book I am writing. Read it. Enjoy it. Provide feedback ?

***An Unexpected Night***

**Chapter 1: The Meeting**

Charlie had just arrived home from work on a Friday night when he received a text from his friend Sam inviting him to grab some drinks at their favorite bar. Charlie had nothing better to do so he asked what time. He quickly showered and got dressed in a button-down shirt with a nice pair of jeans He didn’t live too far from the train so he hopped on the next train and then walked to the bar.

Charlie is casually sipping his usual southern comfort and coke as he is hanging out at a bar waiting for his friend to come join him. He is sitting there waiting for about fifteen minutes when his friend tells him that he won’t be showing up and that he is going on a last-minute date. As he takes a sip and feels the burning sensation of the whiskey going down his throat, he hears a glass fall and break. As he turns around to look and see what caused the noise, he sees a beautiful girl across the room.

He is awestruck watching her walk as he notices every detail about her like her light brown hair a little past her shoulders, the bright red lipstick that she is wearing, the black dress that perfectly makes every curve on her body be noticed, the high heels that she is slightly stumbling in, and how her smile makes her look even more gorgeous. She walks towards a group of girls who are gathered around a table, who he guesses are her friends, when her phone falls from her purse and slides across the floor without her noticing.

Charlie notices that she is not picking up the phone as another girl walks behind her. He finishes his drink as he gets up and walks across the room to pick it up. She moves around the table so he now sees her backside and he can’t keep his eyes off her ass. He nearly walks into a drunk old man trying hit on a young girl who looks like she wants to die as her friends are giggling beside her. She is smiling and laughing with her friends when he taps her on the shoulder and startles her as she nearly slips in her high heels but he puts his hand behind her back and catches her right before she can fall and leaves it there letting it rest just above her ass.

She turns and looks at him as he hands her the phone that she had dropped earlier and he says “I think I found something that belongs to you if I’m not mistaken.” She replies, “HOLY SHIT. I just bought that phone last week. I dropped the one before that and cracked the screen. Thanks!” He smiles and says “It’s no problem. Just doing what I hope others would do for me” as he turns to walk away. She smiles at him checking him out as she notices his light brown hair, his piercing blue eyes that she gets lost in for a moment, his smile that is simple yet stunning, and the way that he stands not perfectly straight yet it looks like he commands the room. She walks up to him, grabs his hands, and leads him to the bar and says, “While the least I can do is buy you a drink to repay you.”

Hailey has never bought a drink for a guy before, but she is trying to change things in her life. For too long had she dated selfish assholes like her ex-boyfriend Billy. She thought she was in love with him and instead, when she goes to surprise him on his lunch break one day, she walks past a café on the way and sees him sitting in a booth with some girl she had never seen before. Right as she goes to walk in, she sees them start making out. She texts him and calls him asking where he is, but he does not reply. Instead, he keeps kissing this girl. When he got home that date, she confronted him and it turned out that he had been cheating on her and seeing two other girls in the two years they dated. She packed up her stuff and left that night.

After going up to the bar, they both order their drinks and before she can pay the bartender Charlie quickly pulls out some money and pays. He reaches over to pick up the drinks and she takes hers as they are walking away and Charlie doesn’t notice it, but she can’t wipe the smile off her face. Billy never even offered to buy her a drink when they first started dating and now, this random stranger found her phone and returned it and paid for their drinks even though she offered.

Charlie leads her to a table in the back as he says “I’m Charlie. Nice to meet you.” She smiles as she thinks how she has always liked that name and once again is staring into his eyes as she quickly replies “I’m Hailey. Nice to meet you too blue eyes…Charlie I mean! Nice to meet you Charlie.” Her face starts to turn red as he sets his drink on the table and turns back to her smiling as he stares into her eyes. “I think I like blue eyes better. Makes me more unique than anyone else.” He brings his hand up to her face pushing some of her hair that has fallen in front of her eyes out of the way and lightly tucking it behind her ear letting his hand rest there for a moment as the two of them don’t take their eyes off each other.

They start asking each other questions and with every new thing that he discovers about her, he becomes more and more captivated with her. They start sharing things with each other that neither one would normally share the first time they meet someone. She tells him about her favorite bookstore which is in the basement of a Chinese restaurant and how she wishes she had the time to read every one and loves the smell of books. He tells her about his favorite restaurant which is just a little place that only has a handful of tables and yet the food tastes incredible and how every time you go there, it is like a whole new experience.

