The “Love” Drug | Enjoy

I’ve got a series of short stories coming out soon! I hope you all enjoy!


I’ve tried almost everything you could try. I’ve done a few bags of coke in my day. I’ve gone on acid trips with hippies in the woods. Mary Jane is a woman I see daily. I’ve done it all. If it doesn’t require a needle, I’ve probably tried it. There weren’t many things that could scare me at this point in my life. I’d been to the places they told you in school to never go. I did the opposite of saying no to drugs and instead dove head first into the brothels and opium dens of the world. I’ve experienced the infamous ego death when reality ends and a world beyond your body seems infinitely better than what you have now.

It wasn’t even the high I sought anymore. It was like cigarettes. Halfway through one you hardly wanted it anymore. You wanted to hear the click of the lighter, see the flame catch, then you only really wanted that first drag. The first hit of menthol that took the edge away. The ritual has become more appealing than the act.

When the “Love Drug” hit the streets, I didn’t jump in like many of my friends. I was okay with what I was about right now. The few blunts I was rolling a day had been offset by a bowl I’d bought. I honestly felt better using it. Much, much cleaner. And faster to the point.

Friends told me about it though. A drug that could give you the biggest orgasm of your life. You wouldn’t even need to touch yourself. A home girl of mine, we’d fucked before, but we were just friends; she told me she’d cum so hard she wasn’t going to fuck another man again. She wasn’t that good so it wasn’t much of a loss.

It sounded too good to be true. Every new dealer in town says they got the best shit and it’s the same shit in new bags with more exotic names. I thought it was something that would be here one week and gone the next.

It didn’t go away though. The whispers soon got to the college kids and the masses just looking for the next thing. After that the Love Drug got really big. Strange thing was it wasn’t a party drug. It was perfect for when the hard shit was done and all you wanted to do was get your rocks off.

It was selling, and selling fast. There wasn’t a such thing a bad batch. It didn’t look like anything else. You couldn’t fake it. You couldn’t even get arrested for it yet, but they we’re working on it.

I heard a woman talking about it on the phone, waiting with the twelve other customers waiting in a Chipotle line. She didn’t even try lowering her voice. I think I made the decision to try it at that moment.

I bought some that same night. One of my regular dealers had some. He gave me some advice and said I should buy two doses, it sold pretty quick. I took the advice.

I left as quick as I’d come. Few words and off of the strip as soon as possible. The drive home wasn’t long. I stopped and grabbed some tacos before I parked for the final time that evening.

My neighborhood was quiet. Always was. The most activity that ever happened here were kids getting on the bus in the morning. The two story house I lived in was a good fit for me. Big enough to stretch out in but not too big to enjoy. Too much house always bothered me. Seemed like you couldn’t really live in it and the cleaning must be a real pain.

I went inside and flopped on my couch. The TV was already on. I’d bought beer while I was out and I cracked one of them open. I stayed to myself when I wasn’t working. Never been much of the type to hang with guys in my free time. A women always cost you something. So, I stayed alone and enjoyed my vices at home. Some nights I’d go to a bar, but I preferred the house.

I didn’t jump right in to any drug. You’d know when you wanted it. A Hawks game was on and I watched since nothing better was on.

I lit a cigarette as I sipped the beer. I was almost ready to see what the “Love Drug” would bring. I just want a joint first. Having a few joints pre-rolled could be a good idea, ready so I could just light one as I needed. Harder drugs always made me want to smoke more. More weed, more cigarettes; more everything.

I took two doses. It didn’t have a taste like coke has when it stung the back of your nose and you caught that drain. There wasn’t a kick. All I could taste was the coating on the tablets. A good swig of beer washed that away and all there was left was to wait.

In all my experience, drugs that kicked in slowly tended to have the strongest effects. Seemed like the Love Drug would be in the same category. Thirty minutes and two more beers had gone by and I didn’t feel anything abnormal. In fact, I couldn’t feel anything.

Now that was different. I’ve experienced my tongue going numb from very good cocaine, but, never my whole body. I could move. I could see and had a general sense I was touching something, but, I couldn’t “feel” anything. I knew I was sitting down, but couldn’t feel the couch underneath me.

A few moments later, the room changed for me. I couldn’t focus my eyes on any one particular thing. I didn’t panic though. The worst thing you can do in any situation was panic. Like acid, the best thing to do is remember you control your own mind, you can make yourself calm. I’ve never had trouble handling substances.

I could feel sensations in my fingers. The tingle of arousal crept up my arm. Moments later that arousal found my neck, my chest. My heart quickened in a good way.

I felt my cock straining in my pants. I took them off. I could barely manage as each time I touched my own body the intensity of sensation increased. My eyes opened and closed on their own with pleasure. I hadn’t touched my cock at all and it was rock solid.

Looking at my own erect member did something for me and my eyes rolled back into my skull. When I looked again I saw the first signs of what was described to me.

A vision of my own perfect fantasy. It began like wisps of color in front of me. The tendrils formed curves and soft features. The apparition pulled itself together in the form of what I could only describe as a goddess.

Skin, though I knew it couldn’t be real, but what I saw was flawless. Impossibly smooth. Rich in color. Naked and proud, the vision oozed sexual energy. I could see it roll off the form of the figure.

Faceless, though nothing about its appearance was revolting. The abnormal seemed to arouse me more. It moved closer and I could feel heat radiating from it. When it was close enough to touch, I dared not reach out. I couldn’t move. I was caught in sensation.

The figure climbed over my sitting body. Somehow, my cock felt the warmth of a womb. My body arched in it’s position. Sensation had engulfed my body and I moved without thought.

Every nerve I had hummed in pleasure. I said things, but I have no idea what they meant. I was beyond rational thought. The figure on me shifted, and I felt more weight on my body. It intensified every sensation. My body was desperate for a release.

The climax began at my toes, rising up my legs and my ass cheeks involuntarily clinched. I felt bliss, my cum exploded and my eyes saw white. My body shuddered and I said more things I couldn’t understand.

The explosion seemed infinite. Continuous pleasure from a single point in my body. The heavy ooze of cum hitting my legs intensified the feeling and prolonged the orgasm.

Finally, when things calmed enough to see my surroundings, the sun was up, rays peaking beneath my curtains. The bag the “Love drug” was in lay half used on my coffee table and the clock read 8:45 am.
