Jennifer [Commission] [MF] [FDom] [Panty Fetish] [Kink] [Surprise partner] [Teasing] [Bondage] [Precum] [Anal]


*An Erotic Story by Katherine Summers*

It always felt good.

But tonight, it felt especially sweet.

Daniel had made an effort this time. He had showered as soon as he got home from college and dimmed the lights in his room. Propping himself up on his bed, naked and feeling fresh, he threaded his feet through the leg-holes and slid them up his thighs. These were a pair of soft, cotton panties, red and black stripes with a thin line of black lace around the hem that tickled the sensitive skin of inner thighs as he pulled them up until they were holding his balls just so. He stretched out his legs, his face breaking out into a smile.

Closing his eyes, he let himself feel the softness of the fabric, the tightness pressing against his balls, riding up between his buttocks in a way that wasn’t at all unpleasant. He ran his fingertips over the bulge formed by his cock, enjoying the unique, ticklish sensation that only came from being touched over cotton panties. Inhaling deeply, he let out a sigh. The sun was just setting outside his windows and a little of the light spilled in through the chink in the curtains, casting a bar of gold cross his legs. He could hear his roommate and her friends chattering in the kitchen, preparing to watch a horror film. Their pleasant feminine voices soothed him. He imagined it was one of them, Jennifer, that was stroking his cock, long and slow, base to tip…

Just… Like… That…

He was getting hard now, swelling so that the panties tightened, squeezing him. Biting his lip, he took the time to enjoy the sensation before he had to reach in and pull his erection free, tucking the hem of the panties under his cock that that his balls remained comfortably nestled. His breathing becoming a little heavy, he wrapped his fingers around himself and began to move in steady, rhythmic up-and-down strokes that made his toes curl.

“Yeah, sure! I’ll be right back – I just need to use the bathroom!”

His door burst open and his roommate’s friend, Jennifer, strode in.

They both froze in comical poses of shock, her poised with her hand still on the door handle and Daniel with his hand around his cock, now fully erect and throbbing. His heart leapt into his mouth, hammering hard as adrenaline flooded through him, a horrible flush rising to his cheeks and prickling the hairs on the back of his neck.

After what felt like an eternity, Jennifer shut the door behind her in a slow, deliberate movement and with a soft ‘click’.

“Wrong door,” she said, her eyes on him, shifting from his scarlet face to his swollen cock and the striped underwear.

“Bathroom’s the door on the left,” he responded, and was shocked to find that his voice was level, almost normal sounding even though he could hear his blood pounding in his ears. He was still hard! Why wasn’t it going down? To the contrary, he felt a rush of arousal and his cock twitched in his hand. Hurriedly, he stuffed it back into the panties, not knowing what else to do. The underwear only tented against his erection, barely contained and far from hidden.

“Those are girl’s panties…” she said, a smile tugging the corners of her lips. There was something in her eyes; something bright and mischievous that both terrified and excited him further. Fuck! If she would only just leave! Already, he felt a bead of precum swell and then dot the cotton. His face went, if possible, even redder.

“Yes,” he muttered. There was no point in denying it. “Um… This is my room.”

“Yes, I figured,” she said, and her smile grew broader. “Do you always do this? Put on girl’s panties and jack off.” Her voice took on a low, giggly quality. “Does it make you feel pretty?”

“Shut up,” he said, his voice soft as his breathing became a little shallow. Her words had caused another wave of need to flare up in his crotch, and it was steadily driving him to distraction. The way she was looking at him, her eyes raking over his bare chest, his legs, lingering on the twitching swelling between his legs.

This did not escape Jennifer’s notice. Her smile became a grin. “I don’t think you want me to leave,” she said, and there was a definite teasing tone to her voice that made his heart flutter. “It’s not every day that I walk in on a cute boy rubbing one out in the most adorable pair of panties that I have *ever* seen. Where did you get those? *Victoria’s Secret* or…?”

“A shop called ‘*Adore*’ actually,” he answered automatically. Why was he even telling her!? “I… I get too nervous to go into the popular shops.” A pause. “You… you think I’m cute?”

“Silly boy,” she giggled, and instead of reaching for the door again, she took a step towards him.

He stiffened, tensing up. “What are you doing?”

“Let’s play a little game,” she said, barely above a whisper. “You do exactly what I tell you and let me have all *sorts* of fun with you. You’ll be a good boy and stay quiet and obedient. If you don’t, I’ll call the others through here and they’ll all see what a delightful pervert you are. How does that sound?”

For a horrible moment, he couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t be serious! But even as he worked up the courage to challenge her, he saw her bite her lip and shivered. What *exactly* did she intend to do to him? Already, laying prone on his bed with his cock pulsing between his legs, he felt vulnerable, pinned down by her gaze…

And he *liked* it.

