[MFF] I married them, and then they took me home with them

Sorry for the length. (name of our sextape!) I just finished it and it is, well, looong. I thought about splitting it up in multiple posts, but fek it. This way I know that if you comment or like, you are a *true* smut-fan. ;)


I write these things about sex a lot, but I never really wrote down my *actual* sexual experiences. At least not before the one I did earlier this week. And it seems people actually enjoy reading about that stuff, so it made me think what else I had stashed away in my memories that was worthy of writing down for a change. I have a couple more, but the one I am about to recall is probably the one that speaks to the imagination the most. There is some backstory involved tho, so stay with me for that, if you’d like. 

If you feel you are entitled to just the smut because you absolutely have to nut as soon as humanly possible, just scroll down to the markings. I think I’ll make them stars. So, search for the stars. Shiny. ⭐

This story is one of my first actually memorable sexual encounters. I mean I had sex before that moment, but they were all of the boy-likes-girl, boy-dates-girl, boy-is-scared-shitless-and-tries-not-to-cum-too-soon variety. You know, that flavour of sex where bragging about it took a lot more time than actually doing it. Maybe you remember some of your first encounters, but it probably took a while before the actual sex itself became memorable for me. That was probably when I was around 20. This story is dated right before that. During our second year in college. In that period of time where we encountered the actual world and were rocked to our core. We were very much country-folk. All stereotypes applied.

It was during the Christmas holidays that this story takes place. High school relationships were still strong. Strong enough to warrant spending New Year’s Eve together. But not strong enough to make sure that every one of our friends cleared their calendar and could make it. I do not remember the actual circumstances that made the situation as it was, but NYE was going to be me, and two girl friends of mine. One was single, one was actually in a sort-of relationship with one of my male friends.

I say sort-of, because I remember that friend had asked me to please not fool around with her during the celebrations. And he asked me that because he knew she and I had the tendency to do that, whenever the chance presented itself. We were always grabbing at each other when no-one was looking, always sneaking in a kiss or a pinch. She flashed me on numerous occasions, simply because we just did that kind of stuff. It’s pretty hard to explain what that relationship actually was. We hadn’t had sex or anything. It was just this dynamic in our group of friends. You hung out, sometimes you teased, sometimes you fooled around, sometimes you actually fucked. She – let’s call her Alex from now on – was in the fucking-stage with my friend. He wanted her for herself for a while. I was to not pursue my natural tendencies. Yeah.

I had a similar relationship with the other girl, Zoe. Albeit a little less intense. Because you have to understand, even though Zoe was good-looking – pretty face, good figure and clearly some perky tits – Alex was a clean 10. She had the most amazing eyes that – with some careful makeup – looked like they were the only thing you could see. And that was a shame, because I don’t think I ever met somebody back then with such an amazing body to back up those eyes, that nose, those lips… I saw her taking off her bra in a crowded place on a dare once, and those tits, those huge, round tits, they just didn’t care that they lost all support. Defying gravity, poking against her shirt without the smallest tendency to sag. It was superficial, but I had spent a lot of times, dick in hand, with that memory in my head. I had been in love with her for a brief period, until she found out about it and just destroyed me with her bluntness. There was to be no love. She did not believe in it. No relationship. Just fun. I would have to deal.

So yeah, that was us at NYE. Just three persons who had just begun to become a bit more adult, a bit more intellectually developed, a bit more capable of buying drugs and had a history of fooling around with each other. What could possibly go wrong, right?

In my country, we have more bars than people in every shithole town, all of them open until 4 in the morning. And we were *well* past the legal drinking age. So yeah. It was safe to say we got our drunk on pretty efficiently.

It’s been too long, so forgive me for the hole in the story here. I mean, I could make shit up, but I feel that would detract from the actual story. So, all I can tell you is that somewhere before midnight we had gone outside, trying to find a good vantage point to watch the fireworks from. At least that was how it was probably constructed. That’s what they had told me, maybe. I dunno. Maybe it was just a dumb coincidence. But I do remember them walking hand-in-hand in front of me, while I tried to climb this fucking mountain they had decided would give us the best view. I couldn’t really walk straight as it was. Let alone climb hills. But hey. Two bouncing buttockses in front of me. What’s a guy to do? Follow, that’s what.

