Interludes 1 [mf][avant garde]

The sun stopped.

They call that an eclipse.

Two celestial bodies folding, joining, unbecoming.

In the half light of that non-day, your shadow enveloped me. Where I could hide. Where I could reveal.

And for once, I felt free to unravel my bindings and grow as I am born to grow. Without deflection or interruption. And you watched my cock rising. As you waited with lips parts. Because you were yearning-breathing with sighs in the middle. And you knew that the part of me that never speaks throbbed into being where you took me from underneath.

There, you licked me like a song.

That painted aurorae in my mind.

So I moaned your name over and over. The most intimate thing I could contemplate.

And when my cock stiffened, you defied gravity with me, as my starlight glowed.

In the last few moments.


The harsh sun.