As they continue to talk, they move closer towards each other until their chairs are touching and can’t move any closer. As Hailey is telling a story about a class she took in college and a weird professor she had, Charlie watches as her lips curl up and she laughs and he is once again captivated and he himself now can’t stop smiling. As she laughs at this story that she finds hilarious, she grabs his hand in her own.

Without taking his eyes off her, Charlie leans closer as he pushes her hair behind her ears once again. This time, he puts his hands on her face as he leans in and kisses her warm soft tender lips. The kiss seems to last forever as his hands run through her hair and their mouths meet. He pulls back from the kiss as their eyes are locked on each other. The kiss had taken their breath away. She licks her lips watching him as she plays with her hair.

He leans forward pushing more of her hair back that had fallen amid the kissing as he lightly kisses her neck. A small moan escapes as he delicately kisses the other side. He takes her face between his hands as he looks at her bringing his mouth close to her yet their lips are not touching. He can feel her warm breath on his lips and how her heart is beating faster. She licks her lips yet he still does not kiss her. He waits a moment longer and leans forward letting his lips touch hers as he passionately kisses her. They each get lost in the kiss which seems to go on forever yet lasts just a moment. After a few moments of kissing, Hailey pulls back from Charlie. They began discussing things they both enjoy and are interested in once again as Charlie places his hand on Hailey’s thigh and she doesn’t move it.

**Chapter 2: The Fun Begins**

As the night goes on, they learn more about what the other likes and dislikes all while kissing every few minutes. Neither one ever wants to pull away and yet they do. Charlie moves his hand further up her leg every time they share a kiss letting his fingers glide across her leg and squeeze it and yet she still does not tell him to move it or stop him herself. Instead, he watches as she looks down at it and moves her legs a little so that his hand seems to move closer towards her underwear and pussy.

She forgets about her friends who she came to meet and he ignores texts from his apologizing for not showing up. He pulls her towards him as they kiss again letting his free hand explore her body. He moves it across her back pulling her into his kisses as their lips meet. Their kisses were filled with lust and desire and yet were also passionate and romantic. As the kissing continues, Charlie moves his hand higher up her leg so that his hand is now rubbing the outside of her underwear which causes her to open her eyes and gasp.

She pulls away from the kissing and pushes him back. “What the Hell are you doing?!” she asks as she slaps him across the face and grabs the hand that is between her legs, but he doesn’t pull it away. Move your hand away now” she says in a very demanding tone. He looks deep into her eyes using his free hand to run his fingers across her face. He takes her other hand in his and he brings to his lips and kisses it. He pushes her hair aside as he moves his mouth towards her ear. He kisses it before whispering into her ear. “I don’t think you really want me to move it, do you?”

She pauses before replying. “I do want you to move it.” Her grip on his arm lessens as she stares at him and bites her lips. He can see the internal struggle in her face and body language. A part of her wants the hand to move away from her pussy, but the other part wants those fingers to stay where they are. Her eyes dart back and forth between staring at Charlie’s eyes and the hand between her legs.

Charlie starts to rub the outside of pussy as she continues to face that internal struggle. She mumbles telling him to stop as her grip on his arm lessens ever more. She starts to move her hips as his fingers rub back and forth across her pussy. With every second that passes, it makes it more unlikely that she will stop him. She moans as he rubs harder which turns her on even more than she already was. She reaches down and slightly pulls her dress up but quickly changes her mind as she quickly pulls it back down. He looks at her in the eyes again as he puts his hand to her face gently letting his fingers glide through her hair. “If you want me to stop so bad why is my hand still between your legs?” he asks.

She stares at him speechless. “I have never done anything like this before and I just met you…” He leans forward to kiss her tasting her lips on his and letting his tongue into her mouth for a moment. At first, she resists with a hand pushing his chest, but before long she drops her hand as he kisses her again. “I never have either.” He smiles that smile again that she is starting to love and looks into his eyes. All she wanted to do was gaze those beautiful blue eyes.

The slow gentle romantic kisses quickly turn into passionate making out as he pulls her face to his with each of their hands running through the others hair. She lets her tongue play with his stopping only so he can gently nibble her lower lip. He continues to rub the outside of her pussy as the kissing gets more intense. He can feel her underwear starting to get wet as she gently moans into his lips.

By this time, the bar has begun to get increasingly crowded and at near capacity. Other people are just a few feet away while they are kissing. As the kissing continues, she now releases any resistance as she pulls her dress up and his hand is now underneath it. He keeps rubbing the outside of her underwear making her moan before he pushes the underwear aside so that his fingers can go inside her wet pussy.

