[MFMF][MFF] Our first swap + the morning after

TL;DR A pushing 60 widower tells you about how a pool party and cookout leads to a discussion about swapping with friends. We later enjoyed a full swap and my late wife enjoyed some time with the female in the couple as well.

TL;DR 2 This is another abnormally long story. Hope you enjoy it though!

Anna and I had always been sexually compatible. I’m a non-religious guy, but the only way I can describe our sexual chemistry is with the word “blessing.” It was a blessing that I met someone who not only was on the same page with me relationship wise, but also definitely sexually. Long before we got together she’d tell me about her sexploits, totally openly, and I didn’t find it off putting whatsoever. In fact, if anything I was intrigued and it turned me on; it’s not like she was sleeping around and hated herself for it. No, rather she was sleeping around and enjoyed almost every experience immensely. I was always one who was open to new sexual experiences, so Anna being a sexual person attracted her to me even more. She’d asked me early on if I’d mind if she slept with other guys; the cuckold thing wasn’t for me (and still isn’t) so I offered an alternative. What if we swapped with another couple or an “exclusive” group of couples? Anna was into that idea very much, but after she got pregnant and we had our first kid — the idea fell by the wayside, well, at least in the short term it did.

Anna and I met Jeff and Beth (not their real names) through a spinning club of which Anna was a part. We all hit it off immediately. Jeff and I are very different from one another in every way — but back then we were obsessed with baseball and sabermetrics, and since we’re both highly competitive/type A guys we were known to have drunken, heated lawn Jart matches in the dark of night. Or we’d simply goad the other into doing something of a competitive nature, and short of diving headfirst into an empty swimming pool, we were definitely into acting like man-children whenever possible.

Beth and Anna were both social butterflies and impeccable dressers. Their combined laughter was infectious when they would wind one another up. Beth was 5’6″ and busty; her work as a personal trainer did her body justice and definitely accentuated how stacked she was, and other little details like her nose piercing simply added to her level of hotness. I could only imagine what her body looked like underneath her clothes; but fear not, reader, you’re going to find out really soon. Anna had frequently told me that she guessed that Jeff had a hot body underneath his clothes as well. Anna and I were good and open like that. Plus Anna was also more than fine that Beth had always been very flirty and touchy-feely with me; Anna and I would get home and inevitably she’d start ripping my clothes off, telling me how hot it was that Beth was into me, asking me if I’d like to fuck Beth, and forcing me to tell her what kinds of things I’d do to Beth, would I want to cum in her, and so forth.

We hadn’t seen Jeff and Beth for about a year and a half. Between us getting used to being first-time parents and them selling their house in the city and having a new house built about an hour away in the ‘burbs, we’d only been in touch by phone or email. They invited us to come out for a pool party and cookout on a Saturday as their new home apparently had a large backyard with an in-ground swimming pool. Our babe was going to stay with Anna’s parents which was no doubt the right move. We’d both been really good about not partying (we were too exhausted to anyway), so this Saturday, or I assumed it would be Saturday and Sunday, was time to let loose.

I packed the cooler while Anna got our stuff together, and slowly. She’d been really self conscious about her body after she’d had the babe, and I know that she was probably trying to pick out a swimsuit from her collection — and hating every single one of them. She’d gone back to the gym about six months earlier, and I always told her how great and sexy she looked (which was true!) but still… I know that she was still having body image issues. Maybe a pool party wasn’t a good idea for us to attend at that time after all?

To my surprise Anna was still in excellent spirits after she finished packing. We laughed and flirted and told dirty jokes most of the way to Jeff and Beth’s house. And some house it was. It looked like a castle with all of the stone, the landscaping was impeccable, they had a lot of land, and a circular driveway. The house must’ve been at least 5,000 square feet we surmised. We rang the bell and Jeff answered the door. He was shirtless, which was a first, and his hairless torso only accentuated his muscular build. He wore board shorts and flip flops. He shook my hand and gave Anna a hug. He offered us a tour of the house and we started following him. Anna squeezed my hand tightly, and I looked at her. “Oh my god,” she mouthed to me as she turned her head, looked at Jeff, then looked back at me. Then she feigned wiping sweat from her brow. I chuckled under my breath.

“Where’s Beth, by the way?” Anna asked.

“Oh, she’s at the store and will be back in a bit,” Jeff replied. “Do you guys want something to drink? Also go ahead and use the downstairs bathroom if you want to get changed in there.”