Arriving at the top, I sat down on a bench and started to roll a nice NY-celebrations blunt. Weed was the champagne for the cool kids back then. It would suffice. My hands trying very hard to remember how to actually roll one. The two girls a couple of meters from me, giggling and talking in hushed voices.

I had succeeded. A nice cone of combustible carelessness the result.

As I was standing up they approached me. Still giggling a bit. Something devious about them. You know, the way people, girls in particular, are when they are about to let you in on a private joke. Or in this case, a proposal. They stopped right in front of me, elbows linked. And bent forward a bit. Smiling. Hushed voices, even though there wasn’t anybody around to overhear.

“We need you to marry us,” said Alex, “right now”. She had those eyes, man. So close to my face. Looking into mine. And my dumb face looking back at her. My dumb hand holding up the blunt in between us, as some sort of miniature torch. My dumb brain trying to understand what she had just asked.

“We need to be married, so we can kiss during the fireworks,” Zoe clarified. Looking a bit worried that their plan was about to explode because of my lack of coherent thought.

And it took me a while. Really. Alcohol man. Fucking hell. But after a second of turning wheels, things became clear, just when Alex’s face was about to take on that same worried look.

“Oh, ehm, yeah! Okay, of course! Sure!” Both of them smiled. I grinned. Watching girls make out. That was a bucketlist item at 20, right?

Later, much, muuuch later I figured out that Alex had wanted to kiss Zoe at NYE and had been looking for a good way to broach the subject. Proposing marriage, with me doing the honours was the right way about it, it seemed. Funny how your young brain used to have these logical constructs at times. I spent *years* afterwards thinking that this was just a very happy, mindless thing that had happened to *me.* It really took a while to see that there was something way deeper going on at that point. I was just too drunk, too boy, too narcissistic to understand it exactly. So I didn’t care. I was about to see some girls kissing. My dick already a bit bubbly at the idea.

We were already standing correctly, them arm in arm, me in front. No time to waste, right? I tried, *really hard* to think of the words. They were expecting a performance from their literary inclined friend. But fuck, a Hemingway I am not. The words do not flow when drunk beyond a certain point. So I just jumped in, right at the end. No lively tributes, praising both their lives. No funny anecdotes. Just me going “Do you, Zoe, ehm… Take Alex to be your, ehm… your wife,” and then again the other way around. Getting a “Yes,” from both of them (cuz we aint english, we just say ‘yes’ or ‘no’). It was very romantic.

“I now pronounce you, wife and wife, you may kiss each other.” I probably smiled when I said this. It felt a bit dumb. They turned to each other, and then kissed. And I don’t mean just a little kiss, some tongue, some giggles. I mean Alex touched Zoe’s face, came closer, closed her eyes and *kissed* her. Zoe first with a little bit of a grin, but it turned to something else *very* quickly. Alex’s hand on the back of Zoe’s head, holding her, grabbing her hair, pulling her in. I could see their tongues, wet, flash in the little light there was. They kept at it. Rotating their heads from one side to the other, in unison. The only sound their smacking lips, the breathing through their noses while Alex kept hold of Zoe’s head, moving her own body into hers. Their tits pressed together. Zoe’s hands on the small of Alex’s back. Not resisting it.

I have no idea how long they stood there. But slowly their momentum subsided. And their lips moved apart, both of them still pressed together, foreheads touching, eyes closed. I had stopped smiling. Nobody felt like making a joke anymore, and we became aware that somewhere in the distance, fireworks were starting.

“Whoa,” I said.

The fireworks were now straight on top of us and they broke the moment a little bit. Zoe was the first to recover. She stepped out of the embrace with Alex and suddenly her face was right in front of mine. She put her hands around my neck. “Happy New Year,” she said, moving forward and kissing me on the mouth. Her lips moving apart, our tongues touching.

I just stood there, kissing a girl, that had just been kissed by a girl. Tasting her. Maybe tasting Alex as well. My hands searched for her body. Found her ass. Pulled her tight, made her feel my excitement, when a hand was placed on mine. Two hands on top of each other, both on Zoe’s ass, both not hers. I opened my eyes and the ones that looked back made me stop kissing. I mean it. Those eyes. Fucking hell. Up close, her nose almost at Zoe’s ear, close enough that I could feel her breath, smell the alcohol when she spoke.

