She Always Gets What She Wants [MF] [Age Gap]

“Vivian! You have mail!”

Vivian’s ears perked up as she heard her father announce the arrival of her long-awaited packages. She pranced down the stairs leading to the main foyer. Everything about the newly turned eighteen-year-old could be described as perky from her personality to her appearance. She squealed with delight as her eyes rested upon the dozen packages littering the front entrance.

“I see you’ve been putting my credit card to use.” Her father chuckled.

“Of course, Daddy.” She smiled up at him, ocean eyes twinkling. “I couldn’t miss out on all the new summer collections.”

He shook his head and laughed before saying goodbye and heading out to meet a client over lunch. Vivian was often left to her own devices during the summer due to the fact that she was an only child raised by a single parent (who spent every waking moment absorbed in his work). Sometimes Vivian would feel a pang of loneliness, but a dip in the pool, manicure, shopping spree, or high-profile social event would often be enough to make her feel at ease.

Once she was in the privacy of her own room, Vivian knelt before her packages, searching for one in particular. Aha! She held the small rectangle box in her hands, not wasting a moment before ripping into the packaging. Vivian bit her plump bottom lip as she ran her fingers down the length of a hot pink vibrating dildo. The silicone felt like velvet against her fingertips. Just the anticipation of using her new toy was enough to make her wet. She felt the dildo come alive in her grip as she pressed the power button, letting the vibrations travel through what felt like her whole body. Vivian’s nipples stiffened as she held the vibrator against each of her small yet perfectly shaped breasts. Her legs seemed to spread apart involuntarily as a reaction to her highly sensitive nipples being stimulated. No longer able to ignore the delicious aching of her now dripping pussy, Vivian lead the vibrator down her toned stomach and into her panties. She let out a small gasp as the dildo hummed against her flesh. Her hips bucked rhythmically as she felt herself nearing closer and closer to release. She slid her tight fabric shorts and lacy panties down to her knees, allowing herself just enough space so that she could position the dildo against the opening of her slit. A gasp escaped her lips as the dildo slid inside her. She had just barely begun the first thrust when she was rudely interrupted.

Vivian rolled her eyes in frustration as she reached for her ringing cell phone. The caller ID read “Dean,” the name of their horse trainer. When Vivian was a young girl, she had begged her father to buy her horses and let her compete in show jumping competitions. Of course, he father couldn’t say no, resulting in the purchase of horses, stables, lessons, equipment, etc. Once Vivian turned sixteen her interest in horses and competing waned, although she still saw to it that her horses were properly cared for and trained. Dean usually didn’t come in on Thursdays, but now that she thought of it, Vivian recalled her father saying something about a change in schedule.

“Hello?” Vivian answered, trying to mask her annoyance.

“It’s Dean. I didn’t get an answer on the main line.” He began. “The security gate is locked. Can you buzz me in?”

Vivian reached for her shorts with her free hand, pulling them back on, noting the cold wetness of her previously soaked panties. “Yeah sure.” After hanging up, Vivian flitted downstairs and pressed the button to open the gates. She stood by the window, watching him pull up to the stable entrance and step out of his truck.

Dean had been working with the horses for a few years now, replacing the previous trainer who had retired. Since Vivian hadn’t been very involved with the horses for a couple of years now, she had never really given Dean a second thought. Now however, she couldn’t help but notice how ruggedly handsome he was. A few strands of grey were woven into his dark hair, giving him a distinguished appearance. He was around the age of forty, but his tanned skin and fit body kept him looking far from old. Vivian’s heart fluttered at the prospect of a new challenge. Perhaps it was fueled by the sexual tension she wasn’t able to relieve earlier, but she found herself wanting something she never had before. And she *always* gets what she wants.

Vivian strolled into the stables and approached Dean who had just finished maintenance on one of the horse’s hooves. She had changed into her tan riding pants which fit her like a glove, perfectly accentuating her round ass. Opting for something a little more enticing than a traditional riding jacket and shirt, she wore a tight white t-shirt that ended just above her navel, showing off her toned midriff.

Dean glanced her way. He was surprised to see her in the stables, yet his face didn’t betray any emotion. “Going riding?”

His deep and masculine voice made her knees weak. “Yeah, I thought it would be nice to get some fresh air.” Vivian smiled, gathering her golden blonde locks into a ponytail and simultaneously raising the hem of her t-shirt dangerously close to the underside of her breasts.

“I’ll set you up with Ginger then. I just finished replacing her shoes.”

Vivian fought the urge to pout at Dean’s indifference. She wasn’t exactly expecting him to drool all over her, but she felt that at least a quick once over of her body was in order. Unfortunately, Dean’s eyes never strayed from her face. He was proving to be quite the challenge.

Once she was perched atop her horse, Vivian set off towards the riding trails that meandered through the estate. As she picked up speed, she couldn’t help but relish in the sensation of the saddle between her legs. It rhythmically pressed up against her still sensitive pussy, causing stifled moans to escape her lips. Her thoughts wandered to Dean, imagining his strong hands reaching into her panties from behind and rubbing her clit as he trailed kisses down her neck. Her cheeks flushed as the incessant rubbing of the saddle pushed her over the edge. Her pussy convulsed over and over, sending ripples of pleasure throughout her whole body. She expected to feel satisfied after coming, but it turns out that her desire was only intensified. She needed to be fucked. She needed to head back to the stables.

After Vivian dismounted her horse, she noticed Dean near the entrance of the stables. She shook her hair loose as she sauntered over to where he was standing. She was almost certain he would be able to smell the desire on her, as her panties were completely soaked in her wetness.

“Done riding for the day?” He questioned.

“Well,” She began, looking up at him with an expression of mock-innocence. “I’m done with the horses but there’s something else I’d like to ride…”

It took him a moment to register what exactly she meant before his expression clouded over. Although he had suspected her particularly skimpy outfit was for his benefit, her brazen assurance that he would fulfil her request disgusted a part of him. “It’s best if you leave, Vivian.” He replied in a stern voice.

“I don’t think you understood me.” She challenged, looping her finger in his front belt loop. “I want to fuck. And I don’t like being told no.”

“Listen here young lady,” Dean growled, grabbing her upper arm and pinning her against the stable door. “I don’t care that you’re spoiled rotten. It is not my job to fuck you no matter how badly you want it.” He spat.

For maybe the first time in her life Vivian felt embarrassment and shame creep over her. Had she gone too far this time? And what would Daddy think of her if Dean told? Vivian’s eyebrows furrowed as she imagined the repercussions of her actions. Dean’s grip on her upper arm tightened and was beginning to hurt. However, her expression shifted from one of worry to a devilish smirk as she noticed his hard cock straining against the fabric of his pants.



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