Trials of the Buxom Trio – Chapter 8 (busty, thicc, hardcore sex, adventure throughout)

**Now I know you folks may be looking to see some more saucy fun with our ladies but rest assured there is still much more to come. For now I’ll pick up right after Merella and Sylora help free Jenessa from the Baron’s prison. Sad to say our story is reaching it’s ends folks but I trust none of yall will disappointed with the ending.**

The five of them make an interesting group. Leading the charge in the garb of the prisoner and two captered blades Jenessa and her red hair sailed through the corridors of the Baron’s keep. Her green eyes were centered on the task ahead and she hungered to exact justice. To her right Merella strode gracefully in her black half tattered robes that were still being fixed from the encounter with the Beholder. Her purple eyes sparkled with power at the thought of actually getting to pay the guardians back who had imprisoned her friend; never again would she abandon Jenessa so long as she had breath in her body. Bringing up the rear of the trio but nonetheless right next to Jenessa Sylora’s big blue eyes took in every detail of their surrounds. The elf’s ears perked up at the barest of noises but beyond a few guards that they had easily dispatched inside of the prison area they had rescued or at least met Jenessa at. Her blonde hair was tied in a tight bun to give her a less cute look and more of a determined fashion as she had commented to Merella. Like her friends the warrior was ready to have some words with the governor. Her bow was at the ready while her shield and sword resided on her back ready to be deployed against any opposition.

Behind them the Ranger Seris Isther and his ettin associate Malic brought up the rear. Both had grabbed sturdy shields and swords from the downed guards. The ettin was bare-chested revealing a powerfully built torso that looked like it could withstand a great amount of punishment while Seris had donned a simple grey and brown prisoner’s clothing like Jenessa. Together they would either bring the Baron to justice or die trying. They reached the same hall that had taken Jenessa to the throne room once before but she stopped the group in their tracks. There was twenty guardians including Sir Handly and the mysterious brute that had knocked out the redhead waiting for them. Jenessa’s hands itched around her blades as she bit her lip in indecision. Merella and Sylora could sense their friends unease with trying to fight so many in a solidified position but nonetheless the mage readied a lightning attack as Sylora pulled back on her prepared arrow.

“My lady the baron would like you to come quietly into the throne room please. We can stop this needless violence once and for all. The councilors of Evecroft are in there with him and you need not fear any harm shall come to you unless they decide you are a criminal.” The venerable knight said to the warrior with crimson hair and two blades aching for a fight. His claim surprised her and Jenessa knew that the others would likely think it a trap but there was something in Handly’s manner that made her want to trust him, want to believe in what he told her.

“We will keep our weapons. My new associate Seris has said that the last time he tried to bring truth to the Baron that he was killed for it.”

Handly looked at the group and then at the ranger and then he slowly nodded. He signaled to the men around him to give them space and the five of them moved slowly through the throng of armed guards and into the throne room. It was as well kept as it had been when Jenessa was brought in before. But this time with the ponderous baron there were three other men in regal attire that they could only assume were the councilors.. and the baron was yelling at them.

“How dare you come into my keep and make demands of me! Once we are done with this problem Atikas you and I will have some…” The baron paused when he realized they were no longer alone. He moved back to his seat to address the girls as the hulking brute encased in armor locked the doors behind them. There were still six other guardians inside the throne chamber and their armor denoted them as being some sort of honor guard or bodyguard group. Even if the men under Handly’s command outside felt that the situation did not need to result in violence something told Jenessa that these men would not hold back.
“Welcome back my dear Jenessa; and greetings to you Merella and Sylora. The word and rumor of the Buxom Trio’s beauty do you no justice. Though I feel it’s your tactfulness in battle that has been severely over exaggerated. I’d be within my rights as Baron of Evecroft to have all of you arrested and executed for this latest treachery.” The baron said and Merella’s eyes watched as the two guards nearest him took a step closer towards the girls while also readying their hands on the hilt of their blades.

