Carnal Corruption [MF] [Soft BDSM] [Orgasm Control] | Part 1

_It’s almost time…_ I thought to myself as a sly grin crept its way onto my face. I unrolled my sleeve to check my watch. _6:59 PM._ The rhythmic ticking of the wristwatch just spurred the bubbling anticipation inside me even further. To wipe the widening smirk off my face, I grabbed my now-cooled cup of coffee and drank from it.

Like clockwork, a subdued buzzing came from within my pockets just as the watch showed 7:00 PM. With the flames of excitement stoked once more, I rushedly finished what remains from the coffee cup and took out my phone.

As expected, her name showed up in the caller ID. Maria. _My sweet, adorable Maria._ Clearing my throat with a grunt, I accepted the call request and brought the phone to my ear.

[“I’m here… sir.”] Her words trailed on by the end of it into a quiet mumble, but her sultry tone is unmistakable. I looked by the entrance and sure enough, a fidgety young lass holding a phone was anxiously scanning the room with her eyes.

_She’s here!_ I fought back the growing elation from showing up on my face. The week-long wait always feels so long but it all gets washed away the moment I finally lay my eyes on her again. Snapping myself out of my stupor, I stood from my spot and waved my hand towards her.

“Over here!” I briefly answered, and from across the room our eyes met and I swear her face immediately brightened up. Thereafter, she bumbled her way across to me in a jiffy.

I kept my eyes peeled at her while she made her way and I took the time to appreciate her choice of clothes tonight — a white off-shoulder top partnered with a grey, knee-length wavy skirt and black doll shoes. She had her hair bundled up with a pink, floral ribbon, which suited the pink lipstick she wore. To top it off, she wore a simple heart-emblazoned choker that well complemented her pale neck. Overall, her outfit exudes innocence… which just further ignites my boiling desire to corrupt this dainty little flower.

_Ah!_ While I was lost in thoughts, soon enough, she was already right in front of me. She timidly looked at me with perhaps a glint of expectation mixed in her gaze. I unwittingly smiled at her adorable gestures, then proceeded to close my eyes and nod my head in approval, which made her face glow even more.

I then ended the call and put the phone back into my pocket, which prompted her to put hers into her purse. Remembering something, I began gesturing with an open palm, seemingly asking for something. She looked at my action quizzically for a few moments before the meaning dawned on her, making her blush red all the way to the tips of her ears. Seeing her like this, a teasing smile made its way to my face.

“You didn’t forget what I told you, did you… Maria?” I asked her with a voice oozing with mischief, coloring her face with a deeper shade of red. With her fidgety eyes darting about on the ground, and her minutely-trembling hands strongly clasping her open purse, I knew I’d need to push her a bit more to make her comply to what I want.

“Maria.” I whispered with as much austerity as I could infuse on my tone. Its effect was apparent as it made her shudder for a bit before shakily pulling something out of her purse and then quickly covering my open palm with her soft hand. I smiled playfully as I felt a small object underneath her quivering hand on mine.

I took the object and confirmed that it was what I expected – a small-sized remote with just two triangular buttons: one regular and the other, inverted. I grinned evilly, and before Maria could say anything, I pressed one button which immediately caused a near-imperceptible whirring to sound.

“—Nn…!” A surprised gasp leaked from her mouth as she suddenly bent over, having to use my chest as support. Thankfully, the cafĂ© was pretty crowded and her unseemly exclamation and appearance was left largely unnoticed.

“…n-no, stop…!” She begged in a soft whisper. Her grasp on my clothes got stronger while her knees nearly buckled from the trembling. Not wanting to make too much of a commotion, I pressed the other button on the device and the buzzing stopped immediately. Even so, looking at Maria’s feverish, unfocused expression and her ragged breathing, it seems to have served its purpose quite well.

Once she got her bearings back, she moved away and shot me a glare. I couldn’t help but chuckle at her adorable wronged expression. _Silly girl, that would just make me want to tease you even more,_ I silently thought to myself.

“Now, now,” I broke the ice, “Don’t be so mad, you did expect this to happen, did you not? You did strap it onto yourself after all.” I spoke in a voice only she could hear.

“But that’s only because you told me to…!” She weakly retorted back.

