I’ve been booking prostitutes for the past 6 months [MF]

Long time lurker, first time poster. I recently read an Uber driver’s post about escorts, which prompted me to write my own post.

​The past year has been terrible for me. I’m not making excuses, or trying to justify myself, I’m just trying to give some context. I’ve been caring for my ailing father for some time now. I can see the slow decline, both mentally and physical, and it’s been awful. Additionally, the place where I work, is going through a merger. I’ve survived the round of layoffs, but I have the unenviable task of telling my coworkers that they won’t have a job. I can handle stress, but with everything that is happening, it’s been tough. I’ve been drinking more, gambling, broke up with my gf, just being a fuck up basically.

I browse this subreddit, and others, from time to time. About 6 months ago, I saw a post about a “Madam” pimping out Instagram models. When I read it, I’m like, yeah right. Fake. Whatever. But I was curious, who wouldn’t want to fuck an IG model? Maybe this is the 0.1% chance that this is somewhat legit. This is the alcohol talking. So I messaged the madam and she promptly returned my message.

Online, I’ve dealt with my fair share of catfishers, trolls, fakes etc… Call me cynical, but when the madam and I were messaging, I didn’t believe one word she said. But 6 months ago, I was in this depressed, terrible state of mind. I had this fuck it attitude… so I just went along with it, hoping the 0.1% chance panned out. And drinking each night didn’t help. So I played her little game and picked a few women that I would be interested in meeting up with. There was no proof on her end, no verification that this is all legit. Whatever, at least I didn’t lose my kidney or get my bank account cleared out. It was around Christmas time, so nothing was going to happen anyways.

It’s January, and shit at work is fucking terrible. I’m stressed out beyond belief. That’s when the madam reached out and is ready to set something up. Honestly, at this point I’m a fucking mess. I’m coming into work hungover each morning, my dad’s health is stressing me out. Not good. The madam asks me to verify my identity, and in exchange she’ll verify that her end is all legit. I’m desperate here, with a fuck it attitude. So I verified. Like gave her my linked in info, emailed her from my work email, all that stuff. When I sent it over, there was like a 5 minute silence where I didn’t hear back. I thought I was about to get fired and arrested that instant. But that’s when the madam texts me a set of random numbers? Huh? Then, I get this random DM, from one of the IG models. With those same random numbers. Holy shit. Was this for real? I thought maybe her IG got hacked, but everything else seemed legit. But you know what, that random DM was good enough for me, and I set up a date.

On date night, I was fucking nervous. I’ve never done this before, and I’m half expecting to get arrested. I was about to bail until miraculously the IG model showed up. She had some dude with her, I guess for protection. But there she was. Fuck. No turning back now. After a few things, we went upstairs to the hotel room.

Honestly, she was the best fuck I ever had. Easily the hottest woman that I’ve been with. I’d love to tell you that I rocked her world, but I didn’t. It was okay, not my best performance, not my worst. Honestly, I was still nervous.. .having this fine piece of ass in front of me is intimidating. But fuck, that first time was hot. She was cool about it too, really nice and down to earth, which helped.

The next day, obviously I’m a believer. So I messaged the madam again and set up another date. And another. And another. Sometimes my woman is available, sometimes she’s not. Sometimes I request a specific one. Surprisingly, I start to clean myself up a little. I stopped drinking, going back to the gym, not gambling. All that stuff. Of course, I’m trading one vice for another, with severe consequences, but fuck it’s helping. Again, not trying to make excuses here, just telling you the context.

I’m sure I’m running on borrowed time here, and eventually things are going to catch up with me. I’m just waiting for it. But until that day comes, I’m able to be a better person, for however sick and crazy that is. I’m able to be a better son, a better coworker, a better manager, etc…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bnbwzg/ive_been_booking_prostitutes_for_the_past_6


  1. Good for you man. Consenting adults and whatnot so what’s the problem?

  2. Damn that’s pretty wild, if it’s helping you cope with your stressors and improve your life, then hey everybody needs a bit of crutch sometimes. It certainly beats kidney failure / loosing all your money gambling. Not the worst vice to have.

    I hope it helps you enough that you build some inner determinedness to get your life back on track, however makes you happiest.

    You’ll never regret working on your personal wellbeing, so keep at it. Best of luck with your dad and your work life, it sounds like you’re in a tough place at the moment, but you’re already showing yourself that you have the means to get out of it. Shit I don’t even know you and I feel weirdly proud of you, keep kicking ass, stranger.

  3. Dude, go to escortmonkey.com, you can find some really hot escorts who will fuck your brains out for $300 an hour, 1 hour minimum.

  4. I’m an escort and just wanted to let you know there’s no shame in what you’re doing, it’s something that’s been done since the beginning of time and it’s only our puritanical society that makes others feel bad for paying for sex… when it’s something our politicians, celebrities, and presidents have always done.

    There are people on this thread encouraging you to pay less, honestly wouldn’t recommend it in a country where paying for sex is illegal and can also put you on a registry in some places if you get caught (i.e. Florida). Trying to save money can get you robbed, arrested, or scammed. Always go for the reputable providers. Stay safe out there.

  5. Sorry about your dad man, life throws some shit you can’t dodge sometimes and nothing anyone can do can help.

    Honestly this doesn’t sound unhealthy in itself. The gambling and drinking sound way more damaging, anyone who’s met someone addicted to those knows it.

    Hope, whatever happens in the short term, you come out of this feeling good. We’re all rooting for ya

  6. I’d be interested to hear more in-depth stories, always wondered how that situation plays out.

  7. Sometimes sex for money is cheaper than sex for free.

    Don’t knock yourself.

  8. Nothing to be ashamed of, in the end we always pay for sex on dates anyway and lately is not even subtle anymore.

  9. I shouldn’t be surprised (but am) that some of those models I may follow are secretly being escorts and are in principle available for anyone who pays up…kinda hot thinking about it lol.
    You don’t have a couple links for us just to gawk a little bit?

  10. I’m an escort too, and I also think you’re not doing anything wrong here. Enjoy the time you spend with these women and I hope it helps you improve your life.

  11. Well you CAN pay that much if you like but with a VPN and a SMALL bit of research you can find top notch verified entertainers that maybe be in the $500 range but definitely not with a 4hr minimum. 2hrs maybe but a 4hr minimum is absurd!

  12. Most importantly, sorry to hear about your father. Kudos to you for being by his side when he needs it most. If your hobby (paying for consensual sex) bring you some happiness, then more power to you. Just keep your eyes open and budget accordingly.


    Its too bad that do-gooder politicians (yes, you Kamala Harris) pushed through the ill conceived FOSTA law which has made the online adult services marketplace more dangerous than it used to be.

  13. Paying for sex is better than drinking imo, purely imo, plus if it makes you get your physical health together to preform better then that’s an added bonus. Be safe out there like many people have said

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