We got changed and headed out to the pool. Jeff had a fridge underneath the counter of his outdoor cooking area. He offered us some beers and we obliged. The space they’d created and the in-ground pool was impressive. They must have spent a fortune on it. It was a sunny, hot, and steamy day that day and after a short stint in the sun and dip in the pool we sat in comfortable chairs underneath their pergola.

Anna was wearing a one-piece black swimsuit. She owned a couple of bikinis, nothing scandalous, but I figured that she settled on the one piece because of what I’d mentioned earlier. Still as we chatted and sipped on our beers I could tell that her eyes were on Jeff. She’d even laugh louder and more often than normal at his “jokes” as we chatted. It’s not that I was feeling jealous; now I was really curious about what was on Anna’s mind.

Jeff heard the electric garage door open and excused himself to the house to help Beth unload the groceries. We sat chatting for 15 minutes as our hosts were inside of the house.

“Oh, hey!” Beth called out as she came strutting out along the concrete walkway alongside the pool. She was wearing what could best be described as a bikini. It was gray or silver in color (it was shiny!), she was nearly popping out of the top that was held together by the thinnest of strings, and the bottoms — I suppose you could call them bottoms — were stringed together with the thinnest of strings and a plunging waistline — and featured a thong back. I noticed it was a thong when Beth hugged me and complimented me for “working out” and “how I looked super hot — as always.” Anna’s eyebrows raised over the rims of her sunglasses and her jaw was a little bit slack after having seen Beth in the suit.

“Hey, uhh, I just wanted to say ‘hi’ before heading back into the house for a few,” Beth said. “I need to start prepping some food. Anna, want to join?” Anna kind of dully nodded and followed Beth back into the house. I sat there asking myself, “what did I just see? My god, that was so hot. I wish they had a pool in the condo where they used to live. I can’t believe that this is happening at all. Man.”

I sat by myself outside for another half hour. I wondered what people were doing. I was starting to get bored. No, that’s a lie. I wanted to see Sexy Beth in her swimsuit again. I heard my voice being called, and I looked up once I found where it was coming from. Anna had cranked a window upstairs and was calling for me to come up. I went inside and told Jeff and Beth that Anna was calling for me. Beth tapped me on the arm and told me that Anna had something to show me, and winked. What does she have to show me? I’ve already *seen* everything! That’s what I told myself at least.

Anna was upstairs in their master bathroom and she opened the door when I knocked. That’s when I almost fell over. She was standing before me in a navy blue bikini, a string bikini, not nearly as scant and scandalous as Beth’s, and I saw that it had a thong back. I stood there with my mouth agape. It wasn’t so long ago that Anna, a thong (underwear) enthusiast, had told me that she wouldn’t ever wear a suit like that, “because no self-respecting woman would ever wear any shit like that.” And yet here we were. I’d matured enough at this point where I didn’t bring Anna’s former statement up; Anna had always been good to me, but if I pushed the right/wrong button she would’ve set me on fire (figuratively speaking — probably).

Anna broke the silence. “I just went in to help Beth and Jeff and she grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs. She grabbed this suit out of her dresser and insisted that I wear it and that I keep it. I’ve been up here ever since. I finally had to call you, because…”

“I have to admit,” I said. “You look smoking hot. This suit… really suits you.” I laughed.

“Puns. Always the puns with you!” she replied. “But you like the way it looks?”

“Oh, yeah, definitely.” I sat on the bed and strongly suggested that we should have sex right then and there.

“We’re not having sex in their fucking bed. That’s out of the question.”

“So what’s the question then?”

“I feel like I’m fucking naked. Should I wear this suit or change back to my other one?”

“You already know the answer to that…”

“OK, so I’m going to change back.”

“Nope,” I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the room. I thought that she was going to be so pissed with me. Boy was I wrong. She just giggled and laughed a lot and soon we were downstairs. Jeff even whistled at her. He had never whistled at Anna before. She blushed a lot and took a bow. Anna had a nice rack, maybe not as big and bouncy as Sexy Beth’s, but she would cleave out when bending to be sure. Beth motioned that Anna should do a spin for us and we all took in Anna’s curvy body the the thong back of the suit. Anna, when aroused, would always get these poofy nipples and I could clearly see them pushing at the fabric at the top of the suit.

Beth came over and gave Anna a hug, and it was super hot. It was just a hug but the way Anna had to crouch a bit to hug Beth caused their chests to push together. Jeff looked at me and smiled, giving me a quick “thumbs up” gesture. My jaw was opened and I kept looking at Jeff and looking at them.

