She Lost Her Memories and Her Inhibitions: Part 1 [M/F, MMF, FFM, GROUP]

This story is a work of fiction, any and all references to anything resembling real life are not intentional.


Kimberly couldn’t remember her name, she was pretty sure it wasn’t Kimberly. That was the name she had chosen when she work up in the hospital a couple of months ago. No identification, no missing persons that matched, a new life, with no memories of her life before.

The doctors guessed she was around 28 or 29 years of age. She had been found on the ground outside the hospital, unconscious, but with no apparent signs of injury. Nobody knew what had happened to her, or why should couldn’t seem to remember anything before the moment, she woke up.

After several days of trying to find out who she was, social services had helped her get set up in a woman’s home where she also had a part-time job helping out. She continued spending a lot of time at the hospital as they tried to help bring her memories back, but so far had not had any luck.

Today they suggested that she should walk around the town a little bit, and see if anything jogged her memory. So she went back home to the woman’s home and talked to a couple of the girls, they agreed to take her around town and see what they could find.

They started off by driving downtown. It was Friday evening, and things were starting to get lively in the area as there were several bars and clubs. They drove around for a few minutes and then decided to park and take a walk. They walked down several streets, passing many of the small town shops that we common here. She looked at each, checked out their names and window displays, but nothing seemed to trigger anything.

As they got to the area with the bars and clubs, they decided to take a break and get a couple of drinks. Kimberly wanted to keep walking trying to find out something from her past. Maybe with the crowds, someone would recognize her. They convinced her to come inside though, and get a drink. Perhaps someone in there would have seen her before.

They went in and found a table. The place was already starting to get busy, even though it was only about 7 pm. A waitress came up to take their orders, and everyone but Kimberly ordered. She wasn’t sure what to order, she knew this was a bar but didn’t know what she liked to drink. After a moment of pause, the waitress asked if she had any questions about the menu.

Kimberly paused for another moment, and then just decided to ask. “Do you know who I am?” The waitress looked at her for a minute and responded “No hun, should I?”. “No I guess not,” she said with a bit of disappointment. “I don’t really know what I would like to drink, can you make a suggestion?” she asked.

“Let’s see, you look like a Pina Colada girl to me,” she said. “Oh, why is that?” Kimberly questioned. “Well your tanned skin, green eyes, sandy blond hair, makes me think of a beach girl. What else would a beach girl drink, then something cool and tropical?” she answered. “Ok, I’ll take one of those,” Kimberly decided.

They all sipped their drinks for the next half hour or so, and her friends started to get into the music. One of them accepted an invitation to dance with a cowboy looking gentleman, and the other two had decided to dance with each other. As she sat there watching them, she decided to get out of here and figure out who she was. She didn’t have time for drinking and dancing.

She finished off her Pina Colada and made her way for the door. Outside she stood on the sidewalk, not knowing which way she should go. She closed her eyes, wishing she even knew where she was. She obviously had been told the name of the town, and she knew where it was located, but she didn’t know the city.

She felt an urge to go to her right, so she opened her eyes and started heading that direction. She walked for several minutes and had begun to enter a neighborhood. They were upper scale homes on more expansive than average lots. After passing several, she found a bench and sat down for a moment to rest her feet.

As she sat there, she started to get a feeling, a feeling that she had been here before. She didn’t know why, or when, but it was something. She started looking up and down the street at all of the houses. None of them stood out, but she was beginning to feel sure that she had been down this road before.

She stood and kept walking, she walked for what must have been nearly a mile. The neighborhood had disappeared, and she was in an area where the houses were much more spread out. She had no idea where she was, but she knew something was down this road.

She reached a tree-lined driveway and knew she had been here before. Was this home? This was a mansion, undoubtedly not her home? Maybe she knew someone here? She didn’t know, but she was determined to find out.

She walked down the long driveway, it had to be a couple of hundred feet and arrived at a circular area in front of the home. There had to be more than a dozen cars here, of various makes and models. Did they all live here? Maybe it was a party? She stood to the side of the main driveway as an SUV pulled up and parked. A man and woman got out, and appeared to be wearing nice clothes, but had Mardi Gras masks on.

