[FM] teasing my ex FWB for two days despite having a boyfriend

Don’t expect sex in this story, it’s just teasing.

I’m an 18-yo girl, about 5’5”, long brown hair, fairly nice body, E-cups, small waist, wide hips, nice butt (or so I’ve been told).

Last week, I flew first to visit my best friend (and ex FWB) in another city, and slept there for two nights before getting the train home to my boyfriend. At my ex FWB’s (20, tall, brown hair, glasses, looks a little nerdy, but is actually really dominant and hot) place, there was a lot of sexual tension, and it was very fun. We never did anything in real life before because we lived several hours apart and were both living with our parents at the time. By the time we finally met in real life, I had a boyfriend. He’s still a virgin, actually, though if I didn’t have a boyfriend he certainly wouldn’t be.

We’ve had a bet going for years based on whether or not he could pick up and hold me (like a forklift, or like the husband is meant to carry his new wife across the threshold of their house or whatever) for any amount of time without dropping me (at the time we made the bet, I really thought he wouldn’t be able to), but we’ve never met under the right circumstances to be able to test it. Plus, we didn’t really have any stakes for the bet. Shortly before I visited him, we agreed that if he made it for five seconds, I wouldn’t bother leaving the room to get changed into pyjamas, and if he made it ten, he’d get to open my bra (he’s got a bit of a bra fetish, but hadn’t gotten to actually touch one on a girl yet).

So, we were in his room and agreed he’d try it. He went to scoop me up and accidentally grabbed my chest, while also managing to pick me up. It was funny and a little awkward, but absolutely fine. He apologised, and did in fact it ten seconds (no big surprise, I’m not that heavy). Later on, I did get changed in front of him (I had put on some matching light blue lingerie that he loves) and he opened my bra from behind. It went fairly quickly and he was all cocky about it, so I decided to challenge him by telling him the real challenge was to do it with me facing him. He was sure he could manage it like that, too, so he tried it and it took a little longer, but, having my head near his chest and looking down, I could see he was enjoying the exercise quite a bit, and after a few seconds he did manage it.

Anyway, I finished getting changed and he went and got changed in the bathroom. When he got back, we both went to bed (me on his sofa, him right next to me on a mattress on the floor). I was feeling quite turned on and wanted to touch myself, but didn’t dare properly masturbate while I didn’t know if he was awake or not, so I went to sleep. When I woke up in the morning (about an hour before our alarm was meant to go off), he was still fast asleep and I was still really horny, so I masturbated quietly, stopping briefly every time he stirred, but he didn’t wake up until after I finished.

We spent about half the day apart since he had to go to university, so I went shopping in the city. I wanted a new bikini because I was going to go swimming with my bf and some friends a couple of days later and my old one was old and a little too small, and I also shopped for a few other things, including a new summer dress. Anyway, when we finally met up again in the afternoon, I had chosen a bikini, but hadn’t had the chance to buy it yet. I also wanted to try it on again to make sure it really fit, so we met up in the shop. He came with me and waited outside the changing room and we talked while I tried it on. I wanted to ask him if he wanted to check it out, but I didn’t want to give him a boner in public, so I was surprised when I suddenly heard “Can I have a look?” From outside the stall.

I said “Sure,” and came out. He looked me up and down and told me he liked it. I wasn’t sure about the size, so I asked him to fetch a bigger top, then (leaving the stall curtain slightly open, though I don’t think he even noticed) tried both of them on for a few more minutes (letting him compare, too) before picking. We paid, then left the shop and returned back to his place, where we spent the afternoon and evening watching things, eating and playing cards with his family and walking his dog, before finally returning to his room together.

I showed off the dress I’d bought, then decided to get changed into pyjamas far earlier than the night before. He later told me he was disappointed at first, till he realised that the fact that I wasn’t wearing a bra was actually pretty fun, given my nipples were basically protruding he whole time. Then we both lay down on our respective beds. I was feeling a little silly, but didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, so I announced “I was considering just rolling down onto your mattress, but I’ll spare you that!”

I then kinda just lay on the edge of the sofa as we talked until he grabbed my arm and just pulled me down next to him. I pretended to be a little annoyed, but was actually pretty thrilled. We then spent hours (until past 3am) talking, while testing the boundaries of what physical contact we were both comfortable with. It stared out with us harmlessly lying next to each other, not even touching, but at times I was either just pushing my chest up against his side or butt against his leg, or had one arm and leg around him (this was one of the times I could feel his boner) or was practically lying on him. At one point, I realised that my phone was on the other side of him, and used this as an excuse to climb over him, an arm and a leg on each side of him. Another time I was sitting next to him (lying down) and realised he was ticklish, after which he pulled me down next to him and held my wrists over my head, something he knew would turn me on, as I like to be restricted.

We did not go as far as explicitly touching each other or even saying anything all too explicit because of my boyfriend, but there was a lot of flirting and teasing, and the next morning, when I once again woke up earlier than him, I masturbated again and just as I was orgasming, he woke up and turned towards me. He was still half asleep and had no idea what he had woken up to, but having been told afterwards, he says he finds it extremely hot.

Sadly I had to leave again that day, but we have texted a lot since then and agree it was extremely fun and arousing and made a bunch of deals for things we should do the next time I come over, including me sitting on his lap, between his legs (maybe while he teaches me to play the guitar), me lying/sitting on him while he lies down, he might actively undress me, and/or get changed in front of me, and a few other things. For example he said he’d make sure that next time he’ll be more dominant and he’ll make sure that I’ll definitely feel his boner.

We will not be having sex or anything of the sort, but we’re gonna go as far as we can and I can’t wait to next be with him.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bir484/fm_teasing_my_ex_fwb_for_two_days_despite_having


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