Neighbors help my shy wife with her first oral cum. [MF]

After lurking and enjoy your writing I figured it’s time I try to write this down. It’s been well over 20 years since this happened and I’ve never put anything like this into words, so bare with me. There’s a bit of a long backstory.

I met my wife, Ann, in the 1980s through mutual friends. I was an engineer with an aerospace company in Seattle and she was a tax attorney who knew some of my coworkers. Me: I’m a dorky white guy, 6’2″ and at the time I was about 170 lbs with a pretty good body from cycling. Her: She grew up on Mercer Island to parents who made money in the import business. She was Korean, born in Seattle, and thus she was a mix of ultra strict conservative Asian family values and an American girl who liked Duran Duran and shopping. She had only dated one guy before we met, a Korean med student who she was set up with by their parents. Even though she lost her virginity to him she didn’t want to marry him because of the pressure both her parents and his put on her to do just that. Her details: very slim 5’6″, 115 lbs, long black hair contrasting her pale white skin and the most beautiful eyes you could imagine. She never shaved, but had very sparse pubic hair. Her 32A breasts were topped off with the pointiest nipples that would make pencil erasers jealous.

We started dating and eventually got serious. I loved her for all the right reasons and we both shared a love of travel, good food and just being together, even though the sex was very vanilla. She was all about missionary, didn’t like me going down on her and only gave me brief oral a few times to get me hard, never making me cum. For her, the most daring “sexual” act she ever did was going topless at a Mediterranean beach.

We eventually married and bought a nice house in an upscale neighborhood in Bellevue. That’s where the story really starts.

We were now in our early 30s living in a manicured suburbia with mostly older families in our area. Our neighbors beside us had a perfectly maintained yard and a patio with a really nice grilling/dining/hot tub area. They were the first to invite us over to meet neighbors and enjoy some BBQ and margaritas. Everybody had a great time. Jim, the husband (56), was a banker, so he and Ann had a lot to talk about. Jim’s wife Sarah (51) was an elementary school teacher and a very entertaining conversationalist. We would casually interact with them all summer long and really enjoyed talking with them.

One weekend evening I was outside putting away yard tools and thought I heard people talking. I quietly walked over the the privacy fence between our house and Jim and Sarah’s house and peaked through a small gap. It was Jim and Sarah, enjoying the hot tub. No big deal, except Sarah’s bare breasts were exposed on top of the water! I figured I’d be busted if I looked any longer, but as I started to turn away Jim climbed out of the hot tub to get more drinks. He was completely naked. I thought about it for a sec and figured, why not? It’s their property, it’s secluded so…

Later that evening I told Ann what I’d seen. Her first reaction was, “Eww!” But I told her it wasn’t “Eww” it looked fun and refreshing and nobody (except me) could even see them. She was like, “Whatever.”

A few days later I step into our back yard and there’s Ann, face pressed to the fence. I called her name and she jumped, then ran over to me saying, “They’re in the hot tub! I saw his butt!” LOL! I pointed out that they’re both pretty fit for being in their 50s. She scowled at me because she had nothing better to say.

For the next few weeks this would be our tease thing. I’d ask if she’d been watching our neighbors skinny dip, if it made her horny (it did get her rev’d up) and even asked if we should get a hot tub. To that she replied, “you can see me naked in the shower, why spend money on a hot tub?” “But they can’t see you.” I replied. Then she smacked me.

As the summer started to cool off Jim and Sarah invited us over for BBQ. It was a pleasant evening with good food, great conversation and a few margaritas. Then Sarah suggested we get in the hot tub. Ann stared at me and looked frozen like a deer in the headlights! I said that sounded like fun and Ann chimed in that we’d have to run home and get our swim suits and towels. Sarah told Ann that with all the privacy in their yard they don’t use swim suits, and we could borrow their towels. I smiled at Ann and said to Sarah, “Wow, are you sure you want us invading your privacy? We’ve never done anything like this.” Jim commented, “If you’re not comfortable we can just call it a night, Sarah is always pushy to get in the hot tub.” Ann looked at me and, biting her lower lip said, “No, it’s not that. It sounds fun, but we don’t want to be in the way.” Sarah took Ann by the arm and lead her to the house exclaiming that they were going to get towels and more margaritas and us boys should get started!

Jim fired up the bubbles, stripped off his clothes and stepped in, so I followed his lead. It felt a bit awkward being in a hot tub with a naked man twenty some years older than me. But then the ladies arrived and set us up with a round. Sarah peeled off her clothes like it was second nature. That left Ann standing outside the hot tub fully clothed. For a minute I thought she might run home. She looked at me nervously and slowly lifted her sun dress over her head, leaving her in just her sandals and panties. She kicked off the sandals, then in one quick motion pulled off her panties and quickly scooted into the hot tub next to me. And there we were, naked in a hot tub with our neighbors, something I would have never in a million years expected from my beautiful little conservative wife.

We played it cool, talking normal talk and had another round of margaritas. It seemed normal to be there, naked with neighbors. Jim wasn’t staring at Ann’s amazing little tits, Ann relaxed and was enjoying herself and nobody felt uncomfortable. It was really fun.

Then Jim commented that he was getting too hot and needed to cool off. He pulled himself up on the edge of the hot tub and sat there, with his erect penis pointing straight at us! Ann tried to stifle a giggle, but it got Sarah’s attention. Sarah shifted positions and said, “Looks like somebody needs a little attention!” and started stroking Jim’s penis. It wasn’t internet porn huge, just an ordinary circumcised penis about 6″ long. Then without a thought Sarah took her husbands penis into her mouth and started sucking on him. Right there. In front of me and my wife.