She watched as they walked up to the steps to the door and were greeted by a doorman who opened the door for them. Yes, maybe this was a party, but was it a masquerade? She didn’t have a mask. She needed to go inside, to find out why she knew this place.

She climbed the steps, and a polite doorman greeted her. He looked her over and asked to check her handbag. Afterward, he opened the door and allowed her to continued inside.

The inside was lavish, and she could only see the entry. In front of her was a small reception desk, and a man in a tuxedo stood behind it. “Good Evening Ma’am, how may I help you?” he asked. She approached the desk and looked around inquisitively. “First time to the club?” he asked. She paused, not knowing if it was or not. She felt she had been here before, but nothing she could remember other than a feeling.

“Yes, I think so,” she answered. “Well welcome, we are glad to have you join us,” he said. “Let me get you signed in, and go over a couple of rules with you. Tonight is ladies night, so all single females get in free of charge,” he said. She looked at him inquisitively, but none the less proceeded to allow him to sign her in.

He covered the rules, which seemed very add to her. All participants were to use the safe word of “pineapples” and any participant not accepting the word no would be immediately expelled and banned for life. They all seemed like weird rules, but what did she know, she had never been to a private club before. What even was a private club?

After signing her in, he suggested she head into the living room where there was a bar that she could get a drink at. He also handed her a feathered mask which he suggested she wear. She wasn’t sure how anyone would recognize her with the mask but agreed to wear it for the time being.

She entered the living room which did have a large bar to one side. Spread throughout the expansive room were several sofas and chairs, as well as a large fireplace. Several couples were milling about, chatting to each other, or sitting together in private conversations. Most were well dressed, but several seemed to be wearing fancy lingerie or just boxers. This seemed very odd to her, was it some kind of costume party?

Not sure how to proceed, she decided that she should head to the bar to see if she could get any details from the bartender. She approached the bar and decided that she should order a drink to get the bartenders attention. She ordered a Pina Colada as it was the only thing she knew the name of, and then removed her mask. As he returned with the drink, he told her that she should really keep the mask on. It was for her own protection.

“Why do I need to be protected?” she asked. “Everyone here seems to be well off, is something here dangerous?” she further asked. The bartender looked at her with a questioning smile. “It’s not because it’s dangerous, it’s so that you can be free to experience everything, without fear of judgment,” he answered. Before returning the mask, she asked if he recognized her. He stated that he did not; however, he had only been working here for about a month.

She stood by the bar, looking out towards the living room at the other guests. She didn’t recognize anyone, but her eyes did fixate on a couple near the fireplace. They were sitting on the couch, he was wearing a tuxedo but had his shirt unbuttoned. She was wearing some kind of red lace lingerie and sitting across his lap facing him. They were kissing passionately, and another man was sitting on the couch next to them that seemed to be watching.

She watched for a few moments before slowly making her way over to them. The kissing couple was starting to get very handsy with each other. Her hands were pressing into his chest, squeezing a handful of chest hair in each. He had one hand rubbing her back, and the other squeezing her ass cheek.

She felt this was not appropriate for them to be doing out here in front of everyone. She also felt attracted to them, to get closer, to see more. Something called to her, she felt something inside her she couldn’t explain.

As she got closer, she noticed that the man sitting next to the couple had spotted her, and was eyeing her curiously. She took a seat in another couch that faced the sofa the couple and man were on. She watched the couple, and the man was watching her. She should have felt very weird about this situation, but she didn’t. She couldn’t take her eyes off of them.

She watched for several minutes as the couple made out. They were clearly very interested in each other, and the woman was now moving rhythmically up and down on the man’s lap. Kimberly knew that it appeared the couple was having sex, but they weren’t, he still had his pants on.

As she watched in fascination, she felt a warmth growing inside her. A need, a desire, something she didn’t fully understand. As she started to lose herself in the thought of what she was experiencing, the man who had been next to the couple sat down next to her. “They are fascinating to watch aren’t they?” he asked her. She looked at him a bit in surprise and just smiled.

She looked back to the couple. The man now had the woman’s nipple in his mouth, and her head was hanging back towards Kimberly with her eyes closed. After a moment or two, the woman opened her eyes and looked at Kimberly with a smile. She kept her eyes on Kimberly while she wrapped her arms around her lovers head.

