Any tips for a beginner?

Hi! So as you can probably tell, I’ve never written a proper sexy story before, but I think I’d like to try it. I’ve been doing role-plays on r/dirtypenpals for almost two years and enjoy the writing and creativity aspect of it, but it’s also in relatively short form and the partner dictates half of it. I’d like to take a shot at writing my own sex story but I have no real writing or storytelling experience. So from anyone that knows what they’re doing, is there a process or do I just wing it? Thanks in advance :)


1 comment

  1. I don’t have many solid tips, but I’ll just say the things that peeve me when I’m reading these things.

    1. When it’s obvious the writer is living their fantasy (I looked in the mirror and smiled at my twelve-pack abs. They looked incredible next to my twenty-inch dick.) Stuff like that just reeks of masturbatory writing.

    2. Speaking of looking in mirrors, another thing that annoys me is when the writer cops out of doing a creative description of their protag by simply having them look at the mirror and describe themselves. Really uncreative and stupid. It also tends to lead to somewhat trite and boring descriptions.

    3. When the author tries to mimic porn in writing. If I wanted to watch porn, I’d go watch porn. The best stories I’ve ever read were the ones that captured raw emotions, believable characters, and all the elements of a story. Erotica is supposed to be an art, not just a way to get off. If you want to write cliche porn, that’s fine, but if you want to write good erotica, don’t mimic porn.

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