[story proposal] Masturbation Conference in New York 2020

Masturbation Conference in New York 2020

Hello, I have a new project in the works! Well, it is not really a conference but a fantasy story about the conference.

I want to make a webpage & poster for this “masturbation conference”

I need ideas to make it look as real as possible.

What topics would speakers present? What companies would sponsor it? What events would happen at the conference?

I have some naughty ideas and will write up a story tomorrow about this topic. Let me know any ideas…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/bq2zpz/story_proposal_masturbation_conference_in_new


  1. Speakers might talk about:

    1) the history of masturbation

    2) the health benefits

    3) generic facts about it such as how often we do it, how long we take?

    you could go on.


    Question, is there to be any masturbation at this conference, if so, by who?


    I suspect sponsors would be mostly “adult” companies such as sex shops or porn sites.


    Hi. I am CON2H4. I have an account on [CHYOA.COM](https://CHYOA.COM) in case you’d like to find more of my stuff. Also feel free to contact me. I’d love to talk about it further.

  2. “Self Care: A talk on proper hygiene and healthcare by Dr. Richard Lips (Lecture Hall 5)”

    “The Dumeaux Method – Fad or Favourite: an open forum headed by Samantha Fielding.”

    “Mistress Xavia is offering a once in a lifetime opportunity – one on one sessions with the dominatrix herself! Don’t miss your chance to have your technique critiqued and get a lesson from the pro!”

    “Group Edging competition in room 304. Bottle of campaign to be won!”

    “Check out the latest porn releases by these famous pornographers! Worldwide exclusive!”

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