And Along Came a Spider [oddities][voyeur][jungle][insect][vore]

He slipped down the slick, black rock and crouched on the cave floor. A good position. A good angle to look upward where the jungle daylight shone through the ceiling of the cavern. Water dripped from lush green around the edge of the hole. It tinkled into a shallow pool in the middle of the dark expanse below.

He took special notice of the web patterns woven from height to height. Where they attached. How wide they spanned. What patterns had been chosen for the deadly nets.

No sign of any spiders. Everything lay still. But that was the trap, of course. Many eyes were positioned in the dark. Waiting. Hungering. Even lusting.

A surprised shriek slashed the quiet. A shadow feathered through the light beams as a man fell through the opening and plunged twenty feet before thumping into the web. It bounced and swayed as it dissipated the impact. Many little eyes roused as the spider children already scurried from the edges toward the victim. The forest people pointed ill-prepared adventurers this way to keep the cave dwellers satisfied.

As he watched, the man struggled against the strands. He yelled and tried to thrash the child spiders away as they arrived, but it was no use. Each, the size of a dog, were ruthless in their efficiency. They snipped clothing and stripped the victim for the juicy horrors to come. They tugged away his tattered shirt. Pants fluttered down. More snaps of jaws revealed the dark patch of hair between his legs that shadowed his cock.

A flurry of little stings peppered the man from every direction. Sweet injections of venom tenderized him. He bellowed, but it was over instantaneously. The child spiders scampered back to the shadows, while his head was already lolling on his shoulders. The intoxication pumped him with fierce sensations and a lust for deathly acceptance. His cock was twitching now, flashing into a beam of that precious daylight. It was beckoning the monster to come. To devour him.

The web vibrated.

A much heavier weight approached.

From the gloom, it revealed itself to be far larger than the man. Sleek, black legs surrounded a swollen body.

The expression on the man’s face was a shocking mixture of abject terror and desperate love. The front legs reach out gently to him, and its body squished forward. Then, the man spun, becoming quickly embraced by irresistible silk.

When it stopped, the man’s face was still visible, and he was panting hard, gasping in excitement and terror. His arms were cocooned against his body, and his legs were bound tight. He bore a resemblance to a mummy’s posture, except his cock was outside the wrapping. It flopped up and down, semi-hard, in involuntary contractions. His chest heaved in the same rhythm as he stared into the inhuman, black eyes.

The spider pulled him close in a kind of erotic embrace, and dripping fangs extended and shivered for a moment before plunging into the cocoon.

His cock, illuminated in the natural spotlight, shot viciously erect. His body arched as he began to pump his death-cum.

It fountained up and splattered onto the spider’s black body. The white sheeted and dripped, and after a long pause for the fall, slapped into the water below.

Dear god, his cock pumped and pumped and pumped far longer than any mere sex act could ever produce. Pain and ecstasy carved gruesome sculptures into the man’s face. He was dying and cumming in one beautiful epiphany.

When the monstrosity finished and pulled back to give its children a chance, the man’s cock was the last thing still moving.

Slower and slower the throbs drifted down into a blissful oblivion.