“That remains to be seen Baron!” One of the councilors, the one the baron had called Atikas spoke up. “You have charged the trio and its leader with sedition and all I see is people trying to ensure fair justice is given. I’d escape out of your cells too if I had the chance at a proper trail.” The man said and the baron glared at the man. “Please state your case my friends.”

It was Seris that stood forward. “Councilors, Sir Handly this man is the true traitor. As you know on multiple occasions the villages of our land were attacked by the orc horde based at Kadis Veshnor, the old citadel. Each time he never sent out troops or rangers to help warn these towns or to fight the orcs directly. He always said it would take time to rally an army. I felt that he was holding something back and so I investigated. I found out that the reasons that the orc horde did not just attack us outright as would be their nature but were actually ignoring us because of a transaction between their chief and our *esteemed* baron.” Seris said as his dark eyes focused on the baron.

“I interrogated a war party and found amongst them records of human slaves being taken to the citadel to be used as breeders by the orcs. In exchange for leaving Evecroft alone the baron was selling women and young girls to our enemy.” Seris said and looked to the other councilors. Jenessa noted with gladness that Sir Handly shifted uneasily at the revelation and looked upon the baron.

“Bravo Seris. I always knew that your failings as a ranger meant you were destined for something else. I did not think you would end up having the silver tongue of a statesman and a liar. To think that I would ever do something so barbaric for fear of this orc rabble is incredible…”

“Is it baron? You ordered me personally to take any women from batches of refuges to give them over to your man there for a month now… I thought you were hoping to find exiled criminals and or orc spies but now I worry that I have condemned many innocent women to a horrible death. And you have never bothered to ask me about drawing up plans to deal with these orcs. You told me our walls shall be our only defense.”
The baron’s gaze slowly turned towards the old knight. Jenessa was proud to see surprise registering on his wet full mouth for the first time. He had expected Seris to say much but Handly appeared to catch him off guard. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the brute that Handly had pointed out moving closer to help bolster the men of the baron’s honor guards.

“It appears we have more than one traitor in this room today. I had thought you a more loyal man than that Handly. And you councilors, you just stand there dumbstruck. Hehe… I guess this is the first time you’ve seen how real politics is made here. Sometimes force is required and sometimes guile is. The orcs are no threat one way or another to us here. Sure they attack a few villagers but who cares… we can always replace them and eventually this warchief will be killed by a lower orc and the cycle will repeat itself. Unfortunately none of you will be here to see it. Roorgir I am tired of conversing with these traitors. Please try to keep the blood stains off the carpets.”

With the order given the six warriors in heavy guardian armor strode forward with swords unsheathed. Jenessa readied her own blades while she knew her friends were prepared to attack beside her. “Wrong choice baron.” She said and charged forward. To her left she saw and arrow whizz by and catch the baron in the shoulder. The man howled and faltered back into his throne to fall out of the chair in a heap. To her right a snarl of blinding magic snaked across the room and slammed into one of the guards to her right. Her focus was on Roorgir, the tall lumbering brute. She raised her two blades and met his powerful looking double headed waraxe as the two reached one another. The redhead beauty felt her feet brush back for a moment from the force of his strike but she fought on, determined to finish this agent of the baron so that she could move onto the baron himself.

Merella unleashed a wave of spells that produced a cacophony inside of the throne room. Lightning and deadly lances of acid charred and burned against the armor of two dark guardians while Sylora raised another arrow to strike a approaching guardian right in the neck. As another closed in she pulled back her bow and replaced it with sword and shield. Spinning forward her blade smashed against the arm guard of the warrior but he managed to bring up his sword before her own blade slashed into his armor. The guardian was fast and soon enough he was driving Sylora back but luckily she was soon helped out by Malic. Moving fast the two headed Ettin slammed aside another guardian who was trying to flank Sylora and then joined in to help her whittle away the defenses of the man she was fighting.

