[MF][Share] Curiosity Collared the Cat[Part 3]

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Michael was caught off guard when Elizabeth mouthed Daddy to him. He had thought that she had understood his position the previous day and was going to act as if nothing had happened between them. But instead, Elizabeth showed no signs of backing down.

He was, in a way, simultaneously aroused and conflicted. He liked his girls to have a bit of fight in them, but he was also bounded by the laws of the college.

He did his best to keep a straight face for the rest of the lecture, not allowing his conflicting emotions surface up to his exterior.
When the class was over, he did not stop to take any questions from the students, knowing that it would only cause him to face Elizabeth. He quickly walked away and went to his office.


Elizabeth, knowing that Dr. Dunham was just playing hard to get, called his office from a payphone near the campus carpark. All the lecturers office numbers where public and she knew she would get through. As the phone rang she twirled the thread in her slender fingers and waited giddily for him to pick up. Soon enough the ringing ended and a voice appeared, “hello?”

“Helloooo” Elizabeth replied with an eager high voice, “you know who it is, and I think you’re being awfully unfair to me. Why won’t you talk with me Daddy?” With a rapid beating heart she awaited a reply, half expecting the phone to slam down on her.


Michael was sitting in his office when he received a call on his landline. He received it, not expecting that it would be from his relentless student .

“Lizzie, is that you? I thought I had made it very clear yesterday that I can’t get into this with you, my career is at stake!” He burst out.

Then, taking a deep breath and calming down a bit, he continued

“Look, it’s in everyone’s best interest that this end right now, do you understand me? Now please be a good girl and don’t ask me about this again, okay Lizzie? Thank you?”

He didn’t realize that he had been unconsciously calling her Lizzie all the time, even though she had told him what it meant to her. Maybe a part of him didn’t want her to actually listen to his advice. He could swear that it was getting too tempting now to ignore.


Hearing him call her Lizzie gave her that rush of giddy electric excitement that made her happy all over and she danced around in the phone booth as his words rushed into her ears. Despite his pleas, Elizabeth knew that he was throwing a facade to make himself feel less guilty.

“Dr. Dunham, I’m sorry I was only playing. I didn’t realise that you would take it so seriously. I called because I thought you’d throw me out of your office. I just wanted to talk more about personality types, strictly platonically. There’s a coffee shop next to my flat at 56 Greenacre Way, why don’t you come there at 7 tonight so we can talk and bury the hatchet.”


Was this a trap? Why did she have to start with Daddy in the first place then? And why couldn’t she talk to him about it in his office?

Michael soon realized that given the nature of the conversation, it was rather a smart move to have the talk at some place away from campus.

“Alright, I’ll see you there at 7. Have a nice day!” Michael said and hung up.

There were only a few hours to go between the call and his ‘date’ with Elizabeth. He was part excited to see her again, and part worried about her next moves. Whatever it be, she couldn’t hit on him publicly, right?

He drove to the place before time and was there by 6.55, where he waited for his companion’s arrival.


Elizabeth strode out of her place and sauntered over to the coffee shop, still in her finest blue dress, eagerly awaiting seeing Dr. Dunham again. She could see him in his car and waved shyly at him to come over. As he approached her, she playfully hit herself on the forehead, muttering “this was so stupid of me, I forgot that the coffee shop closed early on Tuesdays. This is so embarrassing, but my place is just here so we could still chat, only if you wanted to.”

This was the moment Elizabeth had hoped for, and knew if he said yes then her desires would be fulfilled. She looked up at him, pleadingly with her wide wet eyes.


This clearly looked like something Elizabeth had planned. She was one of the brightest students in his class, and she, if her word was to be believed, just forgot about something like this?

Regardless, Michael gave her the benefit of doubt. She seemed well behaved at the moment, so maybe she was indeed asking it innocently?

“Okay, let’s go. I can drive you” he said, going back to his car and opening the door to the passenger seat for her


“You don’t need to drive silly, I live just around the corner” Elizabeth said to his offer, and gestured him to follow her. Indeed it was only a short walk and soon enough she was letting him into her flat. It was only a one person flat but luckily her family was affluent enough that it was decently sized and furnished. The furnishings were sparse and colours muted, but it was clearly a home to her.

“Have a seat please, want a drink?” she asked him.


Michael thought she was being a little too friendly when she called him silly, but it was at least better than being called Daddy. He followed her to her apartment and noticed that it was really well kept and cleaned regularly.

He say down on the couch when she asked him about the drink.

“No thanks, I’d rather have a coffee’ he replied.

He was not going to risk himself getting drunk at her home, lest he do something stupid and lose control over himself, and later regret it


“One coffee coming up” she said with a jump in her step, closing the door to the flat behind her and seeing him in. After the hissing of the coffee machine died a death, she came back to him with a warm coffee, placing it down on the coffee table in front of him. Elizabeth sat at the other side of the table, without a drink.