She gasps and her eyes flash open as she moans again. She pauses, “What if…What if someone sees us?” He takes her face in his hand as he turns her head “Everyone in here couldn’t care less what we do. No one is even watching as I get to kiss the sexiest and most beautiful girl in the room.”

He kisses her again as he adds another finger inside of her and she begins to get wet. He adds a third finger before long as he plays with her pussy and she lets another moan out. He starts to play more aggressively which turns her on and she starts to move with his fingers. She bites her lip trying to resist from orgasming. Something that she wants so badly yet feels bad about doing here. He plays with her clit even more and finds and massages her g-spot. She leans her head back and moans loudly while closing her eyes which now causes a few people close by to stare as she releases and orgasms letting her cum go all over his hand and the chair she is sitting on.

Once she has orgasmed and opens her eyes, Charlie takes his three fingers out of her pussy as the cum that didn’t go on his fingers covers the seat beneath her and drips ever so slowly to the floor. He licks two of them with such passion as he looks like he is eating the best thing he has ever tasted. After he has licked all of her cum off his fingers, he brings the third finger up to her mouth as he puts the finger inside her mouth where she licks off every last drop, something she normally would never do but in the heat of the moment, she does.

Charlie starts kissing her again before he whispers into her ear and says, “Now it’s my turn.” She unbuttons his pants as she puts a hand inside and feels his rock-hard dick getting ready to give him a hand job. He kisses her neck again and her lips before moving his mouth by her ear and all she can feel is his warm breath before he whispers, “I’m not talking about your hands, I’m talking about those pretty lips of yours wrapped around my dick sucking me off until you swallow every last drop.” She looks at him and gasps as he smiles a devilish smile and starts to push her head towards his lap.

She resists looking at him and going “no way in hell am I giving you a blowjob in the middle of this bar.” An argument breaks out at the opposite end of the bar and everyone is watching to see if it will turn into a fight. He kisses her again on her lips as she moans. After a few more minutes of kissing, she looks over and sees all the people staring at the couple arguing and she decides to do it. “Fuck it” she says as she unzips his pants and his dick pops out from underneath his plaid boxers. She thinks to herself how this is something that she would never have done with her asshole ex-boyfriend Billy. Billy was a stuck-up douche-bag who thought that being muscular, drinking sports and watching beer gave him the right to do whatever the hell he wanted. Charlie seemed like an honest genuine guy who cared more about her pleasure than his own. Combine that with every other aspect about him and she would probably do anything that he wanted right now including giving him a blowjob in the middle of a crowded bar.

She stares in awe at the size of his dick not only because it is long, but also thick. She leans down and starts to first suck just the end of it teasing Charlie before taking the whole thing into her mouth. She fondles his balls with one hand while using the other in conjunction with her mouth as she starts sucking him harder and faster. The whole bar is now filled to capacity as Charlie is getting a blowjob from this girl and people are standing just a few feet away but either no one has noticed or no one is saying anything. As she keeps on sucking, Charlie reaches a hand over and slightly unzips her dress to make it looser so he can put a hand inside to play with her breasts and he discovers no bra. He squeezes her breasts and plays with them until her nipples are hard as she is sucking his dick.

A little bit of pre-cum starts to drizzle out of his dick as she is sucking him and she just licks it right up and swallows it. He stares down and sees that his dick is not only covered in his cum as she is sucking it but also her saliva and a bit of her red lipstick which turns him on even more as he gets a slight bit harder and is dick is now throbbing. When he thinks he is about to cum, Charlie reaches down and pushes the girls head down until she has fully deep throated him and he can even see a slight bulge where the tip of his dick is in her throat. He can hear her start to gag a little as he explodes into her and cums into her. He hears her swallow as he lets go of her head and she keeps on sucking for another minute. She looks up at him and smiles as she opens her mouth to take a breath and a bit of cum falls down her chin. She uses a finger to wipe it off before licking that finger off and licking all the cum off her lips. She leans back down and licks his still hard dick clean.

Once she has finished, he pulls her face up to his and starts kissing her again tasting not only her cum but also his cum as well on her lips and his. He smiles again as he is staring into her eyes and looking at her mouth. He leans to whisper in her ear again “I want you to come sit on my lap but first you’re going to lose the underwear.” He reaches down between her legs and literally tears off her underwear as he pulls it up to his nose to smell savoring the smell. “You smell amazing” he says to her as he smiles again. She gets up off her chair and stands up as he pulls her body onto his lap. He positions her pussy so it is right on top of his still hard dick and puts himself inside her as she sits down now filled up by a dick underneath her.