Jenessa ducked under another strike before bringing her twin blades to block another. Whoever the blazes this Roorgir was he was strong and fast. He also grunted a lot and smelled of rotten food and something acidic. It made her nose scrunch but she had to focus on defeating him rather than wanting to back away from his stench. But she soldier on and weaved around another strike as she attacked with a double strike against his shoulder and arm. Roorgir was only able to move and block the strike against his arm and she heard a dark seemingly inhuman growl come through his faceplate’s grill. It unsettled her slightly before she had to jump back as the *man* slammed his axe forward. The strike of the weapon shattered the ground where she had stood. As the massive man worked to get his weapon free she charged forward actually hopping onto his massive arms and then raising her blades and giving a slight release so that their tips dropped and the blades inverted themselves. Grabbing them back out of their fall Jenessa did not waste the opportunity the surprising tactic. As Roorgir’s helmet looked up Jenessa’s two borrowed blades burrowed into his exposed neck. Black blood pooled out before she grunted and pulled the blades across one another, opening up more of the warrior’s thick neck till her blades cut free of sinew and muscle.

“Yurrrk…” Was all the noise that came from Roorgir’s helmet before it fell off from its perch on his powerful shoulders. From there it was a simple jump off for Jenessa to land away from his corpse. The battle was quickly one and settled after that. Merella’s magical power struck down a guardian soon after while Seris and Sir Handly went and quickly struck down another guardian attempting to attack the black haired mage. Sylora handled herself well with help from Malic and nodded her appreciation to the towering Ettin while they all moved in around the Baron. He had just managed to pry out the arrow in his shoulder and glared at the people around him.

“Useless guards and even more useless councilors. Do you not see this treachery for what it is. Cold blooded treason intent to oust me.” His thick fingers reached for his blade but his hand saw slow and trembling. Jenessa got the feeling he had not personally used a weapon for some time. Merella meanwhile moved over towards the body of Roorgir.

                “Oh Baron I think we all know who is being treasonous.”  Merella said as she shook the helmet. Out popped the jet black skinned head of an orc, ugly as ever with its sharp toothed mouth agape from the pain that was the last thing the creature had ever felt as Jenessa finished him off. “I’ve seen many ugly human men, none more ugly than you but he seems like a different breed entirely.” The black haired mage beamed as she brushed some stray hair out of her face. Jenessa had picked up on some clues but actually seeing it still surprise her. She seemed as baffled at the complete truth of Seris’ claims as the councilors.
                “I can’t believe it’s gone this far Sulrak. You’ll hang for this.” Councilor Atikas said but it appeared Seris had other plans.

                “I’m afraid we don’t have that luxury councilor.” Seris said and strode forward past Jenessa. Without a moment’s hesitation the ranger plunged his sword straight into the baron’s heart. The older man made a hard sickly coughing sound as his eyes opened in surprise before blood seems to drip from his mouth.

                “You’re all going to die for this Seris….” The baron managed to barely mutter out before he slumped forward. As the ranger pulled back his sword the baron’s dead body dropped from his throne with a heavy thud.

                Jenessa and Sylora were definitely caught off guard and the councilors and Handly were in similar states. Only Merella looked on with a slightly evil grin. Seris turned around to address them.

                “We don’t have time to deal with trials and arrests when there is an orc horde practically at our doorsteps. Councilors and my ladies I’m sure you’ll agree that the baron is worth more to us dead as a victim of an orc assassin then alive as a prisoner who no doubt may still have some friend s in the city who would come to his aide. This is the best way to help right the wrongs that he did in life. We have to defeat the orcs, cast them from the citadel and scatter them back to the holes they crawled out of.”

