Maid it home for a long weekend to deliver a reward [FM]

If you’ve been following my tales on here for quite a while, you might have noticed it’s been a long time since I mentioned Simon, my ex’s younger brother who I teased and fooled around with a little a couple of years back*. In short, he ended up getting a girlfriend, which curtailed his cheeky WhatsApp messages to me for the most part – we hung out briefly a few times, and I even got to meet his adorable girlfriend, but he was always on his best behaviour.

I’d heard earlier this year that Simon and his girlfriend had split up, and perhaps unsurprisingly not too long after his cheekiness returned somewhat, as he teased me and I similarly teased him back in our messages. He’d invited me to come and hang out over Easter, but as I wasn’t heading home to see my parents that never came to fruition, but I promised to let him know the next time I was visiting home for any length of time. As it happened, a couple of weeks ago he messaged me with some amazing news – I won’t say what it is here, but it was dream come true stuff for him and was generally a pretty awesome achievement, so of course I was full of congratulations and genuinely happy for him. In the wake of my gushing praise, he didn’t miss a chance to tease me: “Am I going to get a reward the next time you come down here for being so amazing then?” he asked with an emoji wink. I suggested equally teasing that he might if he played his cards right, adding that I’d be visiting my family over the Bank Holiday weekend too.

As it happens, Simon’s parents were going to be away for that weekend, and with his brother nowhere nearby either he was planning to make use of his free house for a celebratory party with a couple of friends on the Saturday night, and of course I was also invited. I told him I’d love to be there, but spotting my own chance to tease him I noted that I might not be able to provide a reward with his friends around. “I’ll be free all day, just come around early” was his simple, effective response, and before I knew it I’d agreed to pop round on the Saturday afternoon before the party started. Cue a couple of weeks of him messaging asking if he was still getting a reward, asking what it would be and so, while I played my best poker face and dampened his expectations of anything more than a hug and a “well done”.

On the Saturday afternoon in question, I found myself outside Simon’s family home, rucksack slung over my shoulder as I rang the doorbell. Simon already knew I was well on my way, and it only took him a second to open the door – since I last saw him his hair and grown out considerable and was now longer than mine, but otherwise he was the same old little brother with a shy but excited hello. I burst out laughing as I went in for a hug after stepping across the threshold while he, for some reason, went for a handshake and almost punched me in the stomach, before relenting and allowing an awkward hug, prolonging my laughter as I felt his body stiffen nervously as I pressed myself against him.

As he invited me in, and I casually asked if his family were still away for the weekend, and on confirmation of that I asked if I could use the bathroom while he made drinks. Leaving him to it I bounded up the stairs of this familiar home, locked the bathroom door, and proceeded to pull my “secret weapon” out of my rucksack. After a lot of pondering and deliberation, I’d decided to bring my Rem from Re:Zero maid cosplay with me as part of his “reward”. Not wanting him to wonder why I was taking so long, I stripped off in record time, then as quickly as I could donned Rem’s maid’s outfit minus shoes, with a short skirt and white thigh-high socks ([]( over the top of white silk knickers. My dedication to surprising him had seen me thinking over the quickest way to change over and over again, and so it seemed like no time at all before the blue wig was in place to crown the outfit and a quick check in the mirror confirmed that I was ready to go after some quick adjustments to my socks.

All changed, I stuffed my original clothes into my bag and headed back downstairs. Dropping the rucksack in the hallway, I wandered into the living room. Simon was facing away from me as he was just setting down drinks, and hearing me enter he started to say something, only for it to be interrupted with. “I can’t remember if you have su-HOLY SHIT WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? HOW ARE YOU IN COSPLAY RIGHT NOW? FUCK ME YOU’RE STILL SO HOT”. This loud outburst – and perhaps the shock – seemed to exhaust him, and he all but collapsed into a nearby chair as I stood there, grinning. “You did keep insisting on a reward for your good news, so here it is. I thought you might like?”

“I do… wow…” Then after a brief silence, he finally composes himself enough to find his cheeky streak. “I mean, my room really does need cleaning, so it’s really thoughtful of you to come and do it for me.” Laughing, I playfully threw a drinks coaster on the coffee table at him, and warned that I’d get changed and leave if that was his plan. “Don’t go” he said, almost a little too desperately, “I want to enjoy the view some more”. “Well, maybe if your room isn’t too messy, you can get a better view when I’ve finished my coffee?”

We both tried to steer the conversation in a normal direction at this point while our drinks cooled (as there was actually a lot of actual real life stuff to discuss!), but we were both downing our drinks with little regard to how hot they were, and the elephant (or rather, maid) in the room meant that any discussions were stilted at best. I actually started to regret springing my surprise on him so early – why was I in such a rush? I could have at least gotten the everyday chatter out of the way first.

Regardless, our drinks were finished soon enough, and so with a grin I asked if he still wanted a better view. Of course, he did, but he was reticent for me to see his messy bedroom – his parent’s room was off-limits, and the living room was in direct view of the street, so eventually I talked him into heading upstairs. Eventually, he asked me to wait two minutes, as he raced upstairs and thudded about for a bit before calling me up. Trying not to seem too eager, I walked slowly up the stairs, then down the landing and into his room. It was a little messier than my own, although not by much; I could clearly see a couple of newly-made piles – one of clothes, the other video games, that had clearly been moved and vaguely organised to make some space. Standing in front of the window was Simon, a little out of breath, or perhaps already excited at the fact that his older brother’s ex-girlfriend was now stood in his bedroom in cosplay.

