Looking for story

Hello, r/eroticliterature,

My girl and I are trying to find two stories that we read years ago and don’t remember the names of. No bookmarks survive from those days so it’s been impossible to find them. We’ve tried on our own, but I finally suggested we ask a forum. We are hoping you can help.

The first story involved reprogramming the mind with a modified baseball hat connected to a Macbook. My girl thinks it might have been an iPad but I don’t think they had come out yet when this story was written. It was a failed telepathy experiment in college. The user would create a plain text file and then save it to the brain, and the brain would implement the instructions, whether it involved emotions, body modification, or even things that are borderline impossible like learning to cook like a 5 star chef just from a book being saved into the brain. There was a harem of very large breasted women in this story. I seem to recall that the site would limit the number of chapters you could read at a time due to bandwidth or data usage issues.

The second story was similar in that it had a minor mind control them, but involved a magic potion learned from a grimoire rather than technology. I believe that the grimoire also revealed that the witch trials were actually caused by a bunch of guys using these potions on the various women. My girl remembers the potion either putting the women into a stupor of mindless obedience or making them very horny and obedient, I however remember it putting them into a trance state where they could not disobey, but regardless of which it was, afterwards they would have no memory of the incident. The main character of the story realized that he could implant suggestions into the women that would eventually have real world effects and used it on his former babysitter who worked at Hooters while attending college that he’d had a crush on and was a bit of a bitch. My girl says there was an incestuous relationship with the main characters sister, but I think that it was actually his childhood friend whom he tried the potion on first so he could laugh it off if things went awry.

Thanks for any help you can give!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/bjcwmq/looking_for_story