**Chapter 3: A Friend Comes Along**

One of her friends who she was with earlier runs up to the table and sits down. “Hailey! I found you! I thought you left without saying goodbye.” “Hey this is Charlie. The guy who found my phone earlier and I decided to buy a drink for. Charlie this is Emma” Hailey responds as she leans in to Charlie and bites her lip as he thrusts slowly into her. Emma replies “So remember that asshole guy I was talking to earlier and I even made out with? Turns out he has a girlfriend! Why are you sitting on his lap by the way?” Charlie thrusts into her wet pussy again as she struggles to hide a moan and replies “There was nowhere else to sit and some girl needed a place to sit so I decided to be nice.” Emma shrugs and says “Alright then. So is that girl coming back or can I steal her seat” as she goes to sit down.

Emma moves the chair so that instead of sitting right next to Charlie and Hailey, she is instead sitting a few feet away. When she turns her back to move the chair, Charlie leans back and thrusts as hard as he can hitting Hailey’s g-spot as he does and she uncontrollably lets out a moan. Emma turns back around and goes “What was that? You okay Hailey?” Hailey just laughs it off and says “Yeah, sorry. I just had a tickle in my throat. It was just a small cough.” Charlie smiles as he reaches an arm in front of Hailey and rests it on her legs slightly above her crotch and says “So Emma, how do you and Hailey know each other? Like best friends? Roommates? Maybe Lovers?”

Emma, who has had a bit to drink, replies “We actually met our freshmen year of college. We lived down the hall from each other and we each hated our roommates. One night at a party on a Friday night, we went to with some friends both the guys we were with were being dicks. The one Hailey was with was too drunk to get it up and the one I was with had a little micro-penis and acted like he had this fucking log. Asshole.” Charlie moves his hand closer to Hailey’s crotch as he thrusts into her again and she squirms a little not expecting it.

Emma continues “So it was pretty late. Like two in the morning or so and we both had a lot to drink. We were in college and at a freshmen party and all. We left the party and started walking home still wet and horny from the guys we had been with and thought would satisfy us, but of course they didn’t.” While Emma is telling the story of how they knew each other, Charlie notices that she is starting to get even wetter and this time it’s not from him. Emma leaves to go to get another drink from the bar and while she is gone, Charlie smiles and pulls Hailey’s head back and kisses her as he whispers into her ear “I see what this story is doing to you. You are even wetter now than when my fingers were inside you earlier.”

Charlie hovers his mouth over her neck again so that she can feel his warm breath against her skin before he kisses it and then takes a light nibble of her neck causing her to moan. He starts thrusting harder and harder into her as she starts to ride his dick and within moments, the sensation of his dick inside her pussy causes her to reach a moment of pure ecstasy when she orgasms nearly screaming out except for the fact that her scream is muffle by Charlie kissing her right then and muffling the sound.

Emma is still at the bar getting herself a drink while Charlie continues to thrust and Hailey just keeps moaning. He reaches a hand down her dress and starts squeezing her breasts until her nipples get hard as he plays with them. He whispers into her ear again “Remind me later when I tear this dress off your body that I need to play with these even more. Maybe cover them in some of my cum or use some toys.” Charlie thrusts into her again and hits the perfect spot as she moans even louder causing more people to look their way. Right as Emma is walking back to the table, Charlie releases his load into her now cum filled pussy and squeezes her ass which makes her squeal and smile.

Emma walks up with her drink and takes a seat as she says “God! I feel like I was gone for like an hour. It took me forever to get someone’s attention. You guys okay? You both look a little hot and sweaty?” Hailey nearly out of breath responds, “It’s just a bit hot in here you know.” Emma nods and responds “I guess so. Alright back to my story” as she takes a gulp of her drink. “While we were walking home, we were both talking about how unsatisfied we were with the guys we had been with but also the fact that we were both still horny. It was a warm spring night and since it was so late, no one was out walking across campus except us. We decided to sit on the grass since we were tired and all.”

Hailey squeezed one of Charlie’s legs with her hand and smiled at Emma as she took over “I had a bit to drink, probably way more than I should have. Anyway, while we are sitting there on the grass, I lean over and push Emma to the ground who is just staring at me and I just kiss her. She gasps and backs away looking at me with this horrified face which quickly turns into a smile as she stares at me and then all of a sudden, she is on top of me holding my arms above my head as she stares into my eyes, looks at my mouth and licks her lips. Her body is laying on top of me as she starts kissing me with the perfect amount of tongue like she knew exactly what I wanted. She takes her shirt off and then her bra as she straddles me and can’t stop smiling. She picks up my arms with hers and brings my hands to her breasts as she puts one on top of each breast.”