I broke the awkward silence as he stood there staring at me, unsure what to say, by clambering onto the bed on all fours, provocatively sticking my ass up in the air as I shuffled around on it. “Is this the kind of view you were hoping for?” I asked, as seductively as I could (although I really need to work on my seductive voice, as it turns out). “Oh fuck yes, definitely” he responded. Emboldened by this, I shifted into a half-sitting, half-laying position on the single bed, crooking and moving my legs so that my skirt began to ride up them. Unsure of where to position himself and uncomfortable standing, Simon decided to kneel at the foot of the bed. This meant that with a little more movement of my legs, he was perfectly placed to look up my skirt, and I’m sure I heard him catch his breath as my underwear came into view. “What do you think?” I asked, which confirmed that he was looking where I thought he was. “They’re really nice… look expensive” he replied, almost absent-mindedly.

Opening my legs and bunching up the skirt of the dress, I gave him a full view of my knickers, which he drank in wide-eyed in front of me. Running my hands up and down my stockings, I saw him swallow hard as my hands slid a little higher, and I caught myself breathing harder as I teased myself on the bed. Done with teasing I let a hand slip up and trace over the front of my underwear, bringing a little sigh from me, before it continued up to the waistband of my knickers and began to pull them down, my other hand helping to complete the task.

Opening my legs again, I was now sat with my pussy exposed to Simon, and I was very aware that the excitement and anticipation leading up to this has left me decidedly turned on. I couldn’t bear to do any more teasing, and so my hand headed straight to my pussy, testing my wetness as I explored it with a fingertip, then heading towards my clit. Slowly circling and rubbing my clit, I was soon moaning quietly, but my desire for release soon sped up my actions, and it wasn’t too long before I was rapidly rubbing my clit with most other thoughts gone out of my head.

At some point, I used my free hand to tug at the straps of the dress to reveal my boobs, using that same hand to massage and squeeze each breast in turn while Simon looked on even more intently. My main focus eventually returned to my pussy though, and I spent some time alternating between rubbing my clit and slipping two fingers in and out of me. As my arousal grew though, my full concentration returned to my clit, as I strummed it quickly with my fingers. I’m not sure how much time had passed by this point, but I was getting close.

Redoubling my efforts to reach an orgasm, it wasn’t long before I felt myself at the brink. “I’m going to cum… I’m going to cum” I moaned breathlessly for Simon’s benefit without even thinking… “I’m cumming… yes, I’m cumming” I continue just before the waves of pleasure rushed over me and I moaned loud, bucking and writing my hips as my body surrendered to the delicious feelings of my climax. As the orgasm left my quivering body, I lay my head back, panting and spent, recovering my senses and composure as I glanced down and my brain refocused to the fact that Simon was still staring, looking like he wanted to say something but preoccupied with drinking in my flushed body intently with his eyes, saying nothing.

Sitting up, I asked Simon simply to stand up, which he did without a second thought. Rearranging my skirt and closing my splayed legs, I scooted across the bed, sitting on the edge with my legs either side of Simon’s. Before he even had time to say anything, I’d found the button at the top of his jeans and popped it open, using both hands to pull his pants to the floor. His boxer shorts quickly followed, and he mouthed a quiet “oh shit” as he realised what I was doing and his erection sprang into full view.

The original plan in my head was to tease him again here, making full eye contact as I did so, but in all honesty I couldn’t bring myself to look him in the eye at this exact moment, so I instead focused straight ahead as my hands reached out to touch his cock for the first time. I heard him gasp as I let my fingers slide up and down the shaft, as I stroked him for a while before taking a breath and sliding it fully into my mouth as he groaned audibly.

I went to work quickly, sucking and bobbing my head, enjoying his exclamations of sheer surprise and pleasure as I sucked his cock. As he stood there I kept up my efforts, using my tongue to further stimulate him as my lips wrapped around his penis. Eventually, his shock subsided enough to realise that I was sat in front of him with my boobs still exposed, and so he took the opportunity to reach down and grope at them as I blew him.

I assumed that this wouldn’t last long, and I was right – my vigorous blowjob and the arousal of the whole situation meant it was only a few minutes before I heard his breathing change, and readied myself. Not long later, I felt him tense and moan as he came hard, filling my mouth as quickly as I could swallow it down until he was finally spent and I let his softening erection pop out of my mouth. “There… that was your reward. How was it?” I asked with a sly grin. “Oh my god, you’re so good at that… it feels a bit one-sided though?”

For a split second I pondered laying back and letting him do what he wanted to me, but despite the temptation I decided to call it a day there and instead grabbed for my knickers which had fallen to the floor and pulled them back on in front of him. “Well, it was your reward, so it was all for you… but that’s all your getting!

In the quiet moments that followed, I excused myself, grabbed my rucksack, and changed back into my normal clothes (much to Simon’s disappointment I think). He poured me a cold drink and we managed some more stilted normal conversation, while I also enquired as to when everyone else would be arriving for the evening’s get-together. As I genuinely had some errands to run, I told him I’d be back in time for that (cue another look of disappointment), and once my drink was finished and a little more chit-chat Simon let me out and I headed out into the slightly chilly air

“You’ll definitely be back later?” he asked? I assured him that I would, but with a cheeky smile let him down gently with the assurance that there’d be no maid outfit next time.

“You don’t need to be dressed up to have fun…?” he quipped back, with a hesitant, stumbling raising of his inflection as a last-second decision to turn this statement into a question. “I guess we’ll find out!” was my parting shot, as I walked down the street with a wave. “See you later!”

* Stories here: [](

And here: [](



  1. Yey been waiting for a new one of your stories, please say you fucked him later on in the weekend!

  2. Can’t wait for the next installation! Your BJ skills must be extraordinary considering all the practice you’ve had ;)

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