“—You don’t *have to,* _do you_? Hell, you didn’t even have to come here in the first place.” I cut her off in the middle of her sentence, leaving her mouth ajar as she swallowed the words she was about to spout. I took a step closer to assert pressure, “You came here of your own volition,” I gently trailed my fingers along her hair, before resting it near her ear as I swooped in towards it. “You desire this.” I finished my words with a tone of finality, making her knees weak as thoughts ran rampant in her head. Her mouth opened and closed alternatingly for a bit before she simply lowered her head quietly, unwilling to sustain eye contact with me.

Seeing her unuttered acceptance of my words, I smiled. “I missed you, my darling Maria,” I whispered coaxingly, giving her a way out of the topic. My fingers moved down from her ear to her chin, then shifted her face so I can look at her lovely eyes. I could see questions in her gaze, but I just continued my words. “Good girl. You did well, listening to my orders.” I nodded my approval as I saw the glint of joy fleetingly flash in her eyes. It was quickly replaced by an awkward expression of not knowing what to do or say.

I broke eye contact and let my arm fall back to my side. I began sauntering towards the door, motioning her to follow. “Come on, let’s not dawdle around too long. The weekend is short… and I want to take my time enjoying you.” I told her in a teasing manner, before continuing my way when I heard her unsure steps following behind.

We made our way to my car like that, but I made sure to enjoy myself throughout the short walk at her expense. Every once in a while, I would play with the remote, and without missing a beat a shrill exclamation would sound from behind.

Soon enough we reached my car. By then, Maria was barely able to walk with her knees trembling like a newborn fawn. By the last stretch of the way, she was already tightly gripping the backside of my shirt to prevent herself from toppling over. When we got there, I ushered her into the passenger seat before I went in on the driver’s seat. I secured her with the seatbelt myself as it seems that the walk had caused her to be zoning out already – her eyes are glassy and her breathing was rough. She also kept fidgeting her legs about and leaking out soundless moans and gasps. Surely, the constant zizz from underneath her skirt doesn’t help her condition.

Seeing her so helpless like that, a burning desire welled up inside me again. I looked around, making sure that the tinted car windows are up to quash the possibility of prying eyes. When I’m sure that everything’s clear, with her firmly in place no matter how much she thrashes later, I opened the glove compartment and took the thing I prepared earlier today – a deep-scarlet ball-gag that would complement the pinkish shade of her lips. Sure enough, life sparked back into her eyes which then became glued to the red object closing in to her lips. The mix of worry, panic, thrill, and rapture on her face just further fuels my aching to peel off even more of her expressions and see what hunger lies beneath that innocuous look.

“Open wide, sweetheart.” I ordered. It took her a moment to process my words, but when she did, she hastily complied and the ball snugly fit in her mouth. I fastened the straps behind her head, giving it a few nudges to make sure it’s properly worn. Her hands also wandered towards it, feeling the faux leather as if on a trance.

I then turned my attention away and ignited the engine of the car. The revving noise further muffled the gagged groans of the squirming hot mess on my side. I took the remote again, and repeatedly pressed the button, making her struggle more and more with every push.

“Mmgh, mmph…! Hrah, hrarha! Nnghhh!” She squirmed and writhed as she tried saying something through the gag, but I just put the device on max which made her unable to form words at all. I turned to her, wiping the drool that was pooling on the edge of her lips with my thumb.

“Now, now, my sweet little kitten. Don’t make too much of a racket. You wouldn’t want anyone to notice how much of a naughty little __slut__ you are now do you? Can you smell that, Maria? The scent of a slut in heat. With your juices oozing out of your cunt like that, I’m sure anyone would realize how dirty you really are…” With us finally having some semblance of privacy within the car, I don’t need to hold myself back too much anymore. Although my words doesn’t seem to reach her all too well as she’s rather _preoccupied_ with the little vibrating ‘friend’ she have down under.

Doing a final check, making sure that her head is cushioned by the car seat no matter how much she were to flail, I stepped on the pedal and focused on the road. But not before leaving her a command that would torment her for the rest of the trip.

“And remember, darling… you still aren’t allowed to cum. Having been teased, edged, and denied for a week already, I’m sure you can hold on for a few more minutes, can’t you dear?” I reminded her teasingly. It appears that she had heard it as the squirming became more apparent and the groans had gotten even louder.