What would it feel like to have her hands on him, for her to hold him and pin him, play with him, toy with his body in invasive and humiliating ways? God, he hoped that he wasn’t reading this wrong.

“W-what exactly do you want to do to me?” he asked, and his voice did waver a little this time.

“That’s for you to find out,” she replied, a maddeningly knowing look on her face.

He actually let out something like a whine at the implied threat behind those words.

She waited, crossing her arms and regarding him in a way that made his mind race with the possibilities. Finally, feeling almost feverish with arousal, he said; “Yes. I’ll submit.”

“You’ll *submit?”* she laughed, keeping her voice down so as not to alert the rest of the people in the house. Then; “good boy.”

Briefly, she opened the door to the hallway. “Angela, I’ll be a little longer. I’m not feeling so great… No, I don’t need help, just start the movie without me… ‘Kay, thanks.”

Once she had shut the door again and locked it – something that Daniel realised he should have done – she crossed the room and pulled out one of his drawers, looking for something.

“Jennifer…?” he asked, and there was a definitely quiver in his voice now. “What are you doing?”

“Looking for – Ah, yes!” She pulled out a couple of his t-shirts and rolled them up thin. Then, she turned to him. “Put your hands on your knees and pull your knees up to your chest.”

After a pause, during which he considered the last of his options, he obeyed, feeling the soft tightness of the panties as he shifted, the squeeze on his genitals almost unbearable. It rubbed in all the places he liked, and he was hyper-aware of how he must look, his crotch lifted, visible. Using the t-shirts, she tied his hands to his knees, making a smart knot and stepping back to admire her work. It was a surprisingly good job, the knots stiff against the sides of his wrists. When he touched him, reaching out to put one hand on his shoulder and one on his side, his breath hitched. Her hands were cool, but gentle, and he was almost entirely naked.

“And over you go,” she said. “Lay on your front.”

“I can’t -” he began.

“Yes, you can. Knees under you, shoulders into the pillow… there we go.” To his surprise, her mischief was now tempered by a certain kindness, a sweetness that had not been there before. However, when he managed to assume the position with his ass in the air and his shoulders pressed against the pillows, he felt her hands on his ass, her fingers tickling the little dip where his thighs began. He whimpered and when she spoke again, the edge had returned to her voice. “Good boy… Oh, we’re going to have so much fun!”

How did she know how to do this? Clearly, she was not the kind of woman he had thought she was. She now tugged the hem of the panties down so that his buttocks were exposed and he felt his face burn once more. In contrast, arousal surged and once again he felt precum seep into the fabric of the panties. Pretending that he wasn’t enjoying this at this point would be absurd.

“A pervert like you has got to have some lube lying around, no?”

“Bedside table…” He mumbled, his words a little muffled against the pillow.


He had closed his eyes now but he heard her walk around him, the snap of the bedside table drawer and then back to her previous position. On the way, she deftly adjusted the panties so that they better cradled his swollen cock and even this small, casual touch made him moan into the pillow. When had he gotten so sensitive?

He heard the distinctive sound of her opening the bottle of lube and squeezing some out. When she next touched him, it was to run her fingers down the crack of his ass – thankfully he was still fresh from the shower – and rest her fingertip on the bud of his asshole. He realised that he was panting now.

“Have you ever done anything like this before?” she asked.

“A few times,” he said, and his words came out thick, a half whimper. “Just by myself.”

“And you’re going to stay nice and still for me, aren’t you boy?”


“Yes, what?” she pressed a little harder with her fingertip. Just enough so that he could feel the possibility of penetration.

“Yes, Mistress!” he gasped

“Good… Now I’m going to milk you, okay? Don’t worry… it’s going to feel good. But you have to stay quiet okay. Don’t want everyone else hearing.”

He could hear the sounds of the film starting, the chattering of the girls replaced with the sounds of the opening credits. He squirmed and she just took hold of his hips, holding him still in a surprisingly firm grasp. The coolness of the lube contrasted with the tight heat in his core. Oh God, he wanted to touch himself, to find some relief.

Then, slowly, she pressed her finger against him, moving it in little circles to spread the lube. The sensitive nerves there burned and his breathing became hard and needy. When he felt his body yield and her finger slide smoothly in up to the first knuckle, he stopped thinking about how he had gotten himself into this and became entirely focused on what she was doing with her hands. Helpless, immobile – coherent thoughts fled and left him with only sensation. She was pressing deeper, turning her hand so that she could enter him up to the second and then the third knuckle.