“Thanks for coming, I know how busy you are and how our conversation went the other day… but I really just wanted to pick your brains again if that’s okay? I just wanted to know more about the dominant mindset, you suggested I was submissive yesterday, so I just wanted to know how the other half lived you know.” Coming to a halt she tilted her head cutely at him, seeming genuinely curious.


So it did seem like she was just academically curious after all. Michael thought to himself with a sigh of relief.

Picking up his mug and taking a sip from it, he said

“Well, you can say that the dominant’s mindset is almost completely opposite to that of a submissive one. Whereas the submissive finds happiness in letting someone else make their decisions for them, dominant ones feel the most in their natural element when they are making decisions for others.
While the submissive seeks to give up control, the dominant enjoys taking control over a situation”

He paused and looked at Lizzie, waiting to see if she was catching up with him.


“I see, that makes sense” Elizabeth said leaning forward. “So hypothetically, if you told me to do something and I did it, and you enjoyed telling me what to do and I enjoyed being told what to do, then we would have a successful dominant and submissive dynamic?”

Without waiting for a reply, Elizabeth giggled and leant back in her chair, crossing her legs in her dress and smiling brightly at Dr. Dunham.


This was again touching a fine line. Michael couldn’t distinguish if this was a question to satisfy her need of behaving in a Dom sub dynamic with him, or if it was simply a follow up question to the explanation he just gave her.

He decided to treat it as if it was the latter

“Hypothetically,” he emphasized the first word,”that would be absolutely true”


“Very interesting, I think I’m getting there in understanding” Elizabeth continued. “I have another physiological question, I hope you don’t mind all the academic talk. Why do submissives get turned on through humiliation? For example being called little girl? Or calling a guy Daddy? What causes the pleasure there?”

She gave Dr. Dunham a sharp look, remaining motionless, expecting a reply.


Once more, they were walking on thin lines. If a student had asked such a question during class, or even during office hours, he would’ve dismissed it as not being important or using a dozen other reasons to avoid getting into that conversation.

But right now, he was far from the university and it’s constraints, and it had been a long time since he had discussed these things with anyone. Partly, it was his own academic nature, and somewhat of a need to share his experiences, that he decided to answer her question seriously.

“What I have noticed over the years is that such activities fulfil a deeply rooted desire inside one’s self of serving someone ‘better’ than oneself, or more accomplished in some sense. Controversial though it might seem given this age’s constant bombardment of ideas like equality, humans have an innate need to please someone ‘better’. This also manifests itself in the form of physiological arousal, since its basically the same trigger as the survival instinct. When faced with someone more powerful, human body tends to react by increasing adrenaline production, raising heartbeats, being more alert and sensitive to one’s surroundings for a short period of time, all symptoms commonly observed during sexual arousal as well.”


Elizabeth squirmed in her seat in delight as Dr. Dunham was explaining to her. A grin was permanently etched onto her soft face and she couldn’t resist herself much longer.

“When you rumbled in my ear and called me a little girl, you drove me wild. I’ve not been able to think about anything else since. We’re both adults and I won’t tell a soul Daddy, why are you being so evasive when you made your intentions with me clear. You just can’t tease me like that Daddy.”

Frustration was ringing through in her voice but it was laced more with a pleading desperation. Nervously, after her outburst she sank in her seat, wondering how Dr. Dunham would respond.


Michael took a deep breath as Elizabeth finally revealed her true intentions behind the meeting. It was what he had guessed all along. An attempt to negotiate the dynamic once again.

He sighed, considering the situation at hand. After much thought, he spoke

“You know Lizzie, truth be told, the only reason I keep avoiding this is because of what it can do to my job should it ever come out. But if you can promise me to be absolutely discreet about this, I may consider this. Please understand, you can’t tell anyone about this, not now, nor in the future. Your friends, your family, your boyfriend if you ever have one now or in the future, no one at all!”


Hearing him call her Lizzie instantly made her giddy and excited again, and as his steely demeanour was melting, she became ecstatic.

“I won’t tell a soul. Our secret. It will be our secret. Nobody will know. I’ll never tell anyone about us” she repeated like a sycophant. She was nodding at him incessantly wanting to convince him of her silence. Her breathing was becoming wild and erratic, the ecstasy of the situation overcoming her.


So far so good. At least she was giving her word about discretion on her part. But that was not alone for him.

He had a more demanding nature in his Daddy persona that few of his subs could tolerate beyond a point. Now that they were essentially talking about it, it was important to let her know what she was getting into.

“Hmm, that’s good. I’ll take your word for it. Now, as far as the dynamic goes, I can be pretty strict and demanding at times. Let me tell you it might not be everyone’s cup of tea. And since this is essentially your first time ever, I’ll take it a little slow with you in the start, but remember that I’ll quickly bring it up to the level that I am more used to” he paused for breath, letting Lizzie consider his words carefully.

“Think you can handle me?”


More parts coming up. Let me know how you’re liking it so far. Also, feel free to check out my profile for other prompts.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/blupg2/mfshare_curiosity_collared_the_catpart_3


  1. loving this so far, definitely interested in reading more parts!

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