The way home was a short ride, but to Maria, it surely seemed like torture as she felt every turn of the car and ever bump on the road had elicited stifled whimpers. But luckily for her we reached our destination quickly, and not wanting to give her the release she so desired, the moment I parked the car in the garage I immediately lowered the setting on the remote device, giving her some breathing space. I looked at her limp, trembling body with a sly smile. I undid her seatbelt and checked on her. The unmistakable scent of her musk attacked my nostrils and I’m sure that she could smell it just as well.

With a glazed look, bordering drunkenness in the sensation, she didn’t even respond while I unbuckled the gag. “Mmgah…” Maria moaned sultrily. She was so lost in the pleasure that it almost felt as if I wasn’t even reflected on her misty eyes. Her drool had already long stained her shirt, but the mark of her juices found on her skirt was even more obvious.

“Maria,” I wiped the drool on her chin and neck “we’re here already. Come on.” I continued.

“Nngh…” she groaned in response, slowly returning back from her dreamlike state. “We, ‘re… haa… here…?” she groggily asked in between her gasps.

“Yes, yes, dear. We’re here alright.” I answered, while pinching her cheek, “Now try to fix yourself up sweetie. Unless you want me to leave you here out in the cold while looking like that…” I teased, to which she struggled to move but she couldn’t find any strength. Shaking my head, I grabbed my stuff and stepped out. I walked around on her side and opened the door to let her out. It took some struggling but after a few more groans and panting, she was able to stand on her feet with my support.

“Haa… haa…” I could feel her warm breath touch my arms while she leaned on my chest. We stayed like that for a bit until she finally found the focus and energy to stand on her own. Looking at her like this, I feel sort of guilty as she now looks quite a bit of a mess even though she clearly took her time prepping up for tonight. _I guess I just have to make up for it to her later,_ I took a mental note.

Even so, despite her flushed look and messy appearance, she still exudes that unneglectable charm. Feeling the burst of desire once more, I hooked my index finger on her choker and pulled her close. I looked deep into her eyes and saw the glint of surprise and unease in them, but those quickly changed into passion as I began locking my lips with hers.

“Mmn… nnh.” I moved my hand to the back of her head and pushed her further to me… each sighs of passion that escapes her lips fuels my immense craving. I hungered for her taste. For her scent, touch, voice, and body… and now she’s right here again. But my thirst is still left unquenched. Like blazing embers, every moment just kept stoking the passion burning between us, waiting patiently for it to burst.

I pulled back, not wanting to her to lose her bearings yet. But the look of dismay and craving within her eyes almost made me want to swoop in once more. “Let’s get you inside, little pup. Take a shower and calm yourself down. No need to look so disappointed,” I gently rubbed her cheek with my free hand, “after all… at the end of the day, _I’m_ the one that gets to control your pleasure, right little pup?” I winked and gave Maria a quick peck on the forehead.

I made my way inside with a small bag containing my stuff, including the scarlet gag and remote-controlled vibrator freshly peeled away from my little slut’s, all while urging Maria to follow. Although it took some time, she was able to walk her way inside with unsteady steps. We were at the entry next to the flight of stairs going up, and I pointed at the open door going towards the shower. “Go calm yourself down and freshen up a bit in the shower. I’ll be preparing my stuff in my room.” I urged Maria, before climbing the stairs. I stopped halfway and turned to face her, “Come upstairs when you finish. Knock on the door, and when I open I better see you kneeling on the floor, wearing nothing but that sweet little choker of yours.” I ordered, before continuing my way, leaving a flustered Maria not knowing what to do. I smirked, imagining what my adorable little sweetheart’s expression would be for the rest of the evening.

I looked at the stuff at the bag in my hand and checked its contents, a ball-gag, an eyemask, some padded cuffs, some ropes, safety shears, a vibrator and remote, and some aloe vera oil… the rest of my stuff should be in the room somewhere. _Damn… I just can’t wait!_ I thought to myself, before opening the door to my room.

_This will be a long… long night._ I smiled wolvishly, as the door creaked behind me before closing with a muffled thud.

_Carnal Corruption – Part 1. END._
__To be continued.__