For some time, it remained there while her other hand stroked him and she cooed sweetly. “You really like this don’t you…?”

“Shut up…” he groaned and she tickled the top of his thigh with her free hand, causing him to jump and wrestle against the restraints. This, of course, caused her finger to rub and press inside him and he moaned, squeezing her finger tight with his insides.

She giggled with glee.

“Stay still now,” she said. “Here… I’m going to start…”

Her finger curved inside him and his cock twitched in response. It was aching now, a sharp urgent ache. He was sure that if she were to actually touch it, he would cum on the spot. Then she found his prostate, now swollen and hard in his arousal, and pressed, the pad of her finger dragging across it in a way that made his eyelids flutter. A good amount of precum drippled from the end of his cock, caught by the panties which clung to him. Despite her instructions to keep quiet, he couldn’t help the moan that escaped him then.

“Such a good little pervert,” she said. “All prone for me like this. Such an obedient little slut. You’re my toy, aren’t you?” She pressed again, moving her finger in and out of his anus, hooking her finger so that she caught his prostate and the muscles in his thighs shivered. “Aren’t you?”

“Yes, mistress…” He was humiliated.

He never wanted her to stop.

She did it again and more precum seeped into the panties. A sizable wet patch was caught on the head of his cock and was rubbing against the sensitive skin there, the slick fluid making it feel amazing. With every stroke of hers, his hips were pushed forward and the panties tightened, stimulating his cock. He was dangerously close to tipping over the edge and he tried to take deep breaths. The last thing he wanted was for this to end so soon.

“Say it.”

“I… I’m your toy, mistress,” he whined miserably. “I’m your plaything. Your slut.”

“Good… And you’re going to get wet for me, aren’t you? Like the good little girl that you are.”

He groaned into the pillow as she drew little circles inside him. He could feel the precum saturating the cotton of the panties, turning the colour deeper, from cherry- to wine-red. He was sure that he would drip onto the sheets if he kept this up. “Yes… yes, I’m a good girl,” he choked out.

“A good little girl in little girl’s panties!”

“Yes, mistress!”

“And you’re going to beg me to touch your cock, aren’t you?”

“Please, mistress… Please touch my cock. Please… I… It feels so good. I need it… I need you to… rub it.” His arousal was becoming almost painful, the ache throbbing every time she forced his member to twitch. His hips jerked a little as she continued to rub, in and out, pressing on his prostate each time and each time forcing a little more wetness out of the tip of his cock.

Then, blissfully, he felt her hand slide up the underside of his cock. To his deep embarrassment, he felt just how wet she had made him. When she wrapped her fingers around the shaft through the panties, he heard the soft sounds of that wetness and her gasp of delight. He was so *so* glad that he could hide his face in the pillow as she began to stroke him. His pulsing, ultrasensitive member flared with pleasure and her hand glided up and down in a way that made his breath stop. She was moving her finger inside him at the same time, in rhythm, and the effect was devastating. His entire body tingled with the pleasure, and he knew, then and there, that she could have done anything to him and he would have begged for more. He was putty in her hands and she was moulding him.

An unknowable time later, he felt the heat reach a fever pitch and his body grew so tense that his ribs hurt from holding his breath.

“I… I… Oh, Jenny, I’m going to -!”

“Now, now,” she giggled, completely unperturbed by the urgency in his voice. “That’s no way to beg for permission to cum, is it?”

He could barely speak. “Mistress! Please… Please let me come! *Please!*”

It took an agonising moment for her to lean forward and whisper; “Yes.”

She had barely gotten the word out before he plunged into blinding pleasure, white hot and searing. He shouted a helpless cry into the pillow, feeling his vision glaze over, sparks and stars popping before his eyes. Semen spurted into the panties, ruining them, and coating Jennifer’s hand in thick, white fluid as he bucked and writhed against his bondage.

It felt like several minutes before he came back to himself. He was vaguely aware of Jennifer untying him, leaving sweet, tender caresses on his arms and back. She was speaking to him, but it took him a second to understand what she was saying to him.

“There… there’s a good boy. You did so good for mistress, didn’t you?”

Freed, he curled into a ball, breathing hard, shaking.

“Are you okay, Danny?” she asked, real concern in her voice. “I didn’t go too far, did I?”

He shook his head.

“Good… because I enjoyed that, you know.” She hugged him, bringing him up so that he could lay with his head against her lap. “I need to go soon… otherwise they’ll get really worried. But we should do that again sometime.”

All he could do was nod. He was starting to regain his focus, but his head was still swimming. No one had ever done that to him, and here she had just sauntered in and…

And she was leaving.

“Call me?” he managed to blurt out just before she swept out of the room.

She winked.