“Maybe he should just come with us?”

“Come where,” I asked, like an oblivious idiot. I’m sure I had no idea at all what she meant. For me *this* was the moment. The three of us squeezed together, groping Zoe’s butt cheek.

Zoe looked at me for a very intense moment. “If he wants to,” she finally said and let go.

Do you remember when you had these fantasies about having sex when you were younger? You had watched just enough porn to know that threesomes were a thing. You could imagine yourself there. You masturbated furiously, thinking of how you would dominate that scene. Make them yours and go on for hours. Wiping them out with your stamina. You were a *god* in those fantasies.

You don’t realize that real life is different. You feel safe because it *is* a fantasy. And boy, I can tell you, walking to Alex’s home that night, knowing that I was actually heading into a bona fide porno scenario, *scared the shit out of me*. What the hell was I going to do, with my drunken brain? What if I fail. Jesus. I only have the one dick! This wasn’t fair on me or my hormones.

I secretly hoped they would change their minds. That her parents would have returned home from wherever the fuck they were that weekend. That her key wouldn’t open the door. That they would leave me at the door. But to no avail. The door opened. The light in the hall was stupidly bright. And all three of us entered. Alex in front. Me last. Closing the door behind me. The anticipation giving me goosebumps.

We took off our shoes. She turned on the lights for the mezzanine and started upstairs. I knew her house. Knew where her room was. Knew we were heading straight for it. But she entered a door sooner and turned on the light. A big double bed standing in the middle of a pretty huge space. Her parents’ room.

I don’t really know why my brain decided that I needed a breather at that moment, but right before stepping into the room with them, I said I needed to go to the toilet. I didn’t *need* to. Just needed to collect my thoughts or something. People do that in movies. Everything is always better afterwards.

I stood there in the bathroom like an idiot, sitting down on the toilet seat, trying to imagine what was going on behind the wall in front of me. I didn’t hear any voices. Of course not. I waited as long as I dared. As long as it took to take a pee. Not so long that they would think that I was taking a shit. Can you imagine? Those were the things that were going through my head as I stepped back into the hallway and pushed open the door of the room, hearing them before I could see them.

⭐⭐⭐ stars! ⭐⭐⭐

They were sitting on the foot end of the bed. Their jackets were on the floor. Their pants next to those. They were locked in a kiss again. It was the most exciting sight I had ever seen. Zoe had her hand on Alex’s leg, stroking the bare skin. Alex’s were under Zoe’s shirt. I could see her fingers playing with her breast. Neither of the girls even register another human being in the room. Their hands too busy, tracking each other’s body. Their eyes closed, taking in the moment. Their legs making rustling sounds, every time they moved a bit.

I took off my jacket. My shirt. My pants. And only dressed in boxers, I walked up to them. Very aware that my excitement was showing like a tentpole. The boxers hid nothing.

I went to Zoe’s side and sat beside her. Her hand had now changed to Alex’s other leg and was moving upwards on the inside. Each centimetre of progress, made the legs spread a bit more. I could see the front of Alex’s panties. Light red, the plush of her pubic hairs shining through, and a clear wet spot at the bottom. I had never been spectator. These images were new.

I hooked my fingers underneath Zoe’s T-shirt and pulled it up and out over her head. They had to break their kiss. Alex looked at me, her hands still busy with those perky tits. Wedged under the edge of the bra. It looked a bit strange. I reached out and undid the lock at the back and everything just popped free. The bra disappeared into the pile of clothes. She was still looking at me, groping that chest that wasn’t hers. Zoe was sighing, her eyes closed, moved her head onto the side of Alex and started to kiss that elegant neck and shoulder and collarbone. Silently. Using her tongue. Using her breath. And I saw her hand close that final distance to that light red wet spot. Legs widening. Fingers groping.

Alex’s eyes closed when Zoe hit her mark and I moved in and kissed her. Her breath was heavy before my lips stopped it. Zoe knew what she was doing. Alex felt it. Our kiss lasted. Somewhere to the side, a shoulder was being slobbered. Somewhere further down, panties were getting drenched.