We reconvened outside and Beth and Jeff started to cook the meal.

“That suit,” Anna whispered to me as our hosts were busy assembling dinner.

“I know,” I whispered back. “It’s like Cinemax After Dark, but only in real life.”

Anna and I laughed and our hosts paused to ask us what was so funny. We waved them off. We’d seen the empathetic and clearly lesbian piano teacher who seduced her “straight” student. We’d seen the couple play truth or dare before swapping partners. We’d seen soft swaps that took place because the women in the couples had been interested in exhibitionism. We’d seen it all, well, except for the hardcore aspect of wife swapping — because we were both too terrified to rent a XXX video from the local store. Watching our friends in their state of undress clearly had us both worked up.

That night nothing happened. Anna and Beth, still in their swimsuits, disappeared upstairs. Jeff and I, now both wearing t-shirts and board shorts — their central A/C system made things insufferably cold so we covered up a bit — made a new challenge in their downstairs combo room (it was both a bar and a workout room). We would take a shot of Jaeger (it sucks, my god) and then run for 1 minute then 2 minutes then 3 minutes then more, at the highest speed, on the treadmill in the exercise area of the room. Then we’d take another shot and the timer would increase. The “loser” would puke first. Shit. About 4 shots in I started to take a turn for the worse. That’s when Jeff laid it on me.

“You guys swing?” he asked plainly.

“Swing as in ‘swing’,” I said, making a swinging motion with my arms. “Or ‘swing swing?'”

“You know what I’m asking,” he said, before taking another shot and doing 5 minutes on the highest speed of the treadmill. When he hopped off, and after telling me it was my turn, he asked again. “Well?”

“We’ve talked about swapping, sure,” I said. “But nothing’s ever come of it.”

“Well, why not?” he responded.

“When we got together we talked about doing it, but then the babe came into the picture and we’ve never revisited it.”

“I’m just going to throw this out there, but Beth and I were talking earlier and we’d be interested in swapping with you. We’re already friends and in that sense, well, it would make sense… by the way, it’s your turn on the ‘mill.”

“I’m done with the mill. You win,” I replied.

“What do I win? Do I win Anna?”

I laughed and then stumbled to the bathroom and started to puke my guts out. We were still very stupid after all these years.

After a couple more rounds of being sick, Jeff started in again. God, he was relentless.

“Is Anna bi?” he asked. “Not that it matters, but I’m just curious.”

“Is Beth bi?” I asked.

“She is, most definitely,” Jeff told me. “But what about Anna?”

“Not that I know of. I’ve bugged Anna about this over the years and she’s always been like ‘well, wouldn’t you like to see that?’ and so on, but she’s never shown any interest in women and I haven’t pushed it. Plus, again, we have new babe to take care of.”

Jeff told me that Beth would be interested in a full swap with us but that she would also like to have sex with Anna. This was news to me, but I rolled with it — even in my degraded state.

The last thing I remember asking, and I had to ask Jeff in the future to piece together details of that night, was, “how is it to be with two women?” He told me that it was super hot although he rarely would fuck both women — but enjoyed Beth having sex with another woman while he watched. I don’t know if anything happened of a non-sexual nature after that point, but I woke up to the sounds of buzzing and giggling and of water running in their downstairs bathroom.

I’d barely opened my eyes when I saw Anna and Beth coming out of the bathroom, both of their hair was totally soaked, and their bodies were wrapped in bath towels. I must’ve looked like shit, and I definitely felt like shit, and all I could muster was, “did you guys just take a shower together?” They both giggled and Anna told me that I looked horrible (no shit?!) before bouncing upstairs. I passed out again.

Anna drove home because I was in no position to do that. I had a plastic bag positioned under my chin just in case I had to boot again. Thankfully that didn’t happen, but I was useless on that Sunday. Anna mercifully picked up the babe from her parents, and Monday morning I was good as new again when I woke up.

I sipped at my coffee as I fed the babe. “So, very interesting night Saturday was, wasn’t it?”

“Definitely,” I replied. “What was your take?”

“Did Jeff tell you that they wanted to swap with us?”

“Well, yeah. What did Beth tell you?”

“That they wanted to swap with us.”

“Riiight. And that’s it?”

“Well, yeah. What else is there?”

“I don’t know. You make it sound like there’s something else.”

“I don’t think so? I mean Jeff and I were doing Jaeger shots then running on the treadmill. At some point it’s all just a blur. Let me know if you can help fill in details.” I laughed.

