The first time I [F] felt slutty [FM]

It’s been a while since I posted a story, and I’ve felt the itch to share another one. I hope you like this one. It’s not the wildest thing I’ve done, but it’s notable because it marks the first time in my life that I felt _slutty_.

Back in the day I spent a summer vacation in a small town where my grandparents lived. I used to go there all the time, and this particular summer I spent about two months there.

After a couple of weeks I’d gotten myself a “townie” boyfriend. It wasn’t anything serious, but we had a lot of fun. Mostly I just gave him a _lot_ of head… basically whenever he wanted it, which was pretty much daily. I think he was the 3rd guy I’d ever sucked.

One day, one of his friends asked me if I wanted to go bowling. I had nothing to do (like most days) so I said yes. When I got there, I was surprised to find out that it was only him there; I’d expected that the whole “group” of friends would be there but it was just the two of us.
We bowled for a bit, and had a lot of fun.

When we were done, he offered me a ride home, so I got into his pickup truck. He didn’t turn on the engine, we just sort of sat there in the parking lot and made idle chat.

I don’t know why but there was a _lot_ of tension in the air. Like… it was stifling. Eventually he caved, and he said he really liked me. I said that I was flattered, but that he shouldn’t say that because a) I had a BF and b) his bf was a friend of his.

So he turns around and just says flat out:

“I think you’re really sexy.”

“Thanks”, I answered.

And then he added: “I think it’s really sexy how you like to suck dick so much.”

I was like… _what?!_ Not just at _what_ he’d said, but at the _words_ he’d used. Not “do oral” or “go down”…he said “suck dick”. I asked him what he was talking about, and he said “Yeah, Rick said that you love it, and that you basically do it every day.”

You’d think I’d be furious…and I suppose I was, but more than anything I was embarrassed. I thin I must have turned crimson. I don’t know what I said after, if anything, but I know that there was this uncomfortable, HEAVY silence. And then he looks at me and says “would you like to give me one right now?”

And I looked at his jeans, and he was already stiff under them, I could tell, and he just unbuckled his belt and opened his fly and popped his cock out.

At that point I _was_ mad. And embarrassed. But… well, dicks _really_ turn me on. And there was this heaviness in the air. And he was just sitting there, his cock out, pheromones everywhere… and I just gave in. I knew I was going to do it. I hadn’t sucked him yet but I knew that I would. I felt _slutty_.

I couldn’t control myself. I swear I would have if I could have. I was quite simply “not me”. Something had taken over. And I just quietly undid my seatbelt, leaned over, and started to suck him off.

I don’t remember how long he lasted. To be honest I don’t really remember much, it’s almost like I was drunk except I hadn’t had a drop to drink.

I just know that he came in my mouth after a bit, and he zipped up, and he drove me home.


Anyway, hope you liked. Please tell me if you did! And Feel free to ask any questions in the comments.



  1. I absolutely like that, it made me hard instantly!!!! How long ago was that?

  2. I would definitely be into exploring the past if my wife gave me any suggestion she might have had a wild period…
    This is hot!

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