The woman flinched when Kimberly involuntarily jumped in her seat. The man sitting next to her had just placed his hand on the inside of her knee. His hand was resting against the bar skin, just below the hem of her dress. The woman’s smile broadened, and Kimberly froze for a moment. Her mind told her something wasn’t right, he shouldn’t have his hand on her. Her body was screaming loudly though that it desired his touch, that this was good.

The woman looked back towards her lover, and leaned in the nibble on his ear lobe and kiss his neck. His hands returned to her back and caressed her. Kimberly watched in fascination, barely registering the hand now massaging her inner thigh. After a couple more minutes, the couple both looked at her and the man next to her with a smile. They then stood up and started walking towards a hallway.

The man next to her stood and reached a hand down towards Kimberly. She looked at it for a moment and then up towards his face. The mask blocked much of it, but she could see a genuine smile and a sparkle in his deep blue eyes. She took his hand and allowed him to help her up. He then led her down the hall and into another room.

He motioned her into the room, and she froze a couple of feet in. The room was a large bedroom, with a huge bed. The couple she had been watching was on the bed, with the man laying down, now naked, and the woman on top of him. She had her hands pressed into his chest, and Kimberly could clearly see the mans cock now penetrating the woman as she rhythmically rose and fell onto it.

Next to them on the bed, was at least three other couples. All in various states of dress, and engaging in various sexual acts. One woman was giving oral sex to another, while the receiving woman was sucking on a man’s cock. Another couple was vigorously going at it like animals. A final man was watching the couple behaving like animals while stroking his own cock.

She didn’t know what to make of the scene before her, it was disgusting, it was wrong. These people should not be doing this for other people to see. They should not be behaving like this, and she was repulsed. She also couldn’t move. Some part of her was excited by what she saw in front of her. She could feel a tingling in her body, a desire that needed to be filled.

As she stood there, frozen, unable to watch, but unable to take her eyes away, she felt a pair of hands wrap around her waist from the back. A man’s hands, large and firm. Then warm breath on her neck, and the soft touch of a man cheek as he pressed his lips against the lower left side of her neck. She instantly felt goosebumps form on her skin, and the tingling between her legs became a warmth. They stood there for a few moments, his lips gently caressing her neck. Gentle sucking kisses that caressed her skin with his tongue. His warm breath was hitting her goosebumps and weakening her knees.

His hands explored her sides and her stomach, then her breasts. She felt her perky c cups fill his hands. His fingers brushed over her pert nipples sending jolts of pleasure through her body. She leaned back against him, her body forcing her mind to relinquish the battle. It may have been wrong, but she needed this, desired this, lusted for this.

His hands massaged her breast, and she could feel the moisture between her legs growing. She closed her eyes, taking in the sensations her body was delivered to her. His lips found her ear, and he gently sucked her ear lobe. His breath was caressing the inner ear, increasing the need she felt.

She turned toward him and grabbed his waistband, pulling him towards the bed. As she reached the bed, she sat down facing him and unzipped his pants. Her hand quickly dug his cock out, it was average size, about six inches long, and not so broad as to be too big for her mouth. Her mouth, she needed it in her mouth, she didn’t know why. The burning desire between her legs said she needed him inside of her, but first, she needed him in her mouth.

She held on to him with her right hand, and tentatively took the tip of his cock into her mouth. It was mushroom shaped, she loved mushrooms. She kissed it gently and sucked a little. Looking up into his eyes, she saw a smile that begged for more. Her tongue started to dance across the tip, and she found a new pleasant taste in her mouth, sweet but salty. She liked it, and desired more, she knew that if she continued, he would give her what she really needed.

He began to thrust into her mouth gently, and she allowed him deeper into her. Her lips wrapped firmly around his shaft, her tongue caressing the underside of his cock. She sucked harder, and he moaned with pleasure, increasing his pace. He tasted so good, she needed him, she wanted him. She grabbed his ass and pulled him as deep as she could. His cock hit the back side of her throat, and she gagged, but she wanted more of it.


Want some more? Comment and tell me what else she should do, and I’ll post more tomorrow.


1 comment

  1. She should be filled with at least 4 dicks. It should turn into a gang bang if sorts

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