“They were so happy to see us,” Anna chimed in. “They’ve invited us back on Saturday in two weeks. My parents said that they’re always happy to watch the babe again (she didn’t tell her parents that we were going to swap with another couple — that’s for sure). That is, if you’re interested?”

“Are you saying that you’re interested, and by interested I mean interested in swapping?”

“Oh, definitely,” she sighed. “I think it would be great. Beth’s always been so hot for you — she’s told me like a million times — and Jeff… that body…” Her eyes practically rolled back into her skull.

“So how are we going to do this?”

“I don’t know,” she told me. “I’ll be home late tonight, by the way.”

“You will? What are you doing?”

“Well, I was going to the mall. I was going to eat some Chinese food from the food court and then at Macy’s we were going to have a gang bang. Is that what you’re asking?”

I laughed. “No, seriously… is work ok?”

“Work is totally fine as always. Beth invited me to this day spa, but since we’re going so late in the day I suppose that it’s an ‘evening spa’. Then she’s taking me to this boutique swimsuit place where she shops, and…”

“Holy shit. What are you going to buy?!”

“For me to know and you to find out,” she laughed.

“OMG,” I said, not swearing twice in a row. Nobody wanted the babe’s first words to be “motherfucking shit.”

On Tuesday I decided to do some sleuthing in the house. Anna always left for work earlier than I and arrived home later. That’s because she worked farther away. Duh. I rummaged through her dresser drawers and found no evidence of any swimsuit. What had she been doing? I settled my mind on a gang bang at Macy’s. First they flew the Snoopy float in midtown Manhattan and then my wife was topped by every male customer at the cosmetics counter. That must be it, right? Wrong.

That night when she got home she dropped another bomb. “Would you want to go bare with them?”

“Bare? I’m assuming that we’d all be naked. Or do you mean something else?”



“It think it would be hot for you to pump your seed into Beth, and I’m game for Jeff doing the same.”

“But you’re not on the -”

“I know,” she interrupted. “But that’s part of what makes this all so hot.”

“I don’t know -”

“Well, think about it.”

Anna denied me sex for the whole week and into the next. As a guy who’d enjoyed several years of sex almost every day it was killing me.

“Well, what do you think?” she asked me one night after we’d been reading before heading to sleep. “Raw or no raw?”

“Well,” I sighed. “Raw. Definitely raw.” I tried to initiate with Anna again that night but she pushed me away before turning off the light.

“Raw it is,” she said quietly. “I knew that you would come around to seeing it my way. Good night.”

Anna was cheery on Saturday morning, and I admit that I was as well. I dropped the babe off at her parents, and both of them commended us for taking “us time” as they stressed that they were always happy to babysit for us. They also asked me if we’d thought of having a second kid “because you’re not getting any younger” and I demurred. Frankly, neither of us had thought that we’d have one kid in the first place — much less two kids. I couldn’t wait to see Beth in probably another scandalous swimsuit, and if I was reading Anna’s narrative correctly as well — I couldn’t wait to see Anna in a state of undress that she had stressed she would never do publicly. Ever. Until now. Whatever works, right?

Rain started in droves after I returned home. Anna called Beth and a pool party was out of the question. We decided that we were still going to go to their place, but that a pool party would be a non starter. Anna laid a suit out for me to wear and I grudgingly put it on. As for her own outfit, I couldn’t tell because she’d work her overcoat due to the rain. She was wearing her sexiest of heels though so I was excited to see what outfit she’d come up with. She handed me a duffle bag, its contents unknown, and we loaded into the car.

I drove through shit weather and when we reached their house I could make out Jeff in the garage as he motioned for me to pull in. (ha ha) I cut the wipers and parked in the garage and helped Anna out of our car before grabbing the duffle bag from the trunk. Jeff, like me, was also wearing a suit. We looked at each other and laughed.

Anna asked me to help her out of her coat, and I obliged. Jeff took her coat and put it in their laundry room. Anna looked sexy as fuck. Her black evening gown with slits up the side of each leg (I had never seen this dress before!) and it displayed a ton of cleavage was a sight to behold. This didn’t go unnoticed to Jeff, he who gave Anna a peck on the lips (this was new!) before telling us to come in. (ha ha again)

We convened in their gigantic kitchen and Jeff offered us some wine. We all clinked glasses and toasted to the evening. We all knew what was happening, but of course I quipped that I wondered if Beth was at the market. No, she wasn’t at the market. She was upstairs getting dressed. And then she appeared.