While Hailey is talking and Charlie is staring at her like the two are a pair of star crossed lovers, Emma starts to get wet and begins fingering herself at the memory of what happened. Unknown to Emma, Charlie is once again rock hard inside Hailey who can feel him getting hard again as she starts rubbing his leg as he repositions himself with Hailey on top of him.

Hailey continues on with the story, “Before that night I had never been with a girl before and neither had Emma. It was a first for both of us we later found out, but definitely not the last time. Anyways, I had never felt another girl’s breasts before and once she brought my hands to hers, I have never been so turned on in my life. At first, I just began to cup them and massage them but before long I was having fun caressing them and kissing them all over. I couldn’t get enough of them. After a few minutes, Emma pushed me back as she took off my shirt and played with my breasts making my nipples hard and me wet. We spent some time kissing again before we started rolling around on the grass each one trying to be on top of the other. We took all of our clothes off and then she stopped kissing my lips.”

Charlie starts thrusting into Hailey again going deeper, faster, and harder than he even had before being utterly and completely turned on by the story these girls were telling. Emma who had just been listening orgasmed for the first time from her fingers fumbling to hide what she was doing and quickly taking a drink. She thought for sure she would be noticed, but Hailey and Charlie seemed to be distracted by something and moving an extra lot. She leaned over to look and noticed that Hailey’s dress was a bit pulled up on the bottom, but what really caught her eye was that Charlie seemed to look as though he was moving just the lower half of his abdomen like he was thrusting into something. Emma all of a sudden noticed then that Hailey was going up and down like she was riding him. Then it dawns on her “Holy fucking shit. He is fucking her right now in the middle of this bar and I didn’t even notice.” Emma smiles to herself knowing that she thought she was being daring fingering herself to the thought of a story while this guy is currently fucking her friend just a few feet away.

“Why don’t you keep going Hailey? You have to finish the story now that you began it” Emma says. Hailey distracted by Charlie fucking her starts to speak but can’t get a full sentence out without moaning as he thrusts again and again and she orgasms yet again with her cum now dripping down onto Charlie’s pants and to the floor.

Emma goes “I’ll continue the story then. I stopped kissing her lips because I started to kiss other places. First, I kissed both sides of her neck then I kissed her lips again for one long passionate kiss, biting her lower lip as I backed away. I started kissing down her body until I got to each breast using my mouth on each one and leaving a nibble on the top of each. I took her nipples in between my teeth making them hard with just my mouth. I kept kissing until I got to her thighs switching between kissing each side before I got near inches away from her pussy. I could see how wet it was just from my kissing and teasing and I started fingering myself. Hailey couldn’t keep her eyes off me and I swear didn’t even blink as she knew what I was about to do. I winked at her and smiled before I started eating her pussy out.”

Sweat was now pouring down Hailey’s body as she listened to Emma and Charlie continued to thrust into her. She no longer cared that they were in a bar as she stopped riding Charlie’s dick for a moment so that she was no longer just sitting on his lap with her back to his front side, but rather, she was straddling him with her legs now wrapped around him as he drove into her wet pussy with his throbbing dick as rough as he could. He grabbed her perfect ass with his hands squeezing it and spanking it causing her to moan again. At nearly the same moment, they both orgasmed with Hailey throwing her head back in pleasure as she moaned closing her eyes as she did and Charlie pushing forward into her as he released yet another load of his cum inside of her.

Emma, speechless, leaned over and watched as they both orgasmed and then finally came to a halt. She looked down at the chair they were sitting on and could see the cum dripping onto the floor making a small puddle below the chair and even more coming out of the spot where Charlie’s dick was currently inside Hailey’s pussy. Charlie pulled Hailey towards him as he kissed her again. He spanked her ass yet again as he kissed her one last time.

Emma, wet from watching them, just stared at them as Hailey got off Charlie’s lap with a beaming smile on her face. Charlie looked at Emma and smiled as Hailey just watched while standing next to her adjusting her dress in the process. He got up off the chair zipping up his pants and walked closer to Emma and put his hand between her legs feeling her tight wet pussy with his fingers. He looks over at Hailey and smiles and says, “It looks like we weren’t the only ones who enjoyed tonight” as he notices that her fingers are still between her legs. Emma quickly fumbles to pull them away and rushes to pick up her drink.

Charlie walks over to Hailey grabbing her ass and making her squeal as he picks her up and stares into her eyes. She wraps her legs around his body as he kisses her. She lets go of him and they walk out holding each other like they had been lovers for years and staring into each other’s eyes with Emma just left gazing at them as they walk out the door…