Ann and I looked at each other with startled expressions. Sarah looked back to us and said directly to Ann, “I’ll bet your husband could use a little attention also!” I knew this would be the end of the evening for us. Ann does not like oral sex. Period. And this evening had already pushed her boundaries WAY beyond what she was used to. But apparently Ann decided to try to embarrass me instead, saying, “I can’t tell. I don’t see anything needing attention, so I guess not!” I took the hint and pushed myself up to sit on the edge of the hot tub, exposing my hard-on to everyone. Ann started stroking me slowly, which was about all it would take at that point. Seeing Sarah blowing Jim and looking at my beautiful wife with her perky tits dripping water, knowing she was naked in front of our neighbors, I wasn’t going to last long.

Sarah saw Ann stroking me and told her, “Don’t just yank it, give it some loving! Suck on it like you love him!” I noticed Jim smiling the biggest grin as Ann looked shyly up at me not knowing what to do. I smiled at her and nodded. Ann moved in closer and took me into her mouth using a very light touch to suck me half way in. I looked down and saw the most beautiful woman taking me in her mouth and going way beyond what I thought she would be willing to do and it was too much. I told her I was about to cum and she quickly pulled her face away and stroked me a few times until I shot a few large spurts of cum over her shoulder and into the hot tub. Jim had been watching and let out a robust laugh. Ann smiled at me. Was she enjoying this as much as me?

But then Sarah splashed over. “What?! Why did you stop? You ruined the best part! You can’t do that to him!” Ann looked like a kid being yelled at by a teacher for misbehaving. Ann explained to Sarah that she’s not good at blowjobs and doesn’t think she could let a guy cum in her mouth without getting sick. Sarah took that as a challenge. “Come here.” she told Ann and pulled her across the hot tub. Ann looked back at me, not sure what was going on. I smiled to her and nodded approvingly. Sarah talked Ann through it, pointing out that she could tell when I was about to cum by how my penis felt, and she knew when to dodge away from the line of fire. “Instead” she told Ann, “pull your mouth back so your sucking on just the tip and treat it like a straw, but remember to swallow!” Than she pushed Ann in front of Jim, who was still rock hard and still smiling. That’s when I knew my wife was going to touch her third penis ever. She looked back at me, scared, but I smiled and told her to listen to Sarah, Sarah will tell her what to do.

Sarah had Ann take hold of Jim’s penis and then she did it. She slowly put her lips to the tip and pushed her head down onto Jim, taking him over half way into her mouth and I sat there watching my beautiful wife suck on another man’s cock. She picked up the pace and Jim sat there with his eyes closed and his hand on his wife’s shoulder for balance. Sarah kept telling Ann tips and reminders until Jim announced, “I’m about to cum!” Sarah placed her hand lightly on the back of Ann’s head as a reminder.

Then I saw it and my heart raced. Jim’s penis pumped once and Ann froze with her mouth still around him. It pulsed again, and again. Jim was cumming in Ann’s mouth. I waited to see what Ann’s reaction would be and then I saw it. Ann swallowed. Then she swallowed again swallowing all of the sperm that Jim gave her. After a third swallow she removed his penis from her mouth and looked around dazed. Then she looked at me waiting for my reaction. Sarah exclaimed “Wow! You did fantastic! Didn’t she Jim?” “That was incredible!” Jim replied. Ann slight smile, grabbed her margarita to clear her mouth of the taste of Jim’s sperm and slid over next to me, grabbed my arm tight and kissed my shoulder. Sarah beamed like the proud teacher she was.

I was really curious where this would go next, thinking maybe Sarah would give me some attention, but Ann said it was getting late and I knew she’d need to decompress after all that. After we finished our last drinks we dried off, got dressed and thanked our hosts for a wonderful evening. Ann was beaming.

We got home and my mind was racing. That night I told her how much I love her and kissed her deeply. The next morning I woke up, made coffee and got the Sunday paper before heading in to the shower. Ann came in to shower, but seemed quiet. She wouldn’t look at me. I asked her if she was ok and if anything was wrong. She almost burst in to tears. “I can’t believe I cheated on you!” I told her that nobody cheated on anyone and if I didn’t want you to do something I would have said so. She looked at me confused. “So you’re not upset that I let another man do that? I know you’ve always wanted me to give you oral sex, but now I’ve let another man have your dream.” I hugged her and told her that she makes her own choices about what she does or doesn’t do and that I’ll always love her as long as she loves me.

She smiled at me and took my penis in her hand. As she stroked it she dropped down on her knees and put her lips to the tip, slowly taking as much of it into her mouth as she could. She looked up at me and started sucking and working the tip with her tongue. After a few minutes I told her she’d better stop or I was going to cum. She smiled as best she could and kept sucking on me. I came more than I’ve ever cum in my life. She couldn’t swallow it all and some dripped from her lips to her cute little tits. She smiled, stood up and gave me a big kiss then lead me into the shower to clean up.

We continued to socialize with Jim and Sarah, but we never joined them in the hot tub after that one night. Two years later Jim and Sarah moved away and the following year Ann was diagnosed with cancer. I lost her six months later but will never lose the wonderful memories she gave me.

TLDR: One of my most vivid memories of my late wife was watching her taste her first sperm, and it wasn’t mine.



  1. An amazing story. It’s a tragedy she passed. She sounds like a fascinating woman.

  2. This story is amazing and kinda bittersweet, I’m sorry for your loss and I’m happy you two were able to enjoy an experience like that.

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