Our kiss was broken by a final shirt coming off. She wasn’t even wearing a bra. Sitting there on the bed sideways. Nipples poking into the air. Her legs spread open and a girl’s hand disappearing into her panties. Kneading. She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. Sighing. Focusing. And I let my hand touch Zoe’s leg. Both of them just popping open as a response. Looking at how she started kissing Alex’s chest, and breast, and seeing her taking a single hard nipple in her mouth, my hand slipped into her panties from the side. No pubic hair here, just soft lips. Wet lips.

I remember thinking I knew what I was doing. Slipping a finger inside her seemed to have an effect, seemed to cause a little skip in her belly, but I could see that she was having a lot more success at her end. Alex now audible making noises. Zoe’s hand, jammed in those panties, massaging and feeling and doing all the right stuff. They started kissing again. I pushed in another finger and made both slip in and out of her. I could hear the wet noises from both their crotches. And I could hear their kisses. Their moans. And suddenly Alex’s legs snapped close, and back open. I almost lost my grip on Zoe and forgot to try and make a real effort as I saw that beautiful body, grabbed at the pussy, with fingers buried deep inside, twitch and turn. One of the moans in the room had shifted to a skipping high sound. I was just sitting there with my fingers in Zoe, while Alex started cumming in a visually spectacular way. Zoe’s tendons in her arm tightened, not about to let go. And suddenly I lost my grip on her, while she was being pulled into Alex and I watched how they were locked in an embrace, one of them shuddering with the aftermath of what the other was doing.

I realized I still had a lot to learn, as the sounds and the convulsions died down again, and I saw them kissing again, lying side by side in an embrace. Hands on asses.

Zoe reached back with her free hand. She hadn’t forgotten me. Still kissing Alex, she found the fabric of my boxers. Pulling at them, toward her. I moved in closer, on my knees. All the while her hands searching for that giant fucking erection that she knew was there. I took off my shorts. It wasn’t too elegant. But they were focused on each other. I lay down right behind Zoe, my now bare erection pressing against her closed legs. Jammed. Until she moved them apart a bit and it popped up, smacking her lightly in the crotch. Wanting. I felt a hand grab me. Not sure whose it was. But it stroked me gently a couple of times and suddenly it was all hands down there. Panties were pulled aside and I felt how my dick was guided into that soft, wet, warm opening that was Zoe. I slipped inside, fingers still touching me. Touching Zoe. I could feel a gentle massaging hand on and around my dick as I slid deeper and deeper inside her.

She shifted her weight. Or was made to. And rolled on her back, on top of me. Never breaking that seal that we now formed at the hips. I wrapped my arms around her, bit her neck and pushed deep and hard. She yelped. This was beautiful.

Alex moved down to where our bodies were locked. Where I was sliding in and out of Zoe’s wet pussy and the idea of her presence there exited me beyond belief. She was watching and suddenly, she was touching, too. I felt her hand run up my leg and continue to my balls. I moved. Sliding in and out slowly, giving her a chance to play with us. And then I felt her chin on my balls. Felt how she pressed her face against the bottom of my shaft, mouth open, her saliva combining with the gush that was coming out of Zoe. I felt her try to force her tongue in there, right next to my dick. Felt how Zoe moaned. Felt how things tightened. Felt Alex grab my thigh. Nails first. Breaking skin. One more bodily fluid in the mix. And I just unloaded. I was done for. This was unfair. I lasted all of 2 minutes. And then, with Alex’s tong pressed against my dick while it was sliding in and out of Zoe’s stretched pussy, I just unloaded everything I had, in a brutal groan.

Zoe noticed. Alex noticed. I was fucked up. Alex moved up to us and lay her head on top of Zoe’s still heaving chest. She smiled and those eyes looked at us both.

After a while I think I fell asleep like that. Waking up only to form three spoons with those two beautiful bodies. Sometime the next day we got up, hungover and were like a throuple for a couple of hours. Walking half-naked around that house. Touching each other. Kissing and groping. But after that day it never happened again. It has remained our secret, until now ?.

I lost track of Zoe. She got married and kind of disappeared. Alex got married, too. Had a kid, and divorced a year later to go live with the love of her life: a very nice girl whose name I do not know. I’ll bet they’re happy together. 

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/boqepn/mff_i_married_them_and_then_they_took_me_home


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