Oh. My. God. Her midnight blue and sequined, right under her knees, evening dress, her black heels, her black stockings or hosiery, the spaghetti straps, the cleavage, OMG. Yes, OMG. Beth didn’t come over to Jeff to kiss him. She came up to me and kissed me on the lips as well. It was just a gentle peck. But still… I hadn’t been with another woman since Anna and I had been together. I honestly couldn’t wait to fuck Beth. And who wouldn’t? My god. This woman was smoking hot. Maybe I wouldn’t end up fucking Beth and cumming in her pussy. You never know how the evening will play out. At this point I was still bummed that the ladies hadn’t been mostly naked by now. Seeing two sexy ladies barely dressed, by the pool, would’ve been absolutely welcomed by both Jeff and I. I’m sure of it.

The night didn’t go the way that I had planned. I admit it. Anna gave me my “exercise wear” and I put it on before Jeff and I reconvened downstairs. Jeff had challenged me to another run off, in between shots of Jaeger, on the treadmill but I was against it. I kept hinting to Jeff that there would maybe be swapping, but he was coy. Why was he so coy? I was about to find out.

Jeff and I each had a couple of shots, after the great dinner they’d made upstairs, and we just sat around and shot the shit. I was nicely buzzed, and in my experience having a little bit of a buzz before you experience something new sexually — is really the way to go. Again, just my opinion.

I heard the clicking of high heels and when my head turned I saw both Anna and Beth appear in the room, in bikinis. And by bikinis I mean that Anna had totally slutted out. She was barely dressed and was wearing a black, barely there bikini, with a thong back. It was tiny, like, really, really tiny. The bottoms would mean that Anna must have groomed herself so that she could pull that look off. Anna had never been interested in shaving her public region (she would do it on occasion but generally was reticent to do it because she wasn’t really into presenting like a preteen — in her own words). Anna sat on my lap and Beth set on Jeff’s initially. We made out and before long my middle finger sliced its way underneath her bikini bottoms. Anna was beyond wet, and her pussy was super bare, but not razor cut. She must’ve been waxed. How did this happen?! Must’ve been Sexy Beth. God, she was So Sexy, that Beth.

Anna pushed my shoulders back against the couch. She pulled my cock out of my shorts and started sucking it. I could see Sexy Beth out of the corner of my eyes. She was sucking Jeff off. My, the contrast. Jeff’s cock was huge, I’d guess 9 inches, but skinny like a wick. I’m 7″ and thick like a toilet paper roll. Both Anna and Beth slurped us down and you could make out the suction and the saliva as it echoed off the ceilings of their basement.

At some point Beth stopped sucking Jeff and I could make out her face over Anna’s shoulder. She tapped Anna on the arm and Anna stopped sucking me — I literally plopped, or I guess I should say “shot put” out her mouth. I was rock hard. Who wouldn’t be? Jesus. And I mention Jesus as an atheist. Jesus for Atheists should be a real thing.

Beth took me in her mouth and Anna swapped over to Jeff. Beth’s mouth had supreme suction. Anna was always all tongue, and it was fabulous, but I enjoyed Beth’s suction. Unlike Anna, Beth loved looking me in the eyes as she sucked me off. SO HOT.

“Show me your tits!” I told her as she continued her suction. Wow, they were spectacular, and they were real. She took her “bikini” top off and tossed it over my shoulder. I was close to cumming and I told her so. “I like cum,” Beth said, taking my cock out of her mouth. “Mmmmm.”

Anna had dropped her top as well, or I guess she hadn’t dropped it. She had just pushed it down around her shoulders. The tie still held it in place. Man oh man. Anna’s cock on Jeff’s dick, and yeah he had somehow gotten away with grabbing her hair where he fucked her face (she gagged repeatedly) and yeah it was a sight to behold. Anna had gotten me to be gentle and I had stopped fucking her face long ago.

This was too much for me to take and I told Beth that I was cumming. She forced her mouth back down on my cock and swallowed all of it. Then she kissed me. “So soon?” she said, kissing me and I enjoyed the taste of my own spunk, “can you go again?”

