Siren Song

She had a talent for intriguing and enticing men beyond what they realized possible. She was dangerous and to their surprise, at times, due to her mere presence, they would acquiesce and falter in even the strongest of vows and standards they held for themselves. Self proclaimed invulnerable men, devout in their moral code, would become corrupt if even for a moment, let alone hours or days, once acquainted with her being. For some, it was unexplainable and the only words they could mobilize in an effort to provide explanation was that they experienced an overwhelming feeling, a feeling they believed they must accommodate. It was as if she had bewitched all who came before her, though she possessed no paranormal power. The slight changes and expressions in her eyes were able to evoke the strongest of emotions in another. The perfection of her cupid’s bow lip caused nearly immoral thoughts to stir. The way her voice danced in a man’s mind caused his purpose beyond being with her and for her to fade from existence. Truth be told, many were seemingly enslaved to her, for she had captivated them on the deepest of levels and entwined her hands in their souls. And yet, their enslavement to her was forged by their own free will because in turn, they too wanted to possess her in the same fashion.
