[MFF] Viva Mexico …and Canada? Part 1

Another story for all my favorite strangers. This happened over a lifetime ago, Mazatlan Mexico ’95. I had the bod back then and the looks (still have the looks, the bod has some dings and dents though). My adorable baby face got me into and out of a lot of trouble. I was still 18.

I had a hotel room at a beautiful spot on the beach. My buddy and I had gotten off shift at 6pm, and we were to meet up with friends at Senior Froggy’s. After a questionable “cab” ride to our hotel, we primped and spritzed, and let’s be honest, probably had douchebags tattooed on our foreheads, but it was how it was in those days.

We roll on into this supposed hotbed of fun and it was practically dead. All of our chums male and female cheer as we walk in and the drinking started before I even made it to the bar. At a booth on the other side were a couple of young women. Canadian.

I have a few threesome stories and 2 involve Canadians, so my love for that country runs deep.

Daphne and Velma, we’ll call them, because I couldn’t remember their real names if I tried, sat there partially enjoying the night, possibly annoyed at the constant barage of horniness that belonged to my friends and I. Thankfully we got them to hang out and the night went on.

My game was Daphne. She had long and big curly sexy blonde hair. She was cute and pale. Velma was frumpy looking, cute for sure, glasses, her shorter brunette curly hair was held back by a clip and she was dressed much more modestly than Daphne.

Daphne was out looking for the bigger better deal, and I’m sure my inebriation made me tops on her list (sarcasm). The good thing was, I’ve always been inclusive and Velma and I made fast friends just enjoying the fun. The night went on and more friends showed, and somehow there was some jealousy towards me during a wet underwear contest. Because for some reason, Daphne of all people didn’t like the other woman who was grinding away on me. (The woman grinding away was an “untouchable” due to my job.) and this brought the attention I wanted from Daphne.

We all decided to head to an outdoor club somewhere looking over the ocean and we all meandered our way there. We were all making sizeable asses of ourselves on the walk and then Daphne lays in the gravelly dirty road just screwing around right as a fleet of 3 wheeled taxis storm up the road. I run out and lift her up and get her vertical. We laugh and joke and I notice Daphne’s all white ensemble was thrashed. Then it hit me. Drunk, tired, maybe a little nauseated and I have to piss and change out of my wet underwear and pants.

I see my hotel from our road and let the gang know I’d meet back up with them. (There was a 90% chance I was going to bed, folks.)
-Now this is second hand- Daphne was smitten and apparently a block after I had disappeared she asked my roomate where our room was so she could pee too.-

I was in a towel, one of those super small numbers that hotels seem to think work. I had turned on the shower and theres a knock at my door.
“Forget your key, fucker? I mean umm hey?”
Velma asked if they could use the bathroom too. I said sure. Daphne pet my bare chest and said thanks handsome and closed the door. I realized at that moment that I’m only wearing a towel.

After the knock this scenario took about 5 minutes to get to.
Velma removed her cardigan and sat on the bed across from me. I could finaly see her shape and although her cleavage had me intrigued during the evening, nothing prepared me for the tight fitting sundress she wore and how her perfectly shaped C or D cups filled it out. (Im sure the bra helped too). My “towel” was useless at this point as my cock began to swell.

We heard the glass door of the massive shower close, and the sound was different. “Is she taking a shower?” We both asked, and ran into the bathroom. There’s Daphne, fully clothed and in the shower, “I threw up in my hair and on my shirt.” She said like a little kid.
This is where it gets interesting. Without a second thought I pull off my towel and Velma strips.

Everything about Velma was a deceptive fucking lie! She was about 5’5″/5’6″ with the hardest body I had ever seen. She was toned and taught like a gymnast except for her large, perfect teardrop breasts. Her skin darkened from the sun. She had removed the hairclip and her glasses and she really should have been what the fuss was all about. I made sure she was from that moment on.

We get into the large tile shower and begin to help Daphne get undressed. And wring out her clothes. Daphne was an inch or 2 taller than Velma, her skin was milky white, like cream pouring into a bowl, or porcelain. Her breasts were more conical and her areola were pink and puffy. Her body was softer, but just as sexy and her legs went on for miles and met at a delicate pink mound with blonde pubic hair.

She was drinking shower water and rinsing while Velma washed her hair. Velma began to wash me now as Daphne’s ass rubbed against me.
Velma said “you need to fuck her or she’s just gonna pout, but I get your cum.”

I followed the trail from her ass into her cunt and slowly slid my way in, allowing her to absorb the feeling of me. The feel of softness we had being wet was perfection. I moved my hands between Daphne’s tits and Velma’s ass while we fought to kiss and maintain a rhythm and balance. I was worried because I had “whiskey dick” and I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to stop, but I was, and when I turned around Velma was on her knees as I lost my load on her mouth and tits.

We all three fucked the night away individually, and together. I ate both of there delicious pussies and they fought over my cock. While Daphne was good, fucking Velma was a dream. At one interval Daphne’s ass and pussy were teasing my face while they kissed as Velma impaled herself on my rock hard cock. Her pussy wrapped around me like a glove and sucked me inside her like a vacuum. She coughed and her eyes watered because she said she felt me in her throat. I ate away Daphne’s pink pleasurable folds as my nose tickled her ass. We passed out finally.

My roomate had brought home the “untouchable” and had laughed at where our evening had taken us. We slept for only a few hours and were up and out shopping the street vendors until we had to go back to work that afternoon.

The story does continue…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bjek90/mff_viva_mexico_and_canada_part_1


  1. Sounds like you have a horseshoe up your ass haha amazing story. Looking forward to the continuation

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