This is a story about the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me.
Little bit of info and backstory.
My ex was a tiny little thing at 5’2 long brown hair always up in a bun. She has brown eyes perky little boobies and a chubby body that I think is dead sexy.
We had an 8 year age gap her being younger. So when we got together she was very inexperienced in the face she had never even kissed a boy before. So when we started to get sexual she made up for the 19 years she had gone without dick. She told me she started exploring herself in her early teens and loved watching porn when she did. She had only used fingers but before we had our first time she told me she used a thick hairbrush just to give herself some practice.
Anyway that’s gives a little insight to this girl.
One thing I soon discovered was she loved to suck cock. Wasn’t into cum in her mouth but loved watching me cum on her boobs. I also love eating pussy and she tasted so good and would get so wet. Early days after I’d finish eating her out she’d wipe my face before kissing me but as she became more into it with experience she began to just kiss me and in the end she would lick her cum off my face before kissing me. She was becoming a kinky girl and I loved it.
Eventually when we were having unprotected sex she would keep stopping just to take my cock in her mouth just to taste herself on my cock and moan with pleasure whenever she did (probably just for my benefit but I’m not complaining).
So now that I’ve painted the picture for how much she loved sucking dick and tasting herself I’ll get to the moment that tops all of that.
I was laying in bed and she was fresh out the shower and comes in and just starts sucking my cock she was obviously horny and I was in heaven with her slobbering all over my cock. I was laying on my back and she was laying beside me on her side after she had sucked enough to the point she needed to fuck me she comes to climb on top of me but when she opens her legs I see a waterfall of grool streaming down her thigh she must have felt it and try’s to catch it in her hand. She looks up at me and we lock eyes I can see the embarrassment on her face. Then I just say “that’s the fucking hottest thing I have ever seen”.
I think the embarrassment came on just because it has never happened before and it was just a surprise to her.
That moment just thinking about how wet she got just from sucking my cock I hadn’t touched her I’d just sat back and enjoyed it.
After that whenever she was sucking me I’d always get my fingers down between her legs just so I could get them all wet before licking them clean.
I still get hard thinking about that moment.
And I wonder if she’ll ever read this. I’m sure she will know it’s about her.
Any writing advice will be greatly appreciated.
Waterfall ?
It’s a shame you didn’t develop a power dynamic, it seems she’s quite the submissive.