                Jenessa had to agree that it was a much more expedient solution than she could have constructed. She was just a renowned warrior here; she had no real power or authority. It would be up to the councilors to decide if they would back Seris’ plan, audacious as it might be. “You can rest assured that you have our support councilors. We shall join our word to Seris’s and explain that now more than ever the people of Evecroft should stand together, united against the orcs with this tragedy. It is the only way that we can save those girls who have already been taken and ensure that others do not share their fate.” Jenessa said though she knew in her heart the one woman that occupied her mind when considering rescue was her own mother.

                The councilors quickly conversed with each other and it didn’t take them long to come to an agreement. “A unified Evecroft is indeed better than a divided one. Let the people judge us later once the city has been secured but for now those barbarians have stayed too long in our lands and must be cast out. Seris Isther, as first ranger and one of the few who has seen the true extent of this threat we charge you with directing our military attack as Marshall of Evecroft. We know that you will do everything in your power to destroy this evil.” Councilor Atikas said before turning to the Trio.

                “My ladies I know that you have already done so much for us but we must ask you one last favor. Please help us finish off this threat once and for all. You shall have Evecroft’s undying gratitude if you can save us from this terrible darkness. We shall make every effort to see that your mother is found as well as all those who are missing.” The councilor said and what could Jenessa do but agree. Everything after that moved very fast. Word of the baron’s *assassination* spread like wildfire throughout the city as Seris, Handly, the Trio and other military minds set to work. They felt that the best strength was indeed the city walls and while the orcs attacked them the Trio and a small battalion of seasoned troops would go in and kill the warchief.

It was risky and even more dangerous that helping out with the defense of the city but so long as the warchief lived the orcs would have a continuous focused drive to their force. Without him the hope was that even if his lieutenants managed to continue some semblance of organization they would still be thrown off by the separate attack, allowing for the forces at the city to sally out and use the confusion to cut down the enemy host. The odds were long on just about all parts of the plan but as Merella reviewed her spellbooks and fashioned new charms including a dagger infused with some of Roorgir’s teeth and a poison made from his own blood she was confident that with a bit of luck they just might manage it. Looking out from the room she had been given in one of the keeps towers she could see the group of rangers and veteran soldiers heading out to burn and destroy one of the orcs camps. It would be as sure a slap in the face as any and Seris knew that the warchief wouldn’t be able to convince his force to sit back in the fortress when there was a real fight to be had finally.

Suddenly she heard the door open off to her left. Her purple eyes glanced over for a moment to figure out who it was and when she saw she immediately brought her focus back to the spell book. “You know most people knock..” She told the figure off handedly before she put the book down on the bed and looked up at Seris with a cute coy look on her features. The mage sat cross legged as the ranger looked stood just beyond her reach.

“I’m not most people.” He said, his dark eyes looking over her.

“Oh I know, you’re the Marshall of a whole army overnight thanks to us. And like many other men and women in your army you’ll probably be dead tomorrow, hopefully after taking afew dozen orcs along with you.” She said as she watched him with a dark smirk.

“You think our chances are that low?”  He asked as he inched closer towards her, his eyes betraying a curiosity if she would move back.

“No but then I’m never too optimistic. The future is always in flux. Trying to control even a small part of it always seems to have more problems than the ones you wished to avoid.”

“They always say mages can be cryptic.” He said before he noticed that the belt of his black trousers was glowing purple and being loosened from its placed after being unbuckled.

“And they say that rangers are the best warriors because they don’t stand on ceremony. They work in the dark, and then they strike at their enemies… hard… and fast..” She said before she bit her lip as her magic pulled down his pants and his undergarments. As the mage’s purple eyes gleamed with lustful intent she looked up at him. “Well maybe they weren’t joking about you not being able to stand on ceremony.” She chuckled before the ranger moved forward onto the bed with her. His body immediately came up against hers and his rough lips pushed in against her soft ones as she let out a small moan. Her left hand immediately grabbed for his cock while his chest pushed in against her breasts, barely contained in her robes. It didn’t take long before she and Seris had pulled off his armored jacket and his black shirt revealing his hard body to her before she nudged him away and onto the bed.

