Getting Back at My Roommate [F]

My college roommate is pretty awful. She’s a great person and is really nice, it’s just that she’s got this girlfriend who sleeps over as often as five days a week and she doesn’t have any respect for me. I do all the cleaning/taking out the trash and I’m too wimpy to just stand up for myself and ask her to help. Her girlfriend sleeping over so often wouldn’t be a big deal if her bed wasn’t about six feet away from mine. Last November, I woke up to the sound of very loud lesbian sex. It was not hot. It was not satisfying. It grossed me out completely. I was extremely upset and I couldn’t believe that the two of them were doing it while I was right there! I spent the rest of the night trying to sleep and completely humiliated. So the next day I finally stood up for myself and told my roommate that I didn’t want anything like that to happen ever again. She apologized and then avoided me for three days, but then everything was just fine.

But I wanted to get back at her for the embarrassment and awful scene I had to witness. So recently, every time her girlfriend sleeps over when my roommate didn’t ask me beforehand, I’ve been silently masturbating as they sleep. It’s completely silent, so even if they wake up they won’t know what I’m doing. I’ve done it three or four times now. I enjoy it because I can masturbate, I get the “hah, take that” feeling afterwards, and it’s almost like I’m proving to myself that it really can be quiet and not disturbing to anyone else. This method is more satisfying than just asking her girlfriend to leave because I know asking her to leave will make me feel bad, while doing this will just make me feel good.

I understand that doing this is similar to what my roommate did to me and that it ultimately is immoral, but I see this as far less damaging than what happened in November. Kinda just wanted to get this off my chest. Thanks for reading :)


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