Taylor Swift – Look what you made me doo doo [MF] [Snuff]

Mmm, you like that babe? Open your mouth.” These were the words uttered by Taylor as I lay on my back on the floor in the middle of her apartment. She squats over my face and places her hands on her firm buttocks, separating them. Her otherwise petite anus began to rapidly expand as a brown treat emerges from within the cavity. I thrust my hips up off the ground to form a bridge and place my hands on the waistband of my Adidas track pants and wiggle then down to my ankles. “Oh, you like that huh baby?” Utters Taylor as she notices how hard my dick has become. She giggles as my mouth is filled with a large quantity of poo followed by a flurry of farts.

I had only known Taylor for about a hour. I had been shopping in my hometown of Nashville, TN when I had a rather embarrassing moment. I noticed I was experiencing quite severe stomach pain and despite my greatest efforts to avoid it I let out a very grotesque and severely fowl smelling shart. I very promptly vacated the area however I noticed a beautiful blonde with long legs was obviously following me. For a good half hour this young lady followed me and what was even more peculiar was the fact she was fanning her hand towards her little button nose and moaning very subtly. Every time I would stop to look in a shop window I’d see in the reflection that she had also stopped incredibly close behind and would pretend to tie the laces on her fancy shoes with her face right at my ass height. I eventually found it within myself to muster up the courage to confront my new friend. “Uh… H..hello?” I stuttered, totally shuck at the prospect of having to speak to such a beautiful lady. A smirk appeared on her red round lips as she slowly removed a pair of D&G shades from her face revealing a pair of blue almond shaped eyes glancing back at me. Its her! It’s… Who is she again? “I’m Taylor” she whispered abruptly interrupting my brains feeble attempt to match the face with the name. Deafening squeals of “Oh my god, it’s TAY TAY!” Echoed out from the other side of the shopping mall. As I turned my head an army of teenage girls and flamboyant grown men could be seen trampling over one another in a desperate attempt to make there way over to where we were standing. “Follow me, quick! Come on!” Demanded Taylor as she led me by the hand and through a fire exit door. She continued to guide me down a couple of sets of stairs and out the back door into a rear parking lot. “Come on, it’s the black one!” Yelled Taylor as she pointed at a new Range Rover Sport with tinted windows parked a few feet away. “Phew, that was close” uttered Taylor as we had successfully made it inside the vehicle. “So, where we going? My car is jus…” I began before Taylor placed her index finger on my lips. We pulled out onto the road and began driving. “Just sit back and enjoy the ride, don’t worry about where we’re going” she uttered before sliding the shades back down over her eyes and turning on “Getaway Car” on her CD player.

Now here I am, lying on my back in the middle of an expensive penthouse apartment on a cat shaped rug with this new exciting friend of mine squatting over me. There’s a pleasant silence that falls over the room which is quickly broken. “Have you ever thought about killing yourself?” She asks me tentatively. “Uh… Yeah, I find that thought very hot” I say in response. “Mmm, I can see that” giggles Taylor as she glanced down to see that the tip of my penis has immediately become covered in a clear precum and is very visibily throbbing with uncontrollable excitement. “I’ll be right back baby, don’t go anywhere” Taylor says gently as she plants a little kiss on my forhead and I watch her soiled hiney as she cheekily tip toe her way into another room and out of sight. As I lay there on my back, licking my lips, masturbating and being mesmerized by the fan spinning above me I can hear banging and crashing coming from the other room. “You ok in there?!” I call out. Before I get any sort of response Taylor emerges, her beautiful tanned arms clutching a large, silver shotgun. “Up here” she quietly beckons me with her hand as she sits herself down on a sofa. I stumble to my feet and plant my ass firmly down next to her. Almost instantly my hand is gently taken by the finger and placed on her vagina. With Taylor’s other hand she adjusts the shotgun barrel so that it’s resting under both of our chins. As she softly begins to kiss me I’m instantly overwhelmed with an astonishing sensation that fills every fibre of my being with overwhelming joy and reassurance. I’m truly in love with this woman and I feel that I’ve known her all of my life. I am supposed to be with her here today enjoying this moment, it’s destiny and we both know it. As she places her finger on the trigger I gently place mine over hers. Her whole body begins to quiver with pleasure as she screams “I’m cumming, do it now baby!” I apply pressure on the top of her finger and a thunderous, deafening bang rings out.

As I lay on the floor my mouth and lungs rapidly filling with thick, iron tasting blood. And as I drift in and out of consciousness I muster the grit and determination required to tilt my head so that I’m facing Taylor. Like a bucket of water my agony and suffering immediately transitions to an intoxicated state of sublime sexual arousal. It was deliciously obvious that the entirety of Taylor’s brain is vacant from her skull and has been painted on her walls and ceiling. Her beautiful blue eyes and facial featured appear entirely distorted and her once pale gold hair is now coloured numerous beautiful shades of red and pink. A final weak erection emerges once more as a tear of joy runs down my cheek. My thoughts begin to slow and without even noticing I’ve passed away peacefully in my own personal heavenly cloud of ecstasy.

The end

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/biic6e/taylor_swift_look_what_you_made_me_doo_doo_mf