He looked at her with surprise before she shifted closer towards him like a rare and deadly jungle cat. She just smiled before pausing near his body and moved a hand to her head. Slowly she moved her hand down her body and her robe began to glow a bright purple. The magical energy lit up her body and her clothes seemingly peeled away into bits of floating purple energy as her breasts were now bared freely for the ranger as she moved in onto his body. She moaned out as she instantly felt his hard cock propping against her wet sex and she felt his rough fingers move over her mound for a moment only to grab his member and push it up inside of her before he pulled down hard on her ass to drive her onto his cock.

Her back immediately arched up from the instant storm of pleasure unleashed inside of her. Her mouth opened and a hard moan erupted in the room. “Mrawwwarrr…. fu…fuck. I knew you’d be rough but … I… awwwaraaaww!” She cried out again as Seris started to bounce her more and more with his hips while he brought her down just as fast with his hands. It wasn’t long before the intense slap of their skin filled the small chamber before the ranger leaned up and captured one of her huge tits in his mouth. Merella came the instant she felt his teeth digging into to her full fleshy pillow and her pussy pulsed and spasmed around his cock; doing its best to milk his loins as he continued forcing himself into her.

Seris hardly gave her any time to recover as his mouth once more asserted itself against her. She moaned into his coarse skin while her hands grabbed onto his ass to push him forward for every inch she could as he started to pick up the pace again. It wasn’t long before could feel him starting to lose his tempo and it was at that time that she suddenly felt his hands on her legs as she panted and fought to take in as much air as possible. Looking up at him she saw the dark eyed ranger moving her legs up so that her knees were up near her shoulders before he pulled out till the very tip of his cock was just inside of her wet wanton pussy. Her magenta eyes looked up at him and she saw him smirk right before he leaned in and drove all the air straight from her lungs in one punishing thrust. Her breasts bounced as he picked up his speed and hammered right into her pussy, touching even her womb with each lightning fast thrust before she started to feel his hands squeezing and grabbing her nipples.

“Fuaaaahhk!” She moaned out as her eyes rolled up in her head as her hands dug into the covers of the bed. “More… fuck me harder… give it to me right there… awwhh.. harder.. hardaawwgggh!” She screamed out and her body literally exploded as she came again. Her body arched off the sheets as her juices flowed out around the seal of the ranger’s cock still pushing deep inside of her. His hands never gave up the assault on her tits but he was losing his own control at that moment and soon enough she felt his own release slamming into her. His cock jumped deep inside of her as he came hard with a dark growl before he bit her lip. She moaned from the pain and pleasure before she felt a massive tingle travel through her spine as his thick hot cum filled up her pussy. Moaning into his lips her hands reached up and held his neck as his body gave her a few last lingering thrusts. When he was finally done he didn’t bother pulling out of her and just remained there, right against her body as his hand continued to squeeze her breast eliciting little soft cooos of lewd pleasure from her lips.

She looked up at him and gave him a little nibble on his lips. “I hope you don’t think your done Mr. Isther. If this is to be our last night on this earth I don’t think I’ll be satisfied just cumming once.” She said as he chuckled and leaned in to kiss and bite down on her nipple, one after another.

“Perish the thought Merella.  I don’t intend to leave her until you’ve been force to rejuvenate us both my magical means. But I will say this. Tomorrow shall bring death for many but it will be for the warchief and his servants.” Seris said and she gave a small nod.

“I hope you’re right Seris. I have seen what this army of his can do. No matter what make sure you survive. I hate for good cocks to go to waste. Speaking of which I guess I could use some of that rejuvenation already. I confess I don’t exactly want you here to talk.” She said with a dark smile that turned mischievous as she cast a spell on his cock and leaned forward to kiss his lips. Her mouth wasn’t even off his before she gave out a hard sultry moan as his cock hardened within her pussy once again and started to thrust harder and faster than even before.
