How it all started with the student [MF] (1 of ?)

Heads up, this is a long one and will have multiple parts eventually. This is really just backstory, so if you only want the juicy stuff, that’s next.
This is also 100% true, except enough details have been changed to protect the guilty.

I am a long time lurker and this is the first of many stories I can tell of my adventures over the years. Here it goes:

I, mid 30 something male, worked at a University for many years, but always in administration (as in not interfacing with students that much, more running the school). But just because I didn’t work with students didn’t mean I didn’t look at students! The beauty of college is that every girl there is a college age 18-22, which happens to be an age I like (doesn’t every guy?)! I’d wandered around campus many times thinking about the possibilities of bringing one of those girls back to my office, but I liked my job and making any time of first move would be too dangerous. I flirted, but always stopped short of going too far.

Then, one day, I walked into one of the upper administration offices and there was a new student assistant out front, and she was hot. Think Mila Kunis if you need a visual image. Same body type, same face. She wasn’t exactly my type, but definitely exuded sexiness from the first time we ever talked. Like I always did, I made small talk with her and got to know her a bit. I did this with all the students, guy or girl, but girls like this got a little extra attention…

Over the next few months, I would see her a few times a week as I went in and out for meetings. We always chatted, but always kept it professional. She always wore sexy clothes though, tight pants, low cut tops. I knew she was trying to flirt, all the non verbal signals were there – the laughs, touching her hair, strong eye contact. All the signals were there, but I couldn’t figure out how to advance it without risking everything. It felt like we were both dancing around it at every interaction, which were only in 3-5 min increments as I passed her desk for meetings.

Then, one day, I saw my opportunity. I’d signed up to teach a course, and part of it I would be having some upper level students come in and speak. So next time I saw her, I told her about the class and asked if she’d be interested in participating. She said she’d be glad to! I asked for her number, to text her the details about the class as things got closer (still haven’t crossed any boundaries, but inching closer).

We text a few times, but nothing major developed. Again, we were both afraid to make the first move. Then, there was a speaker on campus one night, and me and the student both ended up there. I’d seen her at front of line, so text her and told her to save me a good seat, which she did. We sat together through the 1.5 hrs and the flirting ramped up. We were texting each other during the speech to avoid talking, and at some point we were able to shift the conversation a little bit dirty. As it wrapped up, I asked her to grab a bite to eat. We grabbed some food and continued to ramp up the flirting. At this point, it came out that I was married, which she didn’t see to mind. We parted although it seemed like neither of us wanted to. However we continued to text that evening, flirting a lot but all still defendable if someone else read the conversation. Again, I’m thinking about my 6 figure income and my dick at this point. Then, shortly after midnight, she said something like, “well, I’ve gotta go, amazon brought me a new toy today that I want to use”. I was stunned, but new this was the opening I needed. “I don’t believe you” I said, “pics or it didn’t happen”. The next thing I received made me nearly explode. It was a picture of her, holding a purple dildo coyly near her face. Her legs were pulled up to chest like someone doing a cannon ball into a pool, so I couldn’t see anything really, except it was clear she was 100% naked. I don’t remember exactly what I said, but I’m pretty sure I indicated I very much enjoyed the picture and would probably be joining her in enjoying myself that night. “Glad to hear it, have fun with that” she said and the conversation was over. I jerked off two times back-to-back staring at that picture. I’d crossed the Rubicon, and was only thinking with one head at this point, and it wasn’t the one earning 6 figures…

Many more stories with this girl and others to come!


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