Jeff and Anna had already started fucking. She mounted him, her bikini bottoms nowhere to be found, and she rode him. Anna, easily, had the best looking asshole I had ever seen. It was like this pretty and puckered dark area. It was perfect. Her asshole clenched as she fucked him. She was fucking him. Muscular Jeff just laid there as Anna pummeled herself on his dick. I could make out the slick of her vagina she she impaled herself on him. Wait. Did she shave herself? Did she wax herself? I was doubly rock hard what she was bare now. Her pussy and asshole looked better than ever. I could wait to fuck her later. I would definitely be talking to her about her bareness came to pass and why it took her so long to get to this very sexy place.

After jeff’s first couple dozen strokes into Anna’s pussy I listened to the trash talking Beth. I’m a big guy, and through my strength drove Sexy Beth’s body back into the couch. I literally ripped her bikini bottoms off, tore them, and my mouth met her pussy. She was sexy and bare and my tongue dug in immediately. I went asshole to pussy and back. As I went down on her the middle finger of my right hand went first knuckle deep into her asshole. “Ahhhhhhhh, I love it in my ass!” Sexy Beth cried out. “Push it further! ohhhhhh!”

Beth came. And if she didn’t cum she was a super faker about it. But then again she had a semi squirting orgasm and it ended up in my mouth. Anna was strong and musky and hot. Beth was light and slightly musky and delicious as well. I dropped my shorts and just started fucking her. Her heels, her legs pushed against the back of the couch, how wet and sloppy she was, oh my god, it was so much. So much. “Wait?!” she uttered to me. “You’re ready to fuck again. What are you.. 18?! Fuck.”

Beth and I fucked for at least half hour. When I told her that I was cumming, and her legs were long wrapped around my back, the clenched them around me… and I dropped a stream into her pussy. Mmmmmm.

Then I heard applause. I guess that Jeff finished at some point, and remnants of his spunk dripped out of Anna’s pussy and on to the leather couch. After kissing Beth a few times I moved towards Anna, motioning Jeff away, and my semi-hard cock entered her. My god. I was getting sloppy seconds from my own wife. Holy shit. I’m not into cuckolding, but the fuck?! Yes. I loved it. His seed was still semi warm as I went at it. So hot. So very, very hot.

Finally I was there, and I came, but I knew it wouldn’t be geyser. I knew it would be a painful amount of cock wrenching followed by a steady drip. Still I took my wife back. She came as well, and I knew it given the way her muscles contracted around my cock. She wasn’t on the pill. Jeff had cum in her as well. What the fuck were we thinking?! Oh, right. We were a people with a sense of adventure. That’s what we were thinking.

Last thing I saw, after coming down from my orgasm, as Jeff and Beth kissing on the couch. Him fucking her again was also a non starter. He just couldn’t make it happen. Anna pulled me upstairs to bed, and we had another slow fuck. It must’ve been at least an hour. Eventually she took her heels off. Then I seeded her again. It was beyond painful for me, my scrotum tensing up, but I nutted in her finally.

The next morning she woke me up and since I wasn’t hungover it wasn’t a big deal.

“Where’s Jeff?” I asked, as Anna presented Beth’s naked body to me.

“Oh, he’s done,” Beth said. “But you? You. You are virile beyond belief. Jesus, you are sooooo nerdy, but I had this idea…”

“Knock it off, bitch,” Anna said. “Enjoy and wide the cock wave. I have for all these years.”

(Women are vicious. Don’t you know?!)

I saw Jeff passed out in their marital bed as Beth started the shower. We all went in. Beth asked if I would mind if she washed me. Of course I didn’t mind! Beth? Sexy Beth? Washing me. More please. Yes! Beth washed my back side and Anna washed my front as I washed her and we kissed. That’s when Beth shot her finger up my asshole and I got super hard. Again.

“Mmmmm, you were right, Anna,” she said. “He does like it.”

As Sexy Beth pumped my asshole with her finger Anna took her place back on my dick. I came in short order (how hot was that shit?!) and Beth got on her knees in their overly large shower area. I started eating Beth’s ass and pussy again after I washed her and to my surprise Anna sat on the bench of the shower. Beth started eating Anna out and I was ready to go again. Well, maybe I was a little soft, but two women together? Yes, please. MOAR! I fucked and fucked Beth but couldn’t cum. I can cum a lot, but watching Anna cum from another woman’s tongue was more than enough for me.

Anna got pregnant shortly after our tryst. At first we were paranoid that it was Jeff’s kid (maybe) but then Beth told us that Jeff was VAS safe. We should’ve asked earlier, but #newbies. We played with them a few more times but it was never as hot. Live an learn, yeah?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bpiag9/mfmfmff_our_first_